("Essentra" or the "Company")
Essentra today announces the publication of a shareholder circular (the "Circular"), containing a notice convening a general meeting of the Company to be held at 2.00 p.m. (UK time) on Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at Slaughter and May, One Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8YY (the "General Meeting", and such notice, the "Notice of General Meeting").
The purpose of the General Meeting is to propose two special resolutions that require shareholder approval. These resolutions will allow the Company to better manage its future capital allocation through a tried and tested method. If passed, the resolutions will allow the Company to move its merger relief reserve from non-distributable reserves to distributable reserves, which requires an amendment to the articles of association of the Company, as well as Court sanction. There is no profit or cash impact as a result. It is purely a balance sheet reclassification.
Shareholders will shortly be sent a hard copy of the Circular or a notification in relation to the publication of the Circular on the Company's website (as relevant). In compliance with the Listing Rules, a copy of the Notice of General Meeting and will shortly be submitted to, and available for inspection on, the National Storage Mechanism at and on the Company's website at
Full details of the business of, and arrangements for, the General Meeting (including voting procedures) are contained in the Notice of General Meeting. This announcement is not a substitute for reading the Notice of General Meeting in full.
Essentra plc
Emma Reid
Company Secretary
T: +44 (0)1908 359 100