Interim Results

European Motor Hldgs PLC 17 October 2002 EUROPEAN MOTOR HOLDINGS plc Interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2002 Key points: • Profit before taxation up 17% to £6.4 million • Earnings per share up 20% to 8.4p • Interim dividend increased by 7% to 3.2 pence per share • Net assets per share up by 12% to 102.2 pence • 1,365,000 shares repurchased and cancelled during the period • Net cash £18.0 million • All Mercedes-Benz businesses successfully sold in the period, generating £6.4 million cash and an increase in net assets of £4.1 million Commenting on these results, Chief Executive Richard Palmer said: "European Motor Holdings continues to move forward. We have improved our profitability, balance sheet and franchise portfolio and are extremely well placed to benefit from the impact of changes in Block Exemption regulations. The second half of the year has started well and we look forward to another successful year." Enquiries: Richard Palmer Chief Executive European Motor Holdings plc Ann Wilson Finance Director European Motor Holdings plc Morning: Biddick Associates 020 7448 1000 Afternoon: European Motor Holdings plc 01491 413399 Chief Executive's statement European Motor Holdings ("EMH") continues to move forward and we have again improved our profitability and strengthened our balance sheet. EMH remains the leading performer in the quoted UK motor retail sector. In the six month period from 1 March to 31 August 2002, our profit before taxation has risen by 17% to £6.4 million. This includes a net exceptional profit on disposal of businesses of £0.3 million, comprising a profit of £4.0 million offset by goodwill previously written off to reserves of £3.7 million. The profit on disposals contributed to a significant increase in net assets of £4.9 million. Disposals also generated proceeds of £7.1 million, contributing to a rise in our net cash position to £18.0 million. Our earnings per share have risen by 20% to 8.4 pence and we have decided to increase our interim dividend to 3.2 pence per share, payable on 5 December to shareholders on the register at 8 November. Trading Trading conditions have remained buoyant in the motor retail sector, stimulated by low interest rates, new models and changes in company car taxation. During the period under review, like for like registrations for our key franchises increased by 15%, including an exceptional performance from Mini, compared with a national increase in registrations for all makes of 6%. Our strategy of representing manufacturers with premium products has led us to outperform the sector again and we believe that increasing numbers of customers will choose to buy cars from the brands we represent. Operating profit in the Motor Retail Division increased by 14%, with our continuing businesses increasing by 24% offsetting a reduced contribution from businesses sold. Our excellent sales performance was derived both from a significant volume increase and also from an improvement in margin. Like for like, our aftersales contribution has also grown, reflecting an increase in business activity and a growing customer base. We have continued to concentrate on customer care and have made good progress in this area. We believe that this investment will serve the Group well in the future. Our auction businesses continue to generate excellent returns as well as providing valuable market information and have assisted us in maintaining very well controlled used vehicle stocks. Whilst our car importation business, Perodua, operates in a very competitive sector of the market place, the performance of this business remains good and we have continued to expand the dealer network. In our Motor Services Division, our core activities performed well, but the overall Division's results were adversely affected by start up costs in the new retail washing operations. These operations are not expected to achieve maturity for two years but their performance continues to show gradual improvement. Business development Changes in Block Exemption regulations are due to take place, following a transitional period, on 1 October 2003. This will mean that all of our franchise agreements will need to be replaced on or before that date. Our view is that the changes will not have an adverse impact on the trading environment for the brands we represent. Many of our manufacturers have taken the opportunity of the introduction of new regulations to review the composition of their dealer networks and move forward with fewer partners. We are delighted to confirm that our key manufacturers have indicated that overall they wish us to expand our representation with them. This will result in our disposing of and acquiring a number of businesses over the next two years in order to concentrate on certain geographic areas, but with a net increase in businesses overall. We regard the proposals that manufacturers have made to be very positive for the Group and our cash position makes us extremely well placed to expand. We expect to add to the number of dealerships we hold with the BMW group, the Premier Automotive Group and the Volkswagen group in the forthcoming months. We have already expanded our Volkswagen operations within South West London by relocating our service facilities in Chiswick and opening a new Volkswagen dealership in Twickenham and we have also opened a new Volvo dealership in Harrogate to extend our representation with this