Final Results
Anglo Pacific Group PLC
19 March 2004
19 March 2004
Anglo Pacific Group PLC
Annual Report 2003
The year under review has been an exciting period for Groups involved in the
Mining Industry. The global improvement in the demand for precious and base
metals, energy and associated products has had a major impact on the assets and
results of your Company. I would like to briefly summarize some of the main
features contained in these accounts:-
• Proposed Final Dividend of 1.3p per share (2002:- 0.65p)
• Total Dividends for the year increase by 49% to 2.6p (2002:-1.75p)
• Australian Coal Royalty Independent Valuation increases by 54% to £44.3
• Cash and Strategic Investments increases by 64% to £11.2 million
• Earnings of 3.7p per share (2002:- 4.09p) due to reduced coal royalties
on account of mining more on Crown Land than Private Ground
• Much stronger Royalty Flows from Private Ground expected in 2004
• Encouraging outlook for Coking Coal prices and Production Rates due to
Chinese, Indian and Far East demand
• Increased holding in substantial Canadian Coal Deposits in British
Columbia which are currently included in the accounts at negligible value
• Canadian Coal Bed Methane opportunity in British Columbia
• £40 million of Unused Tax Losses
For further information please contact:
Jonathan Rooper CardewChancery 020 7930 0777
Following reduced royalty receipts from our Australian coal mining interests,
explained below, Group profits before tax for the year ended 31st December 2003
were £4,109,000 compared to £5,191,000 for the previous year. However profits
after tax were £3,240,000 (2002: £3,560,000) with earnings per share for the
year of 3.70p (2002: 4.09p). The Group had realised capital gains of £1,360,000
(2002: £7,000) from its mining interests.
I am pleased to announce a final dividend of 1.3p per share for the year ended
31st December 2003 which with the interim dividend of 1.3p per share paid on
30th January 2004 will make a total for 2003 of 2.6p per share (2002: 1.75p).
The Board proposes to pay the final dividend on 6th August 2004 to shareholders
on the Company's share register at the close of business on 25th June 2004. As
with the interim dividend shareholders will be given the opportunity to elect to
receive a scrip dividend instead of cash.
Our coal royalty interests are independently valued at £44.3 million as of
December 2003 which is £15.6 million more than the valuation at 31st December
During the year your Company has participated in financings for a number of
strategic mining opportunities. Our mining operational interests and quoted
stakes in gold, diamond and PGM projects were valued at 31st December 2003 at
£9.6 million. This included an unrealised profit over book value of £3.5 million
in addition to the realised gains referred to earlier. The Company also had cash
of £1.6 million at 31st December 2003.
In Australia, coal royalty receipts from the Kestrel and Crinum mines, operated
by Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton respectively, were £3,376,000 (2002: £5,802,000).
The independent valuation of these interests at the year-end was A$105.2 million
(£44.3 million) compared to A$81.4 million (£28.7 million) at 31st December 2002
and is based on the net present value of the pre-tax cashflow discounted at a
rate of 7%. The net royalty income is taxed in Australia at a rate of 30%. The
change in the valuation compared to last year has been adjusted to revaluation
Our coal royalty is computed by reference to Queensland Government legislation
which resulted in an increase in the rate of royalty from 4% to 7% in April
2000. The legislation applies to both ground owned by the Crown and certain
other privately owned areas in which your Company participates. During 2003
mining output was mainly from the Crown's area of the coal deposits rather than
the privately owned areas which accounts for the drop in our coal royalty
receipts over the year. In 2004 it is anticipated that mining will be mainly
from the privately owned ground which should accordingly produce much stronger
royalty flows for the Company.
Your Company has increased its holding in its Canadian coal deposits in British
Columbia to 65% of the Groundhog and Peace River projects. The outlook for the
potential joint venture development of these resources has further improved due
to the increasing demand for coal products from China, Japan and the Far East as
well as North American domestic demand. The Groundhog and Peace River projects
are reflected in our accounts at negligible value.
Your Company owns a circa 15% interest in the Merritt coal and coal bed methane
project in British Columbia. With coal bed gas prices having risen sharply
during 2003 joint venture discussions continue with potential partners to
progress this project.
At 31st December 2003 your Company had investments at a market value of £9.6
million in gold, diamond and platinum projects based mostly in North America and
The Company's strategy continues to be to acquire projects that expect to yield
dividend and royalty cashflow as well as substantial share appreciation in the
next few years. The two largest strategic mining stakes of the Company are in
Kirkland Lake Gold and Platinum Australia .
• Kirkland Lake Gold is now producing gold at its Macassa mine in Northern
Ontario . Its higher market rating has resulted in a substantial capital
gain for your Company on its holding. Kirkland Lake Gold is still
discovering gold at grades in excess of 16 grams per ton and sometimes at
much higher grades and hopes to further increase gold production in 2004.
• During the year Platinum Australia announced the postponement of the
start of mining at its Panton project in Western Australia due to lower
palladium prices and the strong Australian dollar. In order to develop and
market the Panton process and to raise further working capital for its
mining interests, Platinum Australia recently had a rights issue in which
your Company participated, thereby further increasing its stake. The Board
remains positive about the prospects for both the successful development of
the Panton process and of the PGM deposit itself. Platinum and Palladium
prices have increased in recent months.
Other strategic holdings include Aquiline Resources, Starfield Resources and
Muscox Minerals:-
• Aquiline Resources has gold interests in Argentina in the same area as
Brancote, a previous successful investment of the Company.
• Starfield Resources has a large copper, nickel and PGM prospect in
Nunavut in Northern Canada.
• Muscox Minerals recently reported excellent drilling results on its gold
property in British Columbia and also has a joint venture with Anglo
American on another substantial base metal and PGM property in Nunavut.
More information on these projects and our other mining interests can be found
on the Group's website at .
Your Board continues to look for a joint venture funding partner for the
Company's Shetland talc interests. It is our intention to jointly mine this
deposit with a view to establishing a royalty flow in due course.
The Board will continue to pay a substantial proportion of the coal royalty as
dividends to shareholders whilst pursuing an active mining participation
strategy in the gold, diamond, base metal and PGM sectors using the balance of
our cashflow.
The main thrust of the Board's mining operations and joint ventures is still
concentrated in North America, Australia and Western Europe. The Board intends,
where possible, to shield any profits arising by using its tax losses of over
£40 million.
Development of the Company's Canadian coal deposits and coal bed methane
interests has become an important part of your Board's strategy due to the
unprecedented demand for coal energy from China, India and the Far East.
The latest attributable asset position of your Company's acquisitions in its
coal, gold and PGM projects around the world is summarised below. The guideline
figures are estimated in proportion to the holding that your Company has in each
project based on latest published data:-
• Australian Coal Royalty 79M tons coal
• Canadian Groundhog, Peace River & Merritt 546M tons coal
• Canadian Coal Bed Methane 4.6B cu ft cbm
• Platinum Group Metals 596k ozs pgms
• Gold interests 212K ozs gold
Shareholders are again referred to the Company's website for this and further
information on the Company's operational interests.
The outlook for coking coal prices remains extremely encouraging and, with
production at the two mines in Australia expected to be at record levels and
mostly on the private ground, the Board expects much stronger coal royalties
this year. Furthermore current spot prices are well ahead of this year's fixed
contract prices which themselves are over 25% up on the previous year.
With the weakness of the US dollar and the current demand for metals and energy
fuels worldwide driven by Chinese, Indian and Far Eastern demand, the Board is
optimistic about the opportunities for its gold, diamond, base metal and PGM
interests, as well as for the substantial coal and coal gas projects that the
Company has in Canada.
Finally I wish to thank our staff and my fellow Directors for their efforts and
hard work over the year. The Board joins me in thanking shareholders for their
continued support.
19th March 2004
2003 2002
£000's £000's
Continuing operations 3,376 5,802
Discontinued operations - 142
_____ _____
3,376 5,944
_____ _____
Cost of sales
Discontinued operations - (169)
_____ _____
- (169)
_____ _____
Gross profit 3,376 5,775
_____ _____
Continuing operations
Administrative expenses (849) (733)
Other operating income 106 120
_____ _____
Operating profit from continuing operations 2,633 5,189
_____ _____
Discontinued operations
Administrative expenses - (57)
_____ _____
Operating (loss) from discontinued operations - (84)
_____ _____
Total operating profit 2,633 5,105
Profit on sale of fixed asset investments 1,360 7
Profit on disposal of subsidiaries - 75
Interest received 116 148
Write down of assets - (144)
_____ _____
Profit on ordinary activities before tax 4,109 5,191
Taxation on ordinary activities (869) (1,631)
_____ _____
Profit for the financial year 3,240 3,560
Dividends: Interim (1,137) (957)
Final (1,146) (568)
_____ _____
Retained profit for the financial year 957 2,035
_____ _____
Earnings per ordinary share 3.70p 4.09p
Diluted earnings per ordinary share 3.66p 4.03p
_____ _____
GAINS AND LOSSES £000's £000's
Retained profit for the financial year 957 2,035
Unrealised revaluation of Australian royalty
interests 15,582 (2,274)
Currency translation surplus on foreign currency
investments 22 24
_____ _____
16,561 (215)
_____ _____
AT 31st DECEMBER 2003
2003 2002
£000's £000's £000's £000's
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 846 839
Investment in subsidiary undertakings - -
Investments 50,342 31,623
______ ______
51,188 32,462
Current assets
Debtors 1,052 1,091
Cash at bank and in hand 1,642 3,766
_____ _____
2,694 4,857
Current liabilities
Creditors-amounts falling due within
one year (2,662) (2,473)
_______ _______
Net current assets 32 2,384
______ _____
Total assets less current liabilities 51,220 34,846
Long term liabilities
Provisions for liabilities and charges (224) (411)
______ _____
50,996 34,435
______ _____
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,749 1,749
Share premium account 420 420
Revaluation reserve 42,582 27,000
Foreign currency translation reserve 103 81
Special reserve 632 632
Profit and loss account surplus 5,510 4,553
______ _____
Equity shareholders' funds 50,996 34,435
______ _____
2003 2002
£000's £000's £000's £000's
Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,690 5,029
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 116 148
_____ _____
Net cash inflow from returns on investments
and servicing of finance 116 148
Overseas tax paid (1,614) (995)
UK Income tax - -
_______ _____
(1,614) (995)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (14) (85)
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets - -
Sale of equity investments 3,613 76
Purchase of equity investments (5,390) (2,977)
_______ _______
Net cash (outflow) from capital
expenditure and financial investment (1,791) (2,986)
Acquisitions and disposals
Disposal of subsidiaries (net of expenses) - 268
_______ _______
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (599) 1,464
Issue of ordinary share capital 90
Dividends paid (1,525) -
_______ _______
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (1,525) 90
_______ _______
(Decrease)/increase in cash (2,124) 1,554
_______ _______
1. Earnings per ordinary share is calculated on the Group's profit after tax
of £3,240,000 (2002 - £3,560,000) and the weighted average number of shares
in issue during the year of 87,462,955 (2002 - 86,997,202).
The diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated on a profit after tax
of £3,240,000 and 88,578,955 shares.
2. The above figures do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the year ended 31st
December 2002 constitute abridged accounts extracted from the published
accounts for the year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies
and on which the auditors' report was unqualified. The audit opinion on the
accounts for the year ended 31st December 2003 has not yet been signed.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange