Net Asset Value(s)

Net Asset Value(s)

Draper Esprit VCT plc (“the Company”)
LEI: 2138003I9Q1QPDSQ9Z97
Net Asset Value and portfolio
26 September 2019

The Company announces that its unaudited Net Asset Value (NAV) as at 31 August 2019 was 56.2p per Ordinary Share.

The investment portfolio and net assets of the Company, as at 31 August 2019, were as follows:

31 August 2019
movement in since
31 March 2019
% of portfolio
by value
Ten largest venture capital investments (by value)    
Fords Packaging Topco Limited2,433 6,979 - 15.42%
Access Intelligence plc2,886 4,539 (166)10.03%
Lyalvale Express Limited1,915 2,570 - 5.68%
StreetTeam Software Limited1,286 1,964 - 4.34%
IESO Digital Health Limited1,900 1,900 - 4.20%
Pod Point Holding Limited860 1,745 - 3.86%
Push Dr Limited1,556 1,556 - 3.44%
Endomagnetics Limited912 912 - 2.02%
Fulcrum Utility Services Limited386 853 (257)1.89%
Resolving Limited799 799 - 1.77%
Other venture capital investments    
Evonetix Limited793 793 - 1.75%
IXL PremFina Limited756 756 - 1.67%
Crowdcube Limited400 713 - 1.58%
Back Office Technology Limited700 700 - 1.55%
Roomex UK Limited616 616 - 1.36%
Cashfac plc260 525 - 1.16%
Apperio Limited500 500 - 1.11%
Hadean Supercomputing Limited400 400 - 0.88%
AppUx Limited326 326 - 0.72%
Light Blue Optics Limited311 311 - 0.69%
Macranet Limited1,037 259 - 0.57%
Servoca plc333 120 - 0.27%
Sift Limited125 42 - 0.09%
Location Sciences Group plc (formerly Proxama plc)860 9 2 0.02%
Kellan Group plc657 2 - -
Baldwin & Francis Limited1,534 - - -
AngloINFO Limited3,527 - - -
Uvenco UK plc1,326 - - -
The National Solicitors Network Limited501 - - -
Ridee Limited499 - - -
The QSS Group Limited268 - - -
RB Sport & Leisure Holdings plc188 - - -
Infoserve Group plc 128 - - -
EDO Consulting Limited (formerly Sift Digital Limited)125 - - -
Cash at bank and in hand 15,356 33.94%
Total investments 45,245 100.00%

Unaudited Balance Sheet
As at 31 August 2019

    31 Aug
  31 Mar
  £’000£’000 £’000£’000
Fixed assets       
Investments    29,889  28,678
Current assets       
Debtors  143  48 
Cash at bank and in hand  15,356  10,455 
   15,499  10,503 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year  (209)  (212) 
Net current assets   15,290  10,291
Net assets   45,179  38,969
Capital and reserves       
Called up share capital   4,022  3,436
Capital redemption reserve   608  599
Share premium account   6,388  -
Merger reserve   1,828  1,828
Special reserve   22,020  22,545
Capital reserve – unrealised   7,981  8,403
Capital reserve – realised   2,175  2,174
Revenue reserve   157  (16)
Total equity shareholders’ funds   45,179  38,969
Basic and diluted net asset value per share   56.2p  56.7p

UK 100