Final Results - Part 2

365 Corporation PLC 31 May 2001 PART 2 Notes to the fourth quarter and full year results 1. Basis of preparation The financial statements for the quarter and year ended 31 March 2001 have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those set out in the Company's consolidated 2000 statutory accounts, apart from those relating to the costs of share option schemes. Following the issue of UITF25 the Company is now required to spread employer's National Insurance contributions and other similar taxes over the period to when the share options become exercisable (see Note 9). These statements do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and are unaudited. Financial information for the quarter and year ended 31 March 2001 has been extracted from the accounting records of the group. The balances and results as at 31 March 2000 have been extracted from the statutory accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies, restated to reflect the change in accounting policy detailed above. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. The results for the quarter and preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2001 were approved by the Board on 30 May 2001 and will be posted on the Company's web site,, on 31 May 2001 2. Operating data March 2000 to March 2001 Consumer Division Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Unique users(1) Sport 1,214,000 1,484,000 1,645,000 1,846,000 2,164,000 Entertainment 366,000 318,000 436,000 614,000 390,000 Lifestyle 172,000 289,000 310,000 404,000 397,000 Total unique users 1,752,000 2,091,000 2,391,000 2,864,000 2,951,000 User sessions(2) Sport 10,651,000 11,416,000 11,829,000 11,258,000 13,638,000 Entertainment 760,000 721,000 917,000 1,251,000 1,101,000 Lifestyle 921,000 1,243,000 1,219,000 1,167,000 1,230,000 Total user sessions 12,332,000 13,380,000 13,965,000 13,676,000 15,969,000 Voice services minutes 5,784,000 7,792,000 6,968,000 5,869,000 5,949,000 (3) Business Division Business customers(4) 2,989 3,473 3,945 4,518 5,159 Business minutes(5) 14,448,000 16,409,000 17,488,000 14,188,000 20,388,000 Notes: 1. 365 defines the number of unique users in a month as the number of people who visit one of 365's web sites (including those web sites created and hosted by 365 for third parties) during a month, telephone one of 365's voice services during a month or are registered to receive an e-mail product at a selected mid-month date. If a person uses the same 365 service more than once in a month they are counted only once as a unique user. If, however, that person uses more than one 365 service during that month, they are counted as a unique user once for each service used. 2. 365 defines the number of user sessions in a month as the number of times that each 365 service is used. If a user leaves a web site and returns more than 30 minutes later the return visit is counted as a separate user session. E-mail user sessions represent the number of registered subscribers at the date selected to determine the number of unique e-mail users multiplied by the number of issues in that month of the e-mail service they are registered to receive. Each incoming call to 365's voice services represents a user session. 3. 365 defines the number of voice services minutes in a month as the number of minutes recorded by 365 and its carriers in respect of calls to 365's voice services in that month. 4. 365 defines the number of business customers at each month end as the total number of customers at that month end who have been billed for that month. 5. .365 defines the number of business minutes in a month as the number of minutes tracked by the carriers' systems which are billed to the Business Division's customers in that month. 3. Segmental analysis - for the quarter ended 31 March 2001 Turnover and loss before taxation are classified below by class of business and by geographical area by origin, which is not materially different from geographical area by destination. Business Analysis (£'000) Consumer Division Business Division Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter ended 31 ended 31 ended 31 ended 31 Mar 2001 Mar 2000 Mar 2001 Mar 2000 Turnover Consumer internet+ 1,398 701 - - Voice services*+ 5,801 3,647 - - Business services+ - - 6,774 2,928 Other+ 554 43 - - 7,753 4,391 6,774 2,928 Cost of sales 5,188 2,346 4,515 2,054 Gross profit 2,565 2,045 2,259 874 Administrative expenses (excluding sales & marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value 4,392 2,037 1,516 999 Operating (loss)/profit (excluding sales & marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (1,827) 8 743 (125) Sales and marketing costs 1,815 1,319 2,453 783 Operating loss before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (3,642) (1,311) (1,710) (908) Goodwill amortisation 5,857 2,926 563 383 Goodwill impairment 5,900 - - - Provision for NIC and similar taxes on (5) (44) (5) 65 share options Shares issued at under value - - - - Operating loss (15,394) (4,193) (2,268) (1,356) Net interest receivable (payable) 6 5 4 (8) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before (15,388) (4,188) (2,264) (1,364) taxation Business Analysis (£'000) Group Overhead Total Group Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter ended 