24 September 2010
Eckoh plc ("Eckoh" or the "Company")
Holding in Company
The Company was notified today that on 21 September 2010, Gartmore Investment Limited sold 5,365,653 ordinary shares in Eckoh and now holds 9,786,956 ordinary shares, representing approximately 4.90% of the issued share capital.
Eckoh plc
Nik Philpot, Chief Executive Officer
Adam Moloney, Group Finance Director
www.eckoh.com Tel: 01442 458 300
Corfin Public Relations
Harry Chathli, Claire Norbury Tel: 020 7596 2860
Seymour Pierce
Jonathan Wright, Jeremy Porter - Nominated Adviser Tel: 020 7107 8000
Jacqui Briscoe - Corporate Broking
Notes to Editors:
About Eckoh
Eckoh plc (AIM: ECK) is the UK's leading developer of speech recognition and IVR solutions for customer contact centres.
Eckoh's sophisticated technology enables routine enquiries, transactions or payments to be processed without the need for the consumer to actually talk to an agent. This significantly reduces its client's operational costs, whilst freeing up agents to deal with more complex enquiries. Eckoh is the largest developer of such hosted services in the UK.
Eckoh's secure and resilient infrastructure has the scalability to handle over 650,000 calls an hour and up to 8,000 calls simultaneously, which means calls can always be answered no matter how unpredictable the circumstances.
For more information, visit: www.eckoh.com