Interim Results

Foresight Technology VCT PLC 23 September 2004 Foresight Technology VCT plc Interim results for the Period Ended 30 June 2004 Chairman's Statement The results for the six month period from 1 January 2004 to 30 June 2004 are set out below: Whilst many companies have experienced improving results, market conditions in the smaller quoted part of the Stock Market have been mixed during the period under review. There has, however, been some revival of enthusiasm for new listings. In the two portfolios under review the results and progress achieved by a number of the investee companies has been encouraging. Companies are now operating in a more stable environment and are benefiting from stronger economic conditions particularly within the technology sector. Given this progress your Board is optimistic for the outlook for each of the portfolios. Interim Results A realised gain during the period resulted in a special dividend of 52p per ordinary share referred to in more detail below. The net asset value as at 30 June 2004 was 83.3p per Ordinary Share (30 June 2003: 98.6p). The total return (after tax) attributable to Ordinary Shareholders was a loss of 47.6p per Ordinary Share (30 June 2003: gain of 1.5p), mainly due to a reduction in unrealised gains over the period relating to the share price of Telecom plus plc and YooMedia plc, despite good underlying performance. With regard to the holders of 'C' Shares, the net asset value as at 30 June 2004 was 73.4p per 'C' Share (30 June 2003: 69.6p) and the attributable return to 'C' Shareholders was a gain of 6.3p per 'C' Share (30 June 2003: loss of 2.2p). Issue of Shares The Company raised approximately £2.25 million for the Ordinary Shares fund and £3 million for the 'C' Shares fund as a result of the recent Top-up Offers. These funds will be invested alongside the existing portfolios. The Company also raised a further £1.2 million and £140,000 for the Ordinary Shares fund and the 'C' Shares fund respectively pursuant to the final warrant exercise date. All warrants, both in respect of Ordinary Shares and 'C' Shares, in the Company have now lapsed. Dividend Investment Scheme In light of the recent special Ordinary Share dividend and requests received from shareholders, the Board established a scheme under which shareholders can elect to receive new shares in the Company instead of cash dividends. The scheme was made available for the special Ordinary Share dividend and the final 'C' Share dividend for the year ended 31 December 2003 and was well received raising approximately £750,000 for the Company. Ordinary Shares Fund The highlight for the period under review was the sale of the investment in Advanced Composites Group Limited in May to Umeco Plc for a total cash consideration of £10 million. As a result of this sale the Company was able to pay a special dividend of 52p per Ordinary Share to Ordinary Shareholders in July. The Board also continue to be encouraged by the prospects of some of the other companies the portfolio. Following the recent fundraising pursuant to the Top-up Offers, the exercise of warrants and the Dividend Investment Scheme referred to above, the Company is now making new investments from the Ordinary Shares fund. The first of these was an investment of £175,000 in Datapoint Consulting Group Limited, an electronic data storage company, completed in March. A further investment of £100,000 was also made in YooMedia plc in April. 'C' Shares Fund There have been a number of follow-on investments from the 'C' Shares fund including £250,000 in FfastFill plc in April and £1 million in Broadreach Networks Limited and its subsidiary, Broadreach Train Services Limited, in June. A new investment of £575,000 was also made in Datapoint Consulting Group Limited alongside the investment by the Ordinary Shares fund. Since the companies in the 'C' Shares fund have been held for a shorter time than those in the Ordinary Shares fund there have not been any realisations from this fund. The portfolio is making encouraging progress and a number of the companies are now in the early stages of planning for or considering a listing on the AIM market. Clearly this is a positive development but the timing of any such liquidity event will obviously be subject to market conditions. We will keep shareholders advised of any listings. VCF Partners VCF Partners have recently taken over the management of Advent VCT plc (renamed Foresight 3 VCT plc) and Advent 2 VCT plc (renamed Foresight 4 VCT plc) following the acquisition by VCF Partners of Advent Fund Managers Limited (now VCF Fund Managers Limited). The acquisition has resulted in two additional managers from Advent, David Hughes and Andrew Page, joining VCF Partners as investment managers. The addition of these VCTs will provide VCF Partners with the ability to make larger syndicated investments. In addition, Foresight 2 VCT plc will be shortly launched as a new investment vehicle with similar aims to this Company. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all shareholders for their continuing support. My next statement will be in respect of the results for the year ended 31 December 2004. Peter Dicks Chairman 23 September 2004 THE VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS VCF Partners advises the Company in respect of investments made within the Ordinary Shares fund and the 'C' Shares fund. During the six months ended 30 June 2004, one follow on investment and one new investment were made from the Ordinary Shares fund at a cost of £275,000 and one new investment and seven follow on investments were made from the 'C' Shares fund at a cost of £3,113,829. In accordance with the BVCA guidelines, all investments are held at 'fair value' unless this cannot be reliably measured; in such cases an explanation as to the basis of valuation is given in the individual company narratives. No discounts have been applied to the quoted investments, in line with generally accepted practice in the VCT market. The full investment portfolio of both funds as at 30 June 2004 is detailed below. ORDINARY SHARES FUND Actimax plc Supplies digital telecommunications systems to small and medium sized customers. The company installs complex computer and telephone combined systems using components from suppliers such as Ascom, Alcatel, Cisco and Intertel. The company made a small acquisition in the summer of 2003, won the Best SME Convergence Solution award 2003 and is trading profitably. The Ordinary Shares fund holds 300,868 shares in the company and 34,615 warrants. Results from the latest audited accounts for the period ended 31 December 2003: profit before tax £155,611, retained loss £1,113,330, net liabilities £61,650. % of Valuation as Valuation