Preliminary Results
Egdon Resources PLC
31 October 2006
For immediate release 31 October 2006
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 July 2006
Egdon Resources Plc (AIM: EDR), the UK focused energy company, is pleased to
announce preliminary results for the year ended 31 July 2006. The Company also
announces its intention to demerge its gas storage business during 2007 to form
a separate AIM traded company focused on gas storage developments and
In addition, the Company is also announcing today completion of a placing to
raise £12 million (before expenses) at 190 pence per share through Seymour
Pierce Limited.
Operational Highlights
Gas Storage
• Confirmation of technical feasibility of Isle of Portland gas storage
• Project parameters confirmed as 1,000 million cubic metres capacity
facility with injection/ withdrawal rates of 20 million cubic metres per
• Portland project could provide up to 5% of UK gas demand on a winter's day
• N M Rothschild & Sons appointed as financial advisors to Portland Gas to
assist with project financing
• Planned demerger of gas storage business during 2007
Oil & Gas Exploration
• Successful multi-well drilling programme completed in 2006, oil confirmed
in Waddock Cross-3 and gas in Kirkleatham-4 and Westerdale-1
• Farm-outs concluded for wells in licences PEDL071 and PEDL141
• Planned production from Waddock Cross, Avington and Kirkleatham in 2007
• Drilling activity planned at Avington, Burton Agnes (Fraisthorpe), Grenade
and Tees during 2007
• Award of block 15/7 in 23rd Licensing Round
• Currently hold 19 licences in UK and France
Financial Highlights
• Loss for period of £519,250 (2005: £420,617)
• Loss per share of 0.94p (2005: £0.92p)
• Completion of an institutional placing announced today to raise £11.52
million net of expenses
• Institutional placing completed in December 2005 raised £4.81 million net
of expenses
• Debt free with strong position (Net funds as at 31st July 2006 £1.89
million; 31st July 2005: £2.95 million).
Commenting on the results, Philip Stephens, Chairman of Egdon, said:
'2006 has been a pivotal year for Egdon with drilling successes at Kirkleatham,
Westerdale and Waddock Cross and confirmation of the technical feasibility of
our gas storage project on the Isle of Portland. The environmental impact
assessment leading to an environmental statement in support of the planning
application is nearing completion for Portland whilst 2007 is expected to see
the first production from our UK oil and gas interests'.
I am pleased to report that the period covered by these results has seen further
substantial creation of shareholder value.
Financially, the Company recorded a consolidated loss of £519,250 for the year
ended 31 July 2006 (2005: £420,617). This loss includes a National Insurance
provision of £318,020 for Directors' share options which represents a
significant increase from last year's level of £93,500 as a result of the
substantial increase in the share price of the Company in the financial year.
No dividend is being proposed for the period.
The Company had net cash of £1.89 million as at 31 July 2006 (2005: £2.95
million). During December 2005, your Company raised £4.81million after expenses
through a share placing at 90p in order to fund the continuing costs of our gas
storage project and exploratory drilling. I am also pleased to announce today
the successful completion of a further placing of 6,315,790 new shares at a
price of 190p raising a total of £11.52 million after expenses.
During the period your Company has continued to develop two distinct businesses:
an oil and gas exploration and production business, focused on the UK onshore,
and a high impact gas storage business, initially focused on developing a salt
cavern gas storage facility in Dorset through our wholly-owned subsidiary
Portland Gas Limited.
Gas Storage
I am pleased to report that excellent progress has been made in the development
of the Isle of Portland gas storage project during the year. A number of
project milestones have been passed during the period and the project is on
track, subject to a successful outcome to a forthcoming planning application, to
become a significant part of the UK's gas infrastructure in the coming years.
The successful drilling of the Portland-1 well during the summer and the
subsequent confirmation of the technical feasibility of the project by our
engineering consultants DEEP. Underground Engineering GmbH during September 2006
has enabled the operational parameters for this project to be finalised. The
project is designed to store 1,000 million cubic metres (35 billion cubic feet)
of gas in a total of fourteen salt caverns at a depth of 2,400 metres. The
facility will be able to provide up to 5% of the UK's peak winter demand and
make a significant contribution to the security of UK gas supply.
We now look forward to submission of the environmental statement with the
planning and pipeline construction authorisation applications during the fourth
quarter of 2006. Assuming planning consent is granted during the summer of
2007, first gas could be delivered from storage to the UK market in the winter
of 2010 with full capacity being achieved during 2013.
The Company is already looking beyond the planning phase to the construction
phase and has recently appointed N M Rothschild & Sons as financial advisors to
Portland Gas Limited with the specific remit to advise on the project financing.
Oil and Gas Exploration
I am also pleased to report continued progress in our oil and gas exploration
business. The period has been one which has been dominated by drilling activity
with the Company operating three appraisal and exploration wells in its UK
portfolio. Hydrocarbons were encountered in all of these wells, continuing the
Company's excellent success rate with the drill-bit.
