Final Results
Legg Mason Investrs AIM DistTst PLC
21 July 2003
Legg Mason Investors AIM Distribution Trust plc
Preliminary announcement of unaudited results for the year ended 31 March 2003
Chairman's Statement
On behalf of your Board, I present the annual report and accounts for the year
ended 31 March 2003.
The Company continues to be invested in a range of AIM qualifying stocks and
continues to meet the requirements of VCT rules. As at 31 March 2003, qualifying
investments were 87.4%, comfortably in excess of the 70% minimum.
Balance sheet and net assets
During the year ended 31 March 2003 the net asset value per share of the Company
fell by 41.5% from 78.22p to 45.73p with the overall net asset value falling
from £13.07m to £7.60m.
This compares to a 35.5% fall in the FTSE AIM Index and a 50.8% fall in the FTSE
techMARK 100 Index. As noted in previous reports no single index is directly
comparable due to a mix of AIM, OFEX and unquoted stocks. As at 31 March 2003,
73.6% of the portfolio value of the Company was in AIM quoted stocks, 4.2% in
FTSE techMARK stocks and the remainder in OFEX and unquoted investments.
Revenue and dividends
Revenue from investments during the period amounted to £202,979 (2002:
Expenses have exceeded income for the year and the Company has carried forward
accumulated capital losses. Accordingly, the Directors do not propose to pay a
dividend for the year ended 31 March 2003. The timing and level of future
capital distributions will depend on a market recovery, in order to recoup the
current level of unrealised capital losses and enable capital realisations.
The backdrop to the performance of the Company over the year is the
well-publicised decline of markets globally. In the first half of the year,
corporate governance issues and increasing geopolitical risk caused equity
markets to fall dramatically. This was exacerbated by: consumer spending, which
had been the mainstay of growth, slipping to its slowest level since 1997; and
by insurance companies having to sell equities to meet solvency requirements. In
the second half of the year market volatility was high albeit with a more
limited overall decline over the period.
Investment activity
The new issue market has been slow, particularly in the second half of the year.
Despite this, and the poor market conditions, we have taken the opportunity to
make 8 new qualifying investments totaling approximately £1.4m along with
additions to a number of existing investments. We have fully disposed of 15
stocks which, in addition to partial disposals and matured fixed interest
securities, yielded sale proceeds of approximately £1.75m.
Future of the Company
As noted in the interim report, the resolution that the Company should continue
as a VCT for a further five years was passed at the Annual General Meeting on 21
August 2002.
Shareholder relations
Shareholders who wish to know the latest published net asset value or share
price at any time may call Legg Mason Investments on 020 7070 7400.
Investment management arrangements
Following the announcement by Legg Mason Investments that it would be closing
its Glasgow office and consolidating its asset management activities in London,
on 6 February 2003 the Board served protective notice on the Investment Manager
of the Company, to enable the Board to consider the impact of this on the
investment management of the Company.
The Board is actively pursuing this matter and will keep shareholders fully
Future prospects
It is usual that the larger cap stocks lead the market upwards when a bear
market turns bullish and since the end of the reporting period, equity markets
have rallied. Indeed since 31 March 2003 the FTSE 100 Index has increased by
11.6%. This has been followed by the FTSE AIM Index which is up from 542.7 at 31
March 2003 to 641.41 at 30 June 2003, an increase of 18.2%. At 30 June 2003, the
Company's capital net asset value had increased to 56.49p per ordinary share
Whether the market rally will be sustained is a matter upon which experts seem
to be at odds, though most commentators predict that the bottom has probably
been reached. The speed of recovery is more difficult to predict. The current
low levels do present opportunities to buy shares in good companies at prices
which are good value. We are hopeful that we will see a period of rising prices.