as % Equity/ Ordinary Dates of Amount at 30 June at 30 June Voting Investor Shares Investment Invested 2003 2004 Rights Director Portfolio Nov 98, Mar 00 & £480,001 £600,001 £817,412 42.2* Peter English 7.6 Jun 03 * Including warrants in the company. Clarity Commerce Solutions plc (AIM listed) Is part of a group of companies that provide EPOS solutions, CRM products and services to the UK hospitality and leisure sectors including, most recently, the cinema market. The two acquisitions made last year have been successfully integrated into the group's integrated accounting system across all UK and overseas offices. Foresight holds 400,000 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004: profit before tax £511,000, retained loss £922,000, net assets £9,021,000. Valuation as Valuation as % of at 30 June at 30 June % Equity/ Ordinary Date of Amount 2003 2004 Voting Shares Investment Invested (Mid-market) (Mid-market) Rights Portfolio Jul 00 £500,000 £234,000 £266,000 4.2 4.6 DCG Datapoint Group Limited Provider of data storage and back-up solutions to corporates either remotely or at customers' premises. The demand for Datapoint's services is driven by greater compliance requirements for retention and retrieval of data and the ever growing volume of electronic data produced by organisations. The Ordinary Shares fund holds 6,388 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the period ended 26 March 2003: loss before tax £233,000, retained loss £233,000, net assets £88,000. % of Date of Amount Valuation as % Equity/ 'C' Investment Invested at 30 June Voting Investor Shares (including 2004 Rights Loans Director Portfolio Loans) Mar 04 £175,000 Cost 4.4 £116,725 Jamie 1.6 (Secured) Richards DSM Geo-Data Limited/Survey & Development Services Limited Was formed to acquire certain parts of the business of Survey & Development Services Limited ('SDS') from the Receivers of that company in August 2002. DSM is a specialist geo-spatial data software products and services business, serving the growing market for digital mapping. Foresight was issued 235,208 preference shares in DSM in respect of their original holding of loan stock in Survey & Development Services Limited. DSM has been valued on the basis of expected future cash flows to Foresight. The Board believes it prudent to provide in full against the investment in SDS although Foresight continues to hold 170,408 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003: loss before tax £348,155, retained loss £318,155, net liabilities £148,155. % of Date of Amount Valuation as Valuation as % Equity/ Ordinary Investment Invested at 30 June at 30 June Voting Shares 2003 2004 Rights Portfolio Aug 02 £1* £132,911 £78,370 0.0 0.7 * Excluding £700,000 originally invested in SDS. Sapphire International Limited Owns the established 'DataEase' family of computer database software products and has a worldwide base of a several hundred thousand users. The company now combines a consulting/professional services organisation with the sale of DataEase software products. As a result of a difficult trading year in 2003, a full impairment provision was made against the value of the equity investment and the company subsequently went into administrative receivership. A small residual value is likely to emerge from the receivership. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003: loss before tax £257,498, retained loss £3,412,163, net liabilities £288,158. Amount Valuation Valuation % of Invested as as % Equity/ Ordinary Dates of (including at 30 June at 30 June Voting Loan Investor Shares Investment Loan Stock) 2003 2004 Rights Stock Director Portfolio Jul 98, Jun 00, £400,000 Bernard Oct 00 £1,150,000 £1,150,000 £60,000 18.6 10% Fairman 0.6 & Jun 01 (Unsecured) Telecom plus plc (listed on the London Stock Exchange) Offers low cost telephone and energy services to private subscribers. Pre-tax profits for the year to 31 March 2004 rose by 90% to £10.6m which represents extremely good progress. In addition to shares sold in 2003, Foresight also sold 100,000 shares at an average share price of £4.025 per share in January 2004 leaving a current total of 651,000 shares held by Foresight (751,000 shares as at 31 December 2003). Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004: profit before tax £10,631,000, retained profit £3,313,000, net assets £13,014,000. Valuation as % Equity/ % of Dates of Amount at 30 June Valuation Voting Ordinary Investment Invested 2003 (Mid-market) Rights Shares (Mid-market) Portfolio Jun 99 £248,519 £2,639,610 £1,786,995 1.1 16.6 & Dec 02 YooMedia plc (AIM listed) Operates a portal site which provides an increasing number of facilities including online games, e-mail, personal home pages and chat available from a number of platforms. The company now operates interactive games channels on Sky and Freeview and also distributes games on Telewest and NTL. In addition the company provides various other interactive TV solutions such as e-voting. Foresight made a further investment of £100,000 in April 2004, following which Foresight holds 18,810,000 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003: loss before tax £4,849,307, retained loss £18,016,454, net assets £1,992,830. Valuation as Valuation as % of at 30 June at 30 June % Equity/ 'C' Dates of Amount 2003 2004 Voting Investor Shares Investment Invested (Mid-market) (Mid-market) Rights Director Portfolio Mar 99, Nov 02, Bernard May 03, £917,302 £1,016,700 £3,856,050 11.9 Fairman 35.8 Oct 03 & Apr 04 'C' SHARES FUND Actimax plc See details under Ordinary Shares fund. The 'C' Shares fund holds 79,440 shares in the company. Amount Valuation Valuation % Equity/ % of Date of Invested as as Voting Investor 'C' Investment (including at 30 June at 30 June Rights Loans Director Shares Loans) 2003 2004 Portfolio Jun 03 £200,000 Cost Cost 10.0 £133,333 Peter (Secured) English 0.7 Alaric Systems Limited Specialises in the development, sale, distribution and support of payment systems software including systems for electronic payments, authorisation and e-commerce integration. It is also involved in the use of software based mathematical modelling techniques for card payments and other fraud detection. Foresight holds 2,141,075 shares in the company. Existing investors have approved a further investment of up to £500,000 in the company in the form of secured loans; Foresight's share of this is £114,923, of which £45,969 was advanced to the company on 23 June 2004. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004: loss before tax £844,005, retained loss £5,560,260, net assets £198,371. Amount Valuation Valuation % of Dates of Invested as as % Equity/ Investor 'C' Investment (including at 30 June at 30 June Voting Director Shares Loans) 2003 2004 Rights Loans Portfolio Feb 02, Donald Oct 02, £1,300,148 £1,254,179 Cost 16.8 £45,969 Maclennan 4.8 Dec 02 & Jun 04 ANT Limited Provides content rendering software to improve users' interactive communication with digital television sets and other consumer electronic devices. ANT was set up in 1993 and now has a leading position in the market for integrated digital TVs and TV over internet protocol. Trading continues to improve with revenues up 25% in 2003 and is expected to increase further in 2004. In April 2004, new investors subscribed £3.2 million of equity capital and the balance sheet was strengthened by conversion of loans to equity. Foresight converted its loans to equity and exercised its warrants. Foresight holds 7,882,976 shares in the company. The investment has been valued at the March 2004 round price. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003: loss before tax £1,020,470, retained loss £1,020,470, net assets £1,465,730. Valuation Valuation % of as as % Equity/ 'C' Dates of Amount at 30 June at 30 June Voting Investor Shares Investment Invested 2003 2004 Rights Director Portfolio Jul 01 Feb 03 £1,097,200 £491,590 £1,323,106 12.3 Matt Taylor 4.9 & Mar 04 Aquasium Technology Limited Is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of bespoke electron beam welding and vacuum furnace equipment. Its products are used in the processes of a wide range of manufacturing industries including automotive, electronics, medical, power generation and aerospace. Foresight holds 86,666 shares in the company. Given the improved prospects for the company in its current financial year the impairment provision made at 31 December 2003 has been reversed. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003: loss before tax £522,627, retained loss £1,657,058, net liabilities £1,085,006. Amount Valuation Valuation % Equity/ % of Dates of Invested as as Voting Investor 'C' Investment (including at 30 June at 30 June Rights Loans Director Shares Loans) 2003 2004 Portfolio Oct 01 & April 03 £1,200,000 Cost Cost 33.3 £866,667 Donald 4.4 (Secured) Maclennan Blue Curve Limited Is a software company that sells products and services to investment banks and fund managers which automate the production and distribution of research material. Analytical research and services are a key customer retention tool for investment banks but are also a major cost. The company's software products improve the efficiency of research distribution while at the same time reducing costs. Foresight holds 367 shares in the company. The Board believes an impairment should be recognised based on the company's current forecast compared to initial expectation. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003: loss before tax £584,625, retained loss £1,413,945, net liabilities £844,255. Amount Valuation Valuation % Equity/ % of Date of Invested as as Voting Investor 'C' Investment (including at 30 June at 30 June Rights Loans Director Shares Loans) 2003 2004 Portfolio Oct 01 £1,000,000 £1,000,000 £793,334 23.7 £666,667 Peter 2.9 (Secured) English Broadreach Networks Limited Provides both fixed line and Wi-Fi hotspot public internet access outside the home or office. Users gain access from fixed terminals installed at coffee shops, hotels and transport hubs and by utilizing their own portable device. Investors include Virgin, Intel and BT. Foresight made an additional investment of £857,000 in June 2004, and now holds 4,854,006 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 October 2003: loss before tax £1,129,274, retained loss £1,462,964, net assets £1,479,104. Amount Valuation Valuation % Equity/ % of Dates of Invested as as Voting Investor 'C' Investment (including at 30 June at 30 June Rights Loans Director Shares Loans) 2003 2004 Portfolio Feb 03, Oct 03 £1,857,000 £500,000 Cost 22.9 £1,585,600 Jamie & Jun 04 (Secured) Richards 6.9 Broadreach Train Services Limited Set up to exploit the on-train Wi-Fi opportunity that originated from Broadreach Networks Limited. This corporate vehicle was established in order to maximize available funding and to increase the profile of this opportunity. No accounts produced since incorporation on 22 March 2002. % of Date of Amount Convertible Investor 'C' Investment Invested Valuation Loans Director Shares (including Portfolio Loan Stock) Jun 04 £143,000 Cost £143,000 Jamie 0.5 (Secured) Richards Callserve Communications plc Is a voice over Internet Protocol telecoms network and service provider which enables telephone calls to be made from a PC via the internet to any phone worldwide. The company sells phonecards to consumers in many jurisdictions, particularly the Middle East. It has successfully grown the geographic spread of its business to reduce the risk of losing revenue due to country specific competitive behaviour. The Board believes it is prudent to write down this investment to reflect the fact that other instruments rank ahead of Foresight. Foresight holds 222,222 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003: loss before tax £3,960,176, retained loss £15,977,728, net liabilities £4,323,990. Date of Amount Valuation Valuation % Equity/ % of Investment Invested as as Voting 'C' at 30 June at 30 June Rights Shares 2003 2004 Portfolio Oct 00 £500,000 £224,999 £224,999 1.27 0.8 Camwood Limited Provides an 'Enterprise Platform Manager' solution which allows its customers to assess the effects of the introduction of new operating systems and updates such as the service Pack 2 update to Microsoft Windows XP. It also provides monitoring checks to allow customers to ensure compliance with Microsoft best practices. Sales are made directly and through channel partners to the corporate sector. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004 : loss before tax £830,007, retained loss £788,992, net liabilities £218,531. % of Amount % Equity/ Investor 'C' Date of Invested Voting Loans Director Shares Investment (including Valuation Rights Portfolio Loans) Sep 03 £500,000 Cost 11.9 £333,333 Donald (Secured) Maclennan 1.9 DCG Datapoint Group Limited Provider of data storage and back-up solutions to corporates either remotely or at customers' premises. The demand for Datapoint's services is driven by greater compliance requirements for retention and retrieval of data and the ever growing volume of electronic data produced by organisations. The 'C' Shares fund holds 20,987 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the period ended 26 March 2003: loss before tax £233,000, retained loss £233,000, net liabilities £88,000. Amount % of Invested % Equity/ Investor 'C' Date of (including Voting Loans Director Shares Investment Loans) Valuation Rights Portfolio Mar 04 £575,000 Cost 14.4 £383,525 Jamie 2.1 (Secured) Richards FfastFill plc (AIM Listed) Is a software company that develops sophisticated trading solutions for futures and options traders, brokers and risk managers. Considerable progress has been made over recent months resulting in new business being won. Foresight participated in a further £1 million funding round in January 2004, investing £100,000 and a further funding round in April 2004 investing £250,000. Foresight holds 6,485,498 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004: loss before tax £2,547,000, retained loss £20,689,000, net assets £231,000. Valuation Valuation as as % of Dates of Amount at 30 June at 30 June % Equity/ 'C' Investment Invested 2003 2004 Voting Shares (Mid-market) (Mid-market) Rights Portfolio Jul 00, Jan 04 £849,997 £45,704 £535,054 4.4 2.0 & Apr 04 iCore Limited Is an IT management services company, with services that range from strategic IT reviews, infrastructure design and management, outsourcing procurement, through to business process management, interim project management and establishing project offices. Although the company is trading profitably the Board believes it is prudent to make a further small provision against the cost of this investment to reflect lower turnover than anticipated at the time of initial investment. Foresight holds 201,176 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 30 June 2003: profit before tax £3,735, retained loss £197,223, net assets £564,442. Valuation Valuation as as % of Date of Amount at 30 June at 30 June % Equity/ Investor 'C' Investment Invested 2003 2004 Voting Director Shares (Mid-market) (Mid-market) Rights Portfolio Dec 00 £750,000 £750,000 £500,000 16.8 Peter 1.9 English KeepAhead Limited Despatches lifestyle email services (e.g. current affairs, astrology, sport) which approximately 200,000 registered users receive free of charge. Revenue is generated from targeted e-mail advertising. Foresight holds 25,248 shares and 7,631 warrants in the company. Results from the latest unaudited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003: profit before tax £10,325, retained loss £885,995, net assets £22,576. Valuation Valuation % of as as % Equity/ 'C' Date of Amount at 30 June at 30 June Voting Shares Investment Invested 2003 2004 Rights Portfolio Apr 00 £1,000,000 £50,000 £30,000 15.0 0.1 Monactive Limited Is a leading provider of Software Licence Information Management solutions, with over 100 customers. The company's software monitors software usage on PC networks, providing corporates with data for cost reduction and compliance. Its customers are able to reduce software licensing costs whilst demonstrating legal compliance. Foresight holds 474,057 shares in the company following a further investment of £267,858 by way of a loan and shares in January 2003. After a difficult period, the company has achieved renewed growth in sales and a return to profitability at the operating level. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 July 2003: loss before tax £741,971, retained loss £3,016,399, net liabilities £1,585,051. Valuation Valuation Amount as as % % of Dates of Invested at 30 June at 30 June Equity/ Investor 'C' Investment (including 2003 2004 Voting Loans Director Shares Loans) Rights Portfolio Mar 01 £1,017,858 £1,017,858 £656,251 22.2 £616,072 Matt 2.4 & Jun 03 (Secured) Taylor Mondas plc (AIM Listed) Has developed e-Business technologies which allow securities and investment houses to deploy new front and back office applications to facilitate straight through processing. Customers benefit from improved content management, document management, business process software and service solutions. Foresight holds 489,855 shares in the company and £900,000 convertible loan stock. There has recently been a significant change in senior management at the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 30 April 2004: loss before tax £1,779,554, retained loss £9,512,772, net liabilities £617,901. Valuation Valuation as as % % of Dates of Amount at 30 June at 30 June Equity/ Investor Ordinary Investment Invested 2003 2004 Voting Loans Director Shares (Mid-market) (Mid-market) Rights Portfolio Oct 00 Bernard & Dec 02 £1,068,116 £976,551 £1,042,116 8.7 £900,000 Fairman 3.8 Oxonica Limited Is involved in design manipulation and engineering of properties of materials at the nano-scale for application in fuel additives, sunscreen, bio-tagging and other products. The company has made good progress particularly in the fuel additive business and has penetrated overseas markets as well as the UK. Foresight invested a further £863,438 in shares in January 2004 as part of a further funding from existing shareholders which raised £4 million in total. Foresight holds 11,692 shares in the company including warrants attached to the loan but excluding performance warrants. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003: loss before tax £2,705,215, retained loss £6,239,600, net liabilities £2,538,148. Valuation Valuation Amount as as % % of Dates of Invested at 30 June at 30 June Equity/ Investor 'C' Investment (Including 2003 2004 Voting Loans Director Shares Loans) Rights Portfolio Jun 02, Dec 02 £1,863,437 £999,999 Cost 21.2 £524,053 Bernard 6.9 & Jan 04 (Secured) Fairman Sarantel Limited Owns proprietary antenna technology with applications in mobile phones and other wireless devices. The company's technology delivers major performance benefits over traditional antennae. Sales of Sarantel's first product, the GPS antenna, are increasing and the company has launched prototypes for Wi-Fi and 3G applications. The company raised further capital in June 2004 at a price 10% above our cost which is used as the basis of the valuation below. Foresight holds 7,530,663 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 30 September 2003: loss before tax £2,930,606, retained loss £2,655,634, net assets £5,023,395. Valuation Valuation as as % % of Dates of Amount at 30 June at 30 June Equity/ Investor 'C' Investment Invested 2003 2004 Voting Director Shares Rights Portfolio Apr 00, Sep 00, Jun 01, Mar 02, £2,493,286 £2, 213,404 £2,711,039 34.6 Matt 10.0 Sep 02, Nov 02 Taylor Feb 03 & Jun 04 SmartFOCUS Holdings Limited Provides software to enable accurate targeting and execution of marketing campaigns. The company is an established solution provider in this area with 300 customers forming a wide customer base spread across financial services, retail, marketing services and other consumer-driven sectors. The company adds value to its customers' marketing campaigns by linking with multiple databases, returning query results in seconds whilst presenting the results in a readily understood format. Foresight holds 398,667 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003: loss before tax £623,000, retained loss £1,435,825, net liabilities £898,960. Valuation Valuation Amount as as % % of Date of Invested at 30 June at 30 June Equity/ Investor 'C' Investment (including 2003 2004 Voting Loans Director Shares Loans) Rights Portfolio Dec 01 £1,000,000 £1,000,000 £1,890,989 20 £666,667 Matt 7.0 (Secured) Taylor plc (AIM Listed) Operates a financial information website and sells targeted advertising by email aimed at its subscriber base. themutual's shares were listed on the AIM market in June 2000 and the company's share price has increased substantially in the last year. Foresight holds 342,730,249 shares in the company. