Acqn Consideration -Amendment

Eleco PLC 2 January 2001 The issuer has made the following amendment to the Acquisition Consideration announcement released today at 12.56 under RNS No 5435W. The number of shares allotted on 15 December 2000 in respect of the acquisition of Forma Communications Limited was '1,820,000' and not '1,821,000' as previously shown. All other details remain unchanged. The full corrected version is shown below. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Addendum to Announcement Made on 18 December 2000 Re: Acquisition of Forma Communications Limited ('Forma') Part of the initial consideration for the acquisition of Forma was satisfied by the allotment of 1,820,000 Ordinary shares of 10p each in the company fully paid on 15 December 2000 ('New Shares'). Application have been made to admit the New Shares to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading through the London Stock Exchange. Dealings in the New Shares commenced on 15 December 2000.
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