Interim Management Statement

Foresight VCT plc Interim Management Statement for the Quarter Ended 30 September 2009 Foresight VCT plc presents its interim management statement for the quarter ended 30 September 2009. This constitutes the company's second interim management statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2009, as required by the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.3. The unaudited net asset value (NAV) per ordinary share as at 30 September 2009 was 39.4p (30 June 2009: 39.2p). The Board is not aware of any significant events or transactions between the date of the NAV and the date of publication of this Interim Management Statement. The number of ordinary shares in issue at 30 September 2009 was 48,565,445. During the three months ended 30 September 2009 no shares were issued but 200,000 shares were re-purchased by the company for cancellation. Net assets at 30 September 2009 comprised the following: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | £'000 | % of Net Assets | |----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------| | Unquoted Investments at fair value as | | | | determined by the Directors | 11,877 | 62.1 | |----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------| | Quoted investments at bid price | 4,492 | 23.5 | |----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------| | Total venture capital investments | 16,369 | 85.6 | |----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------| | Net Current Assets | 2,750 | 14.4 | |----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------| | | | | | Net Assets | 19,119 | 100.0 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Quoted investments are carried at bid price as at 30 September 2009. Unquoted investments are carried at fair value as at 30 September 2009 as determined by the directors. During the three months ended 30 September 2009 the following significant investment transactions took place (all companies unquoted except where otherwise indicated): New and follow-on investments: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name of Company | Business Activity | Amount | | | | Invested £'000 | |-----------------+--------------------------------+----------------| | SkillsMarket | Web based recruitment and | 335 | | | career management system | | |-----------------+--------------------------------+----------------| | Lynwood Group | Manufactures wood replacement | 33 | | Holdings | products from waste plastic | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Investment disposals: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name of Company | Business Activity | Original Cost | Proceeds | | | | £'000 | | | | | | £'000 | |-----------------+----------------------+---------------+----------| | SmartFOCUS | Smart e-mail | 66 | 167 | | | marketing | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ For further information please contact: Gary Fraser, Foresight Group: 01732 471 800 ---END OF MESSAGE--- This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
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