Sir Aubrey Brocklebank
18 July 2003
Year ended 31 March 2003 Year ended 31 March 2002
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£ £ £ £ £ £
Losses on - (5,330,366) (5,330,366) - (6,674,212) (6,674,212)
Income 202,979 - 202,979 299,224 - 299,224
Investment (42,482) (127,447) (169,929) (65,203) (195,610) (260,813)
Movement in - - - - 318,984 318,984
Other (136,991) - (136,991) (143,587) - (143,587)
expenses ----------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- --------------
on ordinary 23,506 (5,457,813) (5,434,307) 90,434 (6,550,838) (6,460,404)
costs and
Interest (1,614) - (1,614) (14) - (14)
payable on ---------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- --------------
Return/(loss) 21,892 (5,457,813) (5,435,921) 90,420 (6,550,838) (6,460,418)
on ordinary
Taxation on - - - - - -
ordinary ---------- -------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- --------------
Return/(loss) 21,892 (5,457,813) (5,435,921) 90,420 (6,550,838) (6,460,418)
to equity
Dividends in - - - (58,480) - (58,480)
respect of ----------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ---------------
Transfer 21,892 (5,457,813) (5,435,921) 31,940 (6,550,838) (6,518,898)
to/(from) ---------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- --------------
Return/(loss) 0.13p (32.73)p (32.60)p 0.54p (39.21)p (38.67)p
per ordinary ====== ======== ======== ======= ======== ========
In order to enable the Company to make capital distributions, the Company has
revoked its investment company status and is accordingly unable to take
advantage of the accounting exemptions that status permits. The results of the
Company have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Schedule IV of
the Companies Act 1985, which requires that all realised gains and losses,
including those arising from the disposal of investments, are included in the
results for the year, and the unrealised capital gains are excluded from the
profit and loss account for the year.
Profit and loss account (unaudited)
For the year ended 31 March 2003
Year ended Year ended
31 March 2003 31 March 2002
Notes £ £ £ £
Income received on investments 2 202,979 299,224
Administrative expenses
Investment management fees (169,929) (260,813)
Movement in provision for incentive - 318,984
Other expenses (136,991) (143,587)
------------- ------------
(306,920) (85,416)
-------------- -------------
Net (loss)/revenue (103,941) 213,808
Income from fixed asset investments
Losses on investments (687,483) (1,073,114)
-------------- --------------
Loss before interest and taxation (791,424) (859,306)
Interest payable and similar changes (1,614) (14)
------------- --------------
Loss before taxation (793,038) (859,320)
Tax on ordinary activities - -
-------------- --------------
Loss on ordinary activities after (793,038) (859,320)
taxation -------------- --------------
Revenue 3 - (58,480)
------------ -------------
Loss for the year (793,038) (917,800)
Transfer from capital reserve 814,930 949,740
------------- ------------
Retained revenue profits 21,892 31,940
------------ ------------
Earnings per share 4 (4.76)p (5.14)p
======= =======
All returns are derived from continuing activities
Statement of total recognised gains and losses (unaudited)
For the year ended 31 March 2003
Year ended 31 March 2003 Year ended 31 March 2002
£ £
Loss for the year (793,038) (859,320)
Unrealised losses for the year (4,642,883) (5,601,098)
Total recognised losses during the year (5,435,921) (6,460,418)
Total recognised loss per share (32.60)p (38.67)p
=========== ==========
Notes of historical profits and losses
Year ended 31 March 2003 Year ended 31 March 2002
£ £
Reported loss on ordinary activities before taxation (793,038) (859,320)
Realisation of investment revaluation (losses)/gains (2,410,822) 739,242
Recognised in previous periods (3,203,860) (120,078)
------------------- -----------------
Historical cost loss for the year after taxation and (3,203,860) (178,558)
dividends =========== =========
Balance sheet (unaudited)
As at 31 March 2003
Notes As at 31 March 2003 As at 31 March 2002
£ £
Fixed assets
Investments 5 7,476,482 12,638,260
Current assets
Debtors 55,316 94,879
Cash at bank and in hand 141,583 490,291
196,899 585,170
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (75,603) (153,976)
Net current liabilities 121,296 431,194
Net assets 7,597,778 13,069,454
========= =========
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 4,153,675 4,177,174
Special reserve 12,292,607 12,328,362
Capital reserve - realised (652,038) 2,573,714
Capital reserve - unrealised (8,380,282) (6,148,221)
Capital redemption reserve 47,249 23,750
Revenue reserve 136,567 114,675
-------------- --------------
7,597,778 13,069,454
======== ========
Net asset value per share
Ordinary shares 6 45.73p 78.22p
======== ========
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 18 July 2003
and signed on their behalf by:
Sir Aubrey Brocklebank
Cash flow statements (unaudited)
For the year ended 31 March 2003
