Discovery confirmed in KolaJV

Eurasia Mining PLC 08 August 2007 Eurasia Mining plc ('Eurasia Mining' or the 'Company') Discovery confirmed in Kola JV with Anglo Platinum Eurasia is pleased to announce further confirmation of a platinum group metals (PGM) discovery on the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia. Anglo Platinum, the world's largest primary platinum producer is funding the exploration programs up to US$10million and these results complement the two previously announced discoveries in areas covered by the joint venture. Confirmation of the discovery on the Monchetundra licence follows completion of 2,339 metres of drilling in 12 holes to the end of July. Platinum grades of up to 10.7 grams per tonne (g/t) and palladium of up to 2.88 g/t were identified within a one metre section of the mineralised zone measuring 17 metres in thickness. Eurasia Managing Director Christian Schaffalitzky said: 'We are of course delighted by these latest results which confirm an continuation of the mineralised zone identified in our initial Monchetundra discovery. We are now drilling to seek further extensions.' Drilling work is also continuing on the neighbouring Volchetundra licence, and by the end of July a total of 851 metres was completed in four holes to follow up the initial discovery announced in March 2007. The holes have yet to be assayed but summary logging indicates the mineralised zone appears to continue both along strike and down dip. Eurasia's joint venture with Anglo Platinum covers the Monchetundra, Volchetundra and West Imandra licences which together cover a total of 450 sq km on the Kola Peninsula. The licences lie on an extension of a geological trend where the Canadian groups Barrick Gold and Consolidated Puma Minerals Corporation are carrying out advanced exploration and feasibility studies on nearby deposits.. Results from the earlier discoveries on the Volchetundra and Monchetundra licences showed the presence of platinum and palladium with grades of up to 11 grams per tonne. Initial appraisal work is also under way at West Imandra. The technical information and opinions contained in this announcement have been reviewed by Christian Schaffalitzky, the Company's Managing Director who is a Professional Geologist and Chartered Engineer and a member of the Institute of Materials Metals and Mining and the Institute of Geologists of Ireland. For further information contact: Christian Schaffalitzky, Michael Martineau or Michael de Villiers, Eurasia Mining Plc: +44 (0) 20 7495 4877 Laurie Beevers, W H Ireland: +44 (0) 7903 164 004 Allan Piper, First City Financial Public Relations: +44 (0) 20 7242 2666 Nicholas Bealer, King & Shaxson Capital Limited +44 (0) 20 7426 5975 Background details follow: Detailed drill results Confirmation of the discovery on the Monchetundra licence follows completion of 2,339 metres of drilling in 12 holes to the end of July. Of these, three holes intersected the mineralised zone, the best hole (MT-38) intersecting, 17 metres grading 3.2 grams per tonne (g/t) platinum and palladium, where the Pt:Pd ratio is 1:1.5. Significantly, two high grade zones were also identified within this section, with 1 metre grading 8.8 g/t Pt and 2.05 g/t Pd, with a second 1 metre interval grading 2.88 g/t Pt and 10.7 g/t Pd. These high grade intervals indicate a potential new target with a different strike and dip from the original discovery. The other drillholes were testing other parts of the belt and did not give any significant grades. Details of MT-38 are provided in Appendix 1, along with MT-39 which had a mineralised interval of 5.5 metres with 1.37 g/t Pt+Pd, at a ration of 1:2.2, and MT-18, with a 15.6 metre intercept at 1.2g/t Pt+Pd. On the neighbouring Volchetundra licence, Eurasia has contracted a drill rig mounted on a tracked, all-terrain vehicle to cope with the hilly conditions. It is capable of potentially completing 2,000 metres per month and to work through the winter, and will allow planned completion of some 3,000 metres of drilling this year. DRILL HOLE MT-38 Interval Thick Pt g/t Pd g/t Pt+ Pd/Pt Pt + Pd ratio ness Pd From to 128,7 129,6 0,90 0,025 0,08 0,11 129,6 130,7 1,10 0,30 0,51 0,81 1,70 130,7 131,7 1,00 0,2 0,38 0,61 1,65 131,7 132,7 1,00 0,6 0,90 1,54 1,41 132,7 133,7 1,00 0,5 0,74 1,21 1,57 133,7 134,7 1,00 0,8 0,82 1,63 1,01 134,7 135,7 1,00 1,4 1,91 3,27 1,40 17m @ 135,7 136,7 1,00 1,2 1,78 3,00 1,46 3.2g/t 136,7 137,7 1,00 8,8 2,05 10,83 0,23 137,7 138,7 1,00 1,4 2,05 3,49 1,42 138,7 139,7 1,00 2,40 3,50 5,90 1,46 139,7 140,7 1,00 1,6 2,32 3,92 1,45 140,7 141,7 1,00 0,5 0,62 1,09 1,32 141,7 142,7 1,00 0,8 1,05 1,82 1,36 142,7 143,7 1,00 0,48 0,71 1,19 1,48 143,7 144,7 1,00 0,1 0,23 0,36 1,77 144,7 145,7 1,00 0,39 0,52 0,91 1,33 145,7 146,7 1,00 2,88 10,7 13,58 3,72 146,7 147,7 1,00 0,025 0,08 0,11 DRILL HOLE MT-39 Interval, m Thick- Pt Pd Pt+Pd Pd/Pt Pt + ratio Pd ness m g/t g/t g/t From to 42,20 43,10 0,90 0,03 0,08 0,11 43,10 43,90 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04 43,90 44,90 1,00 1,10 1,99 3,09 1,8 2.8 g 44,90 45,90 1,00 0,86 1,46 2,32 1,7 /t /5 45,90 46,90 1,00 1,30 2,48 3,78 1,9 m 46,90 47,90 1,00 1,04 1,86 2,90 1,8 47,90 48,90 1,00 0,83 1,31 2,14 1,6 48,90 50,30 1,40 0,03 0,07 0,10 61,30 62,00 0,70 0,14 0,39 0,53 2,8 1.2 g 62,00 62,80 0,80 0,61 1,15 1,76 1,9 /t / 62,80 63,30 0,50 0,03 0,14 0,17 7.0 m 63,30 64,30 1,00 0,10 0,36 0,46 3,6 64,30 64,80 0,50 0,09 0,35 0,44 3,9 64,80 65,40 0,60 0,53 1,11 1,64 2,1 65,40 66,30 0,90 0,51 0,79 1,30 1,5 66,30 67,30 1,00 0,46 0,81 1,27 1,8 67,30 68,30 1,00 0,89 1,64 2,53 1,8 68,30 69,10 0,80 0,03 0,07 0,10 69,10 70,00 0,90 0,03 0,03 0,06 70,00 71,00 1,00 0,03 0,01 0,04 71,00 71,50 0,50 0,26 0,57 0,83 2,2 71,50 72,50 1,00 0,40 0,78 1,18 2,0 72,50 73,50 1,00 0,27 0,50 0,77 1,9 73,50 74,50 1,00 0,25 0,49 0,74 2,0 74,50 75,50 1,00 0,32 0,74 1,06 2,3 75,50 76,5 1,00 0,03 0,28 0,31 76,50 77,40 0,90 0,03 0,21 0,24 77,40 78,30 0,90 0,35 0,67 1,02 1,9 78,30 79,10 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04 79,10 79,90 0,80 1,16 2,06 3,22 1,8 79,90 80,80 0,90 