The Waddock Cross-3 well in Dorset confirmed the presence of oil and test rates
of up to 48 barrels of oil per day were achieved. A series of studies are
currently being completed to optimise the future development of the field which
is anticipated to commence during 2007.
The Kirkleatham-4 exploration well in Cleveland has been confirmed as a Permian
limestone gas discovery, having flowed at commercial rates of up to 5 million
cubic feet of gas per day. The well has been completed as a potential future
producer. A seismic programme was acquired at Kirkleatham during the summer to
enable the determination of the reserve potential of this discovery.
Development of the gas already proved by the well is being planned for the
winter of 2007.
The exploration well at Westerdale-1 in North Yorkshire confirmed the presence
of gas in Permian age limestones in what appears to be a subsidiary structure to
the 1966 Ralph Cross gas discovery. Additional work, to include a further
well, will be required to determine if the prospect can be developed
commercially and will be progressed during 2007.
A further non-operated well was also completed at Avington-3. This well, which
was cored, has provided valuable reservoir data and we look forward to the
drilling of the planned side-track as a potential production well during 2007.
Further development of the portfolio of oil and gas assets continued during the
year. The Company was awarded a 50% interest in a Promote Licence covering
offshore block 15/7 in the 23rd Seaward Licensing Round. The block, operated by
Nautical Petroleum plc, contains the Seahorse heavy oil discovery made by Texaco
in the 1970's. Your Company has also farmed out interests in PEDL071 and
PEDL141 where it will now have its costs carried on wells at Burton Agnes-1 and
Nooks Farm-2 with 25% and 46% interests retained respectively.
Proposed Demerger
Your Board has recognised the distinctive difference of the oil and gas
exploration and production business and the gas storage business and proposes to
demerge these businesses into two separate publicly-traded companies in early
The demerged companies will provide a focused use of capital and management
resources to maximise shareholder value. The demerged gas storage business will
exploit opportunities for UK and international growth in addition to the
construction of the Portland gas storage facility. The demerged oil & gas
business has a programme of field development and new exploration drilling
opportunities within the existing portfolio with the potential to add
significant value going forward. The demerger is expected to be undertaken via
a scheme of arrangement under section 425 of the Companies Act 1985. The final
timing will be dependent upon gaining HMRC approval in respect of our 2004 EIS
Operationally, the coming year will again be active with wells anticipated
during 2007 in the UK and France at Avington-3z, Burton Agnes-1, Grenade-3,
Holmwood-1 and on the Tees Prospect in block 42/27.
A key focus during the period will be the development of a revenue stream via
production from our discoveries at Waddock Cross, Avington and Kirkleatham.
The Company will continue to evaluate the exploration and development potential
of its licences and will look to strengthen its licence position through active
management of its existing portfolio and review of new opportunities within
focus areas. Opportunities for growth through acquisition will also be
The progress which has been achieved this year has significantly enhanced the
potential value of the Company, but this uplift is dependant to a great extent
on the successful outcome of the planning application for our gas storage
project. We have reached this critical phase in the company's development which
could not have been achieved without the significant effort from our management
team. I would, therefore, on behalf of the Board, like to pay tribute to our
two Managing Directors and their team for their hard work and endeavour.
We look forward to an exciting future as we proceed to the next stage of
development of your Company as two distinctive businesses and we thank
shareholders for their continued support.
The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in due course and
will contain Notice of the Annual General Meeting to be held on 15th December
2006. Copies will be available from the Company's office at Suite 2, 90-96 High
Street, Odiham, Hampshire RG29 1LP.
Philip Stephens
30 October 2006
egdon resources plc
consolidated profit and loss account
2006 2005
Notes £ £
Turnover 13,991 11,133
Cost of Sales (14,000) (9,674)
Gross (Loss)/Profit (9) 1,459
Administrative Expenses (931,503) (533,663)
Other Operating Income - Project Operator
Fees 247,708 80,877
Operating Loss (683,804) (451,327)
Interest Receivable 164,554 73,210
Interest Payable - (42,500)
Loss on Ordinary Activities before Taxation (519,250) (420,617)
Taxation on Loss on Ordinary Activities - -
Loss for the Year £(519,250) £(420,617)
Basic and diluted loss per share 1 (0.94)p (0.92)p
The consolidated profit and loss account has been prepared on the basis that all
operations are continuing. There were no recognised gains or losses other than
the loss for the year.
