Interim Results

JAMES FISHER AND SONS PLC 14 September 1999 Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 1999 Summary Half year Half year Year to to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98 Turnover £37.43m £31.87m £63.52m Profit before tax £3.09m £2.99m £3.85m Earnings per share 5.66p 4.22p 5.76p Dividend per share 1.54p 1.40p 3.75p * Increased turnover due principally to sale of two second hand ships 0 * Solid cash flow leads to 10 per cent increase in interim dividend * Tonnage tax will be of 'considerable benefit' to the company Prospects David B. Cobb, Executive Chairman, says: 'Our time charters and contracts of affreightment, all of which have been renewed and in some cases with increased volume, continue to provide a solid base for the company'. 'With charter/contract turnover secured, we have good reason to believe that the second half results should produce an improved performance compared with the first six months of the year.' Enquiries: David B. Cobb, CBE, Executive Chairman Tel: 0171 338 5808 Issued on behalf of James Fisher and Sons Public Limited Company by Tavistock Communications Limited (contact: Keith Payne, tel: 0171 600 2288) Chairman's Statement Financial At £3,091,000 profit before tax for the six months to June 1999 was marginally higher than for the same period of 1998. Turnover from continuing operations at £37,366,000 was up from £31,201,000 in 1998 due principally to the sale of two second hand ships, sourced originally for conversion to cable repair ships for onward charter, but sold prior to conversion to Cable & Wireless Marine. This company, which has now been acquired by Global Crossing Limited, has changed its name to Global Marine Systems Limited. Dividend Despite a difficult period in shipping, the underlying performance of our fleet from charters and contracts of affreightment has produced a solid cash flow. This has led the Board to increase the dividend by 10% to 1.54p (1998 - 1.40p) which will be paid on 18 November 1999 to shareholders on the register at 15 October 1999. Operations Revenues from the carriage of spot market bulk cargoes, dry and wet, has been difficult. Spot market rates for mini bulkers and oil tankers are at the lowest levels seen for many years. In the case of dry bulk, this is due to an influx of small ships from the Baltic States and the former Soviet Union creating a large oversupply of tonnage. The squeeze on rates in the oil market has been partially due to the effect of the lower price of oil and by the entry of chemical tankers into the clean petroleum trade, in view of a serious shortage of chemical tanker movements. Delays in turning vessels around at certain oil installations have continued to cause problems for tanker operations. During the period we sold at a loss of £54,000 one tanker, m.t. Tillerman, 25 years old, and one dry cargo vessel, m.v. Rockisland, 21 years old. We have sold a further tanker since 30 June, m.t. Tyne Fisher, 19 years old. We laid up four of our older tankers and three bulk carriers in the Spring. As we approach the Autumn, all the tankers will be returned to service with only the dry cargo vessels in lay-up. It is still our intention to sell, whenever possible, our dry cargo vessels and older tankers. Notwithstanding spot market conditions and delays, our core businesses have produced profits and sound cash flows. Tankship contracts with the major oil companies remain in place with the volume carried, up on last year. Our ongoing contracts with British Nuclear Fuels, National Power and the Ministry of Defence continue to make a satisfactory contribution to profitability. The Nexus, our cable laying ship, has performed technically above expectations in difficult sea states in the Pacific while on charter. This ship produces an excellent return on capital. Underwater Engineering Services, our Aberdeen-based supplier of services to the North Sea exploration and production companies, is busy and profitable. Seafloor Dynamex, our seafloor excavation company, has successfully completed a number of assignments in China and the North Sea and contributed a small profit. These successes are adding to the reputation and acceptability of the advanced excavation equipment which was developed in-house. The warehousing contract at RAF Sealand, renewed for a further two years from November 1999, is producing satisfactory results. A substantial provision was made in the 1998 accounts for Newhaven closure costs. We are now on a care and maintenance basis at Newhaven, having ceased cargo operations there in March this year. Discussions with our landlord and third parties concerning the long term use of the facilities are continuing. Year 2000 As part of a full and detailed review of our computerised systems onshore and afloat we believe we have addressed all of the key issues and have put in place procedural plans to cover the year end. Tonnage Tax I am delighted to report that, following a concerted campaign during my Presidency of the Chamber of Shipping, the Government has announced, following a review by Lord Alexander of Weedon, that a tonnage tax for British shipping companies will be introduced from l January 2000. This tonnage tax will replace corporation tax and will be of considerable benefit to our company. The impact of this on our deferred tax provision will be considered at the end of the year. PROSPECTS Our time charters and contracts of affreightment, all of which have been renewed and in some cases with increased volume, continue to provide a solid base for the company. Our financial position is strong with net debt at £25,660,000 giving a net gearing of 47.9% which is low by industry standards. We have investigated several possible acquisitions/joint ventures, but so far these have not matched our required criteria. We continue to explore suitable opportunities, always with a view to enhancing shareholder value. With charter/contract turnover secured, we have good reason to believe that the second half results should produce an improved performance compared with the first six months of the year. STAFF We have a strong and adaptable management team who along with all our employees are to be thanked for their contribution to these results. David B. Cobb, CBE Executive Chairman Group profit and loss account Six Six months Audited months to to 30 June Year ended 30 June 30 June 1998 31 December 1999 Restated 1998 Notes £000 £000 £000 Turnover Continuing operations 37,366 31,201 62,377 Discontinued port operations 67 673 1,146 ------- ------- ------- 2 37,433 31,874 63,523 Cost of sales (31,598) (25,926) (51,947) ------- ------- ------- Gross profit 5,835 5,948 11,576 Administrative expenses (1,389) (1,481) (2,743) ------- ------- ------- Operating profit Continuing operations 4,561 4,945 9,749 Discontinued port operations (115) (478) (916) ------- ------- ------- 3 4,446 4,467 8,833 Discontinued operations: Port closure costs - (596) (2,862) Continuing operations: Loss on sale of ships (54) - - Amounts written off investments - (301) (301) ------- ------- ------- 4,392 3,570 5,670 Interest receivable 504 752 1,335 Interest payable (1,805) (1,332) (3,151) ------- ------- ------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2 3,091 2,990 3,854 Taxation 4 (369) (953) (1,071) ------ ------ ------ Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 2,722 2,037 2,783 Dividends ------ ------ ------ Non equity (2) (2) (4) Equity (743) (676) (1,809) ------ ------ ------ (745) (678) (1,813) ------ ------ ------ Retained profit for the period 1,977 1,359 970 ====== ====== ====== Restated Restated Pence Pence Pence Earnings per share 6 5.66 4.22 5.76 Adjusted earnings per share 6 4.60 5.94 11.00 Diluted earnings per share 6 5.64 4.17 5.71 Ordinary dividends paid or payable: Interim 1.54 1.40 1.40 Final 2.35 Group statement of total recognised gains and losses £000 £000 £000 Profit for the period 2,722 2,037 2,783 ====== ------ ------ Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period 2,037 2,783 Prior year adjustments 346 346 ------ ------ Total gains and losses 2,383 3,129 recognised since last annual report ====== ====== Group balance sheet 30 June 1999 30 June 1998 Audited Restated 31 December 1998 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 712 750 731 Tangible assets 94,058 99,528 98,802 ------ ------ ------ 94,770 100,278 99,533 Current assets Stocks 717 739 717 Debtors 9,520 9,601 9,902 Cash at bank 4,932 3,583 2,900 Short term deposits 15,076 11,177 14,496 ------ ------ ------ 30,245 25,100 28,015 ------ ------ ------ Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Trade and other (11,356) (13,842) (12,328) Bank loans (5,550) (4,617) (5,483) ------ ------ ------ (16,906) (18,459) (17,811) ------ ------ ------ Net current assets 13,339 6,641 10,204 ------ ------ ------ Total assets less current liabilities 108,109 106,919 109,737 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Trade and other (38) (499) (10) Bank loans (40,118) (40,469) (42,177) ------ ------ ------ (40,156) (40,968) (42,187) ------ ------ ------ Provisions for liabilities and charges (14,424) (14,014) (15,998) ------ ------ ------ Net assets 53,529 51,937 51,552 ====== ====== ====== Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 12,168 12,166 