Report for the Quarter Ended 30 September 1999

ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC 28 October 1999 ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 1999 REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 1999 MAIN OPERATIONS 1. Gordon Resources - Coalmine Royalty Entitlements - Queensland The Queensland Government's legislation to increase the royalty rate from 4% to 7% on the Company's Coalmine Royalty Entitlements in Queensland has now been passed. (a) Kestrel This mine has been steadily working towards normal production rates. (b) Crinum The royalty received from the Crinum coalmine , operated by BHP, for the quarter to 30th June 1999 was A$ 372,331 compared to A$ 501,143 for the quarter ended 31st March 1999. The Royalty was down due to an unusual roof fall at the mine causing a six-week loss in production. 2. Fife Silica Sands, Scotland. Capital expenditure to extend and improve the quarry's resources and equipment has continued. Contact: Peter Boycott Chairman 01259 754 700 Anglo Pacific Group plc Peter Gaze Cardew & Co. 0171 930 0777 ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC PROFORMA QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOWS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 1999 CURRENT YEAR TO QUARTER DATE (9 months) £'00m £'00m CASHFLOWS RELATED TO OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from product sales and related debtors 1.6 4.5 Payments for: exploration and evaluation - - development - - production (1.2) (3.9) administration (0.3) (0.8) Dividends received - - Interest and other items of a similar nature received - - Interest and other costs of finance paid (0.1) (0.3) Income taxes paid (0.1) (0.4) Other - Royalties received 0.2 0.7 NET OPERATING CASHFLOWS 0.1 (0.2) CASHFLOWS RELATING TO INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payment for equity investments - (0.1) Other (restructuring costs) - - Payment for purchases of other fixed (0.3) (0.9) assets Proceeds from sale of equity investments - 0.1 NET INVESTING CASHFLOWS (0.3) (0.9) CASHFLOWS RELATED TO FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash proceeds share issue - 0.4 Proceeds from borrowings - - Repayment of borrowings - - Dividends paid (0.1) (0.1) Other - share buy back - - NET FINANCING CASHFLOWS (0.1) 0.3 NET (DECREASE) IN CASH HELD (0.3) (0.8) Cash at beginning of quarter/year (0.4) 0.1 Exchange rate adjustments - - CASH AT END OF QUARTER (0.7) (0.7) ANGLO PACIFIC GROUP PLC PROFORMA QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOWS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 1999 Amount Amount Available Used £'000 £'000 FINANCING FACILITIES AVAILABLE Barclays Bank PLC - overdraft facility 830 685 Barclays Bank PLC - Loan facility 3,750 3,750 ESTIMATED CASH OUTFLOWS FOR NEXT QUARTER £ m Exploration and evaluation Nil Development Nil RECONCILIATION OF CASH Current Previous Quarter Quarter £'000 £'000 Cash on hand and at bank 1 1 Deposits on call - 5 Bank overdraft (685) (439) Total cash at end of quarter (684) (433) ISSUED AND QUOTED SECURITIES AT END OF CURRENT QUARTER Categories of Number Number Par Paid-up Securities Issued Quoted Value Value Ordinary Shares 86.96 86.96 10p 10p million million Number Exercise Expiry Price Date Options 4,000,000 18p 11/12/04 100,000 18p 4/02/09 390,000 18p 3/06/09 30,000 18p 9/06/09
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