Final Results

Fisher (James) & Sons PLC 08 March 2004 James Fisher & Sons plc ('James Fisher' or the 'Company') Another Productive Year and Positive Outlook James Fisher, the marine services provider, announces its Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2003, representing another productive year with good growth and continued strong cash flows. The marine support services division now accounts for 41% (2002: 14%) of segmental operating profits before central and exceptional costs and has become the largest profit contributor, confirming James Fisher's strategy to grow its service businesses both organically and by acquisitions. With the tankships division contributing a further 34% (2002: 32%), there is a reduced reliance on the cable ships division, where it has been considered prudent to write down cable ship Nexus to its scrap value with an impairment provision of £4.8m. Financial Highlights • Turnover up 9% to £77.2m (2002: £71.1m). • Total operating profit up 18% to £15.6m (2002: £13.2m), excluding Nexus impairment. • Pre-tax profit, excluding Nexus impairment, up 4% to £10.1m (£5.4m after impairment; 2002 - £9.7m). • Basic earnings per share after adjustment for Nexus impairment is 19.01p and (2002 before tax credit: 18.63p) - before adjustment 9.04p (2002: 21.11p). • Final dividend of 4.30p (2002: 3.74p), making a total dividend of 6.77p (2002: 5.94p), up 14%. Operational Highlights • Tankships division: Profits up 30% to £6.06m; fleet modernisation programme; UK market leader. • Marine support services division: Now largest profit contributor with segmental operating profit of £7.32m (2002: £2.15m); expansion in defence, North Sea, non-defence areas, including nuclear industry; primary area for growth. • Cable ships division: Segmental operating profit down to £4.3m before Nexus impairment (2002: £7.9m) on conclusion of Nexus charter and weaker dollar impact on other charter income. • Higher quality earnings and good returns on capital in core divisions. Commenting on the Outlook, Chairman, Tim Harris, CBE, said: 'The strength of James Fisher's marine service capabilities is demonstrated by the overall growth in profits in 2003 despite a deterioration in profit from cable ships. Early signs of recovery in this cyclical market may be emerging. Overall, tankships is well placed to produce strong cash flows and a growing trend in profitability. Marine support services profitability has grown dramatically during 2003. We plan to continue this growth both organically and by acquisition. Trading in the year to date has been in line with expectations and we are well placed to continue producing growth in profitability and dividends for our shareholders.' For further information James Fisher and Sons plc Binns & Co PR Ltd Tim Harris, Chairman Peter Binns Angus Buchanan, Chief Executive Paul McManus Mike Shields, Finance Director Tel: 020 7786 9600 Tel: 020 7338 5808 Mobile: 07980 541 893 Chairman's Statement Overview 2003 was another productive year for James Fisher in which we have been able to demonstrate continuing good growth in profitability and strong underlying cash flows. Particularly noteworthy was the growth in our Marine Support Services division, which now accounts for 41% of our overall profits before central costs. We have considered it prudent to write cs Nexus down to its scrap value with an impairment provision of £4.8 million, the effect of which is to reduce the 2003 basic earnings per share from 19.01p to 9.04p. % 2003 2002 Turnover +9% £77.2m £71.1m Total operating profit * +18% £15.6m £13.2m Pre tax profit* +4% £10.1m £9.7m Basic earnings per share -57% 9.04p 21.11p Basic earnings per share before Nexus impairment +2% 19.01p 18.63p + Proposed final dividend +15% 4.30p 3.74p Dividends whole year +14% 6.77p 5.94p * excluding Nexus impairment provision of £4.8m + before £1.2m tax credit 2.48p The basic earnings per share in 2002 benefited from a one-off tax credit of £1.2 million or 2.48p per share. Your Board is recommending a final dividend of 4.30p per share, giving a total for the year of 6.77p (2002 - 5.94p) - an increase of 14%. The dividend is payable on 7 May 2004. Tankships Tankships, the UK market leader operating a fleet of 18 clean petroleum tankers, had a good year with segmental operating profit up by 30% over 2002 to £6.06 million. The volume of contract cargo increased by 10% (6.03 million tonnes 2003 vs 