Interim Results
Anglo Pacific Group PLC
13 September 2001
Interim results for the
Six months ended June 30 2001
* Operating profit up 69% to £1.7 million
* Earnings per share 1.30p (2000 loss per share 2.80p)
* Coal royalty income increased by 111% to £1.95 million
* Increased cash deposits
Anglo Pacific's Executive Chairman, Peter Boycott, said:-
'I am pleased to report that the Australian coal mines have produced record
royalty receipts for the half year. Group cash resources have increased
substantially. Your Board continues to look for ways of increasing
shareholder value.'
Jonathan Rooper Cardew & Co. 020 7930 0777
Gavin Barry Cardew & Co. 020 7930 0777
I am pleased to report record royalties from our Australian coal mining
interests. This has had a major impact on our six month profit figures and
the Group's liquidity. Anglo Pacific has no bank borrowings and currently has
cash on deposit of over £1.4 million.
The operating profit for the six months ended 30th June 2001 increased to
£1,699,000 (2000 £1,008,000). After interest payable, tax and write down of
mineral assets, the retained profit for the period after tax was £1,128,000
(2000 £2,438,000 loss). Turnover for the six months, excluding discontinued
operations, was £2.1 million compared to £1.0 million.
The Group sold the final tranche of Brancote Holdings PLC shares realising a
further profit of £92,000.
As announced on 29th June 2001 after the Company's Annual General Meeting,
the Special Resolutions which were not passed will be re-presented at the
next appropriate General Meeting. Your Board is not therefore recommending an
interim dividend.
Coal royalties from the two mines in Queensland, Australia, operated by BHP
and Rio Tinto, increased to £1.95 million (2000 £0.93 million). The changes
proposed by the Queensland Government to the method of calculating the coal
royalties effective from 1st October 2001 will, if implemented, have a
positive effect on the level of royalties received by the Group.
Without taking this potential change into account, the independent valuation
of the coal royalty in June 2001, based on a net present value of the pre-tax
cashflow discounted at a rate of 7%, was £30.3 million (A$81.7 million)
compared to £26.8 million (A$71.8 million) at 31st December 2000. At present
the net royalty income is taxed in Australia at a rate of 30%.
Your Board continues to look for joint venture partners or buyers for the
Group's marble and talc interests.
Anglo Digital has raised £200,000 by the issue of additional shares to Mr Jon
Moulton (25%) and existing management (25%), reducing the Group's interest to
50.1%. This subsidiary continues to receive a flow of interesting investment
propositions. Development costs to date have been written off as
administrative expenses in these accounts.
The increasing cashflows from the Group's coal royalties enable your Board to
look forward to the future with confidence. The Directors continue to look
for ways of increasing shareholder value.
Anglo Pacific Group PLC
6 months to 6 months to Year to
June 2001 June 2000 Dec. 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Continuing Operations 2051 1000 3215
Discontinued Operations 0 1352 1909
2,051 2,352 5,124
Cost of Sales
Continuing Operations (126) (83) (236)
Discontinued Operations 0 (1,349) (1,875)
(126) (1,432) (2,111)
Gross profit 1,925 920 3,013
Continuing Operations
Administrative expenses (340) (346) (746)
Profit on disposal of
investments 92 484 724
Other operating income 22 51 123
Operating Profit from
Continuing Operations 1,699 1,106 3,080
Discontinued Operations
Administrative expenses 0 (101) (139)
Operating Loss from
Discontinued Operations 0 (98) (105)
Total Operating Profit 1,699 1,008 2,975
Loss on disposal of Subsidiaries 0 0 (3,113)
Interest payable (6) (220) (322)
Write down of mineral assets 0 (3,014) (388)
Profit / (Loss) on ordinary
activities before tax 1,693 (2,226) (848)
Taxation on ordinary activities (576) (212) (927)
Profit / (Loss) for the financial period 1,117 (2,438) (1,775)
Minority interests 11 0 0
Dividends 0 0 0
Retained profit / (loss) for
the financial period 1,128 (2,438) (1,775)
Earnings / (Loss) per ordinary share 1.30p (2.80)p (2.04)p
Fully diluted earnings / (Loss)
per ordinary share 1.25p (2.80)p (2.04)p
£'000 £'000 £'000
At 1 January - Deficit b/fwd (8,629) (6,854) (6,854)
Profit / (Loss) for the period 1,128 (2,438) (1,775)
At 30 June - Deficit c/fwd (7,501) (9,292) (8,629)
Anglo Pacific Group PLC
AS AT 30th JUNE 2001
30th June 2001 31st December 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Tangible assets 1,115 1,141
Investments 26,990 26,840
28,105 27,981
Current Assets
Investments 0 14
Stocks 40 60
Debtors 1,339 1,672
Cash at bank and
in hand 733 196
2,112 1,942
Current Liabilities
Creditors - amounts
falling due within
one year (507) (1,469)
Net current assets 1,605 473
Total assets less
current liabilities 29,710 28,454
Creditors - amounts
falling due after
more than one year
Borrowings (50) 0
Deferred Tax (347) (455)
(397) (455)
29,313 27,999
Capital and reserves
Share capital 8,696 8,696
Share premium 2,581 2,581
Capital redemption reserve 122 122
Revaluation reserve 25,118 25,118
Foreign currency
translation reserve 109 111
Profit and loss account
- (deficit) (7,501) (8,629)
Equity shareholders' funds 29,125 27,999
Minority Interests 188 0
29,313 27,999
Anglo Pacific Group PLC
Year ended
Six months Six months 31st
ended 30th ended 30th December
Jun-01 Jun-00 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,847 235 1,022
Interest paid (6) (232) (344)
Tax paid (661) (136) (416)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment (42) 329 689
Disposals of subsidiaries 0 0 3,955
Equity dividends paid 0 0 (43)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
before financing 1,138 196 4,863
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from financing (601) (442) (3,902)
Increase/(decrease) in cash 537 (246) 961
Year ended
Six months Six months 31st
ended 30th ended 30th December
Jun-01 Jun-00 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit 1,699 1,008 2,975
Minority interest (11) 0 0
Depreciation 28 217 343
(Gain) on sale of tangible fixed assets (92) (484) (660)
Net decrease/(increase) in
working capital 223 (506) (1,636)
1,847 235 1,022
1. Fixed asset investments
The principal components of the fixed asset investments are the Kestrel
(formerly Gordonstone) and Crinum royalties. All fixed asset investments
are stated either at cost to the Group or at independent valuation.
The company commissioned a valuation of the coal royalties in June 2001,
based on a net present value of the pre-tax cashflow discounted at a rate
of 7%, which produced a valuation of £30.3 million (A$81.7 million), a
surplus of £3.5 million over the book amount. At present the net royalty
income is taxed in Australia at a rate of 30%. Were the coal royalties
to be realised at the revalued amount there are £11.3 million (A$30.4
million) of capital losses potentially available to offset against
taxable gains. Neither the revalued amounts nor the related potential
tax liabilities are incorporated in the accounts.
2. Basis of preparation
These unaudited accounts, which do not constitute statutory accounts have
been prepared using accounting policies set out in the Group's 2000
statutory accounts. The financial statements have been subject to a
review by the Group's auditors The 2000 accounts received an unqualified
auditor's report and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
3. Earnings per ordinary share
The earnings per ordinary share is calculated on the Group's profit after
tax of £1,128,000 and 86,962,955 shares. Fully diluted earnings per
share is calculated on a profit after tax of £1,158,000 and 92,430,624
4. This statement will be sent to shareholders and will be available at the
Company's registered office at 29 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4JB.