Final Results

Anglo Pacific Group PLC 29 March 2001 ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC PRELIMINARY STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 HIGHLIGHTS * Operating Profit up from £688,000 to £2.97 million * Coal Royalty income increased by 332% to £3,069,000 * Successful disposal of Fife Silica Sands Ltd and Fife Resources Limited * Now completely debt free Commenting on the results Anglo Pacific's Chairman, Peter Boycott, said: 'Both coal mines in Australia are performing as expected with royalty receipts up by 332%. The Group, which now has ungeared assets valued at £28 million, has, since the year end, repaid all its borrowings and now has cash on deposit. Your board continues to look for appropriate strategic acquisitions'. Enquiries: Jonathan Rooper Cardew & Co 020 7930 0777 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT RESULTS Group profits before tax were £2,653,000 compared to £300,000 for the previous year after excluding mineral asset write down, provision reversals and loss on disposal of subsidiaries. Group turnover, including royalties as well as discontinued operations, was £5,124,000 compared to £5,222,000. The retained loss after tax, interest payable and write down of mineral assets and loss on disposal of subsidiaries for the period was reduced to £1,775,000 (1999:£3,827,000 loss). There will be no dividend this year due to the Group having insufficient distributable reserves. OPERATIONAL REVIEW In Australia, coal royalty receipts from the Kestrel and Crinum mines, operated by Rio Tinto and BHP respectively, increased by 332% to £3,069,000 (1999:£710,000). The independent valuation of these interests at the year end was A$72M, equivalent to about 31p per share, based on a net present value of the pre-tax cashflow discounted at a rate of 7%. Your board has resolved to change the Group's basis of accounting to reflect this in the Group's balance sheet. These coal royalty interests are now the main continuing business of the Group. At present the net royalty income is taxed in Australia at a rate of 30%. The excess of this valuation over the previous book value has been credited to revaluation reserve. Valuations will take place at each year end with adjustments being made annually to revaluation reserve. During the year we realised further profits of £724,000 from our investment in Brancote Holdings PLC. At the year end we had a small residual holding which has since been sold. Profits overall from this investment have been in excess of £1 million. At Ledmore, efforts continue to find a joint venture partner to expand production and augment our marketing effort. At Shetland Talc, your Board has recently commissioned a report on the deposit and is now actively looking to either sell or joint venture this project. Anglo Digital continues to receive an increasing number of quality investment propositions through its relationships with Government Agencies and Universities and via its website. As previously reported to shareholders we sold Fife Silica Sands in September 2000 in order to eliminate trading losses and the need for any further capital expenditure. This resulted in a write down over and above the provisions made last year and in the interim results to 30th June 2000. Finally, I wish to thank all our staff and my fellow Directors for their continued hard work in a challenging year for the Group. OUTLOOK Both coal mines in Australia are performing as expected with coal production and coal prices increasing. For the current year, our independent advisers expect the coal royalties, without disruptions, to be in excess of A$11 million. The Group, which now has ungeared assets valued at £28 million, has, since the year end, repaid all its borrowings and now has cash on deposit. Whilst it has not been possible to pay a dividend for the year ended 31st December 2000, shareholders will soon be asked to approve a capital reconstruction so that, inter alia, dividends could be resumed. Your Board continues to look for appropriate strategic acquisitions to exploit the Group's increasing coal revenues as well as exploring ways of further strengthening the Group's management. Peter Boycott CHAIRMAN ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 Turnover Continuing operations 3,215 766 Discontinued operations 1,909 4,456 5,124 5,222 Cost of sales Continuing operations (236) (117) Discontinued operations (1,875) (3,948) (2,111) (4,065) Gross profit 3,013 1,157 Continuing operations Administrative expenses (746) (704) Profit on disposal of investments 724 243 Other operating income 123 125 Operating profit from continuing operations 3,080 313 Discontinued operations Administrative expenses (139) (133) Operating profit from discontinued operations (105) 375 Total operating profit 2,975 688 Loss on disposal of subsidiaries (3,113) - Release of provision for fundamental restructuring - 135 Interest (322) (388) Write down of mineral assets (388) (4,000) (Loss) on ordinary activities before tax (848) (3,565) Taxation on ordinary activities (927) (219) (Loss) for the financial year (1,775) (3,784) Dividends - (43) Retained (Loss) for the financial year (1,775) (3,827) (Loss) per ordinary share (2.04)p (4.39)p Diluted (Loss) per ordinary share (2.04)p (4.39)p STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 2000 1999 £000 £000 (Loss) for the financial year (1,775) (3,784) Movement in revaluation reserve 23,512 - Currency translation (losses) on foreign currency investments (6) (19) Total recognised gains and losses for the year 21,731 (3,803) ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 31 DECEMBER 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 1,141 9,273 Investments 26,840 2,720 27,981 11,993 Current assets Stocks 60 232 Debtors 1,672 1,014 Investments 14 - Cash at bank and in hand 196 14 1,942 1,260 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year (1,469) (2,779) Net current assets/(liabilities) 473 (1,519) Total assets less current liabilities 28,454 10,474 Long term liabilities Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year - (4,118) Provisions for liabilities and charges (455) (88) 27,999 6,268 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 8,696 8,696 Share premium account 2,581 2,581 Capital redemption reserve 122 122 Revaluation reserve 25,118 1,606 Foreign currency translation reserve 111 117 Profit and loss account - (deficit) (8,629) (6,854) 27,999 6,268 ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,022 906 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 1 2 Interest paid (289) (310) Interest paid on finance leases (56) (84) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (344) (392) Tax paid (416) (396) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (222) (1,269) Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 3 16 Sale of equity investments 918 514 Purchase of equity investments (10) (86) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure and financial investment 689 (825) Acquisitions and disposals Disposal of subsidiaries (net of expenses) 3,955 - Equity dividend paid (43) (84) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before management of liquid resources and financing 4,863 (791) Management of liquid resources - - Financing Receipts from issue of share capital - 400 Capital element of finance lease repayments (1,002) (363) Repayment of borrowings (2,900) - Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (3,902) 37 Increase/(decrease) in cash 961 (754) Notes 1. The loss per ordinary share is calculated on the Group's loss after tax of £1,775,000 (1999 - loss of £3,784,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 86,962,955 (1999 - 86,129,622). Diluted loss per ordinary share is shown at the same amount as loss per ordinary share because the exercise of any of the Group's share options are not dilutive under the terms of FRS 14. 2. The above figures do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the year ended 31 December 1999 constitute abridged accounts extracted from the published accounts for the year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors' report was unqualified.
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