Final Results

Anglo Pacific Group PLC 27 February 2008 Anglo Pacific Group PLC 27 February 2008 Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2007 Anglo Pacific Group PLC (APG), the natural resources royalties company, today announces record preliminary results for the year ended 31st December 2007. Financial Highlights • Australian coal royalty independent valuation of £60.9 million (2006: £47.9 million) • Total mining and exploration interests and cash increased by 49% to £114.7 million (2006: £77.2 million) • Realised profits from mature mining interests increased by 92% to £25.6 million (2006: £13.3 million) • Earnings increased by 50% to 28.72p per share (2006: 19.12p) • Proposed final dividend increased by 16% to 4.35p per share (2006: 3.75p) • Total dividend for the year increased by 16% to 7.35p (2006: 6.35p) • Profit before tax increased by 53% to £33,768,000 (2006: £22,109,000) • Profit after tax increased by 54% to £29,740,000 (2006: £19,298,000) • Coal royalties for the year of £8.4 million (2006: £10.5 million) • Cash of £18.9 million (2006: £9.8 million) Operational Highlights • New royalty packages acquired in Canada • Substantial increase in value of strategic quoted interests • Increased exposure to coal energy and uranium projects • Increase in gold, base metal and PGM projects • No debt and increased cash reserves Commenting on the Preliminary Results, Peter Boycott, Chairman of Anglo Pacific Group PLC said: '2007 has been another record year for Anglo Pacific Group. Buoyant royalty receipts together with increased profits from disposal of non-core mining interests have once again enabled the Group to pay record dividends to shareholders. During the year, the Group has acquired new royalty packages as well as substantially increasing its strategic investments and cash position. The Group's strategy remains to develop new royalty flows from its mining interests and to maximise shareholder value. The Board hopes to take advantage of recent market setbacks to increase its exposure to gold, uranium and the coal energy sector in furtherance of this strategy.' Enquiries: Brian Wides / Peter Boycott / Matthew Tack Anglo Pacific Group PLC 020 7318 6360 James Black / John Harrison Numis Securities 020 7260 1000 Stephen Scott / James Harris / James O'Shaughnessy Scott Harris 020 7653 0030 Website 2007 Review and Results During the first half of 2007 world stock markets were strong, driven by double digit rates of growth in developing economies. The demand for metals, oil and other energy products enabled many mining stocks to reach record levels. Later in the year the sub-prime problems in the USA and in the UK at Northern Rock have caused large write-offs in the banking and financial sectors and the subsequent liquidity crisis has raised fears of recession in the USA and other developed economies. This has been exacerbated by inflationary fears due to higher raw material and energy costs associated with continuing demand from the emerging third world economies. Against this background and despite the substantial correction in junior mining markets during the second half of 2007, Anglo Pacific Group has nevertheless managed to increase its strategic investments and cash by a further 15% since the end of June 2007. Inflationary worries and geopolitical tensions have driven gold and precious metals prices to new highs. Platinum group metal prices have continued to rise due to dollar weakness and supply shortages caused by safety concerns and power shortages in South Africa. Uranium prices have remained steady while ever increasing demand for coal products has resulted in thermal coal prices increasing by well over 50% in the last six months. Furthermore, coking coal supplies have remained tight in the face of buoyant demand in the Far East causing prices to escalate. The Group's exposure to gold, uranium and coal products has enabled it to produce record earnings of 28.72p per share in 2007 against 19.12p in 2006. In 2007 gains on disposal of non-core interests were £25.6 million (2006: £13.3 million) while coal royalties declined to £8.4 million due to production delays at both mines and reducing output from the Crinum mine as mining exhausts the reserves on the Group's private ground. However, due to increasing coal prices, the value of the Group's coal royalty interests has increased over the year from £48 million to £61 million as at 31st December 2007. These record results have enabled the Group to increase the total dividends for 2007 to 7.35p per share, an increase of 16% over last year. The Group's private mining interests remain in the financial statements at cost and together with quoted stakes in mining projects at 31st December 2007 total £96 million compared to £67 million a year ago. Furthermore the Group had no borrowings and nearly £19 million of cash in the bank at 31st December 2007. The Group's successful and rigorous active management of its mining interests has again produced impressive results. Strategy and Progress The Group's overriding corporate strategy remains to maximise shareholder value by:- • Developing royalty flows from its strategic mining interests • Increasing the value and diversification of those interests • Pursuing a progressive dividend policy The Group has made substantial progress in all three areas during 2007:- • On 23rd August 2007 the Group announced the acquisition of a package of royalty interests in the Athabasca Basin in Canada. The properties covered by the royalty interests total approximately 4.8 million acres and are currently operated by a number of listed Canadian companies. The Athabasca Basin is considered to be highly prospective for uranium exploration and production and currently hosts large, high grade uranium mines and deposits. The Group issued 3.125 million new shares in consideration for these assets. More recently, the Group has invested in a number of projects using a form of non-redeemable loan stock convertible either into equity or future royalties on development of a mine. • The Group's strategic investments and cash have increased in value by nearly 50% from £77 million to £115 million as at 31st December 2007. The recent valuation of the Group's coal royalties raises the Group's total assets to £178 million with no debt. This does not include any excess over cost attributable to the real value of the Group's substantial private coal and other mining interests in British Columbia and Australia. • The Group's strategy of paying a substantial proportion of its earnings as dividends to shareholders continues with a final dividend of 4.35p per share, an increase of 16% over last year. As in previous years a scrip dividend alternative will be available to shareholders. The Directors continue to increase their investment in the Group by opting to take shares rather than cash on a substantial proportion of their holdings. The Group's quoted equity interests disclosed on the LSE, ASX and TSX, where initial equity stake disclosure levels are 3%, 5% and 10% respectively, amount to £73 million in twenty different holdings. The balance of quoted holdings of £13 million is made up of a further thirty incubator investments. The split of the Group's strategic interests by commodity is now on the Group's website at where all the equity disclosures can also be accessed. The Group continues its active, merchant banking approach to projects by providing specific business and financial support to management thereby reducing some of the risks associated with the mining industry. Outlook The extent to which internal demand within the Chinese and Indian economies can supplement their exports to Europe and the USA will dictate future demand for metals and therefore the outlook for the mining sector. In this respect the Group remains confident in its strategy of exposure to a range of energy, precious and base metal opportunities. The recent setbacks in the markets due to liquidity problems and fears of recession have made investors more risk averse and mining finance harder to raise from conventional lenders. In this regard, the Group's increased liquidity and active management policy leave it well positioned to secure new royalty flows and to continue to develop its mining interests. As part of this strategy the Group is in the process of expanding its in-house mining and technical team. The Group is confident that recent higher prices for coal will be maintained for the medium term which should be reflected in the Group's coal royalty receipts. In conclusion, I would like to thank shareholders for their continued support and the directors and staff for all their hard work during the year and for another record set of results. P.M. BOYCOTT Chairman 27th February 2008 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Royalty income 8,439 10,472 Other operating income 191 266 Profit on sale of mining and exploration interests 25,612 13,322 Finance income 623 232 34,865 24,292 Net operating expenses (1,097) (2,183) Profit before tax 33,768 22,109 Tax (4,028) (2,811) Profit attributable to equity holders 29,740 19,298 Basic earnings per share (note 1) 28.72p 19.12p Fully diluted earnings per share (note 1) 28.72p 19.11p Turnover and profit before tax are derived from the Group's continuing operations. 