Interim Results
Fletcher King PLC
18 January 2002
18 January 2002
Fletcher King Plc
Fletcher King Plc, the property and construction services group, today
announce their interim results for the six months to 31 October 2001.
* PROFIT BEFORE TAX £141,000 (2000: £285,000)
* TURNOVER £2.4 million (2000: £3.22 million)
* EARNINGS PER SHARE 0.94p (2000: 2.1p)
* INTERIM DIVIDEND 0.25p (2000: 1.5p)
Commenting on the results, David Fletcher, Chairman, said:
'Fletcher King's results reflect the slowdown in the UK economy. However, we
have some excellent prospective business in the pipeline and continue to win
new instructions.'
For further information, please contact:-
David Fletcher, Chairman Fletcher King Plc 020 7493 8400
Claire Rowberry/Francetta Carr GCI Financial 020 7072 4215
The interim results for the 6 months to 31 October 2001 are in line with
directors' expectations. Profit before tax was £141,000 (2000 £285,000)
producing earnings per share of 0.94p (2000 2.1p).
Because of conflicting economic indicators and uncertain market conditions,
your Board considers it prudent to limit the interim dividend payment and we
have therefore declared an interim dividend of 0.25p (2000 1.5p) per share
which will be paid on 22 February 2002 to shareholders on the register at the
close of business on 8 February 2002. Assuming that, at the year end,
economic indicators are favourable it is the Board's intention to pay a
dividend fully covered by profit and to make a transfer to reserves.
Fletcher King's results reflect the slowdown in the UK economy, which was
already evident towards the end of our last financial year, and the high level
of uncertainty amongst both corporate occupiers and investors. This
uncertainty has resulted in delayed decisions to move to new accommodation or
to invest funds in income producing properties. We believe that this
uncertainty is likely to continue. The traditional occupiers in the western
corridor, who are largely American owned corporations, are cutting back on
their space requirements as indeed are many of the investment banking, broking
and fund management houses in the City of London. We agree with industry
commentators that the slowdown is a correction to a market that has run ahead
of itself and is in no way comparable to the major recessions of the late
1980's early 1990's and prior to that in the early 1970's.
The Group's businesses in London and Manchester have delivered strong
performances that reflect the strength of the economy in those regions.
Birmingham experienced a disappointing first half and returned a small loss.
Our construction services company, Howard Associates, which was re-branded
Fletcher King Howards on 1 January 2002, continued to experience some trading
difficulties. However, they have found the level of enquiries is increasing
and, although a loss was produced in the first half, they are budgeting for
this to be eliminated by the year end.
The development of our associated business in Birmingham has not been
progressing in accordance with our national strategy and we have decided,
therefore, as from 1 January 2002, to transfer our 25% shareholding to our
local partners Messrs Cosnett and Price. This action will be financially
neutral to the performance of the Group.
The uncertainties in the investment markets generally, and investors
reluctance to make decisions, have affected the progress of setting up our
Limited Partnership for investment in income producing commercial properties.
We have significant interest from potential investors, but many are delaying
final decisions until they form an opinion as to the likely economic prospects
for 2002.
Although the immediate future is uncertain, the initial New Year indicators
are positive and we are receiving more enquiries from tenants and investors
than between September 11 and Christmas and we have some excellent prospective
business in the pipeline. We continue to win new instructions, have very
strong and skilled teams to execute them and we are therefore hopeful that our
results for the second half of our financial year will be similar to those for
the first half. Your company is in robust shape to deal with the ups and
downs of the coming year.
David Fletcher
18 January 2002
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
(unaudited) for the six months to 31 October 2001
6 months to 6 months to Year to
31 October 31 October 30 April
2001 2000 2001
£000 £000 £000
Turnover 2,436 3,224 6,255
Operating Profit 99 237 369
Share of results of associated
undertakings 10 0 0
Interest Receivable (net) 32 48 92
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 141 285 461
Taxation 58 101 177
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation 83 184 284
Dividends 22 132 352
Dividend per Share 0.25p 1.5p 4.0p
Retained Profit 61 52 (68)
Earnings per share - basic 0.94p 2.1p 3.2p
Consolidated Balance Sheet
(unaudited) for the six months to 31 October 2001
As at As at As at
31 October 31 October 30 April
2001 2000 2001
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 373 493 390
Investment in associated undertakings 56 59 49
Other Investments 903 0 903
1332 552 1342
Current assets
Debtors 2009 1953 2092
Cash at bank and in hand 1289 1687 1066
3298 3640 3158
(Amounts falling due within one year) (2,062) (1,560) (1,993)
Net current assets 1236 2080 1165
Total assets less current liabilities 2568 2632 2507
Provisions for liabilities and
charges (12) (17) (12)
Net assets 2556 2615 2495
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 881 881 881
Share premium account 76 76 76
Profit and loss account 1599 1658 1538
2556 2615 2495
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
(unaudited) for the six months to 31 October 2001
6 months to 6 months to Year to
31 October 31 October 30 April
2001 2000 2001
£000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 533 (64) 506
Returns on investment and servicing finance 32 48 92
Taxation (107) 0 (202)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (8) 12 (880)
Equity dividends paid (220) (220) (352)
Cash flow before financing 230 (224) (836)
Financing (7) (7) (16)
Increase / (Decrease) in cash in the half 223 (231) (852)
1. The interim figures for the six months to 31 October 2001, which are
unaudited, have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out
in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 April 2001. The
financial information contained in this Interim Report does not amount to
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act
The results for the year ended 30 April 2001 have been extracted from the
published accounts for that period on which the auditors gave an unqualified
report and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
2. Earnings per share are calculated on 8,807,279 ordinary shares in
issue during the six months (October 2000 - 8,807,279, April 2001 -
3. This statement is being sent to shareholders. In addition copies are
available from the Company Secretary at the Registered Office.