Final Results

European Motor Hldgs PLC 28 April 2004 EUROPEAN MOTOR HOLDINGS plc ("EMH") Preliminary results for the year ended 29 February 2004 EMH, consistently one of the UK's most profitable quoted motor retail groups, announces record results for the year ended 29 February 2004. Highlights: •Profit before tax up 27% to £16.8 million •Profit before exceptional items, goodwill amortisation and tax increased by 24% to £13.9 million •Earnings per share up 27% to 23.2p •Dividends up 13% to 8.5 pence per share •Net funds of £13.0 million as at 29 February 2004 •New financial year started well with a record motor retail performance in March Commenting on these results, chief executive Richard Palmer said: "EMH has delivered another set of record results, achieving substantial increases in profits, earnings per share and dividend. We have significantly strengthened our franchise portfolio and have ended the financial year with a strong cash position. We look forward to another successful year which has started with a record March performance." Enquiries: Richard Palmer Chief Executive European Motor Holdings plc Ann Wilson Finance Director European Motor Holdings plc Morning: Biddick Associates 020 7448 1000 Afternoon: European Motor Holdings plc 01491 413399 Chief Executive's statement European Motor Holdings plc performed extremely well in the year ended 29 February 2004. In the period, turnover was up by 14% to £490 million. The profit before tax for the Group rose 27% from £13.2 million to £16.8 million and earnings per share increased from 18.2 pence per share to 23.2 pence per share. Our reported profit before taxation included exceptional profits on the disposal of surplus properties and businesses of £3.0 million this year and £2.0 million last year. Excluding these exceptional items and goodwill amortisation, our profits rose from £11.2 million to £13.9 million, an increase of 24%, with earnings per share on this basis rising from 14.3 pence per share to 17.7 pence per share. At the year end, net cash stood at £13.0 million and net assets per share had risen to 121.7 pence per share. We remain the most profitable quoted UK motor group based on return on sales and have further improved our performance again this year. Trading Within our motor retail division, operating profit before goodwill amortisation increased by 27% from £11.9 million to £15.1 million. Our return on sales based on operating profit increased from 2.9% to 3.2%. In the calendar year 2003, car sales in the UK increased to a new record level of 2.58 million units. This level of sales continued to be fuelled by interest rates and new vehicle prices which have both remained at relatively low levels throughout the year. The growth in national registrations in our financial year for our key franchises of 3% has again outstripped growth for all makes of 2%. On a like for like basis, we achieved a growth level in our key franchises of 10%, which was significantly better than the national picture. Our businesses continue to offer high levels of customer service in both their sales and after sales departments. Outstanding customer service levels were achieved within our Audi, BMW, Jaguar and Volvo businesses. We believe firmly that good customer service leads to higher levels of profitability and remain committed to continuing to focus on this area. The profitability achieved within each of our key franchises improved on the previous year as a result of both operational efficiencies and the acquisitions that we made in this and the previous year. We have also benefited from the introduction of several new models from our manufacturer partners: most notably the Audi A8 and A3, the BMW '5' series, the Jaguar 'XJ' range and 'X' type diesel, the Volkswagen Touareg and Mark 5 Golf and the new Volvo S40. Our continuing BMW and Mini operations generated very strong performances for the year, with second half BMW margins improving over the first half due to new product introductions and a more orderly market. Our registrations for these franchises on a like for like basis were 13% up on the previous financial year compared with 9% nationally and, overall, including new businesses, registrations were up by 54% for BMW and 57% for Mini. Our BMW performance was aided by the introduction of the new '5' series saloon which has proven to be very successful. The BMW and Mini operation in Stockton acquired in February 2003 made a significant contribution in the period. Our Premier Automotive Group operations had a very good year with our continuing Jaguar dealerships in particular achieving a significant improvement in profitability. This was mainly due to the increasing maturity of these businesses where our after sales operations continue to grow. Our existing Land Rover business moved forward with an excellent used vehicle performance. In October 2003 we acquired major Jaguar and Land Rover businesses in Preston for £2.7 million and £2.4 million respectively. We are very encouraged by the performance of these businesses, which have made a positive contribution since acquisition. Our Volvo operations suffered some mild disruption in the second half of the year with the sale of one business and the relocation of our Newcastle operations to a new facility in the centre of the city. This had an effect on the performance for the year, but we now have excellent representation in our market area in the North East of England and expect to make further progress this year. Our Audi centres performed extremely well during the whole period with their profitability improving year on year. For Volkswagen, the first half proved difficult due to margin erosion on the run out of the Mark 4 Golf and a weak economic environment in London where some of our operations are based. However, we achieved a significant improvement in the second half due to the increasing maturity of the businesses we opened and acquired last year and as a result of the availability from Volkswagen of a number of vehicles at advantageous prices. The new Mark 5 Golf was available in certain derivatives towards the end of the financial year and we look forward in the current year to further expansion of the model line up for this vehicle. During the period we made a number of disposals, including our Park Royal property which had previously housed our Mercedes-Benz franchise. We sold this property for £8.3 million, generating an exceptional profit of £ 2.8 million. We also disposed of our loss making Vauxhall business in Heathrow; this resulted in an exceptional profit of £0.1 million. In December we withdrew from the Leeds market for Volvo and generated a small exceptional profit on this disposal. Our Motor Services Division had another good year, with operating profits increasing by 17%. An excellent performance in sales, where we achieved 16% growth in equipment sales, was offset by the impact of a less favourable Euro exchange rate on our machine purchases. The service department also performed well and we increased by 12% the number of machines under contract with our major customers, which include oil companies, supermarkets and motor dealers. Our retail washing operations have shown a large improvement in the period and operating losses are now minimal. Actions we have taken will, we believe, result in a further improvement in this area next year. Overall, Wilcomatic has made a very good contribution to the results of the Group during this period. Business development In January we acquired land in Durham where we will construct a facility to house a new BMW and Mini operation which will open early next year. This business will complement our existing contiguous territory which stretches from York and Malton in North Yorkshire through Stockton to Sunderland. We are obviously delighted to have been given this new opportunity by BMW and Mini and believe that we will continue to make a major contribution to the growth of these brands in the North East of England. During the year we also successfully transferred our Mini operation in York into a stand alone dealership and, in line with BMW group policy and as a result of the rapid growth of the franchises, will be relocating our other Mini businesses into separate facilities in due course. As detailed above, we have acquired certain Premier Automotive Group businesses during the year. We remain keen to continue to expand with these franchises and hope to do so in the coming period. I am delighted to confirm that we have agreed our future position with Audi. We have recently been confirmed as Audi's preferred candidate for a market area in the West of England in which we already represent the franchise at one location. Audi's proposal is that we should expand within this territory by acquiring other existing businesses and establishing new sites. We hope to make progress on this during the current financial year. In the coming months we expect to divest two of our existing three Audi operations which form part of market areas for other Audi partners. We are very happy with the outcome of the discussions that have taken place with Audi over the last eighteen months and can now look forward to our future with this franchise with more certainty. I stated previously that our Volkswagen businesses have had a difficult year. During the coming months we will probably sell two of our existing businesses as part of Volkswagen's restructuring of the dealer network into market areas. However, we remain totally committed to the brand and to bringing the level of return which is seen in our other franchises to the Group's Volkswagen operations. We are in regular discussions with our manufacturer partner in order to identify areas which will assist us to achieve this goal and, as indicated above, progress has already been made. As a result of our relationship with the Volkswagen group, we were introduced to Bentley last year which was seeking sales representation in the North East of England. We were subsequently granted this prestigious franchise and our operation, based at Silverlink, Newcastle, opened on 1 March 2004. The performance of this business to date has been extremely good and the launch of the Continental GT has meant that we have started trading with a long order book. That, together with further new models expected in 2005 and beyond, will ensure an exciting future for this new operation. Our partners' products are key to our success and during our current financial year we will benefit from the launches of the following models: the new Audi A6 and A3 Sportback, the BMW '1' Series, X3 and '6' Series, the Jaguar 'S' type diesel, the new Land Rover Discovery, the Mini convertible and the Volvo V50. We are sure that these new products will continue to stimulate consumer demand for the brands we represent. In the next few months we expect to acquire land and develop another auction business which will complement our existing auction operations in Telford and Queensferry. In October 2003, the new Block Exemption regime became law within the European Union. We are very happy to embrace the new regime and believe that it benefits the larger groups such as ourselves, giving us more franchise stability and greater opportunities with our partners. We have always viewed our strong relationships with our manufacturer partners as fundamental to the Group's success and we are keen to work with our partners to capitalise on the changes that the new Block Exemption rules have brought about. Financial review As stated above, the Group's profit on ordinary activities before tax for the year ended 29 February 2004 was £16.8 million compared to £13.2 million in the previous year. This year's results include exceptional profits of £2.9 million (£1.7 million last year) arising on the disposal of two surplus properties and exceptional profits of £0.1 million (£0.3 million last year) relating to the disposal of two businesses. Excluding these exceptional items and goodwill amortisation, the Group's underlying trading profit was £13.9 million, compared to £11.2 million last year, an increase of 24%. The Group's effective tax rate in the year ended 29 February 2004 was 26.5%. However, this is distorted by the tax treatment of the exceptional property and business disposal profits, for which rollover relief is available. When these items are excluded, the effective tax rate for the year is 32.4%, similar to last year's rate of 33.0%. Earnings per share for the year were 23.2p compared to 18.2p last year. Excluding goodwill amortisation and exceptional items, the figure for this year is 17.7p, an increase of 24%. The Board is recommending a final dividend of 5.1p per share, bringing the full year's dividend to 8.5p. This represents a 13% increase on last year's total dividend of 7.5p per share. Dividend cover, excluding exceptional items, for the year is 2.0 times, compared to 1.9 times last year. The net effect on turnover of branches opened and closed is an increase of £22 million. In addition, our continuing Motor Retail businesses have achieved increases in both vehicle sales volumes and the average prices of cars sold. There has also been higher turnover at Wilcomatic, due to increases in both equipment sales and service work. The net result of all of these factors is an increase in Group turnover of £60 million. Operating profit has increased to 2.8% of turnover, compared to 2.5% last year and the Group continues to be one of the most profitable in the industry at this level, an achievement which is even more pronounced at the profit before taxation level. Increased profits, offset by lower average net cash balances and lower interest rates, have resulted in net interest receivable (excluding new vehicle stocking interest) for the year of £0.2 million, compared to £0.3 million last year. As evidenced by the balance sheet, the Group continues to be in a very strong financial position. Shareholders' funds have increased by £8.4 million to £65.2 million at 29 February 2004. During the year, we have invested £6.1 million in capital expenditure, principally represented by a new site for our Newcastle Volvo business, the freehold of our Bebington Volkswagen site and the purchase of a site in Durham for a new BMW and Mini business which we will open early next year. The proceeds of the disposal of fixed assets amounted to £8.5 million, relating primarily to the property disposals referred to above. The net proceeds of the businesses disposed of during the year amounted to £0.8 million and we have invested £5.6 million in the acquisition of new businesses in the same period. During the year, the Company issued 690,000 shares in respect of the exercise of options, giving a cash inflow of £0.6 million. Notwithstanding the acquisitions made in the year, we have managed our working capital efficiently and achieved a reduction of £0.5 million. Payments in respect of taxation and dividends in the year amounted to £8.0 million and there has been a net inflow of £1.4 million in respect of finance leases and letters of credit during the year. The net effect of these cash flows and of the £16.7 million operating profit (after adding back depreciation and amortisation) in the year is a net cash inflow of £9.0 million. This gives the Group a healthy net funds balance of £13.0 million at 29 February 2004, compared with £5.6 million at the previous year end, an increase of £7.4 million. The Group's net funds position at the year end is not representative of the year as a whole because, immediately prior to a month with a registration plate change, used vehicle stocks and vehicle debtors are lower than at other times of the year and we are in receipt of deposits on cars being prepared for sale in March. This year's peak net funds level of £13.0 million occurred at the end of the financial year, but the Group also experienced net borrowings of £12.4 million in October following the high sales month of September. Nevertheless, the Group remains extremely well placed to expand whilst retaining low borrowing levels. The principal