Interim Results
Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust PLC
31 May 2000
Interim Results for the six months to 30 April 2000
- EWIT outperforms MSCI World Index by 6.7% -
The investment objective of the company is to achieve long-term capital
growth in excess of the capital return (in sterling terms) of the Morgan
Stanley Capital International World Index by investing in stockmarkets
throughout the world.
EWIT outperformed its benchmark by 6.7%: net asset value per share increased
by 18.9% to 322.0p, substantially beating the MSCI World Index which rose by
12.2% in sterling terms
The share price increased by 12.9% to 249.0p
Interim dividend of 0.5p per share payable to shareholders on 7 July 2000
Looking ahead, favoured areas remain Asia and the UK
For further information, please contact:-
Iain Beattie Director,Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000
I am pleased to report that the excellent performance recorded last year has
continued into the current financial year. For the six months to 30 April
2000, the net asset value per share increased by 18.9% to 322.0p and this
compares with the MSCI World Index which rose by 12.2% in sterling terms over
the same period. The share price rose by 16.2% to 249p and represented a
discount of 22.9% to net asset value at 30 April 2000.
During the six months, there were no major changes to the geographic
distribution of the portfolio. Exposure to the United States was reduced
slightly from 50.7% to 47.0% in favour of Japan where the weighting rose from
11.3% to 13.2%. The portfolio's exposure to the other geographic areas was
broadly unchanged with the UK representing 10.2% of the equity portfolio while
Europe, the Pacific Basin and Latin America accounted for 22.1%, 5.6% and 0.9%
respectively. In relation to the benchmark index, the portfolio is overweight
in the Pacific Basin, underweight in the USA and has a neutral weighting in
the other areas. The level of gearing was maintained at around 10% during the
During March and April, the sector allocation of the portfolio was altered as
the manager realised profits from the technology and telecommunication
sectors. These two areas, plus the media sector, had been the main drivers of
global equity markets until the early part of this year. The sale proceeds
were re-invested in defensive stocks in the pharmaceutical, financial and
utilities sectors.
In a continuation from last year, the out-performance of the net asset value
was attributable largely to excellent stock selection with all the geographic
segments of the portfolio, except Europe, producing returns ahead of the
relevant index. The strongest market returns were however seen in Europe,
particularly those countries with a high exposure to technology stocks, and
Finland and Sweden rose by 90% and 60% respectively. The Japanese and Pacific
Basin markets rose by around 8% while in the UK, the FTSE All-Share Index rose
by only 4%.The impact of technology was most apparent in the returns from the
United States where the broadly based S&P 500 Index rose by 11.7% while the
technology dominated NASDAQ Composite Index rose by 36.5% (all figures in
sterling terms).
The revenue return for the period amounted to 0.80p per share (1999: 1.48p)
with the reduction from the previous year being attributable to a fall in
interest receivable resulting from lower cash balances. The directors have
declared an interim dividend of 0.50p per share, unchanged from last year. The
interim dividend will be paid on 7 July 2000 to shareholders on the register
on 16 June 2000.
Early signs are emerging that economic activity will slow down later this year
and this suggests that the end of the current period of rising interest rates
is in sight. Provided central bankers do not indulge in monetary overkill, a
background of stable economic growth, low inflation and growing corporate
profits should be rewarding for investors in global equities. In the near
term, the recent volatility of equity markets may continue until the outlook
for interest rates becomes clearer.
Technology stocks have fallen sharply recently and have impacted negatively on
returns. The company's exposure to this sector is focused on network builders
and business service providers rather than Internet retailing and I am
confident that this strategy will add significant value in the future.
