12 January 2016
Falkland Islands Holdings plc
("FIH" or "the Company")
Consolidation, Sub-division and Share buy back
Falkland Islands Holdings plc, the AIM quoted international group which owns essential services businesses focused on retail, transport and logistics, announces that at the General Meeting held at 14.30. today, the Resolutions regarding the proposed Consolidation, Sub-Division and Share buy-back of the Fractional Entitlements of shareholders holding less than 1,000 shares, were duly passed, and the Consolidation, purchase of Fractional Entitlements by the Company and Sub-division will be implemented after today's market close. Application has been made for the new ordinary shares to be admitted to trading on AIM, and dealing in the new ordinary shares is expected to commence at 8.00 a.m. on Wednesday 13 January 2016 with ISIN GB00BD0CWJ91.
The General Meeting was convened pursuant to the Notice of General Meeting (the "Circular") posted to shareholders on 21 December 2015, which is available from the Company's website, www.fihplc.com. Defined terms used in this announcement have the meanings given in the Circular.
The Capital Reorganisation, consisting of a Consolidation, purchase of Fractional Entitlements by the Company, and Sub-division, will result in the Consolidation of every one thousand existing ordinary shares of 10 pence in the capital of the Company (the "Existing Ordinary Shares") into a Consolidated Share of £100 in the Capital of the Company (the "Consolidated Shares"), the repurchase from Small Shareholders (being those with less than 1,000 Existing Ordinary Shares) of Fractional Entitlements created by this Consolidation (except if the shareholder has elected otherwise) and the subsequent Sub-division of the Consolidated Shares into New Ordinary Shares of 10 pence each in the capital of the Company.
The price payable by the Company for the Fractional Entitlements is to be calculated on the basis of a Consolidated Share having a value equal to one thousand times the value equal to 105 per cent. of the average mid-market price of an Ordinary Share for the five business days ending on the 12 of January 2016, and the shares so repurchased will be held in treasury by the Company, or sold at an appropriate time. Application has been made for the admission of 12,431,623 New Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM, which is expected to take place on 13 January 2016.
Falkland Islands Holdings plc
Edmund Rowland, Chairman Tel: 0207 087 7970
John Foster, Managing Director Tel: 01279 461 630
WH Ireland Ltd. - NOMAD and Broker to FIH
Adrian Hadden / Mark Leonard Tel: 0207 220 1666
FTI Consulting - PR adviser to FIH
Edward Westropp / Eleanor Purdon Tel: 020 3727 1000