Year ended 31 March 2003 Year ended 31 March 2002
£ £
Operating activities
Investment income received 189,442 218,540
Deposit interest received 9,759 78,077
Underwriting commission received - 193
Investment management fees paid (190,398) (473,095)
Other expenses paid (130,815) (149,091)
___________ ___________
Net cash outflow (122,012) (325,376)
___________ ___________
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (1,614) (14)
___________ ___________
Income tax recovered 25,448 237,414
___________ ___________
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of investments (1,901,928) (7,274,739)
Disposal of investments 1,745,973 7,618,166
___________ ___________
Net cash (outflow)/inflow (155,955) 343,427
___________ ___________
Equity dividends paid (58,820) (1,670,870)
___________ ___________
Net cash outflow before financing (312,953) (1,415,419)
___________ ___________
Cost of share repurchase (35,755) -
___________ ___________
Net cash outflow from financing (35,755) -
___________ ___________
Decrease in cash (348,708) (1,415,419)
========== ==========
Notes to the financial statements (unaudited)
1. Investments
Investments are treated as fixed assets and are shown in the balance sheet at
Directors' valuation on the following basis:
Listed investments, including those traded on the Alternative Investment Market
('AIM') and off-exchange ('OFEX'), are valued at mid-market price as at the
balance sheet date. The Directors are conscious of the fact that because shares
are traded on AIM and OFEX this does not guarantee their liquidity. The nature
of AIM and OFEX investments is such that the prices can be volatile and
realisation may not achieve current book value, especially when such a sale
represents a significant proportion of the Company's market capital.
Nevertheless, on the grounds that the investments are not intended for immediate
realisation, they regard mid-market price as the most objective and appropriate
method of valuation.
In determining the valuation of unquoted investment the Directors adopt the mid-
market price where a dealing facility exists and apply a discount if considered
appropriate. Where no dealing facility exists the factors which the Directors
have regard to include, inter alia, the earnings record and growth prospects of
the security, the rating of comparable companies, the yield of the security
where appropriate and any recent transactions.
2. Income
2003 2002
£ £
Income from investments
Dividends 78,628 115,976
Interest 118,777 128,603
------------- -------------
197,405 244,579
------------ ------------
Other income
Deposit interest 5,574 54,452
Underwriting commission - 193
------------- -------------
Total income 202,979 299,224
========= =========
3. Dividends
2003 2002
£ £
Revenue dividend on equity shares
Final: £nil (2002: 0.35p per share) - 58,480
===== ======
4. Earnings per share
Basic revenue loss per ordinary share is based on the loss on ordinary
activities after taxation of £793,038 (2002: loss of £859,320) and on 16,676,250
(2002: 16,708,698) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the year.
5. Investments
2003 2002
£ £
Investments listed on the London Stock Exchange 1,457,697 3,350,762
Investments in companies traded on AIM 5,406,362 8,283,146
Investments in companies traded on OFEX 559,143 654,432
Unlisted companies 53,280 349,920
-------------- --------------
7,476,482 12,638,260
======== ========
6. Net asset value
Basic net asset value per share is based on the net assets attributable to
ordinary shareholders of £7,597,778 (2002: £13,069,454) and on 16,614,701 (2002:
16,708,698) ordinary shares in issue at the year end.
7. Post balance sheet events
There were no significant post balance sheet events.
8. 2003 Accounts
The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 March 2002 are
extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do not
constitute statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have been delivered
to the Registrar of Companies and included the report of the auditors which was
unqualified and did not include a statement under either Section 237(2) or
Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
The above financial information for the year ended 31 March 2003 does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003 will be delivered to
the Registrar of Companies in due course.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 3 September 2003 at 10.00 am at the
offices of Teather & Greenwood Limited, Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street,
London, EC3A 7QR. The annual report will be sent to shareholders in July 2003
and will be available to members of the public from the Company's registered
office at 55 Moorgate, London EC2R 6PA.
For further information, please contact:
Susan Venables
BNP Paribas Secretarial Services Limited
Tel: 020 7410 5971
Please contact Zoe Burton
of Legg Mason Investments (Europe) Limited
Tel: 020 7070 7474
21 July 2003
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange