Final Results
GB Group PLC
21 May 2003
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, 21 May 2003
('GB' or the 'Group')
Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2003
• The Board proposes to pay its first dividend of 0.5p per share
representing approximately 53% of the Group's profits after tax and goodwill.
• The Group's business is profitable and cash generative. In the year
ended 31 March 2003, operating profits of the continuing business before
goodwill increased by 85% to £1.1 million (2002: £0.6 million) on turnover
that was 6% down at £11.2 million in tight markets (2002: £12.0 million).
• The Group's retained profit after goodwill amortisation, exceptional
costs, taxation and the proposed dividend was £0.3 million (2002: £1.7 million
• Cash generated from the operating activities of the continuing business was
£1.4 million (2002: £0.5 million).
• At 31 March 2003, the Group had net cash balances of £6.7 million
(2002: £5.3 million), up 26% from the previous year, and the current cashflows
are positive. On 20 May 2003, the Group had net cash balances of £6.8 million.
• The Group's strategy is to continue developing new business
opportunities around its core activities and be prepared to invest in those new
business opportunities that have the correct level of potential.
• During the year the Group reorganised its business along sector lines to improve
the efficiency and accountability of its operations and to generate benefits
from sector specialisation. In addition, the acquisition of eWare Interactive Limited
in November 2002 has given the Group greater presence in its markets and has
led to several significant new contract signings including AstraZeneca and
Standard Life.
• During the year, the Group appointed Mona Navin-Mealey as Finance
Director. The Group also announces today the appointment of Alex Green as a
non-executive director and Trevor Harrison's intention to resign as a
non-executive director in September 2003.
John Walker-Haworth, Chairman, commented: 'With regard to prospects for the
current year, turnover since the start of the year is marginally ahead of the
comparative period last year. Given the present delicate state of the economy,
however, it is premature to be anything other than cautious with respect to the
year as a whole. What I can say with confidence is that GB is now an efficient
and competitive business and is a company of higher all-round quality than it
was a year ago. On behalf of the Board, I congratulate Richard Law and GB's team
of talented managers and employees for their hard work and on their
For further information, please contact:
GB Group plc
Richard Law, Chief Executive 01244 657333
Mona Navin-Mealey, Finance Director
Weber Shandwick Square Mile 020 7067 0700
Richard Hews
Christian San-Jose
Notes for Editors:
About GB Group plc
1. GB Group plc is a Customer Relationship Management ('CRM') company
based in Chester. GB Group's clients include Stena Line, AstraZeneca, Standard
Life, Bank of Ireland, npower, WHSmith - plus many government agencies, such as
HM Customs & Excise, National Criminal Intelligence Service and the National
Crime Squad.
2. Customer Relationship Management is one of the world's fastest
growing industries. CRM enables businesses to focus on those customers who make
a positive impact on the bottom line by targeting them with tailored services
and incentives to improve loyalty. Additionally, CRM techniques also help
businesses predict when existing customers are most likely to move on and how to
target more of the customers they really want.
3. GB Group enables businesses to build lasting relationships with their
customers by providing four unique data solutions for DataCapture, DataCare,
DataInsight and DataManagement.
4. Businesses are currently using Customer Relationship Management to:
• Manage customer databases
• Increase customer retention and acquisition
• Quantify customer profitability
• Identify cross-sell/up-sell opportunities
• Assess marketing profitability
Your Company performed well during the year to 31 March 2003 and substantially
increased its operating profit and cash flow. Accordingly, at the Annual General
Meeting, the Directors will propose the payment of the Group's first dividend.
How these results were achieved and an indication of the strategy for the
current year are described by Richard Law in the Chief Executive's Review.
There have been two recent and important appointments to the Board of Directors.
On 1 January, Mona Navin-Mealey, previously Chief Financial Officer, joined the
Board as Group Finance Director, and on 21 May we announced the appointment of
Alex Green as a Non-Executive Director. Alex, who is aged 36, is the Chief
Executive of Fluency Voice Technology Limited, a provider of voice recognition
applications for use in call centres; he was previously Managing Director of
Broadsystem Limited, a leading outsource communications company providing call
centre, interactive voice and database marketing services, and a subsidiary of
News International plc. At the same time, Trevor Harrison, who has been a
Non-Executive Director for eight years, has indicated that he intends to retire
from the Board in September. The Board has benefited greatly from Trevor's
judgement and experience, and we thank him for all that he has done for us.