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 30 April 2004: profit before tax £650,485, retained loss £757,450, net assets £2,055,413. Valuation Valuation as as % % of Date of Amount at 30 June at 30 June Equity/ 'C' Investment Invested 2003 2004 Voting Shares (Mid-market) (Mid-market) Rights Portfolio Jun 00 £500,000 £411,276 £685,460 9.3 2.5 Wire-e Limited Provides broadcast voice and text services to corporates and small and medium enterprises. The service enables users to access phone numbers, send emails, text messages and voice broadcasts to multiple contacts from a mobile phone or desktop browser. Results for the financial year to 30 June 2004 are expected to be materially better than the previous financial year. Foresight holds 6,666,666 shares in the company. Nevertheless, the Board believes it prudent to write down the investment further since the business is continuing to trade below initial expectations. Results from the latest audited accounts for the year ended 30 June 2003: loss before tax £1,126,297, retained loss £2,799,301, net liabilities £970,413. Valuation Valuation Amount as as % % of Date of Invested at 30 June at 30 June Equity/ Investor 'C' Investment (Including 2003 2004 Voting Loans Director Shares Loans) Rights Portfolio Sep 02 £1,000,000 £1,000,000 £500,000 26.9 £900,000 Jamie 1.9 (Secured) Richards REALISATIONS - ORDINARY SHARE FUND Advanced Composites Group Limited Is a long established manufacturer of high technology carbon fibre composite material, with factories in Heanor, north of Derby, and Tulsa, USA. Successful markets include F1 racing cars, sports equipment and aerospace applications. UMECO plc acquired 100% of the company for a total cash consideration of £44.25 million in May 2004 realising £10 million in respect of the investment by Foresight. % Dates of Amount Amount Equity/ Investment Invested Realised Voting Mar 99, Rights Oct 99 £1,622,978 £9,997,911 40.14 & Jul 00 VCF PARTNERS VCF LLP, trading as VCF Partners, is regulated by the Financial Services Authority. The team includes six partners, Bernard Fairman, Peter English, Donald Maclennan, Matt Taylor, Jamie Richards and David Hughes and the Investor Relations Manager, Hazel Gross. The Investor Director detailed in the above report refers to the team member at VCF Partners who has been appointed as a director of the investee company for the purposes of monitoring the investment on behalf of Foresight. The team has recently been further enlarged by the addition of David Hughes and Andrew Page as Investment managers. David and Andrew join from Advent Venture Partners where they were responsible for the Advent VCTs, which are now managed by VCF and will be renamed Foresight 3 VCT and Foresight 4 VCT. MONEY FUNDS The balance of the net proceeds from the issues of Ordinary Shares and 'C' Shares have been invested in money market funds managed by the Royal Bank of Scotland and Merrill Lynch. ASSOCIATED FUNDS VCF Partners also advises TriVest VCT plc. As at 30 June 2004 TriVest had made investments in the following companies in which Foresight is also an investor: Monactive Limited (£339,285), ANT Limited (£1,097,200), Blue Curve Limited (£500,000), Aquasium Technology Limited (£600,000), SmartFocus Limited (£500,000), Alaric Systems Limited £577,413, Sarantel Limited (£1,307,220), Oxonica Limited (£1,677,389), Wire-e Limited (£500,000), Broadreach Networks Limited (£1,143,000), Broadreach Train Services Limited (£107,000), Camwood Limited (£1,000,000) and Datapoint (£250,000). ORDINARY SHARES FUND UNAUDITED NON-STATUTORY ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE ORDINARY SHARES AND 'C' SHARES FUNDS Statements of Total Return for the six month period ended 30 June 2004 Ordinary Shares fund 'C' Shares fund Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ £ £ £ (Losses) and gains on investments - (6,429,039) (6,429,039) - 2,247,827 2,247,827 Income 120,948 - 120,948 483,851 - 483,851 Investment management fees (67,018) (201,053) (268,071) (71,531) (214,591) (286,122) Other expenses (80,052) - (80,052) (201,649) - (201,649) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Return on ordinary activities before taxation (26,122) (6,630,092) (6,656,214) 210,671 2,033,236 2,243,907 Tax on ordinary activities - - - (40,027) 40,027 - ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Return attributable to equity shareholders (26,122) (6,630,092) (6,656,214) 170,644 2,073,263 2,243,907 Dividends in respect of equity shares - (7,986,746) (7,986,746) - - - ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Transfer (from)/to reserves (26,122) (14,616,838) (14,642,960) 170,644 2,073,263 2,243,907 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Return per share (0.19)p (47.39)p (47.58)p 0.48p 5.78p 6.26p ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Balance Sheets as at 30 June 2004 Ordinary Shares fund 'C' Shares fund Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ £ £ £ Fixed assets Investments 7,039,827 19,197,599 Current assets Debtors and prepayments 218,099 539,555 Current investments 3,720,210 7,819,028 Cash at bank 9,928,063 17,281 ----------- ----------- 13,866,372 8,375,864 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Corporation tax - - Proposed dividends 7,986,746 181,237 Other creditors 78,984 38,307 Accruals 41,151 94,300 (8,106,881) (313,844) ----------- ----------- Net current assets 5,759,491 8,062,020 ----------- ----------- Net assets 12,799,318 27,259,619 ----------- ----------- Capital Called up share capital 153,591 371,408 Reserves Share premium account 3,357,861 2,933,180 Cancelled share premium account 6,785,422 27,348,308 Revaluation reserve 1,377,205 (3,611,883) Profit and loss account 1,125,239 218,606 ----------- ----------- 12,799,318 27,259,619 ----------- ----------- Number of shares in issue: 15,359,127 37,140,812 Net asset value per share 83.33p 73.40p Unaudited Profit and Loss Account for the six month period ended 30 June 2004 Six months to 30 June 2004 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Gains/(losses) on