5.46 million tonnes 2002) and the spot market was stronger. We have made progress in our fleet modernisation programme by acquiring the newbuilding contracts for two 12,800 dwt vessels under construction in the Samho yard in Korea and scheduled for delivery in late 2004 and early 2005. At the year-end, £7.3 million was being carried as a debtor in the balance sheet in respect of payments made for the vessels. Since the year end both of the vessels have been on-sold to First Ship Lease Ltd and bareboat chartered for a period of ten years from delivery. As a result we have recovered in full the £7.3 million. We intend to replace our smaller and older ships by bareboat charters in line with our commitment to develop further the fleet with minimal capital cost. This strategy has been greatly benefited by the Tonnage Tax regime which removes the need for ship purchases to enable an operator to benefit from capital allowances. During 2003 we sold three of the smallest ships for £1.86 million in cash resulting in a book loss of £1.0 million but thereby avoiding £530,000 in refit costs. The average age of our fleet is already lower than that of our main competitors but we need to continue our fleet renewal programme both to maintain this advantage and to comply with the increasing demands that our customers and environmental legislation rightly place on our industry. Marine Support Services Progress in this division during 2003 was encouraging for two reasons: • the division became the largest contributor to group profits with segmental operating profit at £7.32 million (2002 £2.15 million) including our 25% share of the operating profit of AWSR Shipping Limited, the MoD's Strategic Sealift service • the Rumic and Scan Tech acquisitions last year produced strong results and, with the acquisitions in late 2003 of Air Supply AS and WM Defence (now James Fisher MIMIC Limited), further growth should be achieved in 2004 Marine Support Services comprises three main activities: • Defence Services, being provided by James Fisher Rumic Limited, AWSR Shipping Limited and James Fisher MIMIC Limited • Scan Tech, which provides services in the North Sea • Specialist Technical Services, which comprises other non-defence services and is currently mainly concerned with the nuclear industry Defence Services James Fisher Rumic Limited, which operates the Royal Navy's submarine rescue service, had a good year and is adding real capability to bid for defence contracts. We also benefited from the first full year of AWSR's operation which contributes a pre-tax profit of £1.27 million to our results. All six of its strategic sealift Ro-Ro vessels are now in service, with four utilised with the MoD and the remaining two on charter to a Scandinavian operator until late 2005. It is anticipated that AWSR will commence dividend payments in 2004. We have recently received notice from the Ministry of Defence that they intend to exercise their purchase option for RFA Oakleaf in September 2004. This will result in a capital profit of £589,000 but means that we will lose a profit contribution of c £1 million per annum with effect from the exercise date. In October 2003 we announced the acquisition of W M Defence, which had an operating profit of £563,000 in the year ended 31 July 2003, for £3.1 million in cash. It supplies maintenance and related asset management services to the Royal Navy with its Conditioned Based Monitoring system, MIMIC, which is installed in the majority of Royal Navy warships. We intend to continue to grow our MoD related services aggressively both organically and by acquisition. Scan Tech Our North Sea businesses, based in Stavanger and Aberdeen, now trade as a group under the Scan Tech name. Scan Tech AS in Stavanger, which we acquired in January 2003, had a record year but Aberdeen had a quieter year reflecting conditions in the UK market, although its HydroDigger service has started producing an acceptable rate of return. In October we announced the acquisition of Air Supply AS for NOK 57.5 million (£4.81 million) in cash. In the year ended 31 December 2002 Air Supply AS had a turnover of NOK 22.1 million (£1.9 million) and an EBITDA of NOK 12.8 million (£1.1 million). Air Supply rents and provides large containerised air compressors to the offshore oil and gas industry and is complementary to the customers and product range of Scan Tech AS and is also based in