Final Results

Empresaria Group PLC 24 April 2006 Empresaria Group plc Full Year Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2005 Strong UK growth boosts adjusted profits 60% as group expands overseas April 24, 2006: The AiM-quoted specialist staffing group Empresaria today announces a 60% increase in adjusted* pre-tax profits to £2.23 million for the year ended December 31, 2005. Headline profit before tax increased by 129% to £1.6 million. The group also reported strong trading during the early months of 2006. Revenues during 2005 climbed 19% to £54 million following moves into new markets in the US, Australia, China and South-East Asia. Although overseas revenues contributed less than 10% to overall sales for the year, the company said this exceeded expectations, and expects the figure to rise nearer to 20% during 2006. Chairman Tony Martin said: 'The year 2005 was one of continued growth for Empresaria in the UK and of specific development focus abroad -- in line with our strategy to develop an international specialist staffing group with revenues distributed across a range of economies, emerging staffing markets and industry sectors.' He added that the group is exploring a number of opportunities in industry sectors and countries where it does not currently operate. Empresaria moved on to AiM in November 2004 and has followed a strategy aimed at achieving consistent, balanced growth. In addition to overseas diversification, this has also seen a greater emphasis on temporary recruitment, which now accounts for about 55% of UK business. With adjusted* earning per share of 5.7p, up 36% and headline earnings per share of 3.1p, up 121%, the board is proposing a dividend of 0.45p (2004: 0.4p). For further information contact: Tony Martin, Chairman, Empresaria Group plc: 01293 649900 Miles Hunt, Chief Executive, Empresaria Group plc: 01293 649903 Nick Hall-Palmer, Group Finance Director, Empresaria Group plc: 01293 649906 Allan Piper, First City Financial Public Relations: 020 7436 7486 07736 064 982 *Figures based on underlying profits excluding goodwill amortisation and exceptional costs. In 2005 there were no exceptional costs. See note 7 for a reconciliation. Overview of Performance for 2005 £ 000's 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Turnover 54,060 45,430 29,367 22,902 18,938 Gross Profit 15,393 13,141 10,589 8,603 8,273 Total Operating Profit 1,914 1,067 817 709 732 Adjusted Operating Profit * 2,532 1,715 1,234 927 527 Adjusted Profit Before Tax * 2,225 1,390 1,113 830 487 Basic Earnings per share (pence) 3.12 1.38 1.85 0.4 1.1 Adjusted Earnings per share (pence) * 5.7 4.2 3.9 2.8 1.1 Dividend per share (pence) 0.45 0.40 0.375 0.25 0 * Figures based on underlying profits excluding goodwill amortisation and exceptional costs. See Note 7 for reconciliation. In 2005 there were no exceptional costs. Headlines • Revenues of £54m (2004: £45.4m) up 19%. • Gross profit of £15.4m (2004: £13.1m) up 17% • Profit before tax of £1.6m (2004: £0.7m) up 129% • Adjusted profit before tax* of £2.23m (2004: £1.39m) up 60% • Earnings per share of 3.12p (2004: 1.38p) up 126% • Adjusted earnings per share* 5.7p (2005 : 4.2p) up 36% • Adjusted operating profit on revenues 4.7% (2004: 3.8%) up 24% • Adjusted operating profit on gross profit 16.4% (2004: 13%) up 26% • Operating cash inflow £2.5m (2004: £2m) up 25% • Cash at bank at year end £2.4m (2004: £2.9m) • Net debt at year end £2.4m (2004: £1.6m) • Proposed dividend of 0.45p (2004: 0.4p) up 12.5% Operational highlights • Growth and development of existing businesses. • Entry into new markets: US, Australia, Japan, China, Indonesia and Thailand as well as more recent investment in Eastern Europe. • Start up operations in Japan and US exceeding expectations. • Board strengthened with the appointment of Penny Freer, as a non-executive director. Chairman's Statement Overview 2005 The year 2005 was a year of continued growth for Empresaria in the UK and of specific development focus abroad in line with our strategy to develop an international specialist staffing group with revenues distributed across a range of economies, emerging staffing markets and industry sectors. The core UK business continues to perform strongly and new businesses started or acquired during the course of 2005 exceeded expectations. The Group has made encouraging initial progress in obtaining access to new markets which is expected to accelerate during 2006. Financial performance Revenues for the year ended 31 December 2005 increased by 19% to £54m and net fee income (gross profit) increased 17% to £15.4m. A combination of rising revenues, increased operating efficiencies and reduced start up costs resulted in a growth in profit before tax (before goodwill amortisation and exceptionals) to £2.23m from £1.39m, a rise of 60%. Operating cash inflows were up 25% to £2.5m and, despite investing cash of £1.6m on acquisitions and start up operations during the year, cash at bank at the year end was £2.4m, only £0.5m down on 2004. Adjusted earnings per share (before amortisation of goodwill and exceptionals) increased by 36% to 5.7p (2004: 4.2p) with basic earnings per share (after deducting amortisation of goodwill and exceptionals) increasing 121% to 3.1p (2004: 1.4p). Corporate Development Empresaria has achieved a track record of consistent revenue and earnings growth over the course of its history since the late 1990s. The Group has adopted a strategy of balanced growth (combining organic, start up and acquisitive growth) with investment risk management (through diversifying across different specialist staffing market sectors). Central to this dual growth/risk management approach has been the philosophy of 'management equity', the concept that key, entrepreneurial people are attracted and motivated by the opportunity to acquire a meaningful stake in the companies they run. Each of the 26 operating companies in the Group is run by managers holding significant stakes in their companies or alternatively stakes in Empresaria itself. This philosophy extends to Group structure, which is totally de-centralised with autonomous managers running self-contained companies, enjoying high levels of commercial freedom combined with strict financial discipline and controls. Empresaria head office is kept deliberately small, focussing on financial management and Group development. It is the nature of this structure that creates increased operational economies of scale at the centre as the Group grows and enables the consequent underlying growth in net profit margins. As reported last year, the Group coincided its transfer from OFEX to AiM in November 2004 with an extension of existing strategy to include operations overseas. The rationale for this shift in development focus is a combination of gaining access to economies and staffing markets that are enjoying high growth rates and extending the risk management concept of diversification one stage further. It is the objective of the Board and the strategy of the Group to reposition Empresaria over the coming years as a truly international, growing specialist staffing business with revenues and profits broadly distributed across established and emerging staffing markets. With over £50m revenues being generated in the UK and with a continued focus on growing Empresaria's UK businesses, such a transformation requires accelerated investment in overseas markets. 2005 was a year in which a number of encouraging first steps were made. Gaining access to the high growth Japanese staffing market is already beginning to produce dividends with the Group's two Japanese operations expected to generate substantial organic growth in revenue and profit over the coming years. As well as Japan, the Group has made small but significant investments in the US, China, Australia, Indonesia and Thailand. Perhaps even more encouraging than these first investment steps made overseas in 2005 is the progress made during that time in investigating new markets, exploring and assessing in which countries the Empresaria approach might best succeed and establishing business networks that will enable the Group to take advantage of new opportunities as they emerge in the future. At the beginning of 2006 the Group announced further investment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Board The Empresaria board was strengthened in the year by the appointment of Penny Freer as non-executive director. Penny was formerly Head of Equities in London for Robert W Baird, the US Investment bank. The Board is now balanced with two executive directors, two non-executive directors and with myself as Chairman. Empresaria's people Empresaria is a growing and rapidly changing organisation. This in itself creates pressures and challenges on all those involved in driving both growth and change across the entire organisation. We wish to extend our appreciation for all their hard work and success. Current trading and prospects The economic forecasts for the markets where the Group operates are generally positive. The Group has started 2006 strongly in line with expectations. Empresaria's UK businesses currently perform ahead of 2005. The Group's overseas companies, particularly in Japan, have made an encouraging start to the year and it is anticipated that the share of Group revenues attributable to international operations is expected to rise sharply in 2006. The Board is exploring a number of opportunities in industry sectors and countries where the Group does not currently operate. Consequently, the Board anticipates a