New Executive Deputy Chairman
Eurasia Mining PLC
6 February 2001
* Dr Michael Martineau appointed Executive Deputy Chairman
* New Geographic PGM Exploration Diversification Strategy
* Continuing Progress in PGM's in Urals
The Board of Eurasia Mining PLC is pleased to announce that Dr Michael
Martineau assumed the position of Executive Deputy Chairman with effect from
1st February 2001. Mr Andrew Counsell, the founder of the Company, steps down
as Managing Director and will remain as a Non-Executive Director and
Consultant to the Company.
The Company also announces that it plans to accelerate its platinum and
palladium exploration in Russia both on its own and in joint venture. Whilst
the Company will continue to focus the majority of its efforts on its existing
assets and opportunities in the Urals, which include its joint venture with
Anglo Platinum on platinum alluvials and tailings, the Company is also
reviewing opportunities in other countries. Over recent months, several
opportunities have been assessed including ones in South Africa, where
negotiations on prospective properties are currently ongoing.
In commenting on the changes, Mr John Mitchell, Chairman, stated that 'We are
delighted to have secured the services of Michael Martineau, a well respected
exploration and mining executive who has been charged with optimising the
assets of the company while at the same time seeking global exploration
opportunities in Platinum Group Metals.
The initiative and support for this change by the Company's founder, Andrew
Counsell, is to be commended and we are delighted that he will continue to
assist in the growth of the company both in Russia and elsewhere.
I would also like to record on behalf of the Board, our appreciation for the
tremendous contribution Andrew Counsell has made to the company since he
founded it in 1993.'
Dr Martineau, MA, D Phil, FIMM, aged 56, has a First Class Honours degree and
a Doctorate in Geology from Oxford University and has spent 30 years in the
mining and minerals industry. He was in charge of global exploration for BP
Minerals International later becoming Exploration Director of its Australian
listed subsidiary, Seltrust. In 1987 he joined Cluff Resources PLC, as
Director Minerals and Managing Director of Cluff Mineral Exploration Limited.
In 1989 he founded Samax Resources, which he listed on the Toronto Stock
Exchange in 1996 and which was acquired by Ashanti Goldfields in 1998 for
US$140 million. He was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Ashanti
Goldfields Co Ltd in 2000.
In connection with the appointment of Dr Martineau as Executive Deputy
Chairman, the Board advises that options were granted to him on 5 February
2001 to the extent of:
225,000 10 year share exercisable after 1 (Executive Share Option
options year Scheme)
225,000 10 year share exercisable after 2 (Executive Share Option
options years Scheme)
300,000 4 years share exercisable after 2
options years
The exercise price of these share options is 30 pence per share and compares
with a share price of the Company of around 26 pence at the time the above
terms were proposed and agreed in principle, subject to Board approval.
The Board also advises that Mr A Counsell has been allocated 100,000 ordinary
shares of 5 pence each on 5 February 2001 at 30 pence per share in part
consideration of agreed remuneration arrangements, increasing his interest in
shares in Eurasia Mining PLC to 396,667 or 1.42% of the issued capital, which
now stands at 27,938,838 ordinary 5 pence shares.
06 February 2001
Quotation: Alternative Investment Market, London Stock Exchange
Code: EUA
Web Site:
For further information please contact:
John Mitchell, Chairman Tel: +44 20 7976 1233
John Molyneux, WH Ireland Tel: +44 20 7648 5224