Stavanger. Specialist Technical Services We have a longstanding relationship with British Nuclear Fuels plc, for whom we manage seven vessels, which has been broadened by Rumic's growing nuclear decommissioning business. As a Cumbrian based company, whose core expertise is the practical application of engineering and operational skills, we see interesting opportunities in expanding our nuclear business both organically and by acquisition in the specialist field of nuclear decommissioning, particularly to service the challenging requirements of the local Sellafield site. Cable Ships As anticipated, profit from this division, pre-exceptionals, was substantially reduced from £7.92 million to £4.32 million for two reasons: the conclusion of the charter of Nexus to Global Marine Systems in December 2002; and the effect of a much weaker dollar on the charter income from Oceanic Princess and Oceanic Pearl. Nexus was utilised in the second half on two short-term charters, both for defence purposes. Her cash holding costs of around £300,000 per annum are limited and our policy is to use the vessel opportunistically while working on a number of options for her long-term future. However, in view of her age of thirty-two years, and as we have been unable over the last year to find long-term employment for the vessel, we have considered it prudent to write down her carrying cost to scrap value with an impairment provision of £4.8 million. If we are unable to find employment for the vessel, we shall sell her for scrap. Oceanic Princess and Oceanic Pearl were in lay-up throughout the year, reflecting the present bleak state of the cable market. Both remain chartered to it International Telecom, until May 2006 and December 2006 respectively, with the charters guaranteed by the parent company, General Dynamics. During 2003 we re-negotiated the terms of the charter so that we may market the ships for our own account, while retaining our future profit stream from the existing charters. We may also sell the vessels if we choose, either with or without the charter income. Although the current cable laying market is depressed, there have been some early indications during the second half 2003 of a slow turnaround, as a result of the recovery in the technology markets and the scrapping of around 15 cable vessels during the year whilst no more are being built. Indeed, we are now being asked to quote for major contracts albeit at very competitive rates. In many ways the cable market appears to be behaving like a classic shipping market with boom followed by bust, then attrition of the older vessels until supply again meets a recovering demand. There is effectively no active market in cable ships at present and our policy is to use the shelter of the present charters, which still have a considerable period to run, and to wait until the market conditions are more favourable when we shall have the option to sell and release significant capital resources. Directors and Employees Sir David Hardy, our senior non-executive director, is retiring at the AGM after ten years service on the Board. His stalwart professionalism, including a stint as stand-in chairman, has been of much benefit to James Fisher and his opinions and knowledge have always been valued. On behalf of the Company and myself, I would like to thank him for his great contribution. Anthony Cooke will be replacing him as the senior non-executive director. I would also like to thank Terry Moore who retired from the Board on 31 December 2003 after five years service as a non-executive director. It was a pleasure to welcome Maurice Storey CB, the recently retired CEO of the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), to the Board as a non-executive director on 1 December 2003. His joining James Fisher emphasises our commitment to maintaining the highest marine standards both operationally and technically. It is also a pleasure to welcome Charles Rice to the Board as a non-executive director with effect from 1 April 2004. Charles was the P&O main board director with responsibilities for its logistics division before its sale last year. He comes to us with much valuable experience and knowledge of service companies, including the identification and management of acquisitions. Although we have a stable set of four executive directors, we have been strengthening our senior management level immediately below the Board. Noteworthy in this context are Simon Harris who has joined us from Houlder Limited as Commercial Director for our MoD Division, Nick Henry who has now served a year as Managing Director of Tankships, Stewart Jeffcoat who joined us in October 2003 as Technical Director and John Sands who has just joined as Managing Director of Scan Tech UK. These appointments supplement the management provided by Roger Chapman and Bjorn Erik Bjornsen who both continue to play a full part in the integration of James Fisher Rumic and Scan Tech into the Group. 