Interim Results

Edinburgh Worldwide Inv Trust PLC 5 June 2001 5 June 2001 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Interim Results for the six months to 30 April 2001 The investment objective of the company is to achieve long-term capital growth in excess of the capital return (in sterling terms) of the Morgan Stanley Capital International World Index by investing in stockmarkets throughout the world. * Net asset value (NAV) per share fell by 11.5% compared to a fall in the MSCI World Index of 9.9%, the trust's benchmark * Share price fell by 8.5% to 247p * Interim dividend of 0.50p maintained and to be paid to shareholders on 6 July 2001 * Stronger economic growth and increased interest in global equities forecast before the end of this year For further information, please contact:- Iain Beattie, Director, Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT In a difficult period for global equity markets, the company gave back some of the excellent performance recorded in recent years. For the six months to 30 April 2001, the net asset value per share fell by 11.5% to 277.7p and this compares with the MSCI World Index which fell by 9.9% in sterling terms over the same period. The share price fell by 8.5% to 247p and represented a discount of 11.1% to the net asset value at 30 April 2001. A year ago the discount was standing at 22.9%. Portfolio Global equity markets were pulled lower as investors became increasingly concerned about the deterioration in corporate profits. The rapid slowdown in the US economy and the accompanying liquidation of inventories caused many companies to report profits that were well below earlier expectations. These developments were felt most keenly in the technology sector and the impact on share prices is best illustrated by the performance of the technology dominated NASDAQ Composite Index which fell by 36.3% in sterling terms over the period. The shortfall in performance of the net asset value relative to the benchmark was attributable largely to the impact of borrowings and capital charges which contributed 1.8% of the under performance with 0.5% attributable to the under-lying equity portfolio. Disappointing returns from the company's UK holdings accounted for a large part of the shortfall from the equity portfolio. During the six months, the main changes to the geographic distribution of the portfolio were to increase exposure to Japan while lowering the weighting to the USA. Exposure to Japan was increased from 10.4% to 12.7% and this was financed by reducing the US weighting from 53.1% to 50.4%. The portfolio's exposure to the other geographic areas was broadly unchanged with the UK representing 12.1% of the equity portfolio while Europe, the Pacific Basin and Latin America accounted for 20.5%, 2.3% and 2.0% respectively. In relation to the benchmark index, the portfolio is overweight in the UK and Japan, underweight in the USA and Europe and broadly neutral in the other areas. At sector level, the portfolio is overweight to the energy, materials, healthcare and financial sectors. The main underweight positions are to the industrial, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, technology and telecommunication sectors. Over the period, the cyclical exposure of the portfolio was increased at the expense of defensive stocks in the consumer staples and utilities sectors. Following the sharp fall in the equity markets, additional funds were invested in equities towards the end of the period and this decision increased the level of gearing from 12.1% at 31 October 2001 to 16.5% at the end of the period under review. Revenue The revenue return for the period amounted to 1.65p per share (2000 - 0.8p). This increase from the previous year was attributable to the revised allocation of management fees and finance costs between revenue and capital which was outlined in last year's annual report. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.50p per share, unchanged from last year. The interim dividend will be paid on 6 July 2001 to shareholders on the register on 15 June 2001. Outlook The significant cuts in US interest rates so far this year provide both an indication of the severity of the slowdown in economic growth but also the steps the US monetary authorities are prepared to take to prevent the slowdown developing into a more damaging situation. The cuts in US interest rates have also been followed by moves to easier monetary policies in Japan, the UK and latterly Europe. These actions, plus cuts in personal taxation in the US and some other countries, are expected to lead to stronger economic growth and increased interest in global equities before the end of this year. David Coltman Chairman STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN for the period ended 30 April 2001(unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Realised losses on investments - (3,472) (3,472) Unrealised losses on investments - (13,840) (13,840) Foreign exchange gains - 357 357 Investment income 977 - 977 Interest receivable 551 - 551 Other income 14 - 14 Investment management fee (88) (500) (588) Administrative expenses (215) - (215) ------- ------- ------- Net return before finance costs and taxation 1,239 (17,455) (16,216) Interest