At the Annual General Meeting to be held in July, the Directors will propose the
payment of the Group's first dividend of 0.5p per share for the year to 31 March
2003. This dividend represents 53 per cent. of the profits of your Company after
tax and goodwill. As the Company's profitability tends to be weighted towards
the end of the year due to contract renewals, the Directors do not envisage
making interim dividend payments but, rather, single annual dividends as that
announced with our preliminary figures for the full year. Your Board views the
payment of this first dividend as a statement of confidence in the continuing
progress of your Company.
With regard to prospects for the current year, turnover since the start of the
year is marginally ahead of the comparative period last year. Given the present
delicate state of the economy, however, it is premature to be anything other
than cautious with respect to the year as a whole. What I can say with
confidence is that GB is now an efficient and competitive business, and is a
company of higher all-round quality than it was a year ago. On behalf of the
Board, therefore, I congratulate Richard Law and GB's team of talented managers
and employees for their hard work and on their achievements.
JL Walker-Haworth
I am pleased to report a year of solid progress for GB. The Company's focus on
improving the effectiveness of its existing operations and the development of
new products and ideas has created a business with increased profits, increased
cash balances and good prospects for the future.
In the year to 31 March 2003, the Group generated operating profits before
goodwill from continuing operations of £1.1 million which were 85% higher than
the previous year's figure of £0.6 million on turnover 6% lower than last year
at £11.2 million (2002: £12.0 million). During the year the Group's focus on
quality and efficiency improved profitability and more than offset the impact of
the reduction in turnover which resulted from a combination of challenging
market conditions and the decision not to pursue and maintain low margin
business. Cash balances increased by 26% to £6.7 million (2002: £5.3 million).
In the current year we will continue to evaluate our opportunities prudently but
will be prepared to use our cash to invest in the future through the launch of
new products and services both independently and with partners, and by making
appropriate investments and acquisitions where clear business benefits exist.
Trading and Performance
In common with many businesses, GB experienced a progressive tightening in its
markets during the year to 31 March 2003. The early indications from the first
quarter of the current year are that markets remain difficult although GB's
turnover in April and May is marginally ahead of that in the same period of the
previous year.
GB's ongoing strategy of concentrating on improving the profitability of
contracts has been successful and all but one of its major contracts are now
producing the required margins. This remaining contract is currently being
addressed with our client.
Gross margins from continuing business increased to 58% compared with 56% in the
previous year despite increased licensing costs and competition which put
downward pressure on margins. During the current year the downward pressure on
margins is expected to continue and we will strive to look for efficiencies to
offset the impact of these pressures.
Margins at the operating profit level were significantly improved compared to
the previous year principally as a result of cost savings and smarter working.
The Group is now leaner and more efficient than it was a year ago, and
profitability will be driven by growth in turnover from existing business
streams and the development of new business opportunities.
GB's operating activities incorporate the provision of specialist Data
Outsourcing and Consultancy Services (DataManagement and DataInsight) together
with the sale of more traditional Data Software and Bureau Services (DataCapture
and DataCare). At the start of the year, all of these activities were arranged
under a single management structure. In November 2002, the Group was reorganised
into two separately managed divisions to enable both sides of the business to
concentrate on their key strengths. Simultaneous with the reorganisation, GB
acquired eWare Interactive Limited, a business with complimentary offerings to
those of GB's DataManagement and DataInsight businesses. This acquisition has
given GB's Data Outsourcing and Consultancy business greater presence in its
Both divisions are operating well and the benefits of specialisation together
with a sector-based approach to selling are being seen in terms of a greater
pipeline of sales and contract opportunities. Significant new contracts since
the reorganisation and acquisition of eWare Interactive include those with
AstraZeneca, Stena Line and Standard Life.
New Business Opportunities
New products have been developed and launched during the year, most notable
amongst these being GB Authenticator, which is targeted at the prevention and
detection of identity theft and fraud. This potentially significant market is
developing quickly in response to the growing incidence of identity fraud and
new anti-money laundering and 'Know Your Customer' legislation. GB launched the
CD based version of Authenticator in April and has already achieved its first
sale to Bristol and West Building Society. The Company is now working with
BT Group plc ('BT') to develop an on-line identity verification
service making use of the Group's data sources and Authenticator software and
BT's web services infrastructure and market presence.
In addition to the development of Authenticator, a number of our existing
products have been enhanced and this process of developing new products and
improving existing ones will continue in the current year to keep us at the
forefront of technology in our markets.