elements of our borrowings are a loan from a finance house and leasing obligations in respect of demonstrator vehicles and certain dealership refurbishments. Most utilised borrowings are repayable either on demand or within the current calendar year, although some leases in respect of fixed assets have five or ten year terms. In addition, the Group has substantial banking facilities which were unutilised at the balance sheet date. The triennial actuarial valuation of the Group's defined benefit scheme, which was closed to new members many years ago, as at 5 April 2003 has recently been completed. At that date, the actuarial valuation of the scheme's assets represented 86% of the value of accrued liabilities. The previous valuation showed a surplus with an equivalent funding ratio of 127%. This change in funding position has arisen largely due to the fall in equity values in the three year period, although the position has improved significantly since the effective valuation date. The current accounting standard on pension accounting, SSAP 24, requires that the deficit now shown by the valuation is spread over the average remaining service lives of the scheme members. The net result of the valuation is that the Group's pension costs have increased by £196,000 in the financial year. The Group has not contributed to the scheme for a number of years as previous valuations have reported surpluses but will recommence contributions with effect from 5 April 2004 in line with the actuary's contributions report when this has been finalised. Whilst we will not know the exact amount of the contributions until the report has been finalised, it is expected that these will amount to £156,000 per annum, including scheme costs to be paid by the Group. In line with other similar groups in the motor retail industry, we announced last year that we had been negotiating with HM Customs & Excise in respect of issues arising from changes in VAT case law. These discussions have continued and we hope to be able to announce the conclusion of our negotiations shortly. All listed companies in the European Union will have to report their consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2005. This means that the new standards will first affect the Group's reporting for the year ending 28 February 2006, commencing with the interim results for the six months ending 31 August 2005. The standards to be applied in that period have only recently been finalised by the authorities and we are currently assessing their impact on the Group's financial reporting. In addition, we are dealing with new regulations issued by the Financial Services Authority in response to an EU directive which will affect the sale and administration of insurance based products within our businesses and which take effect in January 2005. Conclusion and outlook We have had an outstanding year with the Group moving forward once again and have continued to refine and enhance our franchise portfolio. The new year has started particularly well with the March trading month being another record motor retail performance. We have much to look forward to in the coming months and, whilst there are some residual disposals to be made following the Block Exemption review, we expect to make complementary acquisitions and continue to improve our existing businesses. We look forward to another successful year. Richard Palmer Chief Executive 28 April 2004 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Notes Year ended Year ended 29 February 28 February 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Turnover 1 489,525 430,005 Cost of sales (417,592) (365,934) --------- --------- Gross profit 71,933 64,071 Distribution costs (33,932) (29,315) -------------------------- ----------- --------- --------- Goodwill amortisation (208) (28) Other administrative expenses (24,218) (23,829) -------------------------- ----------- --------- --------- Administrative expenses (24,426) (23,857) --------- --------- Operating profit 2 13,575 10,899 Profit on disposal of businesses 3 117 298 Profit on disposal of 2,929 1,746 properties Interest receivable 377 516 Interest payable (221) (228) --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities 16,777 13,231 before taxation Tax on profit on ordinary activities (4,444) (3,689) --------- --------- Profit for the financial year 12,333 9,542 Dividends 4 (4,563) (3,965) --------- --------- Retained profit for the 7,770 5,577 financial year ========= ========= Earnings per share (basic) 5 23.2p 18.2p ========= ========= Earnings per share (diluted) 5 22.7p 17.9p ========= ========= Dividend per share 4 8.5p 7.5p ========= ========= There are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the financial year as reported above. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 29 February 28 February 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 36,317 35,178 Intangible assets 2,854 2,332 --------- --------- 39,171 37,510 --------- --------- Current assets Stocks 88,096 78,379 Debtors 18,381 17,657 Cash at bank and in hand 22,553 13,543 --------- --------- 129,030 109,579 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (101,727) (89,029) --------- --------- Net current assets 27,303 20,550 --------- --------- Total assets less current liabilities 66,474 58,060 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (260) (273) Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,042) (969) --------- --------- 65,172 56,818 ========= ========= Capital and reserves Called up share capital 21,427 21,151 Share premium account 27,309 27,001 Capital redemption reserve 746 746 Profit and loss account 15,690 7,920 --------- --------- Equity shareholders' funds 65,172 56,818 ========= ========= Net funds 12,978 5,562 ========= ========= Net assets per share 121.7p 107.4p ========= ========= CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Year ended Year ended 29 February 28 February 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow 18,967 9,967 from operating activities Returns on 156 288 investments and servicing of finance Tax paid (3,868) (3,717) Capital expenditure and financial investment 2,359 (4,008) Acquisitions and disposals (4,818) (1,003) Equity dividends paid (4,105) (3,767) --------- --------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 8,691 (2,240) Financing 319 (1,478) --------- --------- Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 9,010 (3,718) ========= ========= Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities Year ended Year ended 28 February 2003 29 February 2004 £'000 £'000 Operating 13,575 10,899 profit Depreciation 2,999 2,774 Amortisation 208 28 of goodwill Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (25) (63) (Increase) in stocks (8,211) (9,698) (Increase) in debtors (735) (1,908) Increase in 9,461 8,675 creditors Net movement in demonstrator funding 1,695 (740) --------- --------- Net cash inflow from operating 18,967 9,967 activities ========= ========= Analysis of changes in net funds At 1 March Cash flow Other non- At 29 Feb 2004 2003 cash changes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank 13,543 9,010 - 22,553 and in hand -------- Debt due within one year (3,205) 77 - (3,128) Finance leases (demonstrators (4,354) 19,284 (20,979) (6,049) Finance leases (other) (422) 188 (164) (398) -------- 19,549 -------- -------- --------- --------- Total 5,562 28,559 (21,143) 12,978 ======== ======== ========= ========= NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1. Analysis of turnover Year ended Year ended 29 February 28 February 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Motor Retail Division 468,390 410,566 Motor Services Division 17,248 15,494 Other Businesses 3,887 3,945 --------- --------- 489,525 430,005 ========= ========= 2 Analysis of operating profit Year ended Year ended 29 February 28 February 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Motor Retail Division 14,855 11,879 Motor Services Division 1,209 1,034 Other Businesses (37) 90 Central costs (2,452) (2,104) --------- --------- 13,575 10,899 ========= ========= 3 During the year, the Group disposed of its Vauxhall dealership in Heathrow and its Volvo dealership in Leeds. 4 The Directors recommend a final dividend of 5.1p (2003, 4.3p) per share, to be paid on 6 September 2004 to shareholders on the register at 6 August 2004. An interim dividend of 3.4p (2003, 3.2p) per share was paid during the year, making a total for the year of 8.5p (2003, 7.5p). 5 The calculation of earnings per share for the year ended 29 February 2004 is based on the profit for the financial year of £12,333,000 (2003, £9,542,000) and on 53,208,778 (2003, 52,533,688) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The number of dilutive potential ordinary shares arising from share options, as calculated in accordance with FRS 14: Earnings per Share, is 1,021,912 (2003, 875,340). Therefore, the calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the profit for the financial year of £12,333,000 (2003, £9,542,000) and on 54,230,690 (2003, 53,409,028) ordinary shares. Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items have been calculated on profits for the year of £9,434,000 (2003, £7,519,000) as detailed below: Year ended Year ended 29 February 28 February 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Profit after taxation 12,333 9,542 Goodwill amortisation (net of tax relief) 147 21 (Profit) on disposal of businesses (117) (298) (Profit) on disposal of properties (2,929) (1,746) --------- --------- 9,434 7,519 ========= ========= 6 This preliminary results statement has been prepared on the basis of the same accounting policies as those set out in the financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2003. 7 This preliminary results statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 28 April 2004. The above results for the year ended 29 February 2004 have been abridged from the full Group accounts for that year, which received an unqualified auditors' report and which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies shortly. 8 The above results for the year ended 28 February 2003 have been abridged from the full Group accounts for that year, which received an unqualified auditors' report and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 9 The Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted to shareholders as soon as practicable. Further copies will be available from the company's registered office at Craigmore House, Remenham Hill, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 3EP. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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