31 January 2019
Filtronic plc ("the Company")
Filtronic plc (AIM: FTC), the designer and manufacturer of antennas, filters and mmWave products for the wireless telecoms and critical communications markets, announces that, following the conclusion of a formal tender process overseen by the Company's Audit Committee, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") have been appointed as the Company's auditor.
KPMG LLP ("KPMG") have been the auditors for Filtronic plc since the year ending 31 May 2003 and the Board extends its appreciation to KPMG for their services. KPMG has resigned as the Company's auditor and has confirmed to the Company that there are no matters connected with it ceasing to hold office that need to be brought to the attention of the members or creditors of the Company for the purposes of section 519 of the Companies Act 2006.
Filtronic plc |
Tel. 0113 220 0000 or investor.relations@filtronic.com |
Rob Smith (CEO) |
Michael Tyerman (Finance Director) |
Maura Moynihan (Company Secretary) |
finnCap Ltd |
Tel. 020 7220 0500 |
Jonny Franklin-Adams/Hannah Boros (Corporate Finance) |
Alice Lane/Sunila de Silva (ECM) |
Walbrook PR Limited |
Tel. 020 7933 8780 or filtronic@walbrookpr.com |
Paul Cornelius |
Mob. 07866 394 707 |
Sam Allen |
Mob. 07884 664 686 |