franchise in Yorkshire. Financial review As stated above, profit on ordinary activities before tax for the six months ended 31 August 2002 was £6.4 million compared to £5.5 million in the corresponding period last year. This year's result includes exceptional profits of £0.3 million relating to the disposal of a number of dealerships, principally those operating Mercedes-Benz franchises. This figure comprises profits on disposal of dealerships of £4.0 million (the main element of which was the Territory Release Payment received in respect of the termination of our Mercedes-Benz passenger car franchises), less goodwill of £3.7 million originally written off to reserves on the acquisition of the dealerships now sold. The goodwill write off is matched by a release from reserves, so there is no effect on shareholders' funds in the period as a result of this transfer and the disposals have therefore made a significant contribution to our £4.9 million increase in net assets. The underlying trading profit for the period before exceptional items is £6.1 million, compared to £5.5 million for the same period last year. The tax charge for the period under review is based on the estimated effective tax rate for the full financial year. This results in a tax rate for the six months of 31.3%. However, this is distorted by the tax treatment of the exceptional items in the period and when these are excluded, the tax rate for the period is 32.8%, only slightly higher than 32.0% last year. Earnings per share for the period were 8.4p compared to 7.0p last year. Excluding the exceptional items, the figure for this year is 7.8p. The Board has declared an interim dividend of 3.2p per share. Dividend cover excluding exceptional items for the period is 2.4 times, compared to 2.3 times last year. The net effect of branches opened and sold since last year is a reduction in turnover of £10 million. However, within our continuing businesses, increases in new and used car volumes, together with an increase in the average price of used cars sold, have more than offset this reduction and overall Group turnover has actually increased by £10 million compared to the first half of last financial year. Operating profit has increased to 2.6% of turnover, compared to 2.5% last year, which makes the Group one of the most profitable in the industry. Higher profits and net cash balances offset by lower interest rates have resulted in an increase in net interest receivable (excluding new vehicle stocking interest) for the period of £0.1 million. Interest cover, including new vehicle stocking interest, has remained constant at 19 times. The balance sheet demonstrates that the Group continues to be in a very strong financial position. During the period, we have invested a net £4.0 million in capital expenditure, representing investment in the retail washing sites for Asda, new sites for two of our Volkswagen and Volvo franchises, and the relocation of the Group's head office following the disposal of the Mercedes-Benz dealerships. The proceeds of the disposal of businesses amounted to £7.1 million. We have continued to manage our working capital effectively and have achieved a reduction of £2.4 million during the period. During the period, the Company purchased 1,365,000 of its own shares in the market for cancellation, whilst 390,000 shares were issued in respect of the exercise of options. The net cash outflow from these transactions amounted to £1.6 million. In addition, we have paid £1.5 million in respect of taxation during the period. The net effect of these cash flows, and of the £7.3 million operating profit (after adding back depreciation) in the period, is to increase the Group's net cash from £8.2 million at 28 February 2002 to £18.0 million at 31 August 2002. The Group's net cash level at 31 August is not representative of the year as a whole because, immediately prior to the registration plate change in September, used vehicle stocks and vehicle debtors are lower than at other times of the year and we are in receipt of deposits on cars being prepared for sale. Additionally, the timing of dividend payments is such that all dividends are paid in the second half of the financial year. Nevertheless, the average net cash balance for the period was significantly higher than the corresponding period last year. Outlook The second half has started broadly in line with our expectations and we remain ahead of our budget and last year. We remain confident about the prospects for the year as a whole, assuming that there is no significant deterioration in trading conditions. Our financial position is very strong and we are well placed to take maximum advantage of the opportunities which we believe will be available to us in the second half of the year. In addition, it is our intention to continue to buy back shares when conditions are appropriate in order to enhance shareholder value and return surplus cash to shareholders. Richard Palmer Chief Executive 17 October 2002 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Notes Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 28 February 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 1 231,357 221,199 441,081 Cost of sales (198,220) (189,405) (376,745) Gross profit 33,137 31,794 64,336 Distribution costs (15,422) (14,601) (29,362) Administrative expenses (11,724) (11,690) (24,541) Operating profit 2 5,991 5,503 10,433 Profit on disposal of businesses 3 304 - (36) Interest receivable 320 255 467 Interest payable (187) (244) (496) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 6,428 5,514 10,368 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 4 (2,009) (1,764) (3,320) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 4,419 3,750 7,048 Dividends 5 (1,690) (1,614) (3,745) Retained profit for the financial period 2,729 2,136 3,303 Earnings per share (basic) 6 8.4p 7.0p 13.1p Earnings per share (diluted) 6 8.3p 6.9p 13.1p Dividend per share 5 3.2p 3.0p 7.0p There are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the period as reported above. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31 August 31 August 28 February 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 31,474 29,632 29,701 Goodwill 130 73 140 31,604 29,705 29,841 Current assets Stocks 71,947 68,188 68,408 Debtors 16,681 15,975 15,774 Cash at bank and in hand 25,905 21,448 17,261 114,533 105,611 101,443 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (91,473) (85,750) (81,336) Net current assets 23,060 19,861 20,107 Total assets less current liabilities 54,664 49,566 49,948 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (271) (544) (338) Provisions for liabilities and charges (768) (731) (774) Deferred income (140) (442) (294) 53,485 47,849 48,542 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 20,924 21,513 21,313 Share premium account 26,743 26,476 26,476 Capital redemption reserve 746 - 200 Profit and loss account 5,072 (140) 553 Equity shareholders' funds 53,485 47,849 48,542 Net cash 18,045 10,358 8,219 Net assets per share 102.2p 89.0p 91.1p CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 28 February 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 8,589 10,411 16,483 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 133 11 (29) Tax paid (1,489) (1,187) (3,352) Capital expenditure and financial investment (4,042) (379) (2,088) Acquisitions and disposals 7,087 - 460 Equity dividends paid - - (3,631) Net cash inflow before financing 10,278 8,856 7,843 Financing (1,634) (943) (4,117) Increase in cash in the period 8,644 7,913 3,726 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 28 February 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 5,991 5,503 10,433 Depreciation and amortisation 1,378 1,307 2,731 (Profit) on sale of tangible fixed assets (41) (8) (51) (Increase) in stocks (5,657) (2,498) (2,900) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (907) 2,051 2,252 Increase in creditors 8,937 3,039 2,471 Net movement in demonstrator funding (1,112) 1,017 1,547 Net cash inflow from operating activities 8,589 10,411 16,483 Analysis of changes in net cash At 1 March Cash flow Other non At 31 August 2002 cash changes 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 17,261 8,644 - 25,905 Bank overdraft - - - - 17,261 8,644 - 25,905 Debt due within one year (3,480) (59) - (3,539) Finance leases (demonstrators) (5,094) 8,240 (7,128) (3,982) Finance leases (other) (468) 131 (2) (339) 8,312 Total 8,219 16,956 (7,130) 18,045 NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1. Analysis of turnover Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 28 February 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Motor Retail Division 222,911 213,387 424,107 Motor Services Division 6,550 5,704 12,872 Other Businesses 1,896 2,108 4,102 231,357 221,199 441,081 2 Analysis of operating profit Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 August 31 August 28 February 2002 2001 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Motor Retail Division 6,742 5,912 11,332 Motor Services Division 189 362 836 Other Businesses 15 127 130 Central costs (955) (898) (1,865) 5,991 5,503 10,433 3 During the period, the Group disposed of its Mercedes-Benz car and truck dealerships and its Vauxhall dealership in Dartford. 4 The charge for taxation is based on the estimated effective rate for the financial year. 5 An interim dividend of 3.2p (2001, 3.0p) per share will be paid on 5 December 2002 to shareholders on the register at 8 November 2002. 6 The calculation of earnings per share for the six months ended 31 August 2002 is based on the profit for the financial period of £4,419,000 (2001, £3,750,000) and on 52,451,938 (2001, 53,784,710) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The number of dilutive potential ordinary shares arising from share options, as calculated in accordance with FRS 14: Earnings per Share, is 998,254 (2001, 239,726). Therefore, the calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the profit for the financial period of £4,419,000 (2001, £3,750,000) and on 53,450,192 (2001, 54,024,436) ordinary shares. 7. This interim statement has been prepared on the basis of the same accounting policies as those set out in the financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2002. 8 This interim statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 17 October 2002. The foregoing financial information does not represent full accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and has been neither reviewed nor audited by the auditors nor delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The above results for the year ended 28 February 2002 have been abridged from the full Group accounts for that period, which received an unqualified auditors' report and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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