Final Results

Edinburgh Worldwide Inv Trust PLC 11 December 2007 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc Results for the year to 31 October 2007 During the year the net asset value per share rose for the fifth successive year increasing by 20.4%. By comparison the benchmark, the MSCI All Countries World Index, rose by 11.9% (in sterling terms). • Over the four complete years that Baillie Gifford has been managing the Company, net asset value per share has risen from 163p to 305p, an 87% increase, or an average compound annual return of 17%. By way of comparison the benchmark rose by 50% or 11% per annum on average. • Over the year the share price rose by 14.4%, over four years it has risen by 105%. • Edinburgh Worldwide continues to be run as a concentrated portfolio of companies with good growth prospects for the long-term. Turnover of investments in the period remained low at 15.4%. Over the last twelve months performance was helped by having little direct exposure to the Western financial sector while rises in share prices in companies where there is exposure to the infrastructure build across a host of populous nations contributed to performance. • Due to some dividend growth earnings per share were higher at 2.63p (1.67p). As long term capital growth is paramount, the Board is recommending an unchanged final dividend of 1.50p giving an unchanged total of 2.00p. • The Managers continue to identify companies that they believe are capable of returning strong growth in earnings in their respective fields. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Edinburgh Worldwide aims to achieve long term capital growth by investing in listed companies throughout the world. The Trust has total assets of £174 million (before deduction of loans of £24 million). Edinburgh Worldwide is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co, the Edinburgh based fund management group with around £55 billion under management and advice as at 10 December 2007. 11 December 2007 - ends - For further information please contact: Mark Urquhart, Manager, Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust plc 0131 275 2070 Robert O'Riordan, Marketing Manager, Baillie Gifford & Co 07730 412007 Roland Cross, Director, Broadgate Marketing 020 7726 6111 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc Chairman's Statement During the year the net asset value per share rose for the fifth successive year increasing by 20.4%. By comparison the benchmark, the MSCI All Countries World Index, rose by 11.9% (in sterling terms). Performance It is the strategy of the Company to take a long term and patient approach to investment with an anticipated holding period of at least five years for each investment. Consequently a fair measure of performance is a three to five year rolling period. Over the four complete years that Baillie Gifford has been managing the Company, net asset value per share has risen from 163p to 305p, an 87% increase, or an average compound annual return of 17%. By way of comparison the benchmark rose by 50% or 11% per annum on average. This is satisfactory but should be viewed against a perspective of relatively benign stockmarket and economic conditions over much of the period. It is, however, inevitable that there will be periods when the Company's portfolio underperforms the index. This is because the selection of the forty or so shares held do not match the index's composition and shape. That said, the Board believe that the long term approach taken by the Managers whereby a limited number of shares from around the world are assessed and selected on the basis of their individual merits should, over time, provide superior returns to the index. It is disappointing that the shares stand on a wider discount at the end of the year than they did at the start reflecting share price performance which lagged that of the net asset value. During the year net asset value rose by 20.4% and the share price rose by 14.4%. This is due to a number of factors some of which apply across most global investment trusts. The Managers have been given a clear brief by the Board to boost the marketing of the Company in a concerted effort with the Company's broker, Cazenove, so that the level of discount becomes a more accurate reflection of the Company's current record and potential after four years under the current Managers. The Managers earned a performance fee again this year. Details of the fee arrangement are shown in the Annual Report. Earnings and Dividend Due to some dividend growth earnings per share this year were higher at 2.63p (1.67p last year and 2.26p the year before). As long term capital growth is paramount, the Board is recommending an unchanged final dividend of 1.50p giving an unchanged total of 2.00p. The surplus of 0.63p will be added to the Revenue Reserve which will then stand at 1.81p per share. The level of earnings from the portfolio is likely to continue to fluctuate as shares are chosen purely for their growth potential with no account being taken of their income generation capability. A reasonable revenue reserve is, therefore, prudent accounting. VAT During the year the European Court of Justice ruled that investment trust management fees should be exempt from VAT, bringing them in line with open ended funds. HM Revenue and Customs now accept this decision so the Company will be able to recover some of the VAT suffered on management fees in the past. The terms of, and procedure for, reclaim are still to be clarified so the amount of the refund is still uncertain, however it will not be material. Consequently no provision has been made for any refund in this set of financial statements. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc Chairman's Statement (Ctd) Investment Background and Outlook Investment markets while up over the period, were marked by increasing nervousness and volatility. There are fears that the US and other economies may slow down or tip into recession due to the unfolding credit crunch. In global terms, this has to be balanced by the high rate of growth and demand from the several large, populous and rapidly growing countries in emerging markets, notably Brazil, China and India. Against a backdrop that is more uncertain than for a long time, the Managers have continued to identify what they assess to be companies that are capable of returning strong growth in earnings in their respective fields. The Managers have provided a thought provoking Overview and also a detailed account of a number of the individual investments in the Annual Report. I recommend both to you. The Board Robert Douglas Miller has decided to retire from the Board. I am deeply appreciative of his valuable contribution over many years and the Board wish him well in his retirement. This year we welcomed Jake Leslie Melville to your Board; along with his relative youth and enthusiasm, Jake also brings to the Board very relevant business experience, particularly in the energy sector. AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Baillie Gifford's offices in Edinburgh at noon on 7 February 2008. I hope that you will be able to come. Mark Urquhart, the partner at Baillie Gifford who manages your portfolio, will make a presentation and answer any questions. The Directors too, of course, are always pleased to meet shareholders as well as potential shareholders. Change of Registrar During the year Computershare Investor Services PLC was appointed as Registrar. Details of the services they offer and how to contact them can be found in the section 'Further Shareholder Information' in the Annual Report. David A Coltman Chairman EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc The following is the unaudited preliminary statement for the year to 31 October 2007 which was approved by the Board on 10 December 2007. The Board of Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust plc is recommending to the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 7 February 2008 the payment of a final dividend of 1.50p (1.50p last year) per ordinary share making 2.00p (2.00p last year) for the year ended 31 October 2007. INCOME STATEMENT For the year ended For the year ended 31 October 2007 31 October 2006 (unaudited) (audited) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 25,424 25,424 - 16,264 16,264 Currency gains - 1,732 1,732 - 1,751 1,751 Income (note 2) 2,827 - 2,827 2,116 - 2,116 Investment management fee (note 3) (252) (1,479) (1,731) (253) (841) (1,094) Other administrative expenses (415) - (415) (399) - (399) Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,160 25,677 27,837 1,464 17,174 18,638 Finance costs of borrowings (352) (1,057) (1,409) (382) (1,146) (1,528) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,808 24,620 26,428 1,082 16,028 17,110 Tax on ordinary activities (521) 344 (177) (265) 135 (130) Net return on ordinary activities after taxation 1,287 24,964 26,251 817 16,163 16,980 Net return per ordinary share (note 5) 2.63p 50.94p 53.57p 1.67p 32.98p 34.65p The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing operations. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc BALANCE SHEET At 31 October 2007 At 31 October 2006 (unaudited) (audited) £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 170,032 148,870 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 1,067 1,629 Cash and short term deposits 4,646 3,934 5,713 5,563 CREDITORS Amounts falling due within one year (note 6) (26,438) (4,335) NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS (20,725) 1,228 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 149,307 150,098 CREDITORS Amounts falling due after more than one year (note 6) - (26,062) 149,307 124,036 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 2,450 2,450 Share premium 82,180 82,180 Special reserve 35,220 35,220 Capital reserve - realised (35,187) (34,132) Capital reserve - unrealised 63,023 37,004 Revenue reserve 1,621 1,314 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 149,307 124,036 NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE 304.68p 253.11p ORDINARY SHARES IN ISSUE 49,004,319 49,004,319 DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS (unaudited) At 31 October 2007 At 31 October 2006 % % Equities: United Kingdom 1.1 1.8 Continental Europe 30.2 24.3 North America 26.2 35.0 