Half-yearly report

GENESIS EMERGING MARKETS FUND LIMITED (the "Company"; the "Fund") STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT These unaudited Half Year Results have been produced by the Company to provide additional information to shareholders as a body to meet the relevant requirements of the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. It should not be relied upon by any other party or for any other purpose. These unaudited Half Year Results relate to the period from 1st June 2008 to 31st December 2008, and contain information that covers this period and up to the date of publication of these Half Year Results, unless otherwise specified. The full Half Yearly Report is available at www.giml.co.uk under the relevant fund links. Investment Objective To achieve long-term capital growth, primarily through investment in equity markets of developing countries. Benchmark MSCI Emerging Markets Investible Markets Index (Total Return). Material Events 31st December 2008 31st December 2007 US$ US$ Total net assets 529,520,554 1,069,371,425 Net assets per 39.67 79.57 Participating Share Total (deficit)/return per (34.43) 8.94 Participating Share Commenting on the results the Chairman has made the following statement: The last six months have been a very difficult period for most equity investors. As you will see from the Manager's Review that follows, shareholders of the Fund have seen a fall in the net asset value per share from US$74.03 at the end of June 2008 to US$39.67 at the end of December - a decline of over 46% - as investors experienced a period of unusual volatility during September and October as the economic crisis developed. Indeed, the decline for the full calendar year 2008 was only slightly more, at 50%. It should be noted that, even during this volatile period including a major downward movement, the approach being followed by the Manager of investing in higher-quality companies has provided an element of protection. This is reflected in the fact that the Fund's net asset value per share fell less than the MSCI Emerging Markets Free Index over the six and twelve month periods to the end of 2008. The Fund held its annual Information Meeting in London in October, enabling shareholders to hear presentations from - and ask questions of - representatives of the Manager. The discussion covered the Fund's current strategy, details on performance, and the Manager's outlook for the asset class. The Manager's Review outlines the current environment for investors in emerging markets, and details some of the changes that the Manager has been making in response to the changing economic and investment climate. The Board is mindful that the current economic environment means that risks remain for emerging market stocks, but also concurs with the Manager's view that current valuations appear as attractively low now as they have been for some years. Despite the dramatic market declines of the last six months, it is worth noting that the Fund's shareholders have still seen an annualised increase in NAV of more than 9% over the last five years (and more over the longer term). The Directors take the view that structural growth trends in developing countries - when combined with a prudent stock-specific investment approach - will continue to provide a number of longer-term investment opportunities. Current valuation levels seem likely only to enhance the potential returns available to investors once the economic environment returns to more normal conditions. Coen Teulings Chairman February 2009 Manager's Review The portfolio ended the six months to 31st December, 2008 down 46.4%. The rate and magnitude of share price declines eclipsed even those during the 1997-8 current account crisis, but this time the origins lay in excesses and imbalances in the developed world. Deleveraging at home means less money to spend abroad so capital flows into developing markets have abruptly reversed (and at the time of writing show little sign of reviving). The IMF forecasts overall global growth to fall to 0.5% in 2009, a significant downward revision from the 3.9% growth estimate they made in the middle of 2008. This is the lowest growth rate since World War II and the global economy is projected to experience only a gradual recovery in 2010. Growth in developing economies is expected to slow sharply from 6.2% in 2008 to 3.2% in 2009. Stronger economic frameworks in many emerging economies will help to cushion the impact of this unprecedented external shock but many developing countries are being hurt by falling export demand, lower commodity prices, and much tighter external financing constraints. The economic down cycle may be deep and prolonged but it seems most emerging market damage is "only" cyclical. Central banks have the capacity, in an environment of lower global food and fuel prices, to provide stimulative monetary policy and many governments have the budget flexibility to mitigate the local impact of a downturn in global demand and to reduce the effects of the sudden reduction in international capital flows. The difficult and more challenging environment for companies has led us to lower our expectations of earnings and cashflow generation for many of the Fund's holdings which has reduced our estimate for what these businesses are worth. In most cases however share price falls have more than offset these reductions which appear to have over-discounted downside risks on many companies, an effect that presents buying opportunities for long-term investors. Over the past six months, major portfolio activity has included the addition of new stocks, notably Sberbank (Russia) and China Mobile (China), and an increase in weightings of existing holdings such as Anglo American, Samsung Electronics and China Shenhua. The Fund's weight in China has continued to rise (now constituting some 11% of the portfolio), whereas the weight in Brazil and India declined with the sales of Eletrobras and GAIL and reductions in holdings of Tele Norte Leste and Infosys. Outlook for the Company We remain positive on the long-term case for emerging markets and believe the favourable demographic profile and continuing urbanisation will drive growth, supported by investment in infrastructure and human capital. Most of the companies held by the Fund are conservatively funded, often having learned the hard way in the 1990s, and many are stronger both operationally and financially than most of their peers - and hence should come out of this downturn with their competitive positioning enhanced. For latest NAV and share price information please refer to the Investment Adviser's website www.giml.co.uk. Interim Management Report The Company is required to make the following disclosures in its half year report. Principal Risks and Uncertainties The principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company fall into five broad categories: investment and strategy; accounting, legal and regulatory; corporate governance and shareholder relations; operational and financial. Information on each of these areas is given in the Directors' Report within the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30th June 2008. Related Party Transactions During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions with related parties have taken place which has materially affected the financial position or the performance of the Company during the period. Directors' Responsibilities The Board of Directors confirms that, to the best of its knowledge: (i) the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half yearly report has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's Statement 'Half-Yearly Financial Reports'; and (ii) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the UK Listing Authority Disclosure and Transparency Rules. Portfolio Profile As at 31st December 2008 Ten Largest Holdings % By Sector % Anglo American (South Africa) 4.0 Financials 24.1 Taiwan Semiconductor (Taiwan) 3.7 Consumer Staples 12.0 Samsung Electronics (South Korea) 3.2 Energy 11.9 Sasol (South Africa) 3.1 Materials 10.6 PT Telekom (Indonesia) 3.0 Information Technology 9.3 Standard Bank (South Africa) 2.6 Telecom Services 8.0 China Shenhua Energy (China) 2.5 Industrials 7.7 Tullow Oil (United Kingdom) 2.3 Consumer Discretionary 5.8 Bank Rakyat (Indonesia) 2.2 Health Care 3.7 America Movil (Mexico) 2.0 Investment Companies 2.9 Utilities 2.7 Cash 1.3 Performance To 31st December 2008 Annualised (% p.a.) % Returns - US$ December 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception GEMF (net of annual fees) 5.9 (50.1) (4.7) 9.4 11.2 MSCI EM IMI (TR)* 8.4 (53.2) (4.7) 8.0 9.2 MSCI World (TR) 3.3 (40.3) (7.6) 0.0 5.4 Statistical Sources: Fund Performance - Genesis' own records. NAV to NAV. Net of all expenses, including management fees and tax suffered. Net income reinvested. Index Performance - Calculated by Genesis based upon index values supplied by MSCI. MSCI EM (TR) until 30th May 2008 (MSCI EM IMI (TR) from 1st June 2008). Past performance should not be relied upon as a guide to future performance, which is not guaranteed. The value of investments can go down as well as up and there is no guarantee that you will get back the amount originally invested. Genesis invests in emerging markets which tend to be more volatile than more established stock markets and therefore your investment is at greater risk. Genesis Asset Managers, LLP February 2009 GENESIS EMERGING MARKETS FUND LIMITED STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT (continued) UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at 31st December, 2008 (Audited) 31st December, 2008 30th June, 2008 $ $ ASSETS Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 526,340,895 997,974,926 Amounts