Edge Performance VCT plc
Updated Net Asset Values
The Board of Edge Performance VCT plc (the "Company") together with the manager, Edge Investments Ltd, have been monitoring closely the impact on its portfolio of both COVID-19 and the various public sector financing initiatives made available by the Government in response to the pandemic.
The Board carried out a review of the portfolio and announces that the unaudited net asset value ("NAV") of the two classes of the Company's shares as at 31 March 2020 were as follows:
· H Share class NAV: £7,685,368 (ie 66.30p per share, a reduction of 17.04% since the last published valuations as at 31 August 2019)
· I Share class NAV: £20,005,707 (ie 27.37p per share, a reduction of 12.01% since the last published valuations as at 31 August 2019)
The Board emphasises that the above NAVs are unaudited. The audit of the Company for the financial year ended 29 February 2020 is currently underway.
21 April 2020
For further information, please contact:
Edge Investments Limited, Investment Manager: 020 7317 1300
Robin Smeaton, The City Partnership (UK) Limited, Company Secretary: 0131 243 7210