2003 has been a challenging year in many ways and I would like both to recognise and thank the employees at sea and ashore for their great contribution to the group's growth and success. Outlook The strength of James Fisher's marine service capabilities is demonstrated by the overall growth in profits in 2003 despite a £3.60 million deterioration in the trading profit from Cable Ships. The group has also continued to demonstrate its ability to generate strong cash flows. Tankships enjoys a strong position in its UK niche market with important longstanding customer relationships. We have made real progress with fleet renewal in 2003 which will continue in 2004. Overall, Tankships is well placed to produce strong cash flows and a growing trend in profitability which may however vary slightly from year to year with the strength of the spot market. Marine Support Services' profitability has grown dramatically during 2003 and we plan to continue this growth both organically and by acquisition. The acquisitions made during 2003 have been fully integrated and are already contributing to the success of this division. We also see our Cumbrian base as an advantage in expanding the defence and nuclear fields as both are longstanding 'local' industries. Over the last two years the cable ship market has been very depressed and continues to be so. We have been substantially protected by the General Dynamics charters which still have well over two years to run. The early signs of recovery may be emerging, but it is still too early to predict how soon and how completely this will be realised. With the re-negotiation of the charter terms, we now have complete flexibility to make the right move for the group at the right time in the cycle. 2004 profits will suffer from the effects of a weak dollar on Oceanic Princess' and Oceanic Pearl's $14 million of charter income but, conversely, will benefit from any activity we can generate for the vessels even at marginal rates. James Fisher now has over 75% (2002 - 46%) of its trading profits coming from its Marine Service Divisions and Tanker Division. Trading in the year to date has been in line with expectations and we are well placed to continue producing growth in profitability and dividends for our shareholders. GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 31 December Exceptional 2003 2002 Headline items (note 4) Total Total £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover: group and share of joint ventures 84,574 - 84,574 72,322 less share of joint ventures (7,359) - (7,359) (1,211) 77,215 - 77,215 71,111 ongoing 70,647 - 70,647 70,979 acquisitions 6,568 - 6,568 77,215 - 77,215 70,979 discontinued - - - 132 Group turnover 77,215 - 77,215 71,111 Cost of sales (excluding C.S. Nexus impairment) (60,308) - (60,308) (53,269) C.S. Nexus impairment - (4,769) (4,769) - Cost of sales (60,308) (4,769) (65,077) (53,269) Gross profit 16,907 (4,769) 12,138 17,842 Administrative expenses goodwill amortisation (623) - (623) (58) general (4,474) - (4,474) (4,266) (5,097) - (5,097) (4,324) Group operating profit/(loss) ongoing 11,262 (4,769) 6,493 13,541 acquisitions 548 - 548 11,810 (4,769) 7,041 13,541 discontinued - - - (23) 11,810 (4,769) 7,041 13,518 Share of operating profit/(loss) in joint ventures 3,744 - 3,744 (298) Total operating profit: group and share of joint 15,554 (4,769) 10,785 13,220 ventures Continuing operations Loss on sale of ships - (1,033) (1,033) (327) Discontinued operations Loss on sale of ships - - - (8) Provision for termination of business - - - (794) 15,554 (5,802) 9,752 12,091 Net interest payable Group (2,237) - (2,237) (2,519) Joint venture (2,478) - (2,478) (355) Exchange gain on loan conversion 343 - 343 501 (4,372) - (4,372) (2,373) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 11,182 (5,802) 5,380 9,718 Taxation (1,050) - (1,050) 318 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 10,132 (5,802) 4,330 10,036 Dividends Non equity (4) - (4) (4) Equity (3,250) - (3,250) (2,832) (3,254) (3,254) (2,836) Retained profit for the year 6,878 (5,802) 1,076 7,200 pence pence Basic earnings per ordinary share 9.04 21.11 Diluted earnings per ordinary share 8.70 20.63 Basic earnings per ordinary share after adjustment for 19.01 18.63 Nexus Impairment (2002 tax credit) Ordinary dividends paid or payable: Interim 2.47 2.20 Final 4.30 3.74 6.77 5.94 GROUP STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES For the year ended 31 December 2003 2002 Total Total £000 £000 Profit for the financial year excluding profit/(loss) of joint ventures 586 10,334 Share of joint ventures' profit/(loss) for the year 3,744 (298) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 4,330 10,036 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments 406 - Exchange difference on loan (476) - Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year 4,260 10,036 GROUP BALANCE SHEET As at 31 December 2003 2002 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets - goodwill 17,397 2,721 Tangible assets 114,455 126,109 Investments: Investments in joint venture: Share of gross assets 52,333 30,979 Share of gross liabilities (50,742) (30,635) 1,591 344 Other investments 1,514 2,053 134,957 131,227 Current assets Stocks 2,377 1,115 Debtors 18,895 14,918 Cash at bank and in hand 5,455 4,904 26,727 20,937 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Trade and other (16,566) (15,854) Bank loans (9,674) (8,614) (26,240) (24,468) Net current assets/(liabilities) 487 (3,531) Total assets less current liabilities 135,444 127,696 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Trade and other - (500) Bank loans (51,633) (44,358) (51,633) (44,858) Provisions for liabilities and charges (200) (147) Net assets 83,611 82,691 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 12,311 12,238 Share premium account 23,558 23,380 Profit and loss account 47,742 47,073 Shareholders' funds 83,611 82,691 GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 31 December 2003 2002 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 22,848 24,712 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 341 470 Interest paid (2,562) (3,014) Preference dividend paid (4) (4) (2,225) (2,548) Taxation Corporation tax paid (386) (651) Overseas tax paid (314) - Corporation tax received - 109 (700) (542) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchases less sales of own shares by ESOP (75) (258) Purchase of tangible fixed assets (2,214) (3,133) Sale of tangible fixed assets 2,027 738 Purchase of shipbuilding contracts via subsidiary undertakings (7,293) - (7,555) (2,653) Acquisitions and disposals Cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings 888 1,768 Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (17,603) (3,275) Loans to joint venture (944) (2,722) Loans from joint venture 1,997 944 Purchase of interest in joint venture - (25) (15,662) (3,310) Equity dividends paid (2,978) (2,570) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before management of liquid resources and financing (6,272) 13,089 Management of liquid resources Increase in short term deposits (1,535) - Financing Issue of ordinary shares 251 - New secured loans 19,898 1,912 Repayment of loans (13,326) (16,922) 6,823 (15,010) Decrease in cash in the year (984) (1,921) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Decrease in cash in the year (984) (1,921) Cash (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/decrease in debt (6,572) 15,010 Cash inflow from increase in short term deposits 1,535 - Change in net debt resulting from cashflows (6,021) 13,089 Exchange differences 343 501 Loans acquired with subsidiary undertakings (2,106) - Movement in net debt (7,784) 13,590 Net debt at 1 January (48,068) (61,658) Net debt at 31 December (55,852) (48,068) NOTES 1. Financial information The financial information set out above does not comprise the company's statutory accounts. Statutory accounts for the previous financial year ended 31 December 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The auditors have given an unqualified opinion on the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003 which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the annual general meeting. The financial information above has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002. 