David Coltman
31 May 2000
for the period ended 30 April 2000(unaudited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 11,661 11,661
Unrealised gains on investments - 15,069 15,069
Foreign exchange losses - (397) (397)
Investment income 679 - 679
Interest receivable 450 - 450
Other income 13 - 13
Investment management fee (199) (596) (795)
Administrative expenses (175) - (175)
Net return before finance costs 768 25,737 26,505
and taxation
Interest payable (279) (836) (1,115)
Return on ordinary activities 489 24,901 25,390
before taxation
Taxation (95) 25 (70)
Return attributable to equity 394 24,926 25,320
Dividend in respect of equity (245) - (245)
149 24,926 25,075
Return per ordinary share 0.80p 50.87p 51.67p
for the period ended 30 April 1999 (unaudited - restated)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 3,284 3,284
Unrealised gains on investments - 29,304 29,304
Foreign exchange losses - (202) (202)
Investment income 746 - 746
Interest receivable 727 - 727
Other income 12 - 12
Investment management fee (118) (354) (472)
Administrative expenses (132) - (132)
Net return before finance costs 1,235 32,032 33,267
and taxation
Interest payable (286) (836) (1,122)
Return on ordinary activities 949 31,196 32,145
before taxation
Taxation (225) 149 (76)
Return attributable to equity 724 31,345 32,069
Dividend in respect of equity (245) - (245)
479 31,345 31,824
Return per ordinary share 1.48p 63.96p 65.44p
for the period ended 31 October 1999 (audited - restated)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 7,914 7,914
Unrealised gains on investments - 27,714 27,714
Foreign exchange losses - (12) (12)
Investment income 1,703 - 1,703
Interest receivable 1,227 - 1,227
Other income 26 - 26
Investment management fee (271) (814) (1,085)
Administrative expenses (303) - (303)
Net return before finance costs 2,382 34,802 37,184
and taxation
Interest payable (568) (1,679) (2,247)
Return on ordinary activities 1,814 33,123 34,937
before taxation
Taxation (443) 274 (169)
Return attributable to equity 1,371 33,397 34,768
Dividend in respect of equity (1,078) - (1,078)
293 33,397 33,690
Return per ordinary share 2.80p 68.15p 70.95p
BALANCE SHEET (unaudited)
At 30 At 31 At 30
April October April
2000 1999 1999
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Investments 173,672 145,717 140,040
Investment property 180 180 180
173,852 145,897 140,220
Current assets 24,878 29,332 34,948
Current liabilities (1,075) (2,839) (4,880)
Net current assets 23,803 26,493 30,068
Total assets less current 197,655 172,390 170,288
Creditors: falling due (39,863) (36,673) (39,437)
after more than one year
157,792 132,717 130,851
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital - 2,450 2,450 2,450
Reserves 155,342 130,267 128,401
Total equity shareholders' 157,792 132,717 130,851
Net asset value per 322.00p 270.83p 267.02p
ordinary share
For 6 For 6 For year
months months ended
ended ended 31 October
30 April 30 April 1999
2000 1999
£000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow from 16 635 1,643
operating activities
Net cash outflow from (1,099) (1,144) (2,277)
servicing of finance
Total tax paid (44) (88) (249)
Net cash outflow from (433) (4,066) (7,094)
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (833) (122) (367)
Net cash outflow before (2,393) (4,785) (8,344)
Net cash inflow from
management of liquid 6,023 (12,109) (5,842)
Net cash outflow from - - -
INCREASE IN CASH 3,630 (16,894) (14,186)
1. The same accounting policies used for the year to 31
October 1999 have been applied other than for taxation.
Dividends received from UK companies are now reported net of
the tax credit in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard
16 Current tax'. The figures in relation to 1999 have been
restated to reflect this change.
75% of the investment management fee and finance costs
have been charged to capital reserves in line with the
expected future split of returns over the longer term
between capital and revenue.
2. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.5p to
be paid on 7 July 2000 to shareholders on the register at the
close of business on 16 June 2000. The ex-dividend date is 12
June 2000.
3. The statement of total return and the balance sheet set
out above do not represent full statutory accounts in
accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
statutory accounts for 1999 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and contained an unqualified
auditors' report.
4. The Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 16
June 2000 and copies will be available from the registered
Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide
to the future and that the value of investments and the income
from them may fall as well as rise and may be affected by
exchange rate movements. Investors may not get back the
amount they originally invested.
For Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust plc
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary
David Holland
Assistant Secretary