Interim Results
Fletcher King, the London based chartered surveyors and property asset
managers, announces interim results for the six months ended 31st
October 2002. The results show an improvement over the final six months
of the year to April 2002 but remain lower than for the corresponding
period last year. This reflects the continued slowdown and uncertainty
in the UK economy and the significantly reduced level of activity in the
London letting market.
Key points financial:
- Turnover £2,277,000 (2001: £2,436,000)
- Profit before tax: £71,000 (2001: £141,000)
- Earnings per share (basic): 0.62p (2001: 0.94p)
- Dividend: maintained at 0.25p (2001: 0.25p)
Key points operational:
- Stratton House Investment Property Syndicate launched successfully
with 25 equity investors and £20 million available to invest and has now
made its first investment
- Demand from occupiers outside London remains firm despite a
slowdown in the capital
- Interest rate levels continue to strengthen the investment market
- All divisions remain active with the exception of agency, which
continues to follow the downturn in the lettings market
- The property asset management team has been appointed to manage a
535,000 sq ft portfolio on behalf of Treasury Holdings Properties
Commenting David Fletcher, chairman of Fletcher King said:
"Whilst the economic outlook remains uncertain, our diverse client base
continues to produce a reliable revenue stream which, together with our
healthy pipeline of potential new business and strong cash balance,
provides us with a degree of comfort and we expect the full year to be
in-line with last year's performance."
For further information:
David Fletcher, Fletcher King: 020 7493 8400
Christopher Joll / Richard Sunderland 020 7491 7776
The interim results for the six months to 31st October 2002 show an
improvement over the previous six months, although they are lower than
the corresponding period last year. Profit before tax was £71,000 (2001:
£141,000) predominantly due to the significantly reduced level of
activity in the London letting market, with earnings per share of 0.62p
(2001 0.94p). Your Directors have declared a maintained interim dividend
of 0.25p (2001 0.25p) per share which will be paid on the 21st February
2003 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on the 7th
February 2003.
Trading in the first six months has been mixed and continues to reflect
the slowdown and uncertainty in the UK economy.
Demand from occupiers has slowed considerably in London and the South
East, with office markets in mid-town, the City, Docklands and the
western approaches being almost at a standstill. The West End office
market has not been easy and rentals have fallen, but the diversity of
occupiers has resulted in a reasonable level of interest and activity.
Outside London
Elsewhere in the country demand is stronger and rental growth,
particularly in the industrial market, is still being achieved. As a
result of low interest rates, owner-occupiers are a growing force in the
market and a significant number of industrial transactions carried out
by our Manchester office are to that sector.
The investment market remains buoyant for transactions that are
financable in the debt market and, whilst interest rates remain at or
around current levels, this market is likely to remain strong.
Property Asset Management
Our property asset management division has performed well. Its
activities have expanded with the acquisition of a number of new
clients, the most significant of which is Treasury Holdings. They have
appointed us to manage a portfolio with a rent roll of approximately
£6.5 million per annum and a floor area in excess of 500,000 sq.ft.
Total assets under management now stand at approximately £1 billion.
Investment and Fund Management
The investment and fund management department has continued to be active
over the six months reported. Included in sales were two retail
portfolios, each in excess of £15 million, and a shopping centre for £12
Valuation and Rating
The valuation and rating department was also very active and valuation
instructions are up by 10% on last year. Rating appeals have increased
and we have been negotiating reductions of up to 35% on a number of
significant buildings.
In line with most of the London market the level of letting activity is
much reduced. We have seen a significant downturn in the level of such
transactions and there is little sign of significant improvement for at
least twelve months.
Manchester continues to progress satisfactorily and significant new
business was added in the first half, including instructions from
Clerical Medical and Standard Life.
Fletcher King Howard
The recovery at Fletcher King Howard, our construction services
division, continues with a return to profit in the first half of the
year; the business is expected to continue to trade profitably for the
remainder of the year.
Stratton House Investment Property Syndicate
Shareholders will recall we have been working for some time to establish
a private investment vehicle. At the beginning of October, we announced
the successful launch of the Stratton House Investment Property
Syndicate with 25 equity investors, including ourselves. Together with
debt financing, the Syndicate has approximately £20 million available to
purchase suitable investment properties. The first purchase for £3.25
million was completed just before Christmas and once this Syndicate is
fully invested we aim to establish further ones.
Although times are uncertain, we have the advantage of being a
reasonably diverse group, with a strong client base that provides a
continuous revenue stream. We have a very healthy level of potential new
business and are winning new instructions. In addition, we have
significant cash reserves and a strong balance sheet.
Our continued investment in IT means that we have some of the most
sophisticated systems in the industry. These enable us to add
significantly to the size of property portfolios under management and
our property fund management business.
Reduced activity in our letting activities in London has caused us to
cut significantly our income expectations from that department in the
second half of the year. All other departments and divisions of the
Group are expected to break even or make a reasonable contribution to
Our overall expectation is that trading will be more difficult in the
second half and we believe the year end outturn will be much in line
with last year. Nonetheless, because of the overall strength of the
Group, it is our intention to pay a final dividend of at least last
year's level.
D J R Fletcher Chairman
23rd January 2003
Registered Office, Stratton House
Stratton Street, London W1J 8LA
Consolidated Profit and Loss
(unaudited) for the six months to 31
October 2002
6 months 6 months to Year to 30
to 31 Oct 31 Oct 2001 April
2002 £000 £000
Turnover 2,277 2,436 5,000
Operating Profit 61 99 (38)
Share of results of
undertakings 0 10 21
Interest Receivable (net) 10 32 42
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 71 141 25
Taxation (16) (58) (24)
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation 55 83 1
Dividends (22) (22) (88)
Dividend per Share .25p .25p 1.00p
Retained Profit 33 61 (87)
Earnings per share - basic 0.62p 0.94p 0.01p
1. The interim figures for the six months to 31 October 2002, which
are unaudited, have been prepared
on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report
and Accounts for the year ended
30 April 2002. The financial information contained in this Interim
Report does not amount to
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985.
The results for the year ended 30 April 2002 have been extracted from
the published accounts for that period on which the auditors gave an
unqualified report and which have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies.
2. Earnings per share are calculated on 8,807,279 ordinary shares in
issue during the six months (October 2001 - 8,807,279, April 2002
- 8,807,279).
3. This statement is being sent to shareholders. In addition copies
are available from the Company
Secretary at the Registered
(unaudited) for the six months As at 31 As at 31 As at 30
to 31 October 2002 October October April
2002 2001 2002
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 266 373 294
Investment in associated 39 56 39
Other Investments 253 903 3
558 1332 336
Current assets
Debtors 2143 2009 1946
Cash at bank and in hand 623 1289 1305
2766 3298 3251
(Amounts falling due within (885) (2,062) (1,178)
one year)
Net current assets 1881 1236 2073
Total assets less current 2439 2568 2409
Provisions for liabilities and 0 (12) (1)
Net assets 2439 2556 2408
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 881 881 881
Share premium account 76 76 76
Profit and loss account 1482 1599 1451
2439 2556 2408
(unaudited) for the six
months to 31 October 2002
6 months 6 months Year to
to 31 to 31 30 April
October October 2002
2002 2001 £000
£000 £000
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow (352) 533 (297)
from operating activities
Dividends received from 21
associated undertakings
Returns on investment and 10 32 43
servicing of finance
Taxation 0 (107) (163)
Capital expenditure and (258) (8) 893
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (66) (220) (242)
Cash flow before financing (666) 230 255
Financing (15) (7) (16)
(Decrease)/Increase in cash (681) 223 239
in the half year