2. Segmental analysis The segmental analysis has been restated by allocating directly attributable administration expenses to the operating segments. Geographical market supplied Marine Turnover Tankships Cable ships Support Services Total 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Continuing operations UK & Ireland 41,971 41,451 1,377 5,005 12,451 6,960 55,799 53,416 Continental Europe 4,596 4,577 - - 6,052 432 10,648 5,009 Americas - - 9,360 11,838 1,296 637 10,656 12,475 Rest of World - - - - 112 79 112 79 Discontinued operations UK & Ireland - - - - - 132 - 132 46,567 46,028 10,737 16,843 19,911 8,240 77,215 71,111 Total operating profit The group operates from two geographical locations as follows: United Kingdom & Ireland Norway Total 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Continuing operations Ongoing 12,905 15,050 - - 12,905 15,050 Acquisitions 72 - 978 - 1,050 - Impairment (4,769) - - - (4,769) - Share of operating profit in joint 3,744 (298) - - 3,744 (298) ventures Discontinued operations Segment Loss - (23) - - - (23) 11,952 14,729 978 - 12,930 14,729 Goodwill amortisation (relates to Marine Support Services) (623) (58) Common costs (1,522) (1,451) Total operating profit: group and share of joint ventures 10,785 13,220 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation Marine Tankships Cable ships Support Services Total 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Continuing operations Ongoing 6,061 4,657 4,322 7,919 2,522 2,474 12,905 15,050 Acquisitions - - - - 1,050 - 1,050 - Impairment of C.S. Nexus - - (4,769) - - - (4,769) - Share of operating profit in joint ventures - - - - 3,744 (298) 3,744 (298) Discontinued operations Segment loss - - - - - (23) - (23) 6,061 4,657 (447) 7,919 7,316 2,153 12,930 14,729 Goodwill amortisation (relates to Marine Support (623) (58) Services) Common costs (1,522) (1,451) Total operating profit: group and share of joint 10,785 13,220 ventures Continuing operations Loss on sale of ships (1,033) (335) Discontinued operations Provision for termination of business - (794) 9,752 12,091 Net interest payable Group (2,237) (2,519) Joint Venture (2,478) (355) Exchange gain on loan conversion 343 501 (4,372) (2,373) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 5,380 9,718 Marine Tankships Cable ships Support Services Total 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Net operating assets Net assets by segment: Continuing operations 64,170 67,923 48,067 55,833 29,792* 8,046* 142,029 131,802 The net operating assets are reconciled to shareholders' funds as follows: Net operating assets 142,029 131,802 Fixed asset investments 1,157 1,157 Own shares held under trust 357 896 Net borrowings (55,852) (48,068) Corporation tax (1,277) (653) Deferred tax (200) (147) Deferred consideration (535) (500) Dividends payable (2,068) (1,796) Shareholders' funds 83,611 82,691 * Includes share of net assets of joint ventures, 2003: £1.591m (2002: £1.397m). 3. Group operating profit Group operating profit is stated after charging depreciation on tangible fixed assets of £9.526m (2002 £9.818m), amortisation of goodwill of £0.623m (2002 £0.058m) and an impairment loss of £4.769m (2002 £nil). 4. Exceptional items (a) Exceptional items reported before group operating profit 2003 2002 £000 £000 C.S. Nexus impairment (4,769) - C.S. Nexus impairment As part of the preparation of the financial statements for the year ended and as at 31 December 2003, the directors performed an impairment review of the cable laying ships C.S. Oceanic Princess, C.S.Oceanic Pearl and C.S. Nexus. The result of this review has led to an impairment provision of £4.769m against the C.S. Nexus primarily in view of her age of thirty-two years. (b) Exceptional items reported after group operating profit Continuing shipping operations 2003 2002 £000 £000 Loss on sale of (1,033) (327) ships Discontinued shipping operations 2003 2002 £000 £000 Loss on sale of - (8) ships Provision for termination of business - (794) - (802) The loss on sale of ships of £nil (2002 £8,000) represents the disposal of the remaining dry cargo vessels following the decision to withdraw from this market. On 28 January 2003 the dsv Fisher Cavalier, a ship owned by the group's joint venture company, Fisher Offshore Services Limited, was sold and a provision of £0.794m was made in 2002 representing the group's share of loss on sale of vessel of £0.464m and a provision on termination of business of £0.330m. The taxation effects of the exceptional items reported after operating profit is £nil (2002 £nil). 