Subscription of New Shares

Foresight Technology VCT PLC 2 February 2001 FORESIGHT TECHNOLOGY VCT PLC SUBSCRIPTION OF NEW SHARES The Company announced on 18th January 2001 an Offer for Subscription of up to 1,000,000 new 'C' Shares at 1p each (with attached 'C' Warrants on a 1 for 5 basis) at 100p per share to raise £964,000 net of expenses. Application has been made to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority for all the new 'C' Shares (with attached Warrants), to be issued pursuant to this offer, to be admitted to the Official List and for trading to commence on the London Stock Exchange plc's market for Listed Securities. The Company is now pleased to announce that today 60,000 'C' Shares have been allotted (with 12,000 attached 'C' Warrants). END
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