year of further significant progress towards achieving its objectives and developing a broad based international specialist staffing group. Tony Martin Chairman Chief Executive's Review Growth Our focus has been and remains on business growth combined with maintaining earnings stability and consistency through managing business risk. Over the past four years revenues have increased by an average of 30% annually, adjusted profit before tax by 46% and EPS by 50% on the same basis. We achieve this growth through a balance between organic growth, start ups and acquisitions. Organic growth Empresaria backs up its commitment to organic growth with financial priority given to developing existing operations where market conditions allow. The financial planning process ties into each company's strategic growth plans with cash generated by each business being considered first for the re-investment in new staff or expansion into new locations or markets. Illustrations of this approach being applied in practice include TRB (Creative and Design staffing) opening up a new office in Manchester, FastTrack (Construction and Property Services) developing new divisions covering the Security and Access Systems industries and Greycoat Placements (Domestic staffing) establishing a new international section focussing primarily on the US market. Start ups and acquisitions Following the decision to concentrate development efforts in international markets, corporate activity has centred on markets and territories where we believe we are able to achieve significant and sustainable long term growth. During the course of 2005 we have made the following investments overseas: US - Gerard Stewart: Gerard Stewart is an extension of an existing UK brand within the 'recruitment to recruitment' sector. The company was set up in Atlanta to provide staffing services to the US staffing industry. Empresaria acquired an initial 40% stake with an option to acquire a further 20% within three years. The new company has had a strong start and is expected to contribute to earnings in 2006. Australia, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand - Monroe Consulting Group. Monroe Consulting Group operates directly in Australia and Japan and through joint venture arrangements in Indonesia and Thailand. Empresaria acquired a 60% stake in Monroe Consulting in December 2005, too late in the year to have a material impact on group financial performance. The company focuses on a number of specialist markets, predominantly the IT, financial services and call centre industries. As well as providing temporary and permanent staffing services it offers clients a range of managed service solutions. The investment by Empresaria took the form primarily of a new share issue to pay down existing Monroe debt and fund future expansion. China - Aston HR Consulting. Aston HR Consulting was formed in December 2005 to acquire, alongside an experienced management team, an interest in a small existing HR outsourcing company based in Shanghai, Tian Yun Human Resources Co. Ltd. In the months following that initial investment we have managed to secure Government licences to provide a combination of staffing, training and HR outsourcing services within China and are now targeting new business with particular focus on the IT, financial services and FMCG sectors. Czech Republic and Slovakia - GIT Consult. We announced, following the year end, that we had acquired a 60% stake in GIT, a market leading Prague based IT staffing company with a second office in Bratislava. The investment made was a combination of consideration for acquiring shares and injection of development and working capital to fund growth. In addition we have continued to apply resource to developing the UK based businesses. In February 2005 we completed the acquisition of a 65% stake in TRB, a temporary and permanent staffing company operating within the creative and design market place under the MacPeople, WebPeople and CreativePeople brands. TRB has fitted well within the Group, has made a significant profit contribution in its first year as an Empresaria company and demonstrated the ambition and capability to generate strong organic growth. Sector overview The development of overseas operations followed the move to AiM in November 2004. Since that date we have made significant progress with the new overseas additions to the Group and expect them to make significant contribution to Group revenues in 2006, perhaps as high as 20%. If we make further acquisitions or invest in further start up operations then this percentage figure is expected to rise. It is therefore our intention in future years to report along geographical territory lines instead of by market sector. As the absolute percentage revenue contribution from overseas in 2005 was less than 10% this report for 2005 will focus on market sectors in what was still a predominantly UK based operation. Construction and Property Services Revenues in 2005 were £27.5m (2004: £24.8m) a rise of 11%. This encouraging performance was driven by strong organic growth within our FastTrack brand, with FastTrack management taking advantage of positive market conditions to increase fee earner headcount and develop new products (including new divisions to focus on the Security and Access Control industries). FastTrack is one of the top tier sector brands within the London area and is well placed to take advantage of the imminent development work planned in advance of the 2012 London Olympics. Specialist Brands Revenues in 2005 were £7.8m (2004: £3.1m) a rise of 152%. The increase was partly generated by the revenue contribution of TRB, acquired in February, but masks strong organic growth of 25% across the established companies within this reporting sector. Greycoat Placements continues to consolidate its position as the UK's principal domestic recruitment brand, and has increased headcount to take advantage of increased demand for its services and developed its own training operation, Greycoat Academy, to diversify revenue streams as well as increase candidate flow. McCall (recruitment to the recruitment industry) took advantage of positive trading conditions within the UK staffing sector and established new revenue streams in the areas of senior management recruitment and introductory brokerage for the sale and purchase of UK staffing companies. Supply Chain Revenues in 2005 were flat at £6.9m (2004 - £6.9m). DriveLink, our temporary driver staffing business continued to experience challenging market conditions. It continued its branch network development, acquiring More Driving, a small one branch operation based in Bournemouth as well as increasing headcount in its Northern branches. As the business increases its operating footprint across the UK the market opportunities and operating efficiencies are expected to increase, resulting in improved trading performance. Public Sector Revenues in 2005 were flat at £6.7m (2004 - £6.7m). Our Public Sector businesses experienced a year of two halves. The first half of 2005, as reported in September, was much stronger than expected. However, the tightening of the market in the second half, particularly within healthcare staffing, was pronounced and resulted in underperformance towards the end of the year. The brake placed on Government spending, particularly within the NHS, has created a degree of market uncertainty although there are still widespread opportunities for growth in this sector. It is encouraging to note that Healthcare First (allied healthcare recruitment) has recently been awarded a place on the NHS contract for allied healthcare professionals. Financial Services Revenues in 2005 were £3.6m (2004: £3.7m) a fall of 3%. Our Financial Services businesses experienced a degree of disruption and change in 2005 with management changes within both our banking and insurance staffing businesses. LMa (banking and asset management recruitment) failed to take advantage of positive market conditions. The issue was addressed and we have seen a rapid turnaround and improvement in trading performance in the first quarter of 2006. We expect a better result in the current year. International Revenues in 2005 were £1.2m (2004: £nil), the first year of the Group's international development plan. The large proportion of these revenues were generated by Skillhouse Staffing in Japan (IT and office support) following that company becoming a subsidiary of the group. The company, which commenced trading as a start up company at the end of 2004, has exceeded expectations both in terms of growth rates and absolute performance. The Japanese economy appears to be improving rapidly after many years of low or negative growth and the staffing market continues to outpace economic growth. We expect continued strong performance from our operations in Japan during 2006. Miles Hunt Chief Executive Financial Review Turnover Group turnover rose by 19% in the year. Gross margin The Group achieved a 28% gross margin in the year, compared with 29% in 2004. The reduction in gross margin reflects our stated aim of growing our temporary and contract revenue contribution. In 2005 55% of the Group's gross margin was generated by the temporary and contract businesses compared with 51% in 2004. As the contribution to gross margin from the temporary and contracts businesses increases, the overall gross margin percentage is expected to reduce further in the coming years. Profitability The Group uses adjusted profit before taxation (PBT) (as defined and calculated in note 7) as its principal measure of operating performance. Profits before tax are adjusted to remove the effects of goodwill amortisation and any exceptional costs or gains incurred during the year. There were no exceptional costs in 2005. Adjusted PBT for the year rose by 60% to £2.23m (2004: £1.39m) for the whole Group. Adjusted PBT from continuing operations rose by 52% to £2.23m (2004: £1.47m). The increase in the Group's operating margins is particularly encouraging. Adjusted operating margin on revenues grew by 24% to 4.7% (2004: 3.8%) and adjusted operating margin on net fee income grew by 26% to 16.4% (2004: 13.0%). This reflects improved productivity from our existing businesses, as well as the performance of acquired businesses. Taxation The effective rate of corporation tax to headline profit before tax has reduced from 47% in 2004 to 45% in 2005. The decrease is mainly due to reduction in losses, on which no corporation tax relief could be obtained. These losses remain unrelieved due to the group's share ownership structure, which leaves several companies outside the tax group. The effective rate of tax to adjusted profit before tax was 35% (2004: 31%). Deferred taxation has been provided on timing differences where required by FRS 19. Minority interests The Group's share of profit after tax rose from 57% in 2004 to 74% in 2005, reflecting a greater proportion of profits made in those more mature operating companies with lower minority interests. Earnings per share Earnings per share, adjusted for the effects of goodwill amortisation and exceptional costs, were 5.7 pence, an increase of 36% over 2004 (4.2 pence). The Group's weighted average issued share capital, as used to calculate EPS, increased by 29% during the year, as a result of the full year effect of the issue of shares when the Group listed on AiM in late 2004, together with shares issued during the course of the year to acquire new operations or increases the Group's holding in existing operations. Dividends The Directors have recommended the payment of a dividend of 0.45 pence per share, an increase of 12.5% over 2004 (0.4 pence). Acquisitions and disposals Acquisitions During the year the Group acquired three businesses and significantly increased its shareholding in three existing operations, as detailed below: Purchase of The Recruitment Business ('TRB') In February 2005, the Group acquired a 65% interest in TRB, a company specialising in the placement of temporary and permanent staff for roles including graphic and web designers, copywriters, typographers, art workers, Mac operators, studio managers and print buyers. The initial consideration was £1.3 million, which has been satisfied by £950,000 in cash and the balance in shares in Empresaria. The initial consideration included a payment, on a pound for pound basis, of £300,000 for the net cash within the business. Deferred consideration of up to £725,000 may be payable based on the operating profit and cash position of TRB in the two year period to 31 December 2006. Purchase of More Driving Limited In July 2005, the Group completed the acquisition of a 66% shareholding in More Driving Limited, a company based in Bournemouth providing contract drivers to the transport industry, for a consideration of £300,000, of which £260,000 was satisfied in cash and £40,000 satisfied by the issue of 63,191 ordinary shares in Empresaria Group plc. Purchase of Monroe Consulting Group In December 2005, the Group completed an investment of AUS$1.8m (£775,000) in two connected businesses, Monroe Consulting Group Pty Ltd ('MCG') and Monroe Consulting Group kk ('MCG KK'), acquiring a 60% shareholding in each company through the issue of new shares. The existing management team retains the remaining shareholding. Further deferred consideration of up to £850,000 may be payable in cash or shares at the Group's option based on the financial performance of the businesses in 2006 and 2007. Purchase of minority share holdings In July 2005, the Group acquired shares from the minority shareholders of Greycoat Placements limited and Social Work Associates Limited by issuing an aggregate 937,048 shares at a value of £595,000. Following the transaction, the Group held 82% of Greycoat Placements Limited and 100% of Social Work Associates Limited. In September 2005 the Group increased its effective interest in its Japanese operation, Skillhouse Staffing Solutions K.K, to 90% acquiring the outstanding 50% of the intermediate holding company, Interim Management International, from the Chairman Mr Tony Martin for a consideration of £345,000, paid in shares. Post year end purchases Following the end of the year, the Group purchased 60% of the share capital of Empresaria GIT Holdings Limited ('GIT') for an initial cash consideration of £90,000. GIT operates two small businesses in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, mainly supplying IT staff. The Group also acquired, through a special purpose vehicle, from SSR Personnel Services its operating division providing staffing services in the UK public sector for an initial cash consideration of £350,000. Intangible assets The carrying value of intangible assets in the Group Balance Sheet increased by £3.2m, from £4.8m to £8.0m. The major constituents of this increase arose from the acquisition of the Recruitment Businesses Limited, More Driving Limited and Monroe Consulting Group, together with the increase in the Group's shareholding in the three existing operations mentioned above. Goodwill is amortised over its useful economic life up to a maximum period of twenty years. The Directors regularly review the carrying value of goodwill for impairment. Treasury Management Cash Flow Net cash of £2.5m (2004 - £2m) was generated from operating activities during the year. After returns on investments and servicing of finance and taxation flows of £1m, the surplus was reduced to £1.5m. The Group spent £2m of cash on acquisitions and capital expenditure, resulting in a cash outflow before financing of £0.6m. In the year, the Group acquired further invoice discounting liabilities of £0.3m, resulting in an overall increase in net debt at the year end of £0.8m to £2.4m (2004: £1.6m). Cash Management The Group maintains a range of facilities appropriate to the funding of its strategy of expansion by a mixture of organic growth and acquisition. At the year end, the Group's financing arrangements comprised: • cash at bank of £2.4m; • an unutilised overdraft facility of £1.25m; • outstanding term loans of £1.6m repayable over the next three years; and • amounts owed in respect of factoring and invoice discounting agreements of £3.3m. The Group banks with HSBC Bank plc. Nick Hall-Palmer Group Finance Director Consolidated profit and loss account Year ended 31 December 2005 Notes 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 TURNOVER Existing operations 48,342 28,730 Acquisitions 5,718 14,991 Continuing operations 54,060 43,721 Discontinued operations - 1,709 Total turnover 54,060 45,430 Cost of sales (38,667) (32,289) GROSS PROFIT 15,393 13,141 Administrative expenses - normal (13,479) (11,771) - exceptional - (303) Total administrative expenses (13,479) (12,074) OPERATING PROFIT Existing operations 1,217 1,246 Acquisitions 697 - Continuing operations 1,914 1,246 Discontinued operations - (179) Total operating profit 1,914 1,067 Share of losses in Associated companies (44) - 1,870 1,067 Interest payable and similar charges (263) (325) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 1,607 742 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (726) (350) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 881 392 Equity minority interests (233) (169) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE MEMBERS OF EMPRESARIA GROUP PLC AND TRANSFERRED TO RESERVES 648 223 Earnings per share (pence) Basic and diluted 2 3.12 1.38 There are no recognised gains and losses for the current and preceding years other than as stated above. Accordingly no statement of total recognised gains and losses is presented. Following the adoption of FRS21 (Events after the balance sheet date), dividends have been restated to be recorded when approved. Consolidated balance sheet 31 December 2005 Note 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (Restated)* FIXED ASSETS Intangible assets 7,981 4,836 Tangible assets 535 284 Investment in associates 39 145 8,555 5,265 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 10,169 8,328 Cash at bank and in hand 2,405 2,921 12,574 11,249 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (10,992) (7,892) NET CURRENT ASSETS 1,582 3,357 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 10,137 8,622 CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year (1,449) (1,669) NET ASSETS 8,688 6,953 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 1,113 997 Other reserve 1,539 991 Share premium account 3,822 2,895 Profit and loss account 1,447 1,189 EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 7,921 6,072 Equity minority interests 767 881 8,688 6,953 * The dividend creditor has been restated following the introduction of FRS21 (Events after the balance sheet date). Consolidated cash flow statement Year ended 31 December 2005 2005 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 3 2,500 2,027 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (263) (325) Dividends paid to minority shareholders in subsidiary undertakings (196) (78) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (459) (403) Taxation - corporation tax paid (586) (297) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (413) (206) Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (413) (206) Acquisitions Purchase of businesses (1,993) (2,256) Cash acquired with subsidiary 462 - Investment in associates (21) - Net cash outflow from acquisitions (1,552) (2,256) Equity dividends paid (84) (59) Net cash outflow before financing (594) (1,194) Financing Issue of new shares - 2,257 Raising of long term loans - 1,000 Repayment of loan (238) (215) Increase in invoice discounting balances 316 67 Capital elements of hire purchase contracts - (2) Net cash inflow from financing 78 3,107 (Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (516) 1,913 NOTES 1. BASIS OF PREPARATION The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2005 and 2004, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2004 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2005 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under the Companies Act 1985, sections 237(2) or (3). 2. BASIC AND DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE 2005 2004 No. No. Ordinary shares of 5 pence (2004: 5 pence) each (weighted average) 20,798,075 16,127,987 £'000 Profit for the financial year 648 223 Based on current trading conditions, the directors are of the opinion that there would be no dilution to the earnings per share figure resulting from subsidiary minority shareholders trading up. 3. RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 1,914 1,067 Depreciation of tangible assets 262 272 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 73 - Amortisation of goodwill 618 346 Increase in debtors (433) (1,218) Increase in creditors 66 1,560 Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,500 2,027 4. ANALYSIS OF NET DEBT Other 1 January non-cash 31 December changes 2005 Cash flow 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 2,921 (516) - 2,405 Amounts owed to factors (2,700) (316) (286) (3,302) Long term loans due within one year (239) 14 - (225) Long term loans due after one year (1,549) 224 - (1,325) (1,567) (594) (286) (2,447) 5. ACQUISITIONS AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Acquisitions during the year contributed £329,000 to the group's net operating cash flows, paid £10,000 in respect of returns on investments and servicing of finance and utilised £23,000 for capital expenditure. As part of the acquisitions the group acquired additional factored debts of £286,000 which is a significant non-cash transaction. Discontinued operations contributed outflows of £nil (2004: £250,000) to the group's net operating cash flows, paid £ nil (2004: £63,000) in respect of returns on investments and servicing of finance and utilised £nil (2004: £39,000) for capital expenditure. 6 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS The annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2005 will be posted to shareholders shortly. Additional copies will be available from the Company Secretary at the Company's registered office Empresaria Group Plc, Peveril Court, 6-8 London Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 8JE. 7 RECONCILIATION OF STATUTORY FINANCIAL INFORMATION TO ADJUSTED INFORMATION INCLUDED WITHIN THE FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS A) All operations 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 1,914 1,067 Add back: Goodwill amortisation 618 345 Exceptional legal and professional costs - 101 Exceptional reorganisation costs - 67 Exceptional bad debt write off - 135 Adjusted operating profit 2,532 1,715 Share of loss in associated company (44) - Interest payable and similar charges (263) (325) Adjusted profit before tax 2,225 1,390 Taxation (*) (770) (427) Minority interests (*) (275) (288) Adjusted profit after tax and minority interests 1,180 675 Adjusted earnings per share (pence) 5.7 4.2 B) Continuing operations 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Operating profit - continuing operations 1,914 1,246 Add back: Goodwill amortisation 618 345 Exceptional legal and professional costs - 101 Exceptional reorganisation costs - 44 Adjusted operating profit - continuing operations 2,532 1,736 Share of loss in associated company (44) - Interest receivable and similar income - - Interest payable and similar charges (263) (263) Adjusted profit before tax - continuing operations 2,225 1,473 Taxation (*) (770) (455) Minority interests (*) (275) (288) Adjusted profit after tax and minority interests - continuing operations 1,180 730 Adjusted earnings per share (pence) - continuing operations 5.7 4.5 (*) - adjusted as necessary for tax and minority interest impact from goodwill amortisation and exceptional item adjustments. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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