5. Taxation Tax on profit on ordinary activities 2003 2002 £000 £000 The tax charge/(credit) is made up as follows: Current tax: UK tonnage tax 36 30 UK corporation tax 501 524 537 554 Tax underprovided in previous years 88 277 Foreign tax 354 - Group current tax 979 831 Share of joint venture's current tax 18 30 Total current tax 997 861 Deferred tax: Group deferred tax 53 (1,179) Tax on profit on ordinary activities 1,050 (318) 6. Cash flow statement (a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 2003 2002 £000 £000 Group operating profit 7,041 13,518 Depreciation and refit amortisation 9,526 9,818 C.S. Nexus impairment 4,769 - Amortisation of goodwill 623 58 Increase in stocks (439) (255) Decrease in debtors 2,247 1,650 Decrease in creditors (804) (303) Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (86) (44) Share based compensation 277 156 (Decrease)/increase in provisions (306) 114 Net cash inflow from operating activities 22,848 24,712 (b) Reconciliation of net debt 1 January Acquisitions Cash Flow Transfer Exchange 31 December 2003 Movement 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash in hand, at bank 4,904 - (984) - - 3,920 Short-term deposits* - - 1,535 - - 1,535 Debt due after one year (44,358) - (19,898) 12,336 287 (51,633) Debt due within one year (8,614) (2,106) 13,326 (12,336) 56 (9,674) (52,972) (2,106) (6,572) - 343 (61,307) Net debt (48,068) (2,106) (6,021) - 343 (55,852) * Short term deposits are included within cash at bank and in hand in the balance sheet. 7. Earnings per ordinary share The calculations of earnings per ordinary share are based on the following profits and numbers of shares. 2003 2002 £000 £000 Profit for the financial year 4,330 10,036 Preference dividends (4) (4) 4,326 10,032 Weighted average number of shares (excluding the shares owned by James Fisher and Sons Public Limited Company Employee Share Ownership Trust): 2003 2002 Number of Number of shares shares For basic earnings per ordinary share* 47,855,653 47,516,302 Exercise of share options and LTIPs 1,850,531 1,110,975 For diluted earnings per ordinary share 49,706,184 48,627,277 *Excludes shares owned by James Fisher and Sons Public Limited Company Employee Share Ownership Trust. The basic earnings per share after adjustment for Nexus Impairment and 2002 tax credit is calculated using the same number of shares for the basic earnings calculation referred to above and the amount shown below. 2003 2002 £000 p £000 p Basic earnings per share 4,326 9.04 10,032 21.11 Adjustments cs Nexus impairment 4,769 9.97 - - Deferred tax credit - - (1,179) (2.48) 9,095 19.01 8,853 18.63 8. Dividends paid and proposed The directors are recommending a final ordinary dividend of 4.30p per ordinary share which will be payable on 7 May 2004 to ordinary shareholders on the Register on 16 April 2004, making a total for the year of 6.77p per share. This compares with a final dividend for 2002 of 3.74p per share and a total distribution for 2002 of 5.94p per share. 2003 2002 £000 £000 Rates of dividend paid and proposed amount absorbed thereby: Equity: Ordinary interim paid of 2.47p per share (2002 2.20p per share) 1,200 1,062 Ordinary final proposed of 4.30p per share (2002 3.74p per share) 2,100 1,816 Non-equity: 3.5% Preference paid (2002 3.5%) 4 4 Less dividends on own shares held by the ESOP (50) (46) 3,254 2,836 The ordinary dividends are based upon the following number of issued shares: 2003 2002 No. No. Interim 48,600,800 48,270,098 Final 48,843,215 48,550,800 The ordinary final dividend will be paid on 7 May 2004 to those shareholdings registered in the books of the company at the close of business on 16 April 2004. 9. The AGM will be held at 1200 noon on Friday 30 April 2004 at the Abbey House Hotel, Abbey Road, Barrow-in Furness, Cumbria. 10. Report and Accounts will be posted to members on 31 March 2004. Copies will be made available to members of the public at Fisher House, PO Box 4, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 1HR. 11. This preliminary statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 8 March 2004. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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