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Non-current assets Property plant and equipment 832 838 Coal royalties 60,874 47,868 Investments in subsidiary undertakings - - Mining and exploration interests 95,750 67,317 157,456 116,023 Current assets Trade and other receivables 1,874 1,834 Cash at bank 18,904 9,836 20,778 11,670 Total assets 178,234 127,693 Current liabilities Taxation 2,538 1,414 Trade and other payables 262 255 2,800 1,669 Non-current liabilities Deferred tax 19,252 14,530 19,252 14,530 Total liabilities 22,052 16,199 Capital and reserves attributable to shareholders Share capital 2,113 2,032 Share premium 17,742 12,112 Coal royalty revaluation reserve 40,899 35,403 Investment revaluation reserve 33,104 27,078 Share based payment reserve 48 27 Foreign currency translation reserve 2,224 (1,930) Special reserve 632 632 Retained Earnings 59,420 36,140 156,182 111,494 Total equity and liabilities 178,234 127,693 Share Share Share Coal Investment based Foreign Special Retained Total capital premium royalty revalua payment currency reserve earnings equity revalua tion reserve translation tion reserve reserve reserve £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 1st January 2006 2,005 11,338 41,211 5,180 12 1,321 632 22,361 84,060 Changes in equity for 2006 Coal Royalties: Royalties valuation - - (5,792) - - (3,055) - - (8,847) movement taken to equity Deferred tax on valuation - - (16) - - 726 - - 710 Available-for-sale investments: Valuation movement taken to - - - 28,349 - (575) - - 27,774 equity Deferred tax on valuation - - - (1,382) - (63) - - (1,445) Transferred to income - - - (5,069) - - - - (5,069) statement on disposal Foreign currency translation - - - - - (284) - - (284) Net income recognised direct - - (5,808) 21,898 - (3,251) - - 12,839 into equity Profit for the period - - - - - - - 19,298 19,298 Total recognised income and - - (5,808) 21,898 - (3,251) - 19,298 32,137 expenses Dividends - - - - - - - (5,519) (5,519) Scrip Dividend 9 580 - - - - - - 589 Issue of share capital on 18 194 - - - - - - 212 exercise of options Equity share options issued - - - - 15 - - - 15 Balance at 1st January 2007 2,032 12,112 35,403 27,078 27 (1,930) 632 36,140 111,494 Changes in equity for 2007 Coal Royalties: Royalties valuation - - 8,759 - - 4,247 - - 13,006 movement taken to equity Deferred tax on valuation - - (3,263) - - (1,134) - - (4,397) Available-for-sale investments: Valuation movement taken to - - - 24,778 - 937 - - 25,715 equity Deferred tax on valuation - - - (319) - 15 - - (304) Transferred to income - - - (18,433) - - - - (18,433) statement on disposal Foreign currency translation - - - - - 89 - - 89 Net income recognised direct - - 5,496 6,026 - 4,154 - - 15,676 into equity Profit for the period - - - - - - - 29,740 29,740 Total recognised income and - - 5,496 6,026 - 4,154 - 29,740 45,416 expenses Dividends - - - - - - - (6,460) (6,460) Issue of share capital 18 1,350 - - - - - - 1,368 Scrip Dividend 63 4,280 - - - - - - 4,343 Equity share options issued - - - - 21 - - - 21 Balance at 31st December 2007 2,113 17,742 40,899 33,104 48 2,224 632 59,420 156,182 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Cashflows from operating activities Profit before taxation 33,768 22,109 Adjustments for: Interest received (623) (232) Unrealised foreign currency loss / (gain) 89 (284) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 10 10 (Gain) on disposal of mining and exploration interests (25,612) (13,322) Inter-company dividends - - Share based payments 21 15 7,653 8,296 (Increase) / Decrease in trade and other receivables excluding (40) 715 amounts due from subsidiary companies Increase / (Decrease) in trade and other payables 7 (340) Cash generated from operations 7,620 8,671 Income taxes paid (2,883) (2,990) Net cash from operating activities 4,737 5,681 Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds on disposal of mining and exploration interests 44,945 30,024 Purchase of mining and exploration interests (36,145) (27,180) Interest received 623 232 Net cash used in investing activities 9,423 3,076 Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from issue of share capital - 212 Dividends paid (5,092) (4,930) Net financing of related entities - - Net cash used in financing activities (5,092) (4,718) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 9,068 4,039 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 9,836 5,797 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 18,904 9,836 1. Earnings per ordinary share is calculated on the Group's profit after tax of £29,740,000 (2006: £19,298,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 103,546,147 (2006: 100,949,018). The diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated on a profit after tax of £29,740,000 (2006: £19,298,000) and 103,565,904 shares (2006: 100,963,278). The dilutive effect is due to options outstanding under the Employee Share Option Scheme at the year end. 2. The above figures do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the year ended 31st December 2006 constitute abridged accounts extracted from the published accounts for the year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors' report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The audit opinion on the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 has not yet been signed. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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