Major Transaction
Datang Intl Power Generation Co Ld
14 June 2006
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Datang International Power Generation Co. Ltd.
(a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China)
(Stock Code: 991)
Major Transaction
The Board is pleased to announce that on 13 June 2006, the Company entered into the Investment Agreement with Gantou
Hydropower for the purposes of planning, constructing and operating the Projects by establishing Datang Gandian.
Pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the Company and Gantou Hydropower agreed to contribute to the registered capital
of Datang Gandian in the proportions of 80% and 20%, respectively.
According to the Listing Rules, as each of the asset ratio and consideration ratio (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the
Listing Rules) is more than 25%, the transaction contemplated under the Investment Agreement constitutes a major
transaction for the Company. The Investment Agreement is therefore subject to the notification, publication and
shareholders' approval requirements as set out in Rules 14.34 to 14.40 of the Listing Rules.
To the best of the Directors' knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiries, neither of Gantou
Hydropower, its ultimate beneficial owners or their associates hold any Share(s). Accordingly, no Shareholder is
required to abstain from voting at the EGM to approve the Investment Agreement.
A circular containing details of the Investment Agreement and a notice of the EGM will be despatched to the
Shareholders as soon as practicable.
Date: 13 June 2006
Parties: (1) the Company; and
(2) Gantou Hydropower.
Major terms of the Investment Agreement
Amount of total investment and registered capital of Datang Gandian
Pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the Company and Gantou Hydropower agreed to contribute to the registered capital
of Datang Gandian in the proportions of 80% and 20%, respectively, for the purposes of planning, constructing, and
operating the Projects.
The total investment amount of the Projects is expected to be approximately RMB22,500,000,000 (equivalent to
approximately HK$21,634,615,384.60), which is subject to verification by the relevant governmental authorities in the
PRC, of which approximately RMB14,500,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$13,942,307,692.30) will be invested in
the Changheba Hydropower Project and approximately RMB8,000,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$7,692,307,692.30)
will be invested in the Huangjinping Hydropower Project.
Out of the expected total investment amount of approximately RMB22,500,000,000, 20% of which is the registered capital
of Datang Gandian, i.e. approximately RMB4,500,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$4,326,923,076.92), which will be
contributed in cash by the Company and Gantou Hydropower in the proportions of 80% (equivalent to approximately
HK$3,461,538,461.53) and 20% (equivalent to approximately HK$865,384,615.38), respectively. The Investment Agreement
does not stipulate a time limit within which both parties must fully contribute to the registered capital of Datang
Gandian and it is expected that both parties will contribute their respective shares to the registered capital of
Datang Gandian in stages in line with the construction progress of the Projects and in compliance with relevant PRC
laws. As at the date of this announcement, no contribution to the registered capital of Datang Gandian has been made by
the parties to the Investment Agreement. The Company's contribution to the registered capital of Datang Gandian will be
funded by its internal resources.
Pursuant to the Investment Agreement, all funds required for the construction of the Projects will be funded by the
registered capital of Datang Gandian and third party borrowings in the PRC and in the latter case, each of the Company
and Gantou Hydropower will severally guarantee such borrowings in proportion to their respective capital contributions
in Datang Gandian if so required, and Datang Gandian will in turn counter-guarantee the obligations of the Company and
Gantou Hydropower by pledging its assets or income. In the event of any future guarantee or borrowings by the Company
to Datang Gandian, it will comply with the relevant requirements under the Listing Rules if and when necessary.
Effective date of the Investment Agreement
The Investment Agreement will become effective when the respective parties to the Investment Agreement have obtained
their internal approvals from their shareholders for the investments.
Other major terms
The term of business operation of Datang Gandian is proposed to be 30 years from the date of the business license of
Datang Gandian.
Pursuant to the Investment Agreement, Datang Gandian will be established for the purposes of planning, constructing and
operating the Projects which comprise the Changheba Hydropower Project and the Huangjinping Hydropower Project, both of
which are located in Kangding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, the PRC.
The Projects are planned to have a total power generating capacity of 3,400MW, which is contributed by the Changheba
Hydropower Project with four 650MW-level hydropower generating units and the Huangjinping Hydropower Project with four
200MW-level hydropower generating units. All of the power generated from the Projects will be transmitted to the
Central China Power Grid (including the Sichuan Power Grid and the Chongqing Power Grid) or directly to the East China
Power Grid. The development of the Projects is subject to verification by the relevant governmental authorities in the
Upon the establishment of Datang Gandian, it will be owned as to 80% by the Company and 20% by Gantou Hydropower, and
it will then become a subsidiary of the Company.
The Group is principally engaged in the development and operation of power plants, the sale of electricity and thermal
power, and the repair, testing and maintenance of power equipment and power related technical services, with its
present main operation in the PRC.
Gantou Hydropower was incorporated in the PRC on 13 March 2006 with limited liability and has a registered capital of
RMB1,000,000,000. Its principal business includes investments in hydropower projects.
To the best of the Directors' knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiries, each of Gantou
Hydropower and its ultimate beneficial owner is a third party who is not connected person of the Company and is
independent of the Company and connected persons of the Company.
The entering into of the Investment Agreement represents the Company's implementation of its strategy in developing its
hydropower business. The Projects have abundant supplies of hydropower resources and promising power generation
targets. In accordance with the plan announced by the State Grid Corporation of China, the Sichuan Power Grid will be
connected with the East China Power Grid, and there is a rapid growth in the demand for power in East China due to the
economic development in the area. As such, it is anticipated that there will be a growing demand for power generation
in the market for the Projects. The Board believes that the Projects could take advantage of the growing demand for
electricity in East China and Central China which in turn would enhance the operating profits of the Company as a
In view of the above, the Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) believe that the Investment
Agreement is on normal commercial terms and the terms of the Investment Agreement are fair and reasonable and in the
interests of the Shareholders as a whole.
According to the Listing Rules, as each of the asset ratio and consideration ratio (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the
Listing Rules) is more than 25%, the transaction contemplated under the Investment Agreement constitutes a major
transaction for the Company which is subject to the notification, publication and shareholders' approval requirements
as set out in Rules 14.34 to 14.40 of the Listing Rules.
To the best of the Directors' knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiries, neither of Gantou
Hydropower, its ultimate beneficial owners or their associates hold any Share(s). Accordingly, no Shareholder is
required to abstain from voting at the EGM to approve the Investment Agreement.
A circular containing details of the Investment Agreement and a notice of the EGM will be despatched to the
Shareholders as soon as practicable.
For the purposes of this announcement, capitalised items appearing herein shall, unless the context otherwise admits,
have the meanings set out below:
'associate' has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules
'Board' the board of Directors
'Changheba Hydropower Project' Sichuan Daduhe Changhebe Hydropower Project which will consist of four
650MW-level hydropower generating units
'Company' Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. ('Chinese Words'), a
sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the PRC on 13
December 1994, the H Shares are listed on the Stock Exchange and the
London Stock Exchange
'connected person' has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules
'Datang Gandian' Sichuan Datang International Ganzi Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.
('Chinese Words'), a limited liability company to be incorporated in the
'Director(s)' director(s) of the Company
'Domestic Shares' ordinary shares issued by the Company, with a nominal value of RMB1.00
each, which are subscribed for or credited as paid up in Renminbi
'EGM' the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held to consider
and, if thought fit, to approve the Investment Agreement
'Gantou Hydropower' Ganzi Prefecture Gantou Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. ('Chinese
Words'), a limited liability company incorporated in Ganzi Prefecture,
Sichuan Province, the PRC
'Group' the Company and its subsidiaries
'HK$' Hong Kong dollars and cents, the lawful currency of Hong Kong
'Hong Kong' the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC
'H Shares' the overseas listed foreign shares of the Company with a nominal value of
RMB1.00 each and are listed on the Stock Exchange and the London Stock
'Huangjinping Hydropower Project' Sichuan Daduhe Huangjinping Hydropower Project which will consist of four
200MW-level hydropower generating units
'Investment Agreement' the investment agreement dated 13 June 2006 entered into between the
Company and Gantou Hydropower in respect of the establishment of Datang
'Listing Rules' Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange
'London Stock Exchange' The London Stock Exchange Limited
'MW' Megawatts
'PRC' the People's Republic of China
'Projects' the Changheba Hydropower Project and the Huangjinping Hydropower Project
'RMB' Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC
'Share(s)' the ordinary share(s) of the Company with a nominal value of RMB1.00
each, comprising Domestic Shares and H Shares
'Shareholder(s)' the holder(s) of the Share(s)
'Stock Exchange' The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
'subsidiary' has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules
'%' per cent.
By Order of the Board
Yang Hongming
Company Secretary
Beijing, the PRC, 13 June 2006
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors are:
Zhai Ruoyu, Zhang Yi, Hu Shengmu, Fang Qinghai, Yang Hongming, Liu Haixia, Guan Tiangang, Su Tiegang, Ye Yonghui, Tong
Yunshang, Xie Songlin*, Xu Daping*, Liu Chaoan*, Yu Changchun* and Xia Qing*
* independent non-executive Directors
For the purpose of this announcement, HK$1.00 is equivalent to RMB1.04.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange