Interim Results

9 June 2003 EDINBURGH WORLDWIDE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Interim Results for the six months to 30 April 2003 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT During the period under review global equity markets were very volatile. The prospect of war in the Middle East, economic uncertainty and the outlook for corporate profits weighed heavily on investors for most of the period with equity markets falling sharply until the middle of March. As it became apparent that the conflict in Iraq would be resolved quickly, equity markets rallied for the remaining weeks of the period and by the end of April the MSCI World Index had recovered all of the lost ground. For the six months to 30 April 2003, the net asset value per share fell by 2.8% to 147.39p and this compares with the MSCI World Index which rose by 0.5% in sterling terms over the same period. The share price fell by 2.8% to 119.5p and represented a discount of 18.9% to the net asset value at 30 April 2003. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.50p per share, unchanged from last year. The interim dividend will be paid on 4 July 2003 to share holdings on the register on 20 June 2003. Following a review of the expected long term returns from global equities, the board has revised the allocation of management fees and finance costs between capital and revenue. With effect from 1 November 2002, these costs have been allocated between capital and revenue in the ratio 75:25, previously 85:15. Portfolio The shortfall in the net asset value return relative to the benchmark was attributable to a combination of stock selection and charges against the capital account. The stocks held in the North American part of the portfolio did not meet the returns from the index and accounted for a large part of the shortfall attributable to stock selection. Transaction activity within the portfolio during the period concentrated on the number of holdings as well as reducing the gearing ratio following the rally in equity markets in March and April. The number of holdings has been reduced from 106 to 92 with further reductions planned towards a target of 80 holdings. In reducing the gearing ratio, the trust's exposure to Japan was reduced and short term profits were also realized from the USA and Europe. At 30 April 2003, the company had 109.3% of shareholders' funds, net of index future contracts, invested in equity markets (31 October 2002 - 111.7%). The company's portfolio remains underweight to US equities, based on concerns over the weakness of the US dollar, and overweight to equities in the UK and the Pacific. Individual equities continue to offer good value in the UK while in the Pacific, following negative sentiment surrounding the impact of SARs, an increasing number of attractive investment opportunities appear to be emerging. At the sector level, the portfolio, compared to the benchmark index, is overweight to energy, healthcare and financials. The main underweight positions are to consumer discretionary and telecommunications stocks. Outlook With the resolution of the conflict in Iraq, uncertainty has been removed and the volatility within equity markets has fallen. Investors' appetite for risk is also increasing as is evident by lower yields on corporate bonds and the rally in technology, financial and smaller company stocks. Equity markets in Europe and North America have risen by around 20% from the low points reached in March but there are few indications, at present, of any improvement in the operating environment for businesses. The US Federal Reserve however appears to be committed to take the necessary steps to avoid deflation and stimulate economic growth. While markets have risen in anticipation of economic recovery, your manager continues to identify attractive investment opportunities with the focus of the portfolio being towards companies with strong balance sheets, high or improving profit margins, and supporting dividend yields. David Coltman Chairman STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN for the six months to 30 April 2003(unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Realised losses on investments - (13,430) (13,430) Unrealised gains on investments - 11,844 11,844 Currency gains - 36 36 _______ _______ _______ Total capital losses - (1,550) (1,550) Income from investment 967 - 967 Interest receivable on short term deposits 165 - 165 Investment management fee (79) (237) (316) Other administrative expenses (175) - (175) _______ _______ _______ Net return before finance costs and 878 (1,787) (909) taxation Interest payable and similar charges (214) (639) (853) _______ _______ _______ Return on ordinary activities before taxation 664 (2,426) (1,762) Taxation (128) 24 (104) _______ _______ _______ Return attributable to equity shareholders 536 (2,402) (1,866) Dividends in respect of equity shares (245) - (245) _______ _______ _______ 291 (2,402) (2,111) _______ _______ _______ Return per ordinary share 1.09p (4.90p) (3.81p) Dividend per ordinary share 0.50p _______________________________________________________________________________ for the six months to 30 April 2002(unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Realised losses on investments - (6,589) (6,589) Unrealised gains on investments - 9,549 9,549 Currency losses - (280) (280) _______ _______ _______ Total capital