realisation of - 40,339 40,339 investments Income 604,799 - 604,799 Investment management fees (138,549) (415,644) (554,193) Other expenses (281,701) - (281,701) ----------- ----------- ----------- Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 184,549 (375,305) (190,756) before taxation Tax on ordinary activities (40,027) 40,027 - ----------- ----------- ----------- Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation 144,522 (335,278) (190,756) Dividends - (7,986,746) (7,986,746) ----------- ----------- ----------- Retained profit/(loss) for the period transferred to /(from) reserves 144,522 (8,322,024) (8,177,502) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Earnings per share: Ordinary Shares (1.67)p 'C' Shares (0.12)p Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the six month period ended 30 June 2004 Six months to 30 June 2004 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Profit/(loss) for the period 144,522 (335,278) (190,756) Unrealised gains/(losses) on revaluation of investments - (4,221,551) (4,221,551) ----------- ----------- ----------- Total recognised gains and losses during the period 144,522 (4,556,829) (4,412,307) ----------- ----------- ----------- Return per share: Ordinary Shares (0.19)p (47.39)p (47.58)p 'C' Shares 0.48p 5.78p 6.26p Unaudited Profit and Loss Account for the six month period ended 30 June 2003 Six months to 30 June 2003 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Gains/(losses) on realisation of - (156,628) (156,628) investments Income 545,445 - 545,445 Investment management fees (111,501) (334,505) (446,006) Other expenses (208,870) - (208,870) ----------- ----------- ----------- Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 225,074 (491,133) (266,059) Tax on ordinary activities (42,666) 42,666 - ----------- ----------- ----------- Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 182,408 (448,467) (266,059) after taxation Dividends (246,306) - (246,306) ----------- ----------- ----------- Retained profit/(loss) for the period transferred to /(from) reserves (63,898) (448,467) (512,365) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Earnings per share: Ordinary Shares (0.87)p 'C' Shares (0.46)p Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the six month period ended 30 June 2003 Six months to 30 June 2003 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Profit/(loss) for the period 182,408 (448,467) (266,059) Unrealised gains/(losses) on revaluation of investments - (278,593) (278,593) ----------- ----------- ----------- Total recognised gains and losses during the period 182,408 (727,060) (544,652) ----------- ----------- ----------- Return per share: Ordinary Shares 0.00p 1.50p 1.50p 'C' Shares 0.55p (2.78)p (2.23)p Unaudited Profit and Loss Account for the period ended 31 December 2003 Period ended 31 December 2003 (audited) Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Gains/(losses) on realisation of - 64,000 64,000 investments Income 1,282,311 - 1,282,311 Investment management fees (218,729) (656,186) (874,915) Other expenses (402,024) - (402,024) ----------- ----------- ----------- Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 661,558 (592,186) 69,372 before taxation Tax on ordinary activities (73,475) 75,202 1,727 ----------- ----------- ----------- Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 588,083 (516,984) 71,099 after taxation Dividends (428,344) (1,022,462) (1,450,806) ----------- ----------- ----------- Retained profit/(loss) for the period transferred to /(from) reserves 159,739 (1,539,446) (1,379,707) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Earnings per share: Ordinary Shares 2.60p 'C' Shares (0.80)p Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the period ended 31 December 2003 Period ended 31 December 2003 (audited) Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Profit/(loss) for the period 588,083 (516,984) 71,099 Unrealised gains/(losses) on revaluation of investments - 11,219,960 11,219,960 ----------- ----------- ----------- Total recognised gains and losses during the period 588,083 10,702,976 11,291,059 ----------- ----------- ----------- Return per share: Ordinary Shares 2,04p 95.76p 97.80p 'C' Shares 0.96p (5.21)p (4.25)p Note on Historical Cost Profits and Losses for the six month period ended 30 June 2004 Six months to Six months to Period to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 £ £ £ (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (190,756) (266,059) 69,372 Realisation of revaluation gains/(losses) of previous years 8,744,352 (349,050) (381,208) ----------- ----------- ----------- Historical cost (loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation 8,553,596 (615,109) (311,836) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Historical cost loss for the period after taxation and dividends 566,850 (861,415) (1,760,915) ----------- ----------- ----------- Unaudited Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2004 30 June 2004 (unaudited) £ £ £ Fixed assets Investments 26,237,426 Current assets Debtors and prepayments 699,016 Current investments 11,539,238 Cash at bank 9,945,344 ----------- 22,183,598 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Corporation tax - Proposed dividend 8,167,983 Other creditors 58,653 Accurals 135,451 ----------- (8,362,087) ----------- Net current assets 13,821,511 ----------- Net assets 40,058,937 ----------- Capital and reserves Called up share capital 524,999 Share premium account 6,291,041 Cancelled share premium account (distributable) 34,133,730 Capital reserve - unrealised (2,234,678) Revenue reserves 1,343,845 ----------- Equity shareholders' funds 40,058,937 ----------- Net asset value per share of 1 pence each: Ordinary Shares 83.33p 'C' Shares 73.40p Unaudited Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2003 30 June 2003 (unaudited) £ £ £ Fixed assets Investments 26,556,328 Current assets Debtors and prepayments 1,293,521 Cash at bank 8,197,347 ----------- 9,490,868 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Corporation tax 1,727 Proposed dividend 247,870 Other creditors 30,062 Accurals 57,002 ----------- (336,661) ----------- Net current assets 9,154,207 ----------- Net assets 35,710,535 ----------- Capital and reserves Called up share capital 459,508 Share premium account - Cancelled share premium account (distributable) 35,756,353 Capital reserve - unrealised (799,486) Revenue reserves 294,160 ----------- Equity shareholders' funds 35,710,535 ----------- Net asset value per share: Ordinary Shares 98.59p 'C' Shares 69.60p Audited Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2003 31 December 2003 (Audited) £ £ £ Fixed assets Investments 37,766,434 Current assets Debtors and prepayments 568,375 Current Investments 10,422,952 Cash at bank 110,447 ----------- 11,101,774 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Corporation tax - Proposed dividend 181,237 Other creditors 46,340 Accurals 116,370 ----------- (343,947) ----------- Net current assets 10,757,827 ----------- Net assets 48,524,261 ----------- Capital and reserves Called up share capital 483,606 Share premium account 2,339,207 Cancelled share premium account (distributable) 34,578,917 Capital reserve - unrealised 10,731,225 Revenue reserves 391,306 ----------- Equity shareholders' funds 48,524,261 ----------- Net asset value per share: Ordinary Shares 186.75p 'C' Shares 67.18p Unaudited Cashflow Statement for the period ended 30 June 2004 Six months ended Year ended 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 31 December 2003 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £ £ £ £ £ £ Operating activities Dividends received - - 356,690 Deposit and similar interest 502,686 590,267 915,786 Other cash receipts - - 11,220 Investment management fees paid (581,770) (436,612) (892,855) Other cash payments (222,085) (306,184) (456,191) ----------- ----------- ----------- Net cash inflow from operating activities (301,169) (152,529) (65,350) Taxation Net tax refund 7,259 9,012 - Investing activities Purchase of fixed income investments - - - Purchase of other investments (2,218,025) (1,518,753) (3,086,611) Sale of fixed income investments - 8,507,250 9,016,050 Sale of other investments 10,565,821 - 2,100,275 ----------- ----------- ----------- Net cash outflow from investing activities 8,347,796 6,988,497 8,029,714 Equity dividends Equity dividends paid - (561,816) (1,831,953) ----------- ----------- ----------- Net cash outflow before financing and liquid resource management 8,053,886 6,283,164 6,132,411 Management of liquid resources Movement in money held on escrow (1,000,000) (267,858) (10,422,952) Increase in current investments (1,116,286) - - --------------- --------------- --------------- (2,116,286) (267,858) (10,422,952) Financing Purchase of own shares (96,938) (253,956) 2,366,012 Issue of shares 3,994,235 3,000 (398,021) ----------- ----------- ----------- 3,897,297 (250,956) 1,967,991 ----------- ----------- ----------- Net increase/ (decrease) in cash 9,834,897 5,764,350 (2,322,550) ----------- ----------- ----------- Notes 1. All revenue and capital items in the Profit and Loss account derive from continuing activities 2. In accordance with the policy statement published under 'Management and Administration' in the Company's prospectuses dated 1 October 1997 and 14 October 1999, the Directors have charged 75% of the investment management expenses to the capital reserve. 3. Earnings for the six months should not be taken as a guide to the results for the full year. 4. The Ordinary Shareholders, or the 'C' Shareholders,' will be entitled to receive any dividends paid out of the net dividend income from the net assets attributable to the Ordinary Shares, or the 'C' Shares respectively. 5. The Company revoked its status as an investment company in March 2000, so that under the Articles of Association, it can regard capital reserves as profits of the Company available for distribution. The Company has not reapplied for investment company status. The Company's financial statements are drawn up in accordance with Schedule 4 of the Companies Act. 6. The Ordinary Shares fixed interest portfolio and the 'C' Shares fixed interest portfolio represent the balance of the net proceeds from the issues of Ordinary Shares and 'C' Shares. These funds are invested in four Dublin based open ended investment company money market funds managed by Merrill Lynch Investment Managers and Royal Bank of Scotland. 7. Total earnings after taxation for the period showed a loss of £190,756 (30 June 2003: loss of £266,059) comprising a loss on the Ordinary Shares fund after taxation of £233,456 (30 June 2003: loss of £112,716) and a profit after taxation on the 'C' Shares fund of £42,700 (30 June 2003: loss of £153,343). The basic earnings per Ordinary Share is based on the net loss from Ordinary Shares fund activities and on 13,990,381 Ordinary Shares (30 June 2003: 12,953,009), being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period. The basic earnings per 'C' Share is based on the net loss from 'C' Shares fund activities and is based on 35,892,588 'C' Shares (30 June 2003: 33,106,097), being the weighted average number of 'C' Shares in issue during the period. There is no difference between the basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share for both classes as the 'O' and 'C' Warrants attached to each share class have now lapsed. The revenue return per Ordinary Share is based on the net loss from Ordinary Shares fund activities after taxation of £26,122 (30 June 2003: loss of £362) and on 13,990,381 Ordinary Shares (30 June 2003: 12,953,009), being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period. The revenue return per 'C' Share is based on the net revenue from 'C' Shares fund activities after taxation of £170,644 (30 June 2003: £182,770) and on 35,892,588 'C' Shares (30 June 2002: 33,106,097), being the weighted average number of 'C' Shares in issue during the period. The capital return per Ordinary Share is based on the net realised capital losses of £6,281 (30 June 2003: losses of £112,919), on net unrealised capital losses of £6,422,758 (30 June 2003: gains of £306,389) and capitalised management fees less associated tax relief of £201,053 (30 June 2003: £112,354) on the Ordinary Shares fund and on 13,990,381 Ordinary Shares (30 June 2003: 12,953,009). The capital return per 'C' Share is based on the net realised capital gains of £46,620 (30 June 2003: losses of £156,628), on net unrealised capital gains of £2,201,207 (30 June 2003: losses of £584,952) and capitalised management fees less associated tax relief of £174,564 (30 June 2003: £179,485) on the 'C' Shares fund and on 35,892,588 'C' Shares (30 June 2003: 33,106,097). 8. The net asset value per share for both the Ordinary Shares and the 'C' Shares has been calculated on their respective shares of the Company's assets and liabilities. Other than expenses specifically attributable to one fund or the other, one quarter of costs incurred since 1 January 2004 has been allocated to the Ordinary Shares fund. 9. The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2004 has not been audited or previously published and the 30 June 2003 information has not been audited. The information for the year ended 31 December 2003 does not comprise full financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on these financial statements and that report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985. 