Enterprise Oil operates Llano

Enterprise Oil PLC 17 May 2001 Enterprise Oil assumes operatorship of US Llano field Enterprise Oil today announced that Enterprise Oil Gulf of Mexico Inc a member of the Enterprise Oil group, has assumed operatorship of the Llano field in the US Gulf of Mexico from EEX subject to Minerals Management Service (MMS) approval. Enterprise Oil GOM is responsible for all future appraisal and development work on the Llano field located in Garden Banks Blocks 385 and 386. The deal has been agreed by co-venturers who have additionally balanced equity interests across both blocks with Enterprise GOM holding a 27.5 per cent interest in the field. Previously Enterprise GOM held a 30 per cent interest on Block 386 and a 25 per cent interest on Block 385. The forward programme for Llano includes an appraisal well to be spudded in June subject to MMS approval. The well will be drilled on the unappraised Block 385, to a depth of approximately 25,000 ft, with an anticipated completion date of October 2001. Concurrently a project team is examining the most appropriate development scheme for the field. Pierre Jungels, Chief-Executive Enterprise Oil commented: 'We are pleased Enterprise GOM is taking on the role of operator of the Llano field, and will be working in close association with our co-venturers. This will allow EEX to focus on exploration within the Greater Llano area, and Enterprise Oil GOM to press ahead with appraisal work on the field. The transfer of operatorship to Enterprise GOM has positive implications for both the Llano project and Enterprise GOM's profile in the US Gulf of Mexico Co-venturers interests in Block 385 and 386 are: Enterprise Oil Gulf of Mexico Inc. 27.5 per cent EEX Corporation 27.5 per cent PanCanadian Gulf of Mexico Inc. 22.5 per cent ExxonMobil 22.5 per cent Ends For further information please contact: Patrick d'Ancona, Head of Public Relations 020 7925 4160 Peter Reilly, Head of Investor Relations 020 7925 4476 Sucharita Sethi, Senior External Affairs Adviser 020 7925 4160 Chris Johnson, VP - Finance, Enterprise Oil Gulf of Mexico 00 1 713 970 2813 Inc Notes to Editors Llano was discovered in 1997 on Block GB 386 and encountered several high quality hydrocarbon bearing sands. An appraisal well was drilled in 1999, which proved the presence of hydrocarbons more than a mile away from the original discovery. A second appraisal well was drilled in August 2000 to a depth of 24,000 ft, and was suspended as a potential producing well. Both wells were drilled on GB 386. Enterprise Oil GOM acquired its interest in the Llano acreage through its 1997 agreement with EEX. Under the agreement, $65 million was committed towards EEX's exploration drilling costs in return for an immediate assignment of 50 per cent of EEX's deep-water portfolio.
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