payable (171) (967) (1,138) ------- ------- ------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,068 (18,422) (17,354) Taxation (258) 160 (98) ------- ------- ------- Return attributable to equity shareholders 810 (18,262) (17,452) Dividend in respect of equity shares (245) - (245) ------- ------- ------- 565 (18,262) (17,697) ------- ------- ------- Return per ordinary share 1.65p (37.26p) (35.61p) ------- ------- ------- ________________________________________________________________________________ for the period ended 30 April 2000(unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Realised gains on investments - 11,661 11,661 Unrealised gains on investments - 15,069 15,069 Foreign exchange losses - (397) (397) Investment income 679 - 679 Interest receivable 450 - 450 Other income 13 - 13 Investment management fee (199) (596) (795) Administrative expenses (175) - (175) ------- ------- ------- Net return before finance costs and taxation 768 25,737 26,505 Interest payable (279) (836) (1,115) ------- ------- ------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 489 24,901 25,390 Taxation (95) 25 (70) ------- ------- ------- Return attributable to equity shareholders 394 24,926 25,320 Dividend in respect of equity shares (245) - (245) ------- ------- ------- 149 24,926 25,075 ------- ------- ------- Return per ordinary share 0.80p 50.87p 51.67p ------- ------- ------- ________________________________________________________________________________ for the period ended 31 October 2000 (audited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Realised gains on investments - 20,942 20,942 Unrealised gains on investments - 4,961 4,961 Foreign exchange losses - (1,953) (1,953) Investment income 1,724 - 1,724 Interest receivable 961 - 961 Other income 28 - 28 Investment management fee (406) (1,218) (1,624) Administrative expenses (375) - (375) ------- ------- ------- Net return before finance costs and taxation 1,932 22,732 24,664 Interest payable (588) (1,763) (2,351) ------- ------- ------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,344 20,969 22,313 Taxation (303) 119 (184) ------- ------- ------- Return attributable to equity shareholders 1,041 21,088 22,129 Dividend in respect of equity shares (1,078) - (1,078) ------- ------- ------- (37) 21,088 22,051 ------- ------- ------- Return per ordinary share 2.12p 43.03p 45.15p ------- ------- ------- BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) At 30 April At 31 October At 30 April 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Investments 158,581 172,329 173,672 Investment property 180 180 180 ------- ------- ------- 158,761 172,509 173,852 ------- ------- ------- Current assets 20,926 27,823 24,878 Current liabilities (1,685) (4,613) (1,075) ------- ------- ------- Net current assets 19,241 23,210 23,803 ------- ------- ------- Total assets less current 178,002 195,719 197,655 liabilities Creditors: falling due after more (41,931) (41,951) (39,863) than one year ------- ------- ------- 136,071 153,768 157,792 ------- ------- ------- Capital and reserves Called up share capital - equity 2,450 2,450 2,450 Reserves 133,621 151,318 155,342 ------- ------- ------- Total equity shareholders' funds 136,071 153,768 157,792 ------- ------- ------- Net asset value per ordinary share 277.67p 313.78p 322.00p CASHFLOW STATEMENT For 6 months For 6 months For year ended ended ended 30 April 30 April 31 October 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating 427 16 700 activities Net cash outflow from servicing of (1,174) (1,099) (2,257) finance Total tax paid (90) (44) (214) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financial (3,082) (433) 354 investment Equity dividends paid (833) (833) (1,078) ------- ------- ------- Net cash outflow before financing (4,752) (2,393) (2,495) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from management of liquid resources (525) 6,023 7,372 ------- ------- ------- (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH (5,277) 3,630 4,877 ------- ------- ------- NOTES: 1. The same accounting policies used for the year to 31 October 2000 have been applied. With effect from 1 November 2000, 85% of the investment management fee and relevant finance costs have been allocated to capital reserve. 2. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.5p to be paid on 6 July 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 15 June 2001. The ex-dividend date is 13 June 2001. 3. The statement of total return, balance sheet and the cashflow statement set out above do not represent full statutory accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2000 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and contained an unqualified auditors' report. 4. The Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 18 June 2001 and copies will be available from the registered office. Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and may be affected by exchange rate movements. Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested. For Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust plc Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary David Holland Deputy Group Company Secretary END
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