Final Results

Fuller,Smith&Turner PLC 1 June 2001 STRICTLY EMBARGOED UNTIL 7AM FRIDAY 1st JUNE 2001 PRESS RELEASE FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. Financial results for the year ended 31st March 2001 Financial Highlights + Profit before tax £19.3m (2000: £13.7m) up 41% + EBITDA on continuing activities of £25.0m (2000: £23.6m) up 6% + * Normalised profit before tax £15.6m (2000: £14.8m) up 6% + ** Basic E.P.S 56.80p (2000: 37.62p) up 51% + ** Normalised E.P.S 43.91p (2000: 40.73p) up 8% + Own beer volumes up 7% + Annual dividend 14.38p (2000: 13.41p) up 7% + Intention to buy back shares * Profits after interest before exceptional operating costs/ profits ** Calculated on the £1 'A' Ordinary Share Corporate Progress + Growth of managed pubs and bars with 7 new openings and 8 major refurbishments + 4 managed houses transferred to tenanted with 6 more planned in Summer 2001 + Launch of new 10 year leases for tenancies + Strong prospects for niche hotels with 237 additional bedrooms to be added in 2001/2 + Recent hotel investments to enhance earnings in current financial year + Excellent progress in the Beer Company - profits up 16% Commenting on the results, Anthony Fuller, Chairman, said: 'I am delighted to be reporting preliminary results which demonstrate further evidence of our continued growth and profitability. Our businesses remain highly cash generative. We have continued to expand our estate of managed and tenanted pubs and bars which deliver consistently good performance. 'We are extremely pleased with progress in English Inns Hotels, capitalising on our experience of over thirty years in that business. Our strategy therein is to build on our portfolio of niche, high quality, character bedroom hotels in prime locations. 'Fuller's Beer Company has yet again outperformed its rivals and, in what is a declining market for ales elsewhere, has shown both volume and profits growth. We intend to continue to invest in our brands which, led by London Pride, are stronger than ever before. This has resulted in our total beer volume reaching a quarter of a million barrels for the first time and a further increase in Fuller's ale market share. 'Current trading is satisfactory and the Board is confident of Fuller's growth prospects. In light of this and our belief that the shares are presently significantly undervalued, we intend to ask our shareholders for their approval of a share buy back programme.' - Ends - For further information, please contact: Fuller Smith & Turner P.L.C. Press Office 020 8996 2175/2198/2048 Mobile 07748 657854 Website: Michael Turner - Press 020 8996 2048 Paul Clarke - Analysts 020 8996 2048 Merlin Financial 020 7606 1244 Paul Downes 07900 244 888 (mobile) Vanessa Maydon 07802 961 902 (mobile) Notes to Editors Photographs for the media are available at NewsCast Online - Tel. 020 7608 1000 Attached: Chairman's Statement Financial Highlights Group Profit and Loss Account Group Balance Sheet Group Cash Flow Statement Notes to the Accounts FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2001 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Whatever You Do, Take Pride I am pleased to report that our normalised profits before tax are up 6% to £ 15.6 million (2000: £14.8 million). Turnover on continuing operations is up 8% to £128.1 million. Normalised earnings per share are up 8% to 43.91p (2000: 40.73p). In addition Fuller's made exceptional profits of £3.7 million, taking total profit before tax to £19.3 million (2000: £13.7 million) up 41%. The tax charge on trading profits is 28.8% (2000: 30.4%). We anticipate that the forthcoming changes arising out of FRS19 Deferred Tax will not increase this charge significantly. Our cash generation continues to be significant with EBITDA at £25.0 million, up 6% on continuing operations from £23.6m, with organic growth more than compensating for the sale of the wine shops in February 2000. Gearing fell to 6.7% (2000: 9.5%) following the sale last summer of the Master Robert Hotel and other properties, realising a net £11.5 million. Capital expenditure for the year was £30.2 million (2000: £23.3 million), of which nearly half relates to three major hotel projects opening during the current year. The Directors are recommending an increase in the final dividend of 7% to 10.00p per 'A' and 'C' £1 Ordinary Share, and 1.00p per 'B' 10p Ordinary Share which will make a total for the year of 14.38p per 'A' and 'C' £1 Ordinary Share and 1.438p per 'B' 10p Ordinary Share. The final dividend will be paid on Tuesday 24 July 2001 to shareholders on the Share Register at Friday 22 June 2001. Fuller's Inns The turnover of our combined retail operations increased by 9% to £92.6 million, with pre-exceptional operating profits at £16.1 million, up 5% after an increase in repairs of £0.5 million. Managed Pubs and Bars Managed Pubs and Bars turnover has increased by 9%, but on a like for like basis sales fell 1%. This