The executive management team has been strengthened during the year with the
appointment of Mona Navin-Mealey as Group Finance Director and the addition of
David Cockerill, formerly Managing Director of eWare Interactive Limited, as
Managing Director of GB's DataManagement and DataInsight division. The strength
and skill of GB's management team is fundamental to the Group's success and we
intend to strengthen the senior team further with quality recruits in the
current year as the business develops.
Regulation and the Use of Data for Marketing Purposes
As outlined in my report last year, GB's National Register(R) and a number of GB's
other products and services make use of Electoral Roll data which is sold on to
our clients for use in marketing campaigns and for purposes of data capture and
analysis. Electoral Roll data compiled by local authorities was, until October
2002, available publicly in its complete form. From October 2002, as a result of
a change in the law, individuals were able to opt out of allowing their
Electoral Roll details to be used for marketing purposes and a proportion of the
electorate (estimated at around 20%) followed this course. Whilst this means
that the data will be less comprehensive for all operators engaged in the CRM
industry, we believe that the Electoral Roll will continue to be a valuable
source of information for our clients and, as yet, GB has not experienced any
significant loss of business as a result. GB and its data suppliers are
currently developing relationships with other owners of data with the aim of
securing alternative sources of data to the Electoral Roll.
GB has performed well during the year in difficult markets and has put in place
new business growth initiatives, management structures and systems which will
assist in supporting and growing the business moving forward. The Group has also
strengthened its team of managers and employees who are highly skilled and
dedicated to the success of the business.
The Group's commitment to research and development and its investment in new
applications has generated new business opportunities which we will aim to
exploit in the coming year. We will continue to create and develop new
opportunities and will be prepared to invest significantly in those
opportunities that show the correct level of potential. Overall, I am pleased
with the Group's progress and its prospects.
RA Law
Chief Executive
As outlined in the Chairman's Statement and Chief Executive's Review, the Group
increased both its operating profit and cash generation compared to last year.
The Group's strategy during the year was to grow organically, increase internal
efficiencies and maintain margins.
During the previous year the Group disposed of its loss making Travel Interests
allowing it to focus on a single sector, its Customer Relationship Management
('CRM') business, which is both profitable and cash generative.
Following the disposal of the Travel Interests in December 2001, the potential
deferred consideration of £1 million which GB would have received dependent on
an increase in the turnover of the Travel Interests, did not become payable
because the increase in turnover required to trigger the payment was not
achieved. This had not previously been recognised in the accounts of the Group
and, therefore, has had no impact on the accounts.
The profit and loss statement for the year ended 31 March 2002 include the
performance of the Travel Interests for the nine months period up to disposal.
I, therefore, draw your attention to note 4 where a comparative analysis of
performance has been included to show the comparison for the continuing
operations only. All further profit and loss comparisons referred to in this
review will be with respect to the continuing operations only as set out in note
The Group achieved an operating profit of £1.1 million (2002: £0.6 million)
before goodwill amortisation, interest and taxation. Goodwill amortised during
the year was £0.5 million (2002: £0.4 million). Net interest earned during the
year was £0.2 million (2002: £0.1 million). The profit before taxation for the
year was £0.8 million (2002: £0.2 million). Cash generated from operating
activities of the continuing business during the year was £1.4 million (2002:
£0.5 million) and as a result of this cash balances held at 31 March 2003 were
£6.7 million (2002: £5.3 million).
Turnover attributable to the continuing CRM business reduced by 6% to £11.2
million (2002: £12.0 million) during the year. Like many other businesses, GB
has experienced the effects of the difficult economic conditions and increased
competition. As a result the Group has declined low margin projects from time to
time during the year in order to successfully achieve its strategy of
maintaining margins.
Gross Profit and Cost of Sales
The gross profit margin for the continuing business increased by 2 percentage
points to 58% (2002: 56%). This was achieved as a result of increasing
efficiencies and undertaking higher margin business.
Other Operating Expenses
Other operating expenses excluding goodwill amortisation and exceptional costs
were £5.4 million (2002: £6.1 million). Included in the operating expenses are
one-off reorganisation costs of £0.3 million (2002: £nil) incurred as a result
of the reorganisation of the business in November 2002. Also included in other
operating expenses is the release of unused balance sheet accruals of £0.3
million (2002: £nil). The net result of the reorganisation charges and the
release of the accruals has had no net effect on profitability.
Goodwill Amortisation
The goodwill amortised during the year ended 31 March 2003 was £0.5 million
(2002: £0.4 million). The reason for the increase compared to the previous year
is as a result of the acquisition of eWare Interactive Limited during the year.