0,03 0,05 0,08 80,80 81,70 0,90 0,03 0,02 0,05 81,70 82,40 0,70 0,03 0,32 0,35 82,40 83,30 0,90 0,03 0,06 0,09 83,30 84,30 1,00 0,29 0,67 0,96 2,3 84,30 85,20 0,90 0,42 1,18 1,60 2,8 85,20 86,80 1,60 0,06 0,22 0,28 3,7 86,80 87,80 1,00 0,09 0,35 0,44 3,9 87,80 88,40 0,60 0,54 1,48 2,02 2,7 88,40 89,40 1,00 0,21 0,52 0,73 2,5 89,40 90,10 0,70 0,14 0,39 0,53 2,8 90,10 91,20 1,10 0,31 0,61 0,92 2,0 91,20 92,40 1,20 0,03 0,05 0,08 92,40 93,60 1,20 0,15 0,18 0,33 1,2 93,60 94,60 1,00 0,15 0,48 0,63 3,2 94,60 95,60 1,00 0,11 0,36 0,47 3,3 95,60 96,10 0,50 0,03 0,12 0,15 96,10 96,90 0,80 1,70 3,46 5,16 2,0 1.0 g 96,90 98,20 1,30 0,03 0,01 0,04 /t / 98,20 99,20 1,00 0,20 0,30 0,50 1,5 10.8 99,20 100,30 1,10 0,31 0,91 1,22 2,9 m 100,30 101,10 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04 101,10 102,00 0,90 0,36 0,62 0,98 1,7 102,00 102,80 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04 102,80 103,40 0,60 0,63 1,11 1,74 1,8 103,40 103,80 0,40 0,03 0,10 0,13 103,80 105,00 1,20 0,03 0,01 0,04 105,00 106,00 1,00 0,38 0,77 1,15 2,0 106,00 106,90 0,90 0,35 0,91 1,26 2,6 106,90 107,70 0,80 0,33 0,46 0,79 1,4 107,70 108,70 1,00 0,11 0,15 0,26 1,4 108,70 109,70 1,00 0,03 0,01 0,04 109,70 110,90 1,20 0,03 0,01 0,04 110,90 111,40 0,50 0,03 0,04 0,07 111,40 112,40 1,00 0,03 0,01 0,04 112,40 113,70 1,30 0,03 0,04 0,07 113,70 114,90 1,20 0,03 0,02 0,05 114,90 116,10 1,20 0,07 0,14 0,21 2,0 116,10 117,10 1,00 0,03 0,17 0,20 117,10 118,10 1,00 0,06 0,23 0,29 3,8 118,10 119,10 1,00 0,20 0,39 0,59 2,0 119,10 120,10 1,00 0,09 0,16 0,25 1,8 120,10 121,00 0,90 0,06 0,12 0,18 2,0 121,00 121,60 0,60 0,03 0,02 0,05 121,60 122,40 0,80 0,03 0,02 0,05 122,40 123,40 1,00 0,03 0,08 0,11 123,40 124,80 1,40 0,03 0,06 0,09 124,80 125,50 0,70 0,84 2,33 3,17 2,8 1,0/ 125,50 126,50 1,00 0,16 0,36 0,52 2,3 3,5 126,50 127,30 0,80 0,03 0,01 0,04 127,30 127,80 0,50 0,19 0,25 0,44 1,3 127,80 128,30 0,50 0,27 0,45 0,72 1,7 128,30 129,30 1,00 0,07 0,31 0,38 4,4 129,30 130,30 1,00 0,10 0,21 0,31 2,1 130,30 131,30 1,00 0,17 0,91 1,08 5,4 131,30 132,30 1,00 0,07 0,17 0,24 2,4 132,30 133,30 1,00 0,06 0,09 0,15 1,5 133,30 134,20 0,90 0,18 0,36 0,54 2,0 134,20 135,2 1,00 0,12 0,31 0,43 2,6 DRILL HOLE MT-18 Interval, m Thickness m Pt+ Pd/Pt Pt + Pd Pt Pd Pd g/t g/t g/t From to 23,00 24,00 1,00 0,025 0,01 0,04 24,00 24,90 0,90 0,24 0,34 0,58 1,42 24,90 25,70 0,80 0,64 0,94 1,58 1,47 25,70 26,50 0,80 0,48 0,61 1,09 1,27 26,50 27,50 1,00 0,41 0,52 0,93 1,27 27,50 28,70 1,20 0,63 0,81 1,44 1,29 28,70 30,00 1,30 0,42 0,69 1,11 1,64 30,00 30,60 0,60 0,32 0,61 0,93 1,91 30,60 31,60 1,00 0,51 1,09 1,60 2,14 15.6 m @ 31,60 32,60 1,00 0,57 1,36 1,93 2,39 1.2 g/t 32,60 33,60 1,00 0,66 0,88 1,54 1,33 33,60 34,60 1,00 0,49 0,88 1,37 1,80 34,60 35,60 1,00 0,53 0,84 1,37 1,58 35,60 36,60 1,00 0,41 0,53 0,94 1,29 36,60 37,60 1,00 0,35 0,46 0,81 1,31 37,60 38,6 1,00 0,30 0,44 0,74 1,47 38,6 39,60 1,00 0,29 0,53 0,82 1,83 39,60 40,60 1,00 0,025 0,05 0,08 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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