Brochure of Particulars

FBD Holdings PLC 13 September 2000 FBD Holdings Plc Brochure of Particulars FBD Holdings plc has today applied to the Irish Stock Exchange and to the UK Listing Authority for 79,000 Ordinary Shares of nominal value of IEP0.50 each to be admitted to the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange and to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority, and to the London Stock Exchange for such shares to be admitted to trading. These shares have been allotted, following the exercise of 79,000 share options. Following the latest application the total number of IEP0.50 Ordinary Shares in issue will be 41,787,683. The shares rank pari passu in all respects with existing Ordinary Shares. Mr Niall Higgins 4,000 Mr Martin Moran 25,000 Mr Patrick Mc Grath 50,000 Copies of this brochure are available from the registered office of FBD Holdings plc for fourteen days following the date of hereof.
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