Positive Exploration Results at Baronskoye

Eurasia Mining PLC 8 December 1999 Eurasia Mining Plc announces Positive Regional Exploration Results at Baronskoye Sampling at Baronskoye, the Eurasia Mining PLC open cut PGM project in the Urals Mountains has indicated much greater high grade potential than had been expected. Stream sediment sampling conducted during the summer well beyond the discovery area at the Baronskoye Platinum Group Metals and Gold Project indicates the potential for additional mineralised zones within the licensed area which totals 35 square kilometres. Samples from the Orulikha River returned values up to 1.22 g/t Platinum and 1.48 g/t Gold. The Orulikha River drains across the highly prospective northerly extension of the Baronskoye Zone nearly 2.0 km north of the discovery area which returned values up to 21.6 g/t PGM + 4.6 g/t Au from surface trenching. The precious metal values in Orulikha sediments downstream from the projected Baronskoye Zone clearly indicate the potential for good grade surface mineralisation well north of the discovery area. The stream sediment sampling was conducted in parallel with an extensive surface sampling and mapping programme undertaken during the summer. Surface sampling, totalling almost 1000 samples, has been undertaken systematically over an area measuring 6.0 km in length and 1 km in width. The purpose is to define extensions and repetitions of the previously defined ore zone as a preliminary to the next stage of drilling. The samples are now in the process of preparation for export and analysis. Results are expected early in the new year. The target of planned drilling at Baronskoye is to block out near surface reserves to underpin rapid establishment of Platinum Group Metal and Gold production. Listing: Alternative Investment Market, London Stock Exchange Code: EUA Web Site: www.eurasia-mining.plc.uk Email: eurasiamining@compuserve.com For further information please contact: Andrew Counsell, Managing Director Tel: +44 171 976 1222 Paddy Manning, The Paddy Manning Company Tel: +44 171 930 0777 14-16 REGENT STREET, LONDON SW1Y 4PH TEL: 44 171 976 1222 FAX: 44 171 976 1422 HEAD OFFICE AND REGISTERED OFFICE COMPANY NO: 3010091
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