Japan 2.9 5.5 Asia Pacific 6.0 4.6 Emerging Markets 30.7 23.8 Total equities 97.1 95.0 Sterling denominated bonds - 0.8 US$ denominated bonds 0.8 2.2 Yen denominated bonds - 1.2 Net current assets 2.1 0.8 Total assets (before deduction of loan) 100.0 100.0 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS For the year ended 31 October 2007 (unaudited) Called-up Share Special Capital Capital Revenue Equity share premium reserve reserve - reserve - reserve shareholders' capital realised unrealised funds £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 November 2006 2,450 82,180 35,220 (34,132) 37,004 1,314 124,036 Net return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - (1,055) 26,019 1,287 26,251 Dividends paid during the year (note 4) - - - - - (980) (980) Shareholders' funds at 31 October 2007 2,450 82,180 35,220 (35,187) 63,023 1,621 149,307 For the year ended 31 October 2006 (audited) Called-up Share Special Capital Capital Revenue Equity share premium reserve reserve - reserve - reserve shareholders' capital realised unrealised funds £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 November 2005 2,450 82,180 35,220 (45,920) 32,629 1,477 108,036 Net return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - 11,788 4,375 817 16,980 Dividends paid during the year (note 4) - - - - - (980) (980) Shareholders' funds at 31 October 2006 2,450 82,180 35,220 (34,132) 37,004 1,314 124,036 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended For the year ended 31 October 2007 31 October 2006 (unaudited) (audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (note 8) 1,319 (82) SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest paid (1,439) (1,554) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM SERVICING OF FINANCE (1,439) (1,554) TAXATION Overseas tax incurred (175) (128) TOTAL TAX PAID (175) (128) FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Acquisitions of investments (22,536) (35,655) Disposals of investments 24,527 42,040 Realised currency loss (4) (12) NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENT 1,987 6,373 EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (note 4) (980) (980) INCREASE IN CASH 712 3,629 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Increase in cash in the period 712 3,629 Exchange movement on bank loans 1,736 1,763 MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT IN THE YEAR 2,448 5,392 NET DEBT AT 1 NOVEMBER (22,128) (27,520) NET DEBT AT 31 OCTOBER (19,680) (22,128) EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc PORTFOLIO AND EQUITY PERFORMANCE at 31 October 2007 (unaudited) Fair value % of Performance+ Fair value total 2006 £'000 assets £'000 Name Business Absolute Relative % % Equities CVRD Mining 13,146 7.6 171.4 136.9 5,895 Petrobras* Oil exploration and production 11,013 6.3 107.3 81.0 5,337 Porsche* Luxury automobiles 9,739 5.6 110.7 83.9 5,230 Atlas Copco* Industrial compressors and mining equipment 7,340 4.2 25.1 9.2 7,009 Gazprom* Gas exploration and production 6,707 3.9 7.3 (6.4) 5,874 Sandvik Tools and mining equipment 6,636 3.8 48.6 29.7 3,942 SAP* Business software 6,014 3.5 0.8 (12.0) 5,501 eBay Internet auction 5,275 3.0 3.2 (9.9) 4,437 HDFC Mortgage provider 5,092 2.9 100.0 74.6 3,414 Canon* Printers, copiers and cameras 5,082 2.9 (13.3) (24.3) 5,939 Online retailer 5,060 2.9 114.9 87.6 2,354 Teva Pharmaceuticals* Generic drugs manufacturer 4,661 2.7 23.6 7.9 3,805 Banco Itau Retail and commercial bank 4,634 2.7 61.6 41.1 3,251 Samsung Electronics* Electronics manufacturer 4,401 2.5 (12.9) (24.0) 4,815 Lukoil* Oil exploration and production 4,213 2.4 4.9 (8.4) 4,065 Zhejiang Expressway Toll-road operator 4,056 2.3 100.9 75.4 2,089 Moody's* Bond rating agency 4,049 2.3 (39.2) (46.9) 6,684 VCA Antech Animal hospitals and veterinary diagnostics 3,993 2.3 30.6 14.0 3,056 Infosys Technologies Software outsourcer 3,827 2.2 (7.1) (18.9) 4,147 Whole Foods Market Organic food chain 3,302 1.9 (27.5) (36.7) 2,874 Straumann Dental implants 3,261 1.9 13.5 (0.9) 2,903 Essilor Lenses for spectacles 3,185 1.8 12.6 (1.7) 2,860 Hermes* Luxury goods 2,970 1.7 12.0 (2.2) 3,532 Vestas Windsystems Wind turbines 2,948 1.7 22.8** 18.2** - Ericsson* Telecommunications equipment 2,898 1.7 (26.3) (35.7) 3,121 Carnival Cruise ship operator 2,875 1.7 (7.7) (19.5) 3,186 L'Oreal Personal care 2,841 1.6 25.2 9.3 2,295 Iron Mountain Document management services 2,785 1.6 10.3 (3.7) 2,539 Omnicom* Advertising agency 2,766 1.6 (6.9) (18.7) 2,995 Deere Farm and construction machinery 2,673 1.6 26.7** 22.6** - Genentech Biotech drugs manufacturer 2,497 1.4 (9.2)** (11.0)** - Novozymes Enzyme manufacturer 2,350 1.4 22.0** 8.1 ** - William Wrigley* Chewing gum manufacturer 2,282 1.3 10.9 (3.2) 2,095 Q-cells Solar energy production 2,239 1.3 68.4** 63.5** - Pulte Homes American housebuilder 2,226 1.3 (55.8) (61.4) 5,069 IOI Palm oil producer and refiner 2,046 1.2 28.4** 23.9** - Walgreen* Pharmacy chain 1,989 1.2 (16.1) (26.8) 2,384 Progressive Ohio* Auto insurance 1,961 1.1 (23.9) (33.6) 2,789 Wolseley* Builders' merchant 1,856 1.1 (30.5) (39.3) 2,755 Pool Swimming pool supplies 1,700 1.0 (46.6) (53.4) 2,822 168,588 