Interim Results

European Motor Hldgs PLC 9 October 2000 EUROPEAN MOTOR HOLDINGS plc ('EMH') Interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2000 Highlights: * Excellent results notwithstanding a very challenging trading environment * Profit before taxation increased by 16% to £4.9 million (1999, £4.2 million) * Earnings per share increased by 17% to 6.2 pence (1999, 5.3 pence) * Interim dividend declared at 2.75 pence per share (1999, 2.6 pence per share) * Net cash of £4.2 million at 31 August 2000 (1999, net borrowings of £7.1 million) Richard Palmer, Chief Executive, commented: 'We are delighted to announce an industry leading performance in a period which has been adversely affected by continued uncertainty over pricing. Recently announced price reductions by our key manufacturer partners give us optimism for the period ahead.' Enquiries: Richard Palmer Chief Executive Ann Wilson Finance Director Normand City of London Limited (morning) 020 7236 3745 European Motor Holdings plc (afternoon) 020 8961 2525 Biddick Associates (press enquiries) 020 7464 4280 THESE NOTES SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ATTACHED PRESS RELEASE. Chief Executive's statement Highlights: * Excellent results notwithstanding a very challenging trading environment * Profit before taxation increased by 16% to £4.9 million (1999, £4.2 million) * Earnings per share increased by 17% to 6.2 pence (1999, 5.3 pence) * Interim dividend declared at 2.75 pence per share (1999, 2.6 pence per share) * Net cash of £4.2 million at 31 August 2000 (1999, net borrowings of £7.1 million) Results and dividend Profit before tax has increased by 16% to £4.9 million compared to £4.2 million in the same period last year. In view of our improved performance and prospects, we have decided to increase our interim dividend by 5.8% to 2.75 pence per share. Trading We have enjoyed a significantly better first half to our financial year compared to the same period last year. We have managed to improve our profitability in a period that could scarcely have been worse for UK car retailing. The price reductions which have recently been announced by the majority of the manufacturers we represent had no effect on the period under review, which makes our improved performance all the more creditable. As we entered this financial year, the uncertainty surrounding the future of UK car prices had seriously impaired our ability to maintain margins on the majority of the new vehicles that we sold. Parallel importers had established a place in the market and potential customers were buying cars which were not necessarily built for UK markets. Customers who were loyal to UK dealers typically either deferred their purchase or expected to negotiate the best possible deal and, as a consequence, margins were eroded. Now that the majority of the manufacturers for which we hold franchises have responded by cutting their prices, higher levels of profitability will, I believe, return. Our small, focussed head office team has continued to manage our business very effectively during the period, and our established policy of investing in management means that we are continuing to develop staff at all levels within the Group. In an industry which is renowned for its high staff turnover, we are pleased to report that our entire motor retail management team has remained unaltered for the last eighteen months and this has undoubtedly had a positive effect on this current set of figures. I believe that we enjoy excellent relationships with our motor manufacturer partners and most have confirmed to us their willingness for us to expand our portfolio of dealerships with them. We have managed our working capital very effectively during the period and this has resulted in our cash positive position at the balance sheet date. Our very strong balance sheet, together with large unutilised credit lines available from our bankers and the positive manufacturer position referred to above, mean that we will be able to act quickly when opportunities to expand our dealership portfolio become available. In reviewing our franchise mix, I continue to believe that the sector of the market within which we operate is still capable of further expansion. I do not believe that the traditional volume manufacturers' current market shares are sustainable, and the sales traditionally associated with those manufacturers are likely to fall as more companies change their car policy either to 'cash for car' or to give their employees a wider choice. The fact that customers can now buy a premium or specialist car for the same price as a slightly larger volume car is also helping our manufacturers capture more retail buyers who may have believed in the past that they could only afford to buy a volume car with little brand identity. In expanding our business in the future, we will continue to invest in the franchises which have remained profitable during the last two difficult years. We are continuing to refine and expand our e-commerce activity and expect to introduce new initiatives in the second half of the financial year, when we also expect to use the Internet