Derwent London plc
("Derwent London"/
the Company")
Annual meeting of the holders of the London Merchant
Securities Limited £175m 6.50% secured bonds 2026
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, and in line with the related public health guidance and legislation issued by the UK Government, the Board has determined that it is no longer practical to hold the annual Bondholders' meeting at 25 Savile Row, London W1S 2ER.
Instead, the annual meeting of the Bondholders' will be held by conference call on Wednesday 3 June 2020 at 11.30 a.m.
The meeting will be hosted by Damian Wisniewski (Chief Financial Officer of Derwent London plc, which is the parent company of London Merchant Securities Limited).
All those wishing to join the call or requiring further information please contact David Lawler, the
Company Secretary (020 7659 3000).
D A Lawler
Company Secretary
22 April 2020
020 7659 3000