is due to a number of factors, not least amongst which was the poor weather last summer which affected food sales in particular. The weight of new legislative requirements means that the increasing cost of running managed pubs has an impact on the minimum turnover required to achieve an adequate return. Consequently, four Managed Pubs were transferred over to the Tenanted estate in the year and a further six will have transferred by the end of this quarter. In addition, we continue to look for further opportunities to expand our Managed Pub business to spread the necessary fixed costs over a greater number of outlets. Investment in the Managed estate has continued, with eight major refurbishment projects and seven new outlets opened in the year. The new openings comprise four traditional Pubs and three Bars, including Katabatic, Fuller's first late night bar in Shoreditch which opened in December 2000. At present seven outlets of the 117 in our Managed estate have late licences, and, whilst we do not intend to reposition our pubs and bars as nightclubs, we believe that a further 10 sites would benefit from midnight or 1 a.m. licences and we have submitted the necessary applications. We intend to continue to expand our Bars Division and are seeking suitable outlets that meet our site criteria and which have opportunities to trade with late licences. The Fine Line continues to perform well and we are actively searching for new sites. In addition the more food orientated One of Two Bars are performing well and a third site is in the pipeline for this year. Following the transfer into the Bars Division, the Broadwalks have developed and two new sites in Swindon and Chelmsford were opened in the year with another in Sevenoaks which opened in April 2001. As in all other parts of our business Quality, Service and Pride continue to underpin the activities of the retail estate. Last year, we launched our Retail Staff Development Programme designed to induct and train retail staff. This has had noticeable benefits in improving customer service and reducing staff turnover dramatically. In addition, we successfully tested a new cask ale dispensing system. Following the improved cask ale sales and customer reaction in the pilot houses, it will now be rolled out to the rest of the Managed estate at a total cost of £0.4 million. Fuller's remains a committed founder member of the Cask Marque scheme. Finally, we were delighted that Fuller's Inns was awarded the prestigious Managed Pub Company of the Year trophy at the recent Publican awards. The panel of judges comments reflect Fuller's own philosophy, 'Quality, Service and Pride', admirably: ' ... a unanimous choice for the panel (Fuller's) has yet again consistently delivered well managed traditional and modern pubs with fantastic ales and excellent food ... remaining committed to quality and delivering the highest levels of service.' Tenanted Pubs Turnover from the Tenanted estate has increased by 11%, representing a combination of like for like growth of 4% and an increase in the number of pubs within this Division. With four new acquisitions and four transfers from the Managed estate, the number of Tenanted Pubs stood at 108 at March 2001 with another four pubs acquired since. The profitability of the estate has also been maintained with a 3% increase in like for like profits. We launched a new ten-year lease in the year, which has been well received by our tenants. Six pubs had signed up to the new lease by the year end and, by the end of the first quarter of this year, we expect this will have risen to 14. Hotels Division In June 2000 we completed the sale of the Master Robert Hotel for a net £6.5 million on which we realised a profit of £1.8m. The money raised has been reinvested in the newly completed White Hart at Kingston Bridge (which opened in April 2001), together with major projects in Bristol (the Brigstow Hotel, opening August 2001), the City of London (the Chamberlain Hotel, opening October 2001) and an extension to the existing Fox & Goose Hotel in Ealing. These projects will almost double the total number of rooms to just under five hundred at a total budgeted cost of £24 million, of which £16 million has been spent to date. Furthermore, we will spend £5 million building a 52 bedroom hotel attached to a well-located successful freehold pub excellently situated between Uxbridge and Heathrow business centres. This will increase our hotel estate to 546 bedrooms, of which over 400 will have been built within the last 5 years. The continuing excellent performance of the existing Hotel estate gives us confidence that we have identified a profitable niche between the larger four star hotels and the limited facility lodge market. Early indications for the new hotels are very promising. Like for like RevPar (yield) in the Hotels Division was up 16% in the year, with like for like occupancy at 79% (2000: 70%). The Board is confident that