Result of AGM
Filtrona plc
26 April 2006
Filtrona plc
Results of the Annual General Meeting
Filtrona plc (the 'Company') held its first Annual General Meeting of its
shareholders today, Wednesday 26 April 2006 at 12 noon. The proxy voting
figures received are shown below.
No. Resolution
1 To receive and adopt the Report of the Directors, the Accounts for the year
ended 31 December 2005 and the Report of the Auditor thereon
Votes for/discretionary 143,738,842 99.56%
Votes against 632,697 0.44%
Total votes cast 144,371,539 100%
Votes withheld 434,147
Poll No
2 To receive and adopt the Report of the Remuneration Committee for the year
ended 31 December 2005
Votes for/discretionary 139,630,992 96.72%
Votes against 4,740,162 3.28%
Total votes cast 144,371,154 100%
Votes withheld 434,532
Poll No
3 To declare a final dividend of 4.27p per share for the year ended 31 December
Votes for/discretionary 144,380,702 100%
Votes against 1,082 -
Total votes cast 144,381,784 100%
Votes withheld 423,902
Poll No
4 To re-elect Mark Harper as a Director of the Company
Votes for/discretionary 143,345,802 99.28%
Votes against 1,035,508 0.72%
Total votes cast 144,381,310 100%
Votes withheld 424,376
Poll No
5 To re-elect Steve Dryden as a Director of the Company
Votes for/discretionary 143,347,146 99.28%
Votes against 1,034,164 0.72%
Total votes cast 144,381,310 100%
Votes withheld 424,376
Poll No
6 To re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc as auditors and to authorise the Directors to
fix their remuneration
Votes for/discretionary 143,354,924 99.29%
Votes against 1,024,235 0.71%
Total votes cast 144,379,159 100%
Votes withheld 426,527
Poll No
7 To authorise the Directors to allot relevant securities
Votes for/discretionary 142,205,487 98.50%
Votes against 2,171,086 1.50%
Total votes cast 144,376,573 100%
Votes withheld 429,113
Poll No
8 To authorise the Directors to modify pre-emption rights
Votes for/discretionary 142,421,681 99.99%
Votes against 18,663 0.01%
Total votes cast 142,440,344 100%
Votes withheld 2,365,342
Poll No
9 To authorise the Company to make market purchases of its own shares
Votes for/discretionary 144,365,000 99.99%
Votes against 14,087 0.01%
Total votes cast 144,379,087 100%
Votes withheld 426,599
Poll No
Number of shareholders at meeting date: 4,913
Issued share capital at meeting date: 219,326,796 ordinary shares of 25p each
Number of votes per share: 1
All the Resolutions proposed at the Meeting as set out in the Notice of Meeting
(a copy of which is available on our website at were passed
on a show of hands.
Two copies of the resolutions passed will be submitted to the UK Listing
Authority and will be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's
Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at:
Financial Services Authority
25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS
Name of contact and telephone number for queries -Shanny Looi
Telephone: 01908 359 100
Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this
Jon Green, Company Secretary
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange