Holding in Company

Future Network PLC 22 January 2001 Notification of Substantial Interest in Shares The Future Network plc (LSE:FNET) announced, on 9 January 2001, that it had received notification that Schroder Investment Management Limited held a notifiable interest in 15,182,414 ordinary shares of The Future Network plc. On the basis of the current issued share capital of The Future Network plc of 142,954,916 ordinary shares, this interest represented 10.6% of such relevant share capital. The Future Network plc received notification, on 19 January 2001, from Schroder Investment Management Limited (on behalf of itself, Schroder Unit Trusts Limited, Schroder Investment Management North America Limited, Schroder Investment Management North America Inc and Schroders plc) advising that, as at 18 January 2001, although Schroder Investment Management Limited continue to have an interest in the 1p ordinary shares of The Future Network plc, it has ceased to hold a notifiable interest for the purposes of Part VI of the Companies Act 1985 since such interest represents less than 10% of the nominal value of the relevant share capital of The Future Network plc. For more information: Rob Day, Group Counsel The Future Network plc 01225 442244


Future (FUTR)
UK 100