Interim Results

Legg Mason Investrs AIM DistTst PLC 27 November 2003 Legg Mason Investors AIM Distribution Trust plc Interim Statement for the six months ended 30 September 2003 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2003 2002 2003 Net asset value £10,657,245 £9,522,867 £7,597,778 Net asset value per share 64.14p 56.99p 45.73p Total gain/(loss) after tax £3,059,647 (£3,546,587) (£5,435,921) Total return/(loss) per share * 18.42p (21.23p) (32.60p) Movement in net asset value per share 40.27% (27.14%) (41.50%) Movement in FTSE AIM Index 38.53% (28.10%) (35.50%) Movement in FTSE All-share Index 16.82% (29.60%) (32.13%) Cumulative dividends per share 47.80p 47.80p 47.80p * Total return represents the total profit/(loss) on ordinary activities together with profit/(loss) on investments. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT On behalf of your Board, I present the interim report and accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2003. Global markets have shown a significant improvement over the period, following the end of the war in Iraq and signs of economic improvement, in particular in the US and Asia, are now in evidence. The net asset value of the Company has also shown a marked upturn over the six month period. Balance sheet and net assets Over the six months ended 30 September 2003 the net asset value of the Company rose by 40.3% from 45.73p to 64.14p. This compares with a rise of 38.5% in the FTSE AIM index and a 13.2% increase in the FTSE 100 index. This highlights the impact the global downturn has had on smaller companies which, having been hit much harder in the downturn, are now recovering at a relatively higher rate. Subsequent to the period end this improvement has continued, with the AIM index standing at 810.8 on 26 November 2003, an increase of 7.8% over the 30 September 2003 level of 751.9. During the period under review new issue activity has started to pick up, following a slow year ended 31 March 2003. Despite this, the Company only made two small additions to VCT qualifying investments, believing instead that the existing portfolio stood to benefit significantly from market improvements, which on the whole proved to be the case. At 30 September 2003, 82.8% of the portfolio by tax book cost was invested in VCT qualifying companies, comfortably in excess of the required 70% level. The Directors continue to believe that it is important to maintain a comfortable margin over the 70% level. Results and dividend Revenue from investments during the period amounted to £81,911 (2002: £112,414). The fall in the level of income is consistent with the lower level of dividends from smaller companies in general, due to the economic environment over the past year. Whilst the current period has seen a significant unrealised gain on investments, only one investment was disposed of in the period. As a result realised gains were at a low level. The timing and level of future capital distributions will continue to depend on market recovery and capital realisations. Consequently, the Directors do not propose to pay an interim dividend for the six months ended 30 September 2003. Investment management arrangements As already announced, I am pleased to report that with effect from 1 October 2003 we have appointed Rathbone Investment Management Limited as investment manager to the Company. The Board has also appointed Grant Whitehouse as the Company Secretary with effect from the same date. Following the change in investment manager, it is proposed to change the name of the Company to The AIM Distribution Trust PLC. Further details of these changes are set out in a separate circular to shareholders, which will accompany these results. Future prospects Since the end of the reporting period, UK equity markets have continued to move modestly higher. This has been reflected in the Company's net asset value, which at 31 October 2003 had risen to 68.74p per has share. Despite this, investors are still showing signs of nervousness, due to uncertainty over whether performance can be maintained and in particular the impact of the interest rate cycle over the coming year. Your Board believes that when markets recover sufficiently the Company will again be able to distribute realised capital gains to shareholders. Sir Aubrey Brocklebank Chairman INVESTMENT ADVISER'S REPORT Market review Towards the end of the previous accounting period, market sentiment towards AIM-listed companies reached its lowest ebb, and the FTSE AIM Index hit an all-time low of 542.4 on 1 April 2003. However, the major markets had moved strongly in mid March following the end of the war in Iraq, and after those companies with higher market capitalisations had started to improve, the market's focus turned to smaller companies. The FTSE AIM Index proceeded to recover strongly from its low to post an increase of 38.5% for the six month period. The lack of liquidity that has been a drag in the bear market over the last two years is now working in the other direction, and some of the individual share price movements have been quite dramatic. Improving economic news, more confident statements accompanying results and an upturn in corporate activity all helped support this turnaround in sentiment. Portfolio review Aero Inventory announced a new procurement and inventory management contract with Swiss based SR Technics, which gives the company a significant presence in Europe and which, going forward, will more double the size of the business. For the year to June 2003 turnover and pre-tax profits increased by 74%. Atlantic Global announced interim results to June that showed encouraging progress and at the same time announced several large new blue chip customers. The shares have made remarkable progress since the annual report, more than trebling from their lows in March. Cardpoint owns and operates freestanding ATMs. Since the annual report Cardpoint has acquired PT Distribution, an electronic mobile top up operator. The company has good synergies with Cardpoint's existing business and fits in with the stated aim of diversifying its revenue streams. Connaught continues to trade well, with social housing in particular providing strong growth. The company's interim results showed both turnover and pre-tax profit up in excess of 40%. CRC Group announced, in early June, a restructuring programme in response to deteriorating conditions in their core mobile phone repair business. The shares initially fell sharply but following a statement of support from its major customer, Nokia, bounced strongly and regained most of the lost ground. Cobra Bio-Manufacturing produce DNA for clinical trials. The sharp growth in gene-based therapies puts Cobra in a strong position to be a key supplier of DNA material. The company announced interim results to March that showed good increases in the revenue line and a move into profit at the pre-tax level. They also announced a placing, raising £4.65m net to fund the purchase and conversion of an additional manufacturing facility to meet growing demand for their products. Huveaux was established to make acquisitions in niche areas of the publishing and media arenas. It owns both Lonsdale (publisher of school revision guides for UK and in English-speaking schools overseas) and Vacher Dod (publishers of parliamentary guides) and has announced the acquisition of PPP, which publishes Le Trombinoscope (French parliamentary guides). It recently announced a successful placing to finance the acquisition of Fenman, a leading publisher of training materials. PM Group design, manufacture and service on-board vehicle weighing systems. The company announced its full year results to June showing an increase in profits of 15% and, underlining its confidence in the future, announced a maiden final dividend. Vianet has announced an agreement with Alcatel whereby Alcatel will market and distribute vOpen and vPayment telemetry services for an initial 5 year period under a revenue sharing agreement. Portfolio activity We participated in a £1.49 million fund raising by Xpertise, barely 7 months after the acquisition of PowerEd. However, there are some good signs, particularly on the size of contracts that the company is now securing. As regards the market we are now seeing a number of smaller players pull out and Xpertise should be well placed with or without a market recovery. The Highland Timber 5% Convertible stock matured during the period realising £750,000. Within the non-qualifying portion of the portfolio we participated in a rescue rights issue for Inter Alliance. We also booked the profit in Jacques Vert, selling the entire holding during June. New issue activity across the market has picked up markedly over the past six months. In particular numbers of qualifying issues have built up over the summer months and there is now a good pipeline that should ensure a regular flow over the coming months. Legg Mason Investments (Europe) Limited PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS as at 30 September 2003 Market % of total value investments and £ cash Equities traded on Aim, OFEX or listed on The London Stock Exchange Ten largest holdings Atlantic Global plc 1,206,575 11.32% Connaught plc 905,433 8.49% Huveaux plc 618,930 5.81% Inter-Alliance Group plc 412,500 3.87% PM Group plc 377,000 3.54% Aero Inventory plc 362,100 3.40% plc + 316,250 2.97% Tepnel Life Sciences plc 305,940 2.87% The Medical House plc 291,666 2.74% XKO Group plc * 258,806 2.43% 5,055,200 47.44% Other equity holdings 3,705,402 34.73% 8,760,602 82.17% Unlisted equities 53,280 0.50% Convertible stock of AIM companies 155,465 1.46% Bonds listed on the London Stock Exchange 1,063,250 9.97% Total investments 10,032,597 94.10% Cash at bank 628,755 5.90% Total investments and cash 10,661,352 100.0% Key: + Traded on OFEX * Listed on the London Stock Exchange UNAUDITED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (incorporating the revenue account) for the six months ended 30 September 2003 (Unaudited) Six months ended 30 September 2003 Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Gains/(losses) on investments - 3,146,417 3,146,417 Income 81,911 - 81,911 Investment management fees (22,537) (67,610) (90,147) Other expenses (78,534) - (78,534) Return/(loss) on ordinary activities (19,160) 3,078,807 3,059,647 before finance costs and taxation Interest on bank overdrafts - - - Return/(loss) on ordinary activities (19,160) 3,078,807 3,059,647 before taxation Taxation on ordinary activities - - - Return/(loss) attributable to equity (19,160) 3,078,807 3,059,647 shareholders Dividends in respect of equity shares - - - Transfer to/(from) reserves (19,160) 3,078,807 3,059,647 Return/(loss) per ordinary share (0.12p) 18.54p 18.42p (Unaudited) Six months ended 30 September 2002 Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Gains/(losses) on investments - (3,493,284) (3,493,284) Income 112,414 - 112,414 Investment management fees (23,425) (70,275) (93,700) Other expenses (70,529) - (70,529) Return/(loss) on ordinary activities 18,460 (3,563,559) (3,545,099) before finance costs and taxation Interest on bank overdrafts (1,488) - (1,488) Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 16,972 (3,563,559) (3,546,587) Taxation on ordinary activities - - - Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders 16,972 (3,563,559) (3,546,587) Dividends in respect of equity shares - - - Transfer to/(from) reserves 16,972 (3,563,559) (3,546,587) Return/(loss) per ordinary share 0.10p (21.33p) (21.23p) (Audited) Year ended 31 March 2003 Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ Gains/(losses) on investments - (5,330,366) (5,330,366) Income 202,979 - 202,979 Investment management fees (42,482) (127,447) (169,929) Other expenses (136,991) - (136,991) Return/(loss) on ordinary activities 23,506 (5,457,813) (5,434,307) before finance costs and taxation Interest on bank overdrafts (1,614) - (1,614) Return/(loss) on ordinary activities 21,892 (5,457,813) (5,435,921) before taxation Taxation on ordinary activities - - - Return/(loss) attributable to equity 21,892 (5,457,813) (5,435,921) shareholders Dividends in respect of equity shares - - - Transfer to/(from) reserves 21,892 (5,457,813) (5,435,921) Return/(loss) per ordinary share 0.13p (32.73p) (32.60p) In order to enable the Company to make capital distributions, the Company has revoked its investment company status and is accordingly unable to take advantage of the accounting exemptions that status permits. The results of the Company set out on page 10 have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Schedule IV of the Companies Act 1985, which requires that all realised gains and losses, including those arising from the disposal of investments, are included in the results for the year, and the unrealised capital gains are excluded from the profit and loss account for the year. UNAUDITED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the six months ended 30 September 2003 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2003 2002 2003 £ £ £ Income received on investments 81,911 112,414 202,979 Administrative expenses Investment management fees (90,147) (93,700) (169,929) Other expenses (78,534) (70,529) (136,991) Net loss (86,770) (51,815) (103,941) Income from fixed asset investments Gains/(losses) on investments 81,916 (290,285) (687,483) Loss before interest and taxation (4,854) (342,100) (791,424) Interest payable and similar charges - (1,488) (1,614) Loss before taxation (4,854) (343,588) (793,038) Tax on ordinary activities - - - Loss on ordinary activities after (4,854) (343,588) (793,038) taxation Dividends Revenue - - - Retained loss (4,854) (343,588) (793,038) Transfer (to)/from capital reserve (14,306) 360,560 814,930 Retained revenue (19,160) 16,972 21,892 Earnings per share (See Note 3) (0.03p) (2.06p) (4.76p) All returns are derived from continuing operations. The company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. UNAUDITED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES for the six months ended 30 September 2003 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2003 2003 2002 £ £ £ Loss for the period (4,854) (343,588) (793,038) Unrealised gains/(losses) for the 3,064,501 (3,202,999) (4,642,883) period Total recognised gains/(losses) 3,059,647 (3,546,587) (5,435,921) during the period Total recognised gains/(losses) 18.42p (21.23p) (32.60p) per share UNAUDITED BALANCE SHEET as at 30 September 2003 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) As at As at As at 30 30 31 September September March 2003 2002 2003 £ £ £ Fixed assets Investments 10,032,597 9,389,289 7,476,482 Current assets Debtors 73,038 70,779 55,316 Cash at bank and in hand 628,755 150,470 141,583 701,793 221,249 196,899 Creditors: amounts falling due (77,145) (87,671) (75,603) within one year Net current assets 624,648 133,578 121,296 10,657,245 9,522,867 7,597,778 Net assets Capital and reserves Called up share capital 4,153,675 4,177,174 4,153,675 Special reserve 12,292,427 12,328,362 12,292,607 Capital reserve - realised (637,732) (98,194) (652,038) Capital reserve - unrealised (5,315,781) (7,039,872) (8,380,282) Capital redemption reserve 47,249 23,750 47,249 Revenue reserve 117,407 131,647 136,567 10,657,245 9,522,867 7,597,778 Net asset value per share 64.14p 56.99p 45.73p Ordinary shares (See Note 4) UNAUDITED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the six months ended 30 September 2003 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2003 2002 2003 £ £ £ Operating activities Investment income received 79,784 98,551 189,442 Deposit interest received 102 9,554 9,759 Investment management fees paid (78,414) (106,892) (190,398) Other expenses paid (106,569) (69,952) (130,815) Net cash outflow from operating (105,097) (68,739) (122,012) activities Servicing of finance Interest paid - (1,488) (1,614) Taxation Income tax recovered - 25,429 25,448 Capital expenditure Purchase of investments (389,467) (1,543,350) (1,901,928) Proceeds on disposal of investments 981,916 1,307,147 1,745,973 Net cash inflow/(outflow) 592,449 (236,203) (155,955) Equity distributions paid - (58,820) (58,820) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before 487,352 (339,821) (312,953) financing Financing Cost of share repurchase (180) - (35,755) Net cash outflow from financing (180) - (35,755) Increase/(decrease) in cash (See Note 487,172 (339,821) (348,708) 6) NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1 Accounts The unaudited financial statements set out within this document do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2003. 2 Investments Investments are treated as fixed assets and are shown in the balance sheet at Directors' valuation on the following basis: Listed investments, including those traded on the Alternative Investment Market ('AIM') and off-exchange ('OFEX'), are valued at mid-market price at the balance sheet date. The Directors are conscious of the fact that because shares are traded on AIM and OFEX this does not guarantee their liquidity. The nature of AIM and OFEX investments is such that the prices can be volatile and realisation may not achieve current book value, especially when such a sale represents a significant proportion of that company's market capital. Nevertheless, on the grounds that the investments are not intended for immediate realisation, they regard mid-market price as the most objective and appropriate method of valuation. In determining the valuation of unquoted investments the Directors adopt the mid-market price where a dealing facility exists and apply a discount if considered appropriate. Where no dealing facility exists the factors which the Directors have regard to include, inter alia, the earnings record and growth prospects of the security, the rating of comparable listed companies, the yield of the security where appropriate and any recent transactions. 3 Earnings per share Basic loss per ordinary share is based on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation of £4,854 (period ended 30 September 2002: £343,588; year ended 31 March 2003: £793,038) divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 16,614,701 (period ended 30 September 2002: 16,708,698; year ended 31 March 2003: 16,676,250). 4 Net asset value per share Basic net asset value per share is based on the net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders of £10,657,245 (period ended 30 September 2002: £9,522,867; year ended 31 March 2003: £7,597,778) dividend by the ordinary shares in issue at the period end of 16,614,701 (period ended 30 September 2002: 16,708,698; year ended 31 March 2003: 16,614,701). 5 Comparative information The comparative figures are in respect of the six months ended 30 September 2002 and the year ended 31 March 2003. The figures for the year ended 31 March 2003 have been extracted from the financial statements for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified. 6 Analysis of net funds (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2003 2002 2003 £ £ £ Beginning of period 141,583 490,291 490,291 Net cash inflow/ 487,172 (339,821) (348,708) (outflow) End of period 628,755 150,470 141,583 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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