Group Profit/Loss
The operating profit before goodwill amortisation was £1.1 million (2002: £0.6
million). Operating profit after goodwill amortisation was £0.6 million (2002:
£0.1 million). Net interest earned during the year was £0.2 million (2002: £0.1
million). Profit before taxation was £0.8 million (2002: £0.2 million).
Loss from Interest in Associated Undertaking
The Group holds an investment of 22.28% in PCID Limited (previously called
PostcodeID Limited). The Group's share of pre-tax losses for the year ended 31
March 2003 was £11,000.
Interest Receivable Less Payable
Interest is earned on cash balances which are invested in accordance with the
Group's treasury policy.
Net interest receivable increased during the year as a result of the increased
cash balances and the transfer of mortgages, loans and overdrafts with the
disposal of the Travel Interests.
As a result of its tax losses incurred in previous periods which will be carried
forward and offset against the profits of the current year, the Group does not
currently expect to incur a tax charge on its profits before interest during the
year. In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard ('FRS') 19 the Group has
recognised a deferred tax asset of £0.3 million (2002: £0.4 million).
At 31 March 2003, the Group had potential deferred tax assets of £7.2 million
(2002: £7.5 million) of which £0.3 million (2002: £0.4 million) had been
recognised in the accounts in accordance with FRS 19. Trading losses carried
forward were £19.8 million (2002: £19.8 million) and capital losses were £2.3
million (2002: £1.7 million).
The Board of Directors propose a final dividend of 0.5p which is subject to
ratification by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 30 July 2003.
This dividend represents 53% of profits after tax and goodwill.
Amounts Transferred to Reserves
The amount transferred to reserves, after accounting for the proposed dividend,
was £0.3 million (2002: £1.7 million loss). On a comparable basis the retained
profits before taxation and dividend for the continuing group was £0.8 million
(2002: £0.2 million).
Balance Sheet and Liquidity
Explanations of the most significant movements in the balance sheet during the
year are as follows:
Intangible Assets
The carrying value of intangible assets at 31 March 2003 was £7.0 million (2002:
£7.3 million). During the year the Group acquired eWare Interactive Limited, a
specialist company in the sale and support of data analysis software. Goodwill
arising on acquisition was £0.2 million. Goodwill amortisation during the year
was £0.5 million.
The value of debtors reduced by £1.2 million to £2.9 million at 31 March 2003,
compared to the same date last year. The principal reasons for this were a
combination of a reduction in long-term contracts invoiced towards the end of
the year together with initiatives to further improve the efficient collection
of debt.
Cash and Short Term Deposits
At 31 March 2003, the Group held cash and short-term deposit balances of £6.7
million (2002: £5.3 million) and, in accordance with the Group's treasury
policy, all funds are placed with major UK clearing banks and building
The principal sources of funds during the year were cash inflows from operating
activities of £1.4 million (2002: £0.7 million) and net interest receivable of
£0.2 million (2002: £0.1 million).
The principal use of funds during the year were the net investment in tangible
fixed assets of £0.2 million (2002: £0.2 million).
The value of creditors falling due within one year has decreased by £0.4 million
to £3.4 million at 31 March 2003, compared to the same date last year. The
principal reason for this is a reduction in advance receipts following the
completion of various long-term contracts offset in part by the creation of a
dividend creditor.
Capital and Reserves
In January 2003, pursuant to an authority awarded at the last AGM, the company
purchased 102,000 of its own shares for prices between 13.3p and 14.4p. All
shares which were purchased were subsequently cancelled. This resulted in a
reduction in the nominal value of the Group's issued share capital by £2,550
and the creation of a capital redemption reserve for the same amount.
