Director Shareholding

Enterprise Oil PLC 9 April 2001 NOTIFICATIONS UNDER THE LISTING RULES - DIRECTORS 16.3/c 1. ANNUAL AWARD UNDER THE ENTERPRISE OIL PROFIT SHARING SCHEME ('the Scheme') On 6 April 2001 the undermentioned directors of Enterprise Oil plc were each appropriated the undernoted ordinary shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company under the terms of the Scheme at a price of 552p. The shares are held by the trustees of the Scheme for a minimum 2 year retention period following which the directors may instruct the trustees to sell the shares on their behalf or transfer them into their own name. The shares are released from trust after three years. No consideration was payable for the appropriations. Name Number of Shares A R Armour 1,449 I G Craig 1,449 P H Jungels 1,449 A B Shilston 1,449 K P Watts 1,449 The above-noted directors' interests in the Company's ordinary shares have increased accordingly. 2. ANNUAL RELEASE UNDER THE SCHEME On 9 April 2001, following the termination of the three year retention period, the trustees of the Scheme transferred legal title to the undernoted ordinary shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company to the following directors: Name Number of Shares A R Armour 1,451 I G Craig 970 P H Jungels 1,451 A B Shilston 1,451 K P Watts 1,315 Each share has a locked in value of 551p and was originally allocated on 8 April 1998. None of the above-noted directors' beneficial holdings have been increased solely by reason of the vesting. 3. EXERCISE OF A SHARE OPTION BY A DIRECTOR On 6 April 2001 Dr A R Armour exercised an executive share option over 1,379 shares at an exercise price of 436p. 1,101 shares were sold (0.0002% of the issued class)at a price of 548.75p each and the balance were retained. Dr Armour's total beneficial holding following this notification is 7,596 ordinary shares (0.0015% of the issued class). These options would have expired on 13 April 2001 had they not been exercised. 4. AWARD OF SHARE OPTIONS On 6 April 2001, the following options over ordinary shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company were granted to the following executive directors at an exercise price of 558.10 pence per share. Name Number of Shares awarded Total Executive Share Options held under Option following this notification A R 27,799 239,626 Armour I G 48,019 217,346 Craig P H 34,330 426,030 Jungels A B 37,325 261,786 Shilston K P 35,529 250,554 Watts The options have been granted under the Enterprise Oil (1995) Unapproved Senior Executive Share Option Scheme, which requires the satisfaction of performance criteria before the options become capable of exercise. If the performance criteria are met, the options will become exercisable on 6 April 2004. They have a 10 year life. The options are granted over shares held by the Trustee of the Enterprise Oil Worldwide Employees Share Trust, registered in the name of State Street Nominees Limited account XB3Y. ENDS
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