12,168 Share premium account 23,050 23,048 23,050 Profit and loss account 18,311 16,723 16,334 ------ ------ ------ Shareholders' funds 53,529 51,937 51,552 ====== ====== ====== Group cash flow statement Six Months to Six months to Audited 30 June 1999 30 June 1998 Year ended Restated 31 December 1998 Notes £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 5(a) 7,621 9,405 15,555 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 5(b) (1,087) (1,128) (2,343) Taxation 5(c) (753) (34) (402) Capital expenditure and financial investment 5(d) 200 (10,302) (14,136) Acquisitions and 5(e) (243) (1,743) (1,743) disposals Equity dividends paid (1,134) (965) (1,640) ------ ------ ------ Cash inflow/(outflow) before management of liquid resources 4,604 (4,767) (4,709) Management of liquid resources 5(f) (580) 2,490 (829) Financing 5(g) (1,992) 4,912 7,490 ------ ------ ------ Increase in cash in the period 2,032 2,635 1,952 ====== ====== ====== Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 5(h) Increase in cash in the period 2,032 2,635 1,952 Cash outflow/(inflow) from decrease/(increase) in 1,992 (4,912) (7,486) debt Cash outflow/(inflow) from increase in liquid resources 580 (2,490) 829 ------ ------ ------ Movement in net debt in the period 4,604 (4,767) (4,705) Net debt at beginning of period (30,264) (25,559) (25,559) ------ ------ ------ Net debt at end of period (25,660) (30,326) (30,264) ====== ====== ====== Notes on the interim accounts * Interim accounts The unaudited interim accounts for the group have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 1998. The results for the six months to 30 June 1999, the group balance sheet and the group cash flow statement have been subject to a review. The comparative results for the six months to 30 June 1998, the group balance sheet and the group cash flow statement have been restated to reflect the change in accounting policy following the publication of Financial Reporting Standard 12 by the Accounting Standards Board. The figures for the year ended 31 December 1998 have been extracted from the 1998 annual report and accounts which have been filed with the registrar of companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 237(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985. * Segmental analysis Turnover and profit on ordinary activities before taxation are attributable to the following activities: Six months Six months Year ended to 30 June to 30 June 31 December 1999 1998 1998 Restated £000 £000 £000 Turnover Shipping operations: Continuing operations 36,817 30,680 61,116 Engineering operations: Continuing operations 549 521 1,261 Port operations: Discontinued operations 67 673 1,146 ------ ------ ------ 37,433 31,874 63,523 ====== ====== ====== Profit on ordinary activities before taxation Shipping operations: Continuing operations 4,400 4,730 9,166 Amounts written off investments - (301) (301) Sale of ships (54) - - Engineering operations: Continuing operations 161 215 583 Port operations: Discontinued operations (115) (478) (916) Port closure costs - (596) (2,862) ------ ------ ------ 4,392 3,570 5,670 Interest payable less receivable (1,301) (580) (1,816) ------ ------ ------ 3,091 2,990 3,854 ====== ====== ====== * Operating profit Operating profit is stated after charging depreciation of tangible fixed assets of £3,791,000 (1998 £3,356,000) and amortisation of intangible fixed assets of £19,000 (1998 £12,000). * Taxation The charge for taxation on ordinary activities represents: Six months Six months Year ended to 30 June to 30 June 31 December 1999 1998 1998 Restated £000 £000 £000 Corporation tax at 30.5% (1998 31%) (369) (236) (342) Deferred taxation (624) (833) (1,015) ------ ------ ------ (993) (1,069) (1,357) Adjustment in respect of prior year UK Corporation tax (603) - (143) Deferred taxation: Other 786 116 429 Change of rate 441 - - ------ ------ ------ (369) (953) (1,071) ====== ====== ====== The current year tax charge above includes the following in respect of exceptional items: Port closure costs Deferred tax - 185 888 ====== ====== ====== * Group cash flow statement (a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities Six months Six months Year ended to 30 June 1999 to 30 June 31 December 1998 1998 Restated £000 £000 £000 Operating profit 4,446 4,467 8,833 Depreciation 3,791 3,356 7,367 Amortisation of goodwill 19 12 31 Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets (6) (31) (39) Decrease in stocks - 5 27 Decrease in debtors 328 706 243 (Increase)/decrease in creditors (657) 923 (691) Own costs capitalised - (156) (214) (Decrease)/increase in provisions (300) 123 (2) ------ ------ ------ Net cash inflow from operating activities 7,621 9,405 15,555 ====== ====== ===== (b) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Six months Six months Year ended to 30 June to 30 June 31 December 1999 1998 1998 Restated £000 £000 £000 Interest received 519 594 1,098 Interest paid (1,604) (1,722) (3,437) Preference dividend paid (2) - (4) ------ ------ ------ Net cash outflow (1,087) (1,128) (2,343) ====== ====== ====== (c) Taxation Corporation tax paid (753) (153) (520) Corporation tax received - 119 118 ------ ------ ------ Net cash outflow (753) (34) (402) ====== ====== ====== (d) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,537) (10,388) (14,315) Sale of tangible fixed assets 1,737 67 160 Sale of investments - 19 19 ------ ------ ------ Net cash inflow /(outflow) 200 (10,302) (14,136) ====== ====== ====== Included in the above are cash inflows of £1,720,000 relating to the loss on sales of ships of £54,000 for the six months to 30 June 1999 (e) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertaking - (1,500) (1,500) Net overdraft acquired with subsidiary - (193) (193) Costs associated with discontinued port operations (243) (50) (50) ------ ------ ------ Net cash outflow (243) (1,743) (1,743) ====== ====== ====== (f) Management of liquid resources Short term investments (580) (2,490) (829) ====== ====== ====== (g) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital - - 4 New secured loan 784 6,237 11,019 Repayment of secured loans (2,776) (1,325) (3,533) ------ ------ ------ Net cash (outflow) /inflow (1,992) 4,912 7,490 ====== ====== ====== (h) Reconciliation of net debt 1 January 1999 Cash flow 30 June 1999 £000 £000 £000 Cash in hand and at bank 2,900 2,032 4,932 ------ ------ ------ Debt due after 1 year (42,177) 2,059 (40,118) Debt due within 1 year (5,483) (67) (5,550) ------ ------ ------ (47,660) 1,992 (45,668) Short term deposits 14,496 580 15,076 ------ ------ ------ Net debt (30,264) 4,604 (25,660) ====== ====== ====== * Earnings per share The calculations of basic and diluted earnings per share are based on the following profits and numbers of shares: Six months Six months Year ended to 30 June to 30 June 31 December 1999 1998 1998 Restated £000 £000 £000 Profit for the period 2,722 2,037 2,783 Preference dividend (2) (2) (4) ------ ------ ------ 2,720 2,035 2,779 ====== ====== ====== Weighted average number of shares: Number of Number of Number of shares shares shares For basic earnings 48,093,202 48,265,300 48,251,277 per share Exercise of share 83,214 525,374 380,445 options ------ ------ ------ For diluted earnings per 48,176,416 48,790,674 48,631,722 share ------ ------ ------ The adjusted earnings per share is shown to highlight the underlying earnings trend and is calculated using the same number of shares for the basic earnings calculation referred to above and the amounts shown below: Six Six months Year ended months to 30 June 31 December to 30 1998 1998 June Restated 1999 £000 p £000 p £000 p Earnings per 5.66 4.22 5.76 share ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Discontinued port operations 115 0.24 478 0.99 916 1.89 Port closure costs - - 596 1.23 2,862 5.93 Loss on sale of ships 54 0.11 - - - - Amounts written off investments - - 301 0.62 301 0.62 Tax effect of above (52) (0.11) (426) (0.88) (1,264) (2.61) Prior year element of tax charge (624) (1.30) (116) (0.24) (286) (0.59) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ (507) (1.06) 833 1.72 2,529 5.24 ====== ------ ====== ------ ====== ------ Adjusted earnings per share 4.60 5.94 11.00 ====== ====== ====== The six months to 30 June 1998 figure for adjusted earnings per share has been restated from 6.23p to include adjustments for the results of operations discontinued in 1998, port closure costs, loss on sales of ships, amount written off investments, and the tax effect thereon. * Post balance sheet event On 23 July 1999 the m.t. Tyne Fisher was sold at a loss of £35,000. * Interim dividend A dividend for the six months to 30 June 1999 on the preference shares was declared on 30 June 1999. The interim dividend of 1.54p net (1998 1.40p net) per 25p ordinary share is payable on 18 November 1999 to those shareholders registered in the books of the company at the close of business on 15 October 1999. * Interim report The interim report is to be sent to all shareholders on Tuesday 21 September 1999, posted first class. Copies of the interim report will also be available from our registered office at: Fisher House, P.O. Box 4, Barrow- in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 1HR.
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