31 ended 31 ended 31 ended 31 Mar 2001 Mar 2000 Mar 2001 Mar 2000 Turnover Consumer internet+ - - 1,398 701 Voice services*+ - - 5,801 3,647 Business services+ - - 6,774 2,928 Other+ - - 554 43 - - 14,527 7,319 Cost of sales - - 9,703 4,400 Gross profit - - 4,824 2,919 Administrative expenses (excluding sales & marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value 1,128 642 7,036 3,678 Operating (loss)/profit (excluding sales & marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (1,128) (642) (2,212) (759) Sales and marketing costs - - 4,268 2,102 Operating loss before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (1,128) (642) (6,480) (2,861) Goodwill amortisation - - 6,420 3,309 Goodwill impairment - - 5,900 - Provision for NIC and similar taxes on (16) 23 (26) 44 share options Shares issued at under value - - - - Operating loss (1,112) (665) (18,774) (6,214) Net interest receivable (payable) 372 839 382 836 (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before (740) 174 (18,392) (5,378) taxation * previously described as audiotext - this area has expanded to include other voice services + in view of the convergent nature of 365's Consumer Division activities, the Company is reviewing the appropriateness and feasibility of reporting segmented turnover in future periods. All operations during the quarter were continuing. Operating loss before goodwill amortisation and impairment, provision for NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value Turnover Geographical analysis (£ '000) Quarter Quarter Quarter ended 31 Mar Quarter ended 31 Mar ended 31 ended 31 2001 2000 Mar 2001 Mar 2000 United 14,231 7,217 (5,936) (2,209) Kingdom and Ireland France 77 41 (405) (293) Germany - - (2) (29) Chile 74 47 (15) (37) South Africa 29 1 (82) (195) USA 116 13 (40) (98) 14,527 7,319 (6,480) (2,861) 4. Segmental analysis - for the year ended 31 March 2001 Turnover and loss before taxation are classified below by class of business and by geographical area by origin, which is not materially different from geographical area by destination. Business Analysis (£'000) Consumer Business Division Division Year Year Year Year ended ended ended ended 31 Mar 31 Mar 31 Mar 31 Mar 2001 2000 2001 2000 Turnover Consumer internet 5,777 1,537 - - Voice services 21,368 13,139 - - Business services - - 20,961 7,701 Other 2,036 43 - - 29,181 14,719 20,961 7,701 Continuing operations 22,438 14,719 16,641 7,701 Acquisitions 6,743 - 4,320 - Cost of sales 17,001 7,235 13,972 5,375 Gross profit 12,180 7,484 6,989 2,326 Administrative expenses (excluding sales & 15,270 6,576 4,977 1,731 marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value Operating (loss)/profit (excluding sales & marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (3,090) 908 2,012 595 Sales and marketing costs 5,493 2,806 6,450 2,153 Operating loss before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (8,583) (1,898) (4,438) (1,558) Goodwill amortisation 23,272 4,338 2,121 759 Goodwill impairment 5,900 - - - Provision for NIC and similar taxes on share (181) 198 (164) 175 options Shares issued at under value - - - - Operating loss (37,574) (6,434) (6,395) (2,492) Continuing operations (35,846) (6,434) (6,032) (2,492) Acquisitions (1,728) - (363) - Net interest receivable/(payable) 11 20 82 (9) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (37,563) (6,414) (6,313) (2,501) Business Analysis (£'000) Group Overhead Total Group Year Year Year Year ended ended ended ended 31 Mar 31 Mar 31 Mar 31 Mar 2001 2000 2001 2000 Turnover Consumer internet - - 5,777 1,537 Voice services - - 21,368 13,139 Business services - - 20,961 7,701 Other - - 2,036 43 - - 50,142 22,420 Continuing operations - - 39,079 22,420 Acquisitions - - 11,063 - Cost of sales - - 30,973 12,610 Gross profit - - 19,169 9,810 Administrative expenses (excluding sales & 3,845 2,453 24,092 10,760 marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value Operating (loss)/profit (excluding sales & marketing costs) before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (3,845) (2,453) (4,923) (950) Sales and marketing costs - - 11,943 4,959 Operating loss before goodwill amortisation and impairment, NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value (3,845) (2,453) (16,866) (5,909) Goodwill amortisation - - 25,393 5,097 Goodwill impairment - - 5,900 - Provision for NIC and similar taxes on share (347) 331 (692) 704 options Shares issued at under value - 2,261 - 2,261 Operating loss (3,498) (5,045) (47,467) (13,971) Continuing operations (3,498) (5,045) (45,376) (13,971) Acquisitions - - (2,091) - Net interest receivable/(payable) 2,272 1,197 2,365 1,208 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (1,226) (3,848) (45,102) (12,763) Geographical Operating loss before goodwill amortisation and analysis (£ impairment, provision for NIC and similar taxes '000) on share options and shares issued at under value Turnover Year Year Year ended 31 Mar 2001 Year ended 31 Mar 2000 ended 31 ended 31 Mar 2001 Mar 2000 United 49,241 21,953 (13,738) (4,665) Kingdom and Ireland France 335 90 (2,082) (658) Germany - 93 (25) (45) Chile 210 263 (74) (28) South Africa 78 1 (524) (422) USA 278 20 (423) (91) 50,142 22,420 (16,866) (5,909) 5. Loss per ordinary share of 0.25p each Quarter