Eversholt Funding plc Investor Meeting Invitation
Investor Presentation - Wednesday 27th September 2023
An investor presentation has been arranged to provide an update on the performance of Eversholt Rail, which will be hosted by Mary Kenny, Chief Executive Officer, and supported by the Eversholt Rail Leadership Team.
The presentation will be held at The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1PL at 10.00am UK time on Wednesday 27th September 2023. Additionally, the presentation will be available to join by conference call. Further details on the event timings are below:
Timing |
Welcome tea & coffee |
10:00 |
Presentation |
10.30 |
Tea & coffee |
11:30 |
Close |
12:00 |
Interested parties are asked to confirm whether they wish to attend the presentation by sending an email to investors@eversholtrail.co.uk. In order for the event to be managed effectively, responses will be treated on a first come first served basis and in person attendees will be limited to one per institution. In your response to the invitation, please confirm whether you will be attending in person or on the conference call. For those who are confirmed as joining via the conference call, registration details for the call will be sent by return email.
A copy of the presentation will be available, from the morning of 27th September 2023, on the company's website within the Investors section.
If there are any specific questions for the Leadership Team, it would be helpful if these could be submitted in advance by email to investors@eversholtrail.co.uk. This will enable the company to prepare comprehensive responses.
For information, the latest results of Eversholt Rail are available at https://eversholtrail.co.uk/investors/#content.
For further information please contact:
Nicola Sack
Executive Assistant to CEO and CFO