the enlarged estate will continue to produce substantial returns in the years ahead. The Fuller's Beer Company It has been a hugely successful year for the Beer Company with turnover up 6%, profit up 16% and own beer barrelage up 7%. Total beer volumes broke the quarter of a million barrels point for the first time ever - a significant achievement in what is generally thought to be a declining market. Free on-trade volumes, the largest segment in the Beer Company, were up 6% to 105,000 barrels representing 61% of our own beer business. Although sales of Fuller's beers to our Tied Estate were level, our off-trade own beer volumes have grown by 27% in a market down 6%. We take great pride in the strength of our brands. London Pride, our flagship brand, has continued to perform well in all markets. Cask volumes of London Pride have increased by 5%, maintaining its position as the third largest premium cask ale in the United Kingdom and closing the gap on the leaders. Bottled and canned London Pride volumes have grown by 41% and 20% respectively, moving their way up the national rankings, where, in particular, bottled London Pride has risen to 4th place. Canned London Pride was awarded the Gold medal in the Premium Canned Ale category at the International Beer & Cider Competition 2001. London Pride is supported by significant television and cinema advertising campaigns and other innovative promotional activities. In addition, Organic Honey Dew, which has just celebrated its first birthday, has picked up several industry awards and is the fastest growing premium ale in the organic sector. The strong and consistent growth of the Beer Company is being accompanied by the largest capital investment programme the brewery has ever seen with in excess of £4.5 million budgeted over an 18 month period. This started with the new cask racking line, which was completed in February 2001 and a new bottling line which is currently underway. There are also plans for a further tank storage development in the current financial year which will substantially increase our capacity. Balance Sheet Strength Fuller's balance sheet remains strong with assets at £6.10 per share (2000: £ 5.69) up 7%. Gearing is at 6.7% as mentioned previously. The Company continues to apply prudent accounting policies for the long-term benefit of shareholders. With a strong cash flow and low gearing the Company is well placed to take advantage of any opportunities that may arise in the market place to expand its business activities. Share Buy-back We intend to ask shareholders at our A.G.M. to pass a resolution authorising us to buy back shares within normal Stock Exchange rules. Most public companies now have this power to repurchase shares at times when the price is advantageous. We feel that the Company's shares represent excellent value at present. Prospects Current trading is satisfactory and the Board is confident of Fuller's growth prospects. The new Hotels opening this year will see the beginning of what will be a substantial contribution to the Company in future. In addition, the strength of our brands, increasing market share and capital investment programme in the retail estate and brewery continue to yield benefits for staff, customers and shareholders alike. We believe that Fuller's is ideally positioned to capitalise on the opportunities presented by a changing environment. A.G.F. Fuller CBE Chairman DOI: 1st June 2001 FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE 53 WEEKS ENDED 31 MARCH 2001 53 weeks to 52 weeks to 31 March 25 March Increase 2001 2000 2001/2000 £000 £000 Continuing activities Turnover 128,054 118,416 8% Operating profit before exceptional 16,821 15,674 7% items EBITDA* 24,961 23,578 6% Normalised profits** 15,624 14,803 6% Profit before tax 19,331 13,692 41% Normalised earnings per share*** 43.91p 40.73p 8% Basic earnings per share*** 56.80p 37.62p 51% Dividend per share*** 14.38p 13.41p 7% Assets per share*** £6.10 £5.69 7% Gearing ratio 6.7% 9.5% N/A * Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation. ** Profits after interest before exceptional operating costs/profits. *** Calculated on the £1 'A' Ordinary Share FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. UNAUDITED GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE 53 WEEKS ENDED 31 MARCH 2001 53 weeks to 52 weeks to 31 March 25 March 2001 2000 £000 £000 TURNOVER Continuing operations 128,054 118,416 Discontinued operation - 23,940 ------------- ------------ 128,054 142,356 Operating costs (111,202) (128,835) OPERATING PROFIT Continuing operations Before operating exceptional 16,821 15,674 profits/(costs) Operating exceptional profits/ 31 (2,655) (costs) ------------- ------------ Total continuing operations 16,852 13,019 Discontinued operation - 502 ------------- ------------ TOTAL OPERATING PROFIT 16,852 13,521 Non-operating exceptional profits 3,676 1,544 Interest payable (net) (1,197) (1,373) ------------- ------------ PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE 19,331 13,692 TAXATION Taxation (4,973) (4,166) ------------- ------------ PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER 14,358 9,526 TAXATION Preference dividends (120) (120) ------------- ------------ ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS 14,238 9,406 Ordinary dividends (3,610) (3,364) ------------- ------------ RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 10,628 6,042 ------------- ------------ EARNINGS PER SHARE* Basic 56.80p 37.62p Diluted 56.69p 37.27p Normalised basis 43.91p 40.73p *Calculated on the £1 'A' ordinary share. FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. UNAUDITED GROUP BALANCE SHEET 31 MARCH 2001 At At 31 March 25 March 2001 2000 £000 £000 FIXED ASSETS Freehold and leasehold properties 133,342 127,675 Plant, machinery and vehicles 6,136 6,199 Containers, fixtures and equipment 28,872 28,184 Capital work in progress 10,900 3,998 ------------- ------------ 179,250 166,056 FIXED ASSET INVESTMENTS 243 54 ------------- ------------ 179,493 166,110 ------------- ------------ CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 4,029 4,329 Debtors 10,633 12,955 Investments 13,441 8,977 Cash at bank and in hand 3,071 4,237 ------------- ------------ 31,174 30,498 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one 27,566 23,455 year ------------- ------------ NET CURRENT ASSETS 3,608 7,043 ------------- ------------ TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 183,101 173,153 CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year Debenture stock 26,963 26,952 PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 596 1,680 ------------- ------------ 155,542 144,521 ------------- ------------ CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital Equity 25,239 25,118 Non equity 1,600 1,600 Share premium account 2,609 2,337 Revaluation reserve 28,613 31,925 Profit and loss account 97,481 83,541 ------------- ------------ TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 155,542 144,521 ------------- ------------ FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. UNAUDITED GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE 53 WEEKS ENDED 31 MARCH 2001 53 weeks 52 weeks to to 31 March 25 March 2001 2000 £000 £000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 25,988 22,633 RETURNS ON INVESTMENT AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Preference dividends paid (120) (120) Interest received 983 1,247 Interest paid (2,181) (2,188) ------------ ------------ (1,318) (1,061) TAXATION Corporation tax paid (4,699) (5,313) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (28,773) (23,316) Payments to acquire fixed asset investments (344) (212) Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 11,638 1,541 Receipts from sale of retail wine shops 3,860 4,285 ------------ ------------ (13,619) (17,702) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (3,447) (3,168) ------------ ------------ TOTAL NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) BEFORE THE USE OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING 2,905 (4,611) MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES* (4,464) 6,520 FINANCING Issue of equity shares 393 349 ------------ ------------ MOVEMENT IN CASH IN THE PERIOD (1,166) 2,258 ------------ ------------ Operating profit 16,852 13,521 Depreciation 8,121 8,351 Loss/(profit) on disposal of tangible fixed assets 19 (33) Impairment of fixed assets 877 1,571 Provision for onerous leases (908) 1,084 ------------ ------------ EARNINGS BEFORE INTEREST, TAX, DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION 24,961 24,494 (INCREASE)/DECREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL Stocks 300 3,214 Debtors (1,518) (4,258) Creditors 2,245 (817) ------------ ------------ NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 25,988 22,633 ------------ ------------ * Management of liquid resources is the movement in current asset investments, namely cash on short term deposit at financial institutions and listed securities. FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE 53 WEEKS ENDED 31 MARCH 2001 1. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT This statement does not constitute full accounts as defined by S.240 of the Companies Act 1985. Full accounts for the year ended 25 March 2000, including an unqualified auditors' report, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001 will be mailed to shareholders on or before Friday 22 June 2001 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. They will also be available from the Company's registered office: Griffin Brewery, Chiswick, London W4 2QB from Monday 25 June 2001. 2. SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS Continuing Continuing Discontinued operation operation operation 53 weeks to March 2001 Fuller's Beer Company Retail Wine Inns Shops Total £000 £000 £000 £000 TOTAL SALES 92,552 59,113 - 151,665 Inter-segment sales - (23,611) - (23,611) ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- Sales to third parties 92,552 35,502 - 128,054 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- Segmental profit before FRS 11/ 16,143 4,758 - 20,901 12 FRS11/12 31 - - 31 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- SEGMENTAL PROFIT 16,174 4,758 - 20,932 ----------- ----------- ----------- Net central costs (4,080) ------- Operating profit 16,852 Interest payable net (1,197) -------Profit on ordinary activities before exceptional profits 15,655 Non-operating exceptional 3,676 profits ------- Profit on ordinary activities 19,331 before taxation ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ASSETS EMPLOYED Segmental assets 152,491 16,044 - 168,535 ----------- ----------- ----------- Unallocated net liabilities (12,993) ------- Total net assets 155,542 ------- FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE 53 WEEKS ENDED 31 MARCH 2001 Continuing Continuing Discontinued operation operation operation 52 weeks to March 2000 Fuller's Beer Company Retail Wine Inns Shops Total £000 £000 £000 £000 TOTAL SALES 84,892 55,881 23,940 164,713 Inter-segment sales - (22,357) - (22,357) ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- Sales to third parties 84,892 33,524 23,940 142,356 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- Segmental profit before FRS 11/ 15,435 4,088 502 20,025 12 FRS11/12 (2,655) - - (2,655) ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- SEGMENTAL PROFIT 12,780 4,088 502 17,370 ----------- ----------- ----------- Net central costs (3,849) ------- Operating profit 13,521 Interest payable net (1,373) -------Profit on ordinary activities before exceptional profits 12,148 Non-operating exceptional 1,544 profits ------- Profit on ordinary activities 13,692 before taxation ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------ASSETS EMPLOYED Segmental assets 138,708 18,332 - 157,040 ----------- ----------- ----------- Unallocated net liabilities (12,519) ------- Total net assets 144,521 ------- 3. TAXATION Corporation tax has been provided at an effective rate of 28.8% (2000: 30.4%) on the profits after interest before exceptional operating costs and profit on disposal of fixed assets for the year to 31 March 2001. Tax has been provided at an effective rate of 12.8% (2000: 27.7%) on the operating and non-operating exceptional profits. This is reduced because of the availability of rollover relief for the exceptional profit on the sale of properties. 4. ORDINARY DIVIDENDS 31 March 25 March 2001 2000 pence pence Interim 4.38 4.05 Final 10.00 9.36 ---------- ----------- 14.38 13.41 ---------- ----------- The pence figures above are for the £1 'A' ordinary shares. The unquoted 10p 'B' shares carry dividend rights of 1/10 of those applicable to the £1 'A' ordinary shares. Dividends on the unquoted £1 'C' ordinary shares are the same as the listed £1 'A' ordinary shares. FULLER SMITH & TURNER P.L.C. NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE 53 WEEKS ENDED 31 MARCH 2001 5. EARNINGS PER SHARE 31 March 25 March 2001 2000 £000 £000 Profit attributable to equity shareholders 14,238 9,406 Non-operating exceptional profits net of tax (3,488) (1,544) FRS 11 impairment of fixed assets 877 1,571 FRS 12 provision for onerous leases net of tax (618) 750 ------------ ----------- Normalised earnings attributable to equity 11,009 10,183 shareholders ------------ ----------- Weighted average share capital 25,069,000 25,003,000 Dilutive outstanding options 46,000 236,000 ---------------- ---------------Adjusted weighted average share capital 25,115,000 25,239,000 ---------------- --------------- Basic earnings per share* 56.80p 37.62p Diluted earnings per share* 56.69p 37.27p Normalised earnings per share * 43.91p 40.73p *Calculated on the £1 'A' ordinary share. Earnings on the unquoted 'B' 10p ordinary shares are 1/10 of the figures for the £1 'A' ordinary shares, earnings on the unquoted £1 'C ' ordinary shares are the same as the listed £1 'A' ordinary shares. The calculation is based on earnings (after deducting preference dividends) and on the average weighted ordinary share capital. Normalised earnings exclude all exceptional profits, FRS11 impairment of fixed assets and FRS12 provision for onerous leases. 6. RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO 31 March 25 March MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 2001 2000 £000 £000 Movement in cash in the period (1,166) 2,258 Cash outflow/(inflow) from movement in liquid 4,464 (6,520) resources Amortisation of issue costs (11) (11) ----------- ------------ Movement in net debt in the period 3,287 (4,273) Net debt at the beginning of the period (13,738) (9,465) ----------- ------------ Net debt at the end of the period (10,451) (13,738) ----------- ------------
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