Quarter Year Year ended 31 ended 31 ended ended March March 2001 2000 31 31 March March 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Loss for the period before the following: (6,056) (1,955)(14,439) (4,549) Goodwill amortisation (6,420) (3,309)(25,393) (5,097) Goodwill impairment (5,900) - (5,900) - Provision for NIC and similar taxes on share 26 (44) 692 (704) options Shares issued at under value - - - (2,261) Loss for the period (18,350) (5,308)(45,040)(12,611) Weighted average number of shares in the period: Basic and diluted 201,550,957 188,609,005 200,196,253 154,120,345 Basic and diluted loss per share before 3.0p 1.0p 7.2p 3.0p goodwill amortisation and impairment, provision for NIC and similar taxes on share options and shares issued at under value Goodwill amortisation and impairment 6.1p 1.8p 15.6p 3.3p Provision for NIC and similar taxes on share 0.0p 0.0p (0.3p) 0.4p options Shares issued at under value - - - 1.5p Basic and diluted loss per share 9.1p 2.8p 22.5p 8.2p The weighted average number of shares has been restated to reflect the 4-for-1 share split in November 1999. None of the contingently issuable shares or share options gives rise to a dilution in the loss per share due to the losses made in the period. 6. Share capital and reserves Ordinary Shares to Share Merger Profit and share be issued premium reserve loss capital account account £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At 1 April 2000 493 80 72,220 34,844 (14,688) Prior year adjustment - - - - 1,992 Retained loss for the period - - - - (45,040) Exchange adjustments - - - - (120) Shares issued in respect of 2 - 44 - - share options exercised Shares issued for 9 (50) - 3,692 - acquisitions Shares issued in part 1 - 74 - - settlement of purchase of intangible asset Premium on shares issued to - - 87 - - employees Contingent share - 795 - - - consideration for acquisitions Movement in fair value of - (73) - - - contingent share consideration At 31 March 2001 505 752 72,425 38,536 (57,856) Shares were issued for the acquisitions during the year. The difference between the fair value and nominal value of the shares has been transferred to the merger reserve. 7. Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds Quarter Quarter Year ended Year ended ended 31 ended 31 31 March 31 March March 2001 March 2000 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening shareholders' funds* 73,326 72,139 94,941 14,629 Retained loss for the period (18,350) (5,308) (45,040) (12,611) New share capital (net of - (51) - 60,826 expenses) issued for cash Charge in respect of shares - - - 2,076 issued at under value Shares issued for - 29,109 3,701 29,949 acquisitions Shares issued in part 75 - 75 - settlement of purchase of intangible asset Premium on shares issued to - - 87 - employees Net movement in contingent (607) (921) 672 80 share consideration Employee share options 33 9 46 9 exercised Exchange adjustments (115) (36) (120) (17) Closing shareholders' funds 54,362 94,941 54,362 94,941 * opening shareholders' funds on 1 April 2000 were originally £92,949,000 before adding the prior year adjustment of £1,992,000. 8. Net cash outflow from operating activities Quarter ended Quarter ended Year ended Year ended 31 March 2001 31 March 2000 31 March 2001 31 March 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating loss (18,774) (6,214) (47,467) (13,971) Depreciation 299 109 1,213 408 Amortisation and 12,342 3,342 31,456 5,130 impairment of intangible assets Decrease/(Increase) in 564 (159) (356) (186) stock (Increase) in debtors (457) (817) (5,483) (3,669) Increase in creditors/ 434 (941) 821 2,741 provisions Charge in respect of - - - 2,076 shares issued at under value (Profit) on disposal of (312) - (312) - intangible fixed assets Loss on disposal of 76 8 76 8 tangible fixed assets (5,828) (4,672) (20,052) (7,463) 9. National Insurance and similar taxes on share options On exercise of share options issued after 6 April 1999, the Company is required to pay National Insurance and similar foreign taxes on the difference between the exercise price and market value of the shares issued. The Company will become unconditionally liable to pay the National Insurance and similar foreign taxes upon exercise of the options, which are exercisable over a period of up to seven years from the date of the grant. Following the issue of UITF25 the Company is now required to spread the liability over the period to vesting. Previously the Company made a full provision following the grant of options and as a result has made a prior year adjustment to reduce the provision by £1,992,000 to reflect the change in accounting policy. Prior year and quarter comparatives have been restated to reflect the new policy. The amount of the National Insurance payable will depend on the number of employees who remain with the Company and exercise their options, the market price of the Company's ordinary shares at the time of exercise and the prevailing National Insurance rates at the time. The accounts for the fourth quarter and year ended 31 March 2001 include adjustments arising from the movement in the Company's share price between 31 March 2000 and 31 March 2001 and the granting, exercise or lapsing of options.


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