Filtronic plc
(Company Number 2891064)
Block Listing Application
12 August 2013
Filtronic plc announces that it has today made a block listing application for the admission of 170,000 ordinary shares of 10p each ("the Shares") to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority as follows:
153,808 shares under the 2008 Filtronic plc Sharesave Plan and
16,192 shares under the Filtronic plc Employee Share Option Plan 2010.
These shares, when allotted will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing shares in issue.
It is expected that admission of these shares will become effective on 16 August 2013.
Filtronic plc
Mike Brennan: Tel. 01325 301 111
Maura Moynihan: Tel. 01274 535 619
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited Tel. 020 7886 2500
Dominic Morley
Hannah Woodley
Walbrook PR Ltd Tel. 020 7933 8780
Paul McManus Mob. 07980 541 893 or
Helen Westaway Mob. 07841 917 679 or