10. Dividends Six months to Six months to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £ £ £ Ordinary Shares Interim dividend proposed/paid 7,986,746 - 1,023,263 Final dividend paid - - - Over-accrued in previous period - (801) (801) ----------- ----------- ----------- 7,986,746 (801) 1,022,462 'C' Shares Interim dividend proposed/paid - 247,870 247,870 Final dividend paid - - 181,237 Over-accrued in previous period - (763) (763) ----------- ----------- ----------- - 247,107 428,344 ----------- ----------- ----------- Total dividends for period 7,986,746 246,306 1,450,806 ----------- ----------- ----------- 11. Capital and reserves Cancelled Called up Share share Profit and share premium premium Revaluation loss Total capital account account reserve account Total £ £ £ £ £ £ At 1 January 2004 483,606 2,339,207 34,578,917 10,731,225 391,306 48,524,261 Shares issued/ (bought back) 41,393 3,951,834 (59,498) - - 3,933,729 Write off to cancelled share premium a/c - - (385,689) - 385,689 - Realisation of previously unrealised appreciation - - - (8,744,352) 8,744,352 - Net decrease in unrealised depreciation - - - (4,221,551) - (4,221,551) Retained net reveneue for the period - - - - (8,177,502) (8,177,502) ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ At 30 June 2004 524,999 6,291,041 34,133,730 (2,234,678) 1,343,845 40,058,937 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Cancelled Ordinary Called up Share share Profit and Shares share premium premium Revaluation loss fund capital account account reserve account Total £ £ £ £ £ £ At 1 January 2004 134,101 978,937 6,996,547 16,544,315 389,964 25,043,864 Shares issued/ (bought back) 19,490 2,378,924 - - - 2,398,414 Write off to cancelled share premium - - (211,125) - 211,125 - a/c Realisation of previously unrealised appreciation - - - (8,744,352) 8,744,352 - Net decrease in unrealised depreciation - - - (6,422,758) - (6,422,758) Retained net reveneue for the period - - - - (8,220,202) (8,220,202) ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ At 30 June 2004 153,591 3,357,861 6,785,422 1,377,205 1,125,239 12,799,318 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Cancelled 'C' Called up Share share Profit and Shares share premium premium Revaluation loss fund capital account account reserve account Total £ £ £ £ £ £ At 1 349,505 1,360,270 27,582,370 (5,813,090) 1,342 23,480,397 January 2004 Shares issued/ (bought back) 21,903 1,572,910 (59,498) - - 1,535,315 Write off to cancelled share premium a/c - - (174,564) - 174,564 - Net decrease in unrealised depreciation - - - 2,201,207 - 2,201,207 Retained net reveneue for the period - - - - 42,700 42,700 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ At 30 June 2004 371,408 2,933,180 27,348,308 (3,611,883) 218,606 27,259,619 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 12. Summary of investments during the period Unlisted Listed Traded or traded Qualifying investments on Aim on OFEX loans Total £ £ £ £ £ Company Cost/valuation at 31 December 2003 2,985,225 10,364,157 17,022,760 7,394,292 37,766,434 Purchases at cost - 450,225 2,373,981 1,374,819 4,199,025 Disposals at cost or opening valuation (397,500) - (10,007,982) (1,101,000) (11,506,482) Increase/ (decrease) in unrealised gains/(losses) (800,730) (5,356,702) 2,035,381 (99,500) (4,221,551) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Cost/valuation at 30 June 2004 1,786,995 5,457,680 11,424,140 7,568,611 26,237,426 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Book cost at 30 June 2004 248,367 2,944,750 16,342,376 8,981,611 28,517,104 Unrealised gains/ (losses) at 30 June 2004 1,538,628 2,512,930 (4,918,236) (1,413,000) (2,279,678) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,786,995 5,457,680 11,424,140 7,568,611 26,237,426 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Ordinary Shares fund Cost/valuation at 31 December 2003 2,985,225 9,302,900 10,904,942 520,000 23,713,067 Purchases at cost - 100,000 58,275 116,725 275,000 Disposals at cost or opening valuation (397,500) - (10,007,982) (120,000) (10,525,482) Increase/ (decrease) in unrealised gains/(losses) (800,730) (5,280,850) (1,178) (340,000) (6,422,758) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Cost/valuation at 30 June 2004 1,786,995 4,122,050 954,057 176,725 7,039,827 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Book cost at 30 June 2004 248,367 1,417,357 2,790,173 1,216,725 5,672,622 Unrealised gains/ (losses) at 30 June 2004 1,538,628 2,704,693 (1,836,116) (1,040,000) 1,367,205 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,786,995 4,122,050 954,057 176,725 7,039,827 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 'C' Shares fund Cost/valuation at 31 December 2003 - 1,061,257 6,117,818 6,874,292 14,053,367 Purchases at cost - 350,225 2,315,706 1,258,094 3,924,025 Disposals at cost or opening valuation - - - (981,000) (981,000) Increase/ (decrease) in unrealised gains/(losses) - (75,852) 2,036,559 240,500 2,201,207 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Cost/valuation at 30 June 2004 - 1,335,630 10,470,083 7,391,886 19,197,599 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Book cost at 30 June 2004 - 1,527,393 13,552,203 7,764,886 22,844,482 Unrealised gains/ (losses) at 30 June 2004 - (191,763) (3,082,120) (373,000) (3,646,883) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - 1,335,630 10,470,083 7,391,886 19,197,599 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 13. Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds Six months to Six months to Year to 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 31 December 2003 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £ £ £ (Loss)/profit for the period (190,756) (266,059) 71,099 Dividends on equity shares (7,986,746) (246,306) (1,450,806) ----------- ----------- ----------- (8,177,502) (512,365) (1,379,707) Other recognised gains and losses (4,221,551) (278,593) 11,219,960 New share capital subscribed (net) 3,933,729 (250,956) 1,931,559 ----------- ----------- ----------- Net (reduction in)/addition to shareholders' funds (8,465,324) (1,041,914) 11,771,812 Total net assets attributable to equity shareholders at beginning of the period 48,524,261 36,752,449 36,752,449 ----------- ----------- ----------- Total net assets attributable to equity shareholders at end of period 40,058,937 35,710,535 48,524,261 ----------- ----------- ----------- A copy of the interim results will be sent to all shareholders in September and copies can be obtained from the Company's registered office. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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