egdon resources plc
consolidated Balance sheet
as at 31 JUly 2006
2006 2005
Notes £ £
Fixed Assets
Intangible Assets 8,284,367 2,598,711
Tangible Assets 2,503 2,977
8,286,870 2,601,688
Current Assets
Debtors 1,037,403 232,859
Investments 1,506,190 2,044,580
Cash at Bank and in Hand 386,837 903,965
2,930,430 3,181,404
Creditors: due within one year (927,562) (105,598)
Net Current Assets 2,002,868 3,075,806
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 10,289,738 5,677,494
Provision for Liabilities (411,520) (93,500)
Net Assets £9,878,218 £5,583,994
Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital 571,499 515,950
Share Premium Account 2 8,625,530 3,867,605
Profit and Loss Account 2 681,189 1,200,439
Shareholders' Funds £9,878,218 £5,583,994
egdon resources plc
consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 july 2006
2006 2005
Notes £ £ £ £
Net cash outflow from operating activities 3 (705,598) (477,125)
Returns on investment and servicing of
Bank and investment interest receipts 164,554 73,210
Other interest paid - (42,500)
164,554 30,710
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets (5,326,500) (823,221)
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (1,448) (1,829)
(5,327,948) (825,050)
Net cash flow before use of liquid
And financing (5,868,992) (1,271,465)
Management of liquid resources
Decrease/(increase) in short term deposits 538,390 (2,044,580)
Proceeds from issue of Ordinary Shares 4,999,500 4,500,000
Costs associated with Share Issue (186,026) (482,395)
Repayment of Debentures - (350,000)
4,813,474 3,667,605
(Decrease)/increase in cash 4 £(517,128) £351,560
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement
in net funds
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (517,128) 351,560
Cash to repurchase debenture - 350,000
Cash to (decrease)/increase liquid (538,390) 2,044,580
Change in net funds (1,055,518) 2,746,140
Net funds at 1 August 2005 2,948,545 202,405
Net funds at 31 July 2006 £1,893,027 £2,948,545
2006 2005
£ £
Net loss for the financial year (519,250) (420,617)
Basic weighted average ordinary shares in
Issue during the year 55,110,604 45,718,262
Pence Pence
Basic loss per 1p ordinary share (0.94) (0.92)
The basic earnings per share has been calculated on the loss on ordinary
activities after taxation of £519,250 divided by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue of 55,110,604 during the period. At the year-end
options were in place over 2,000,000 shares. These share options are not
considered dilutive as their inclusion would decrease the loss per share. For
this reason a diluted earnings per share calculation is not required.
Share Profit and
Premium Loss
Group Account Account Total
£ £ £
At 1 August 2005 3,867,605 1,200,439 5,068,044
On shares issued in the year 4,943,951 - 4,943,951
Share issue costs (186,026) - (186,026)
Loss for the year - (519,250) (519,250)
At 31 July 2006 8,625,530 681,189 9,306,719
2006 2005
£ £
Operating loss for the year (683,804) (451,327)
Depreciation 1,922 3,012
Loss on disposal of intangible assets 40,844 -
(Increase) in debtors (804,544) (162,202)
Increase in creditors 421,964 68,692
Increase in provisions 318,020 64,700
(705,598) (477,125)
As at Cash Flow As at
1 August 31 July
2005 2006
£ £ £
Cash at bank and in hand 903,965 (517,128) 386,837
Current asset investments 2,044,580 (538,390) 1,506,190
2,948,545 (1,055,518) 1,893,027
The financial information set out in this announcement, which does not
constitute the statutory accounts of the Group, is extracted from the
consolidated audited statutory accounts for the year ended 31 July 2006, which
were approved by the Board on 30 October 2006. The auditors have reported on
those accounts in accordance with Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985, their
report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or
237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. The results have been prepared on the basis
of the accounting policies adopted in the statutory accounts for the year ended
31 July 2005. Accounting standards introduced since this date have had no
effect on the accounting treatment adopted. The statutory accounts for the year
ended 31 July 2005 have been delivered to the Register of Companies. Those for
2006 will be delivered to the Registrar after the Annual General Meeting which
is scheduled for 15 December 2006.
The preliminary announcement was approved by the Board on 30 October 2006
For further information please contact:
Egdon resources Plc 01256 702 292
Andrew Hindle, Joint Managing Director
Mark Abbott, Joint Managing Director
Buchanan Communications
Eric Burns 01943 883 990
Ben Willey 020 7466 5000
Seymour Pierce 020 7107 8000
Jonathan Wright
Company Background
Egdon is an established, UK-based energy company primarily focused on the
onshore UK. Egdon also has exploration interests in the offshore UK and France.
Egdon's shares are traded on the AIM market.
The Company is developing two distinctive businesses:
• An oil and gas exploration and production business which
has a portfolio of nineteen exploration licences containing identified oil and
gas prospects ranging from discoveries under appraisal through to higher risk
but higher reward 'wild-cat' exploration prospects.
• A gas storage business initially focused on the
development of a major salt cavern gas storage facility beneath the Isle of
Portland, Dorset.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange