Dukemount Capital Plc
("Dukemount" or the "Company") Correction
On 20th October the Company announced that Dukemount Capital Plc, had issued 128,132,190 ordinary shares following notice received to convert a portion of the outstanding amount on the funding agreement dated 14 September 2021 (as amended on 10 October 2022 by a deed of variation) (the "Funding Agreement").
Application was m ade to the FinancialConductAuthority("FCA")foradmissionof the NewShares to the standardlistingsegmentof the OfficialListand to the LondonStockExchange(the"LSE") for admissiontotradingofthe New SharesontheLSE'sMainMarket for listedsecurities(together"Admission") with an expected Admissiononoraround 25 October 2022.
However, following further discussions with its advisers, and a clarification of the current Prospectus Rules, the application to admit the shares has been withdrawn. The shares could not be issued and admitted in full without a Prospectus.
The Companydoes not holdanyOrdinaryShares in treasury.Therefore the total numberofvotingrightsinDukemount Capital plc remains as 588,110,974.This figure may be used by shareholders as thedenominatorfor the calculations by which they willdetermine if they are required to notifytheir interest in,or a change in their interestin, the Company undertheFCA's DisclosureGuidance and TransparencyRules.
The informationcommunicated in thisannouncementcontains inside informationfor the purposesofArticle 7 of the MarketAbuseRegulation(EU)No.596/2014 (as in force in the UnitedKingdompursuant to the EuropeanUnion(Withdrawal) Act 2018).
For furtherinformation,pleasevisit www.dukemountcapitalplc.com or contact:
Dukemount Capital Plc |
Geoffrey Dart / Paul Gazzard |
Media Enquries |
Miriad Media, Zak Mir |
Tel: +44 (0)7867 527 659 |