AGM Arrangements

AGM Arrangements

Downing Strategic Micro-Cap Investment Trust Plc (the "Company")
AGM arrangements for 7 July 2021
2 8 June 2021

The Government’s decision to delay what was to be the final stage of the current lockdown now makes it impractical for the Company to try to hold a standard “physical” AGM on 7 July open to shareholders, as we had planned. The Company will therefore hold the meeting as a virtual event using an online platform.

As previously indicated, any shareholders wishing to attend the AGM should send an email to saying you wish to register for the AGM. Further details regarding arrangements for the AGM will then be provided to you.

We suggest that shareholders might benefit from viewing a recent presentation by the managers on the “Investor Meet Company” website which we will now adopt as the managers’ presentation for the AGM and we invite shareholders who register for attendance at the AGM to view that presentation and send in questions on that and any other matter normally covered at the AGM to, and the board and managers will answer those either during the AGM or directly to shareholders if that if preferable.

The managers will also be participating in an online event “Cool Britannia” hosted by Kepler Trust Intelligence taking place on Thursday 1 July 2021 (Downing Strategic Micro-Cap at 3pm). Investors interesting in attending can register for free using the following link:

Grant Whitehouse
Downing LLP
Company Secretary                                                                                                         
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