to make a unique Perodua offer. We are also delighted to confirm that, as the UK importer for Perodua, we will be launching a new five door mini MPV, the Kenari, at the British International Motor Show on 17 October. This vehicle will help to further establish the franchise within the market. Our Motor Services Division's profitability improved on the previous period and we expect a satisfactory outcome for the full year. We are continuing to concentrate much of our effort on the non traditional car wash users such as the supermarket groups, motor dealers and manufacturers' or dealer groups' pre delivery inspection centres. After many years of working with Ceccato, our Italian roll over car wash machinery supplier, we have given notice of termination of our distribution agreement with them with effect from 1 June 2001. From that date, we will replace Ceccato with another manufacturer with whom we have already signed an agreement, but until the Ceccato distribution agreement ends we will continue to sell Ceccato equipment. Financial Review Profit on ordinary activities before tax for the six months ended 31 August 2000 was £4.9 million compared to £4.2 million in the corresponding period last year. The estimated effective tax rate for the current financial year is 32%, unchanged from last year. Turnover has reduced by £16 million. This is as a result of several factors including the impact of branches closed during last year, lower transaction prices and a change in the method of dealing with sales to fleet customers by one of our manufacturer partners. The Group continues to be in a very strong financial position, as evidenced by the attached balance sheet. The summarised cash flow statement shows that we have invested £0.7 million in capital expenditure, whilst disposal proceeds amounted to £0.8 million. The majority of our dealership redevelopments have now been carried out, and therefore capital expenditure in the second half of the financial year should not be significant. Working capital has been reduced by £5.9 million during the period. Payments in respect of taxation amounted to £0.8 million, and £0.1 million was spent on acquiring the minority interest in Perodua UK Limited. The net effect of these cash flows and of the £6.5 million operating profit (excluding depreciation) in the period, is to change the Group's net borrowings of £7.1 million at 29 February to net cash of £4.2 million at 31 August. This has resulted in the Group being ungeared at 31 August 2000 compared with having a gearing ratio of 16% in February and 12% last August. The Group's net cash/borrowings position at 31 August is always better than at the financial year end because payment of the bulk of the previous year's corporation tax, its final dividend and the current year's interim dividend all take place in the second half. Nevertheless, the working capital management in the period is considered to be excellent. Our very tight control of used vehicle stocks has allowed us to control margins in a period of falling used car prices, and we have again managed to maintain our used vehicle stocks at very low levels prior to the influx of part exchanges for new vehicles registered in September. Interest cover excluding new vehicle stocking interest increased from 12.0 times to 22.5 times for the six month period as a result of increased profits and reduced borrowings. Interest cover including new vehicle stocking interest increased from 6.2 times to 9.1 times. Outlook The outlook for the remainder of the year looks extremely promising with the motor manufacturers for which we hold franchises leading the way in bringing down prices so that they are more in line with prices in other EU countries. Whilst our performance in September was affected by the fuel dispute and the fact that some manufacturers' prices were not reduced until part way through the month, we believe that the sales lost during the month will be made up in the remainder of the year. The recent announcements of price reductions by volume manufacturers should also help sales in the second half as they will generate publicity which will lead to increased consumer awareness of price reductions across the industry. We aim to increase our dealer portfolio in the coming months with selected acquisitions. We have banking facilities in place to enable us to do this, and we are confident that this is the right course of action for us to take now that demand for new cars is returning. We will continue to manage our gearing effectively and to maximise profit opportunities for our shareholders. I believe that we will continue to make good progress in the second half of this financial year. Richard Palmer Chief Executive 9 October 2000 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 29 February 2000 1999 2000 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 1 209,099 225,100 421,804 Operating profit 2 5,142 4,608 8,439 Net interest payable (229) (383) (763) Profit on ordinary activities before 4,913 4,225 7,676 taxation Tax on profit on ordinary activities 3 (1,580) (1,352) (2,494) Profit on ordinary activities after 3,333 2,873 5,182 taxation Equity minority interests (13) (13) (5) Profit for the financial period 3,320 2,860 5,177 Dividends 4 (1,479) (1,398) (3,281) Retained profit for the financial period 1,841 1,462 1,896 Earnings per share (basic and diluted) 5 6.2p 5.3p 9.6p Dividend per share 4 2.75p 2.6p 6.1p There are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the period as reported above. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31 August 31 August 29 February 2000 1999 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 31,384 32,372 32,814 Goodwill 77 - - 31,461 32,372 32,814 Current assets Stocks 59,857 74,873 62,597 Debtors 16,639 20,081 17,814 Cash at bank and in hand 17,578 13,801 6,390 94,074 108,755 86,801 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (78,146) (95,619) (73,711) Net current assets 15,928 13,136 13,090 Total assets less current liabilities 47,389 45,508 45,904 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than (504) (563) (671) one year Provisions for liabilities and charges (699) (674) (698) Deferred income (765) (1,108) (946) 45,421 43,163 43,589 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 21,513 21,513 21,513 Share premium account 26,476 26,476 26,476 Profit and loss account (2,568) (4,843) (4,409) Equity shareholders' funds 45,421 43,146 43,580 Equity minority interests - 17 9 45,421 43,163 43,589 Gearing -% 12% 16% Net assets per share 84.4 p 80.3 p 81.0 p CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 29 February 2000 1999 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash flow from operating activities 12,340 7,390 12,379 Returns on investments and servicing of (229) (383) (763) finance Tax paid (792) (350) (1,907) Capital expenditure and financial investment 131 (1,925) (3,220) Acquisitions and disposals (100) - - Equity dividends paid - - (3,281) Net cash flow before financing 11,350 4,732 3,208 Financing (157) 849 2,957 Increase in cash in the period 11,193 5,581 6,165 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 29 February 2000 1999 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 5,142 4,608 8,439 Depreciation and amortisation 1,309 1,187 2,548 (Profit) on sale of tangible fixed assets (9) (13) (12) Decrease/(increase) in stocks 2,740 (10,744) 1,532 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 1,175 (3,470) (1,203) Increase in creditors 1,983 15,822 1,075 Net cash inflow from operating activities 12,340 7,390 12,379 Analysis of changes in net debt At 1 March Cash flow Other non At 31 August 2000 cash changes 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in 6,390 11,188 - 17,578 hand Bank overdraft (5) 5 - - 6,385 11,193 17,578 Debt due within one (8,422) (190) (11) (8,623) year Debt due after one year (39) - 11 (28) Finance leases (5,062) 347 - (4,715) 157 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total (7,138) 11,350 - 4,212 NOTES TO THE INTERIM RESULTS 1 Analysis of turnover 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 29 February 2000 1999 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Motor Retail Division 201,988 217,627 407,056 Motor Services Division 5,051 5,442 10,630 Other Businesses 2,060 2,031 4,118 209,099 225,100 421,804 2 Analysis of operating profit 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 29 February 2000 1999 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Motor Retail Division 5,782 5,295 9,543 Motor Services Division 167 110 479 Other Businesses 104 83 157 Central costs (911) (880) (1,740) 5,142 4,608 8,439 3. The charge for taxation is based on the estimated effective rate for the financial year. 4. An interim dividend of 2.75p (1999, 2.6p) per share will be paid on 1 December 2000 to shareholders on the register at 3 November 2000. 5. The calculation of earnings per share for the six months ended 31 August 2000 is based on the profit for the financial period of £3,320,000 (1999, £2,860,000) and on 53,784,710 (1999, 53,784,710) ordinary shares being the average number of shares in issue during the period. The number of dilutive potential ordinary shares arising from share options, as calculated in accordance with FRS 14: Earnings per Share, is nil (1999, nil). Therefore, the calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the profit for the financial period of £3,320,000 (1999, £2,860,000) and on 53,784,710 (1999, 53,784,710) ordinary shares. 6. This interim statement has been prepared on the basis of the same accounting policies as those set out in the financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2000. 7. This interim statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 9 October 2000. The foregoing financial information does not represent full accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and has been neither audited nor reviewed by the auditors nor delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The above results for the year ended 29 February 2000 have been abridged from the full Group accounts for that period, which received an unqualified auditors' report and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
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