gains - 2,680 2,680 Income from investment 887 - 887 Interest receivable on short term deposits 323 - 323 Investment management fee (72) (406) (478) Other administrative expenses (153) - (153) _______ _______ _______ Net return before finance costs and taxation 985 2,274 3,259 Interest payable and similar charges (190) (986) (1,176) _______ _______ _______ Return on ordinary activities before taxation 795 1,288 2,083 Taxation (168) 84 (84) _______ _______ _______ Return attributable to equity shareholders 627 1,372 1,999 Dividends in respect of equity shares (245) - (245) _______ _______ _______ 382 1,372 1,754 _______ _______ _______ Return per ordinary share 1.28p 2.79p 4.07p _______ _______ _______ Dividend per ordinary share 0.50p _______ ________________________________________________________________________________ for the twelve months to 31 October 2002 (audited) Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 Realised losses on investments - (14,490) (14,490) Unrealised losses on investments - (9,388) (9,388) Currency gains - 29 29 _______ _______ _______ Total capital losses - (23,849) (23,849) Income from investment 1,879 - 1,879 Interest receivable on short term deposits 642 - 642 Investment management fee (133) (754) (887) Other administrative expenses (344) - (344) _______ _______ _______ Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,044 (24,603) (22,559) Interest payable and similar charges (356) (2,344) (2,700) _______ _______ _______ Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,688 (26,947) (25,259) Taxation (382) 189 (193) _______ _______ _______ Return attributable to equity shareholders 1,306 (26,758) (25,452) Dividends in respect of equity shares (1,078) - (1,078) _______ _______ _______ 228 (26,758) (26,530) _______ _______ _______ Return per ordinary share 2.66p (54.60p) (51.94p) _______ _______ _______ Dividend per ordinary share 2.20p _______ BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) At 30 At 31 At 30 April October April 2003 2002 2002 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Investments 82,133 87,492 122,789 Investment property - - 110 _______ _______ _______ 82,133 87,492 122,899 _______ _______ _______ Current assets Debtors 6,581 301 468 T Bills 13,222 9,591 7,773 AAA Money Market Funds 3,000 - 3,000 Cash and short term deposits 8,672 9,029 10,696 _______ _______ _______ 31,475 18,921 21,937 _______ _______ _______ Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (11,139) (1,449) (1,110) _______ _______ _______ Net current assets 20,336 17,472 20,827 _______ _______ _______ Total assets less current liabilities 102,469 104,964 143,726 Creditors: falling due after more than one year (30,242) (30,626) (41,104) _______ _______ _______ 72,227 74,338 102,622 _______ _______ _______ Capital and reserves Called up share capital 2,450 2,450 2,450 Share premium 82,180 82,180 82,180 Special reserve 35,220 35,220 35,220 Capital reserve - realised (37,440) (23,194) (14,001) Capital reserve - unrealised (11,371) (23,215) (4,278) Revenue reserve 1,188 897 1,051 _______ _______ _______ Total equity shareholders' funds 72,227 74,338 102,622 _______ _______ _______ Net asset value per ordinary share 147.39p 151.70p 209.41p _______ _______ _______ CASHFLOW STATEMENT For 6 For 6 For year to months months 31 October to 30 to 30 2002 April April 2003 2002 £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 498 393 1,297 Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (863) (1,195) (2,899) Total tax paid (96) (105) (193) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 7,568 (1,333) 6,450 Equity dividends paid (833) (1,029) (1,274) ______ _______ _______ Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 6,274 (3,269) 3,381 Management of liquid resources (6,631) 2,996 4,178 Financing - - (9,528) ______ _______ _______ DECREASE IN CASH (357) (273) (1,969) ______ _______ _______ NOTES: 1. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the 2003 Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies'. The same accounting policies used for the year to 31 October 2002 have been applied. With effect from 1 November 2002, 75% (2002 - 85%) of the investment management fee and finance costs have been allocated to capital and 25% to revenue (2002 - 15%). 2. There will be an interim dividend of 0.50p per ordinary share payable on 4 July 2003 to shareholders on the register on 20 June 2003. The ex- dividend date is 18 June 2003. 3. As at 30 April 2003, the company has 49,004,319 ordinary shares in issue. 4. The financial information for the year ended 31 October 2002 has been extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts of the company which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was unqualified. The statement of total return and balance sheet set out do not represent full accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 5. The interim report will be posted to shareholders in June 2003 and copies will be available from the registered office. For further information, please contact:- Andrew McMenigall, Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000 David McCraw, Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000 For Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust plc Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary Lynn Mathewson Group Company Secretary END
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