Interim Results
Fidelity Asian Values PLC
7 March 2001
Announcement of Interim Results
for the six months ended 31 January 2001
Comment from the Chairman
Following the retirement of John Morrell as Chairman of the Company in
November of last year this is my first report to you as Chairman. I would like
to thank him for his valuable contribution and wise counsel since the launch
of the Company.
Performance - Major regional economies continued to show positive growth over
the period due to strong exports. However, stockmarkets remained volatile.
The global correction in the technology, media and telecommunications sector
hurt investor sentiment, especially in the technology biased markets of Taiwan
and Korea. Towards the end of the period expectations of lower interest rates
aided performance of interest rate sensitive sectors, notably banks and
property in Hong Kong and Singapore. Among domestic issues, political
uncertainty depressed investor activity in some of the regional markets. These
and other factors made for a difficult investment climate.
Over the six months to 31 January 2001, the net asset value per share fell by
16.3%. By comparison, the MSCI All Countries (Combined) Far East Free ex Japan
Index fell by 11.3%. The share price declined by 19.1% over the same period -
an underperformance largely attributable to the gearing, which the Board has
seen fit to maintain because of the perceived excellent long-term growth
Outlook for the region - The general expectation of a slowdown in the US
economy seems to have clouded the outlook for the region's economies in the
near term. However, it seems clear that the US Federal Reserve is ready to cut
interest rates in order to ensure that the US economy avoids recession. Lower
interest rates and a return to growth in the US should be beneficial to Asian
economies. They should also help to underpin profits growth forecasts and
highlight the attractive share valuations in the region. As noted in the
Investment Manager's Report, over the coming year, we believe stock picking
will be the key to achieving attractive performance relative to the Index. We
are confident that the Manager has the experience and resources to identify
those stocks that can deliver such performance.
Repurchase of shares - Following the renewal of the Company's authority to
purchase its own shares at the Company's last annual general meeting the
Company has purchased a further 100,000 shares which has resulted in a small
enhancement to net asset value. As mentioned previously, purchases are made
with the aim of maximising the benefit to continuing shareholders.
Sir Victor Garland
7 March 2001
Barbara Powley
Fidelity Investments International
01737 836883
Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) - unaudited
for the six months ended 31 January
2001 2000
revenue capital total revenue capital total
notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
(Losses)/gains - (15,215) (15,215) - 21,444 21,444
Income 2 682 - 682 652 - 652
Investment (500) - (500) (599) - (599)
Other (229) - (229) (234) - (234)
Exchange - (42) (42) - (13) (13)
Net return (47) (15,257) (15,304) (181) 21,431 21,250
costs and
Interest (812) - (812) (232) - (232)
Exchange - (513) (513) - 291 291
on loan
Return on (859) (15,770) (16,629) (413) 21,722 21,309
before tax
Tax on (66) - (66) 97 - 97
Return on
after tax
for the 3 (925) (15,770) (16,695) (316) 21,722 21,406
to reserves
Return per 4
Basic (0.92p (15.71p) (16.63p) (0.31p) 21.56p 21.25p
These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the AITC Statement of
Recommended Practice (SORP) issued in December 1995.
Balance Sheet
as at 31 January
31.01.01 31.07.00 31.01.00
unaudited audited unaudited
notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investments 104,399 122,723 134,344
Current assets
Debtors 343 386 828
Cash at bank 3,241 967 795
3,584 1,353 1,623
Creditors - amounts falling due within one 5
Fixed term unsecured loans (21,869) - -
Other creditors (606) (458) (1,319)
(22,475) (458) (1,319)
Net current (liabilities)/assets (18,891) 895 304
Total assets less current liabilities 85,508 123,618 134,648
Creditors - amounts falling due after more 5
than one year
Fixed term unsecured loans - (21,357) (19,706)
Total net assets 85,508 102,261 114,942
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 25,082 25,105 25,105
Capital redemption reserve 625 600 600
Share premium account 8 3 -
Other reserves
Other reserve 63,131 63,194 63,197
Warrant reserve 7,369 7,371 7,372
Capital reserve - realised (15,119) (13,995) (12,228)
Capital reserve - unrealised 4,863 19,509 29,510
Revenue reserve (451) 474 1,386
Total equity shareholders' funds 85,508 102,261 114,942
Net asset value per ordinary share 6
Basic 85.23p 101.83p 114.46p
Fully-diluted - 101.52p 112.01p
The balance sheet as at 31 July 2000 has been extracted from the accounts for
the year ended 31 July 2000 which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified report.
Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 31 January - unaudited
2001 2000
notes £'000 £'000
Operating activities
Investment income 524 460
Deposit interest 34 33
Investment management fee (458) (563)
Directors fees (26) (2)
Other cash payments (236) (212)
Net cash outflow from operating activities 7 (162) (284)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest paid (800) (5)
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (800) (5)
Financial Investment
Purchase of investments (41,147) (51,406)
Exchange losses (45) (53)
Disposals of investments 44,484 32,397
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 3,292 (19,062)
Equity dividend paid - (425)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 2,330 (19,776)
Repurchase of ordinary shares 8 (66) (698)
Exercise of warrants 6 4
Fixed rate unsecured loan drawn down - 19,997
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (60) 19,303
Increase/(decrease) in cash 2,270 (473)
Notes to the Accounts
1 Accounting policies - The interim financial statements have been
prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's
annual report and accounts dated 31 July 2000.
2 Income - for the six months ended 31 January
2001 2000
Overseas dividends 603 525
Overseas scrip dividends 45 94
Deposit interest 34 33
682 652
3 Return on ordinary activities - Attributable to equity
4 Return per ordinary share - Basic returns per ordinary share are
based on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation of £925,000 (2000:
loss £316,000) and the capital depreciation in the period of £15,770,000
(2000: appreciation £21,722,000) and on 100,410,758 ordinary shares (2000:
100,761,357), being the weighted average number of shares in issue during
the period. As the basic and fully-diluted returns, calculated according
to the provisions of FRS14, are identical, the fully-diluted return has
not been disclosed. Since the effect of the warrants outstanding on the
first day of the accounting period is not dilutive, they have not been
included in the calculation of the fully-diluted return.
5 Loan Facility - On 29 November 1999, the Company drew down for
value on 1 December 1999 a fixed rate loan facility of the US dollar
equivalent of £20 million (US$32 million) at an interest rate of 7.03% per
annum, repayable on 27 September 2001. The market value of the loan as at
31 January 2001 was £21,869,000 (31.07.00 : £21,357,000, 31.01.00 : £
6 Net asset value per share - The basic net asset value per ordinary
share is based on net assets of £85,508,000 (31.07.2000 : £102,261,000,
31.01.2000 : £114,942,000) and on 100,326,653 ordinary shares (31.07.2000
: 100,420,796, 31.01.2000 : 100,420,796), being the number of ordinary
shares in issue at the period end. The fully-diluted net asset value per
share has been calculated on the assumption that the outstanding warrants
of 20,468,547 at 31 January 2001 (30.07.00 and 30.01.00 : 20,474,404) were
exercised on that date. Since the effect of the warrants outstanding is
not dilutive, they have not been included in the calculation of the
fully-diluted return. This basis of calculation is considered to be more
appropriate than the basis given in FRS14 as it is consistent with the
calculation of fully-diluted net asset value which is prepared in
accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Association of Investment
Trust Companies and is provided to the London Stock Exchange on an ongoing
basis. The fully-diluted net asset value per share at 31 January 2001
exceeds the basic net asset value per ordinary share and has therefore not
been stated.
7 Reconciliation of net revenue before finance costs and taxation to
net cash flow from operating activities - for the six months ended 31
2001 2000
Net loss before finance costs and taxation (47) (181)
Scrip dividends (45) (94)
(Decrease)/increase in other creditors (9) 63
Decrease in other debtors 69 37
Tax on investment income (130) (109)
(162) (284)
8 Share repurchases - The Company made the following repurchase of
ordinary shares for cancellation in the period:
number of price per discount to
shares share NAV
9 January 2001 100,000 65.5p 17.0%
As at 31 January 2001, the total number of shares in issue was 100,326,653
(31.07.00 and 31.01.00 : 100,420,796).
9. Exercise of warrants - On 30 November 2000, 5,857 ordinary shares of 25p
per share were issued and allotted, fully paid at a price of 100p,
following an exercise of warrants. The number of warrants in issue as at
31 January 2001 was 20,468,547 (31.07.00 and 31.01.00 : 20,474,404).
Copies of the interim report will be posted to shareholders as soon as
practicable. Copies will also be available to the public at the Company's
registered office: Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth,
Surrey KT20 6RP