due from brokers 1,032,542 280,281 Dividends and interest receivable 1,444,471 2,527,774 Other receivables and prepayments 156,109 161,422 Cash and cash equivalents 2,577,180 3,800,435 TOTAL ASSETS 531,551,197 1,004,744,838 LIABILITIES Amounts due to brokers 990,853 1,744,050 Payables and accrued expenses 1,039,790 1,576,299 Bank overdraft - 7,219,553 TOTAL LIABILITIES 2,030,643 10,539,902 TOTAL NET ASSETS 529,520,554 994,204,936 EQUITY Called-up share capital 270,633 270,633 Share premium 135,238,840 135,238,840 Capital reserve 355,532,459 821,937,433 Revenue account 39,639,122 37,918,530 Purchase of own shares (1,160,500) (1,160,500) TOTAL EQUITY 529,520,554 994,204,936 EQUITY PER PARTICIPATING PREFERENCE SHARE $39.22 $73.65 GENESIS EMERGING MARKETS FUND LIMITED STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT (continued) UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT for the six months ended 31st December, 2008 2008 2007 $ $ INCOME Net change in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (465,534,583) 125,327,262 Net exchange losses (870,391) (5,515,884) Dividend income 9,932,434 12,436,089 Deposit interest 21,520 156,165 Miscellaneous income - 1,954 (456,451,020) 132,405,586 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES (7,024,239) (10,145,474) OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT (463,475,259) 122,260,112 FINANCE COSTS Bank charges (1,938) (1,231) Interest expense (49,484) (423,995) TOTAL FINANCE COSTS (51,422) (425,226) Taxation (1,157,701) (1,162,022) (LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD (464,684,382) 120,672,864 (DEFICIT)/RETURN PER PARTICIPATING PREFERENCE SHARE * $(34.43) $8.94 * Calculated on a weighted average number of participating preference shares in issue of 13,496,306 (2007 - 13,496,306) GENESIS EMERGING MARKETS FUND LIMITED STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT (continued) UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the six months ended 31st December, 2008 2008 Share Share Capital Revenue Purchase Total Capital Premium Reserve Account of Own Shares $ $ $ $ $ $ Net assets at the beginning of the period 270,633 135,238,840 821,937,433 37,918,530 (1,160,500) 994,204,936 Movement in the period - - ( 466,404,974) 1,720,592 - (464,684,382) Net assets at the end of the period 270,633 135,238,840 355,532,459 39,639,122 (1,160,500) 529,520,554 2007 Share Share Capital Revenue Purchase Total Capital Premium Reserve Account of Own Shares $ $ $ $ $ $ Net assets at the beginning of the period 270,633 135,238,840 799,245,983 15,103,605 (1,160,500) 948,698,561 Movement in the period - - 119,811,378 861,486 - 120,672,864 Net assets at the end of the period 270,633 135,238,840 919,057,361 15,965,091 (1,160,500) 1,069,371,425 GENESIS EMERGING MARKETS FUND LIMITED STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT (continued) UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the six months ended 31st December, 2008 2008 2007 $ $ OPERATING ACTIVITIES Investment income received 11,018,212 14,312,989 Taxation paid (1,157,701) (1,160,776) Interest received 19,446 157,651 Operating expenses paid (7,607,258) (10,543,787) Purchase of investments (115,768,965) (185,872,123) Proceeds from sale of investments 120,362,955 183,056,146 Foreign exchange loss (6,011) (32,600) NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) 6,860,678 (82,500) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 6,860,678 (82,500) Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents (864,380) (5,483,284) 5,996,298 (5,565,784) Net cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period (3,419,118) 10,025,929 NET CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 2,577,180 4,460,145 Comprising of: Cash and cash equivalents 2,577,180 4,460,145 NET CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 2,577,180 4,460,145 GENESIS EMERGING MARKETS FUND LIMITED STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT (continued) RECONCILIATION OF PUBLISHED NET ASSET VALUE ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS TO THE IFRS EQUIVALENT 31st December, 2008 Per Participating Total Preference Share $ $ Published Net Asset Value 535,335,740 39.67 Change from mid market pricing to bid pricing for investments (5,949,956) (0.45) Net Asset Value under IFRS 529,385,784 39.22 Equity share capital 134,770 Equity Shareholders' Funds 529,520,554 30th June, 2008 Per Participating Total Preference Share $ $ Published Net Asset Value 999,154,562 74.03 Change from mid market pricing to bid pricing for investments (5,084,396) (0.38) Net Asset Value under IFRS 994,070,166 73.65 Equity share capital 134,770 Equity Shareholders' Funds 994,204,936 For Genesis Emerging Markets Fund Limited HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited, Secretary 27th February, 2009 END
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