97.1 Fixed Interest US$ denominated bonds Bay Haven CFRN 2009/10 1,444 0.8 Total Fixed Interest 1,444 0.8 Total Investments 170,032 97.9 Net Liquid Assets 3,601 2.1 Total Assets at Fair Value (before deduction of loan) 173,633 100.0 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc PORTFOLIO AND EQUITY PERFORMANCE at 31 October 2007 (unaudited) (Ctd) + Absolute and relative performance has been calculated on a total return basis over the period 1 November 2006 to 31 October 2007. Absolute performance is in sterling terms; relative performance is against MSCI All Countries World Index in sterling terms. * Held since November 2003 when Baillie Gifford & Co were appointed as Investment Managers and Secretaries to the Company. ** Figures relate to part-period returns. Source: Baillie Gifford & Co, StatPro Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc NOTES (unaudited) 1. The financial statements for the year to 31 October 2007 have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's Annual Financial Statements at 31 October 2006. The Directors consider the Company's functional currency to be sterling as the Company's shareholders are predominantly based in the UK and the Company is subject to the UK's regulatory environment. 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 2. Income Income from investments and interest receivable 2,674 2,090 Other income 153 26 2,827 2,116 2007 2006 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 3. Investment Management Fee Investment management fee 244 731 975 233 699 932 Investment performance fee - 723 723 - 79 79 Unrecovered VAT thereon 8 25 33 20 63 83 252 1,479 1,731 253 841 1,094 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 4. Ordinary dividends Amounts recognised as distributions in the period: Previous year's final (paid 2 February 2007) 1.50p 1.50p 735 735 Interim (paid 3 July 2007) 0.50p 0.50p 245 245 2.00p 2.00p 980 980 We also set out below the total dividends paid and proposed in respect of the financial year, which is the basis on which the requirements of section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 are considered. The revenue available for distribution by way of dividend for the year is £1,287,000 (2006 - £817,000). 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Dividends paid and proposed in the period: Interim dividend per ordinary share (paid 3 July 2007) 0.50p 0.50p 245 245 Proposed final dividend per ordinary share (payable 11 February 1.50p 1.50p 735 735 2008) 2.00p 2.00p 980 980 If approved the final dividend will be paid on 11 February 2008 to all shareholders on the register at the close of business on 18 January 2008. The ex-dividend date is 16 January 2008. EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST plc NOTES (unaudited) (Ctd) 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 5. Net return per ordinary share Revenue return 2.63p 1.67p Capital return 50.94p 32.98p Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue on ordinary activities after taxation of £1,287,000 (2006 - £817,000), and on 49,004,319 ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue during each year. Capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital gain for the financial year of £24,964,000 (2006 - £16,163,000), and on 49,004,319 ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue during each year. 6. 6 The loan includes US$31,250,000, Y1,313,200,000 and £3,800,000 drawn down under a multi-currency loan facility with ING Bank N.V. (2006 - US$31,250,000, Y1,313,200,000 and £3,800,000). The loan is due for repayment in July 2008. 7. 7 At the Annual General Meeting on 1 February 2007 the Company renewed its authority to purchase shares in the market, in respect of 7,345,747 ordinary shares (equivalent to 14.99% of its issued share capital at that date). No shares were bought back during the year to 31 October 2007 or 2006 At 31 October 2007 the Company had authority to buy back 7,345,747 ordinary shares. 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 8. Reconciliation of net return before finance costs and taxation to net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities Net return on ordinary activities before finance costs and taxation 27,837 18,638 Gains on investments - securities (25,424) (16,264) Currency gains (1,732) (1,751) Changes to debtors and creditors 623 (778) Amortisation of fixed income book cost 15 73 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 1,319 (82) 9. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2007. The financial information for 2006 is derived from the statutory accounts for 2006 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors have reported on the 2006 accounts, their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2007 are unaudited and will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. 10. The Report and Accounts will be available on the Managers' website on or around 20 December 2007. 11. None of the views expressed in this document should be construed as advice to buy or sell a particular investment. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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