MT Navin-Mealey
Group Finance Director
Year ended 31 March 2003
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Continuing Operations - Customer Relationship
Management 11,243 12,017
Discontinued Operations - Travel Interests - 5,172
-------- --------
11,243 17,189
Cost of sales (4,779) (5,459)
-------- --------
Gross profit 6,464 11,730
Other operating expenses (excluding goodwill
amortisation and exceptional items) (5,373) (11,328)
Exceptional items 1 - (2,166)
Goodwill amortisation (482) (560)
-------- --------
Other operating expenses (5,855) (14,054)
Operating profit/(loss)
Continuing Operations - Customer Relationship
Management 609 141
Discontinued Operations - Travel Interests - (2,465)
-------- --------
609 (2,324)
Share of operating (loss)/profit in associate (11) 12
-------- --------
Total operating profit/(loss): Group and share of
associate 598 (2,312)
Interest receivable less payable 215 52
-------- --------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before
taxation 813 (2,260)
Taxation (67) 517
-------- --------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after
taxation 746 (1,743)
Proposed dividend (398) -
-------- --------
Amount transferred to/(from) reserves 348 (1,743)
-------- --------
Profit/(loss) per 2.5p ordinary share (pence) 2 0.9 (2.2)
-------- --------
Profit/(loss) per 2.5p ordinary share (pence) -
diluted 2 0.9 (2.2)
-------- --------
Adjusted profit per 2.5p ordinary share (pence) -
before goodwill amortisation and operating
exceptional items 2 1.5 1.2
-------- --------
There were no other recognised gains or losses in the year ended 31 March 2003
or in the year ended 31 March 2002 apart from those shown in the profit and loss
account for the year.
As at 31 March 2003
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 7,080 7,325
Tangible assets 514 613
Investment in associate 22 33
-------- --------
7,616 7,971
-------- --------
Current assets
Stock 2 -
Debtors 2,944 4,143
Cash and short-term deposits 6,748 5,338
-------- --------
9,694 9,481
Creditors : amounts falling due within one year (3,440) (3,860)
-------- --------
Net current assets 6,254 5,621
-------- --------
Total assets less current liabilities 13,870 13,592
Provisions for liabilities and changes (190) (246)
-------- --------
13,680 13,346
-------- --------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,988 1,991
Share premium account 3,132 3,132
Merger reserve 6,575 6,575
Capital redemption reserve 3 -
Profit and loss account 1,982 1,648
-------- --------
Shareholders' funds attributable to equity
interests 5 13,680 13,346
-------- --------
Year ended 31 March 2003
Note 2003 2003 2002 2002
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating 3(a) 1,412 715
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 215 229
Interest paid - (177)
------- -------
215 52
Corporation tax paid (29) -
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire tangible fixed
assets (172) (432)
Receipts from the sale of tangible
fixed assets 9 214
------- -------
(163) (218)
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisitions of subsidiary
undertakings (40) -
Net cash acquired with subsidiary
undertakings 29 -
Disposal of subsidiary
undertakings - 4,021
Fees associated with the disposal of
subsidiary undertakings - (247)
Net cash transferred with subsidiary
undertakings - (190)
Purchase of associate - (25)
------- -------
(11) 3,559
------- ------
Net Cash inflow 1,424 4,108
------- ------
Management of liquid resources
Cash deposited to short-term
deposits 1,797 3,833
Redemption of ordinary shares 14 -
Repayment of capital element of
finance leases - 19
Repayment of capital element of
loans - 61
------- -------
14 80
(Decrease)/increase in cash 3(b) (387) 195
------- ------
1,424 4,108
------- ------
Notes to the Preliminary Announcement:
1. Included in other operating expenses are exceptional costs which
can be analysed as follows:
2003 2002
£000 £000
Continuing Operations:
Impairment of Prenton site arising through closure - 50
Profit on sale of Prenton site - (38)
Provision for redundancy and other closure costs at Prenton
site - 32
Discontinued Operations:
Impairment of goodwill on travel related businesses - 1,764
Compensation for loss of office - 112
Provision against lease rentals - 246
------- --------
- 2,166
------- --------
2. Earnings per share has been calculated in accordance with
Financial Reporting Standard 14.
2003 2003 2002 2002
pence £'000 pence £'000
Profit/(loss) after taxation 0.9 746 (2.2) (1,743)
Add operating exceptional items - - 2.7 2,166
Add goodwill amortisation 0.6 482 0.7 560
------- ------- ------- -------
Adjusted profit / (loss) after taxation 1.5 1,228 1.2 983
------- ------- ------- -------
2003 2002
No. No.
Basic weighted average number of shares in issue 79,648,527 79,665,527
Diluted effect of share options 685,044 -
---------- ----------
Diluted weighted average number of shares in issue 80,333,571 79,665,527
---------- ----------
3(a)Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflows from
operating activities
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Operating profit/(loss) 609 (2,324)
Depreciation 269 431
Goodwill amortisation and impairment 482 2,324
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets - 120
Provision against tangible fixed assets - 50
Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets (2) (40)
Increase in stocks (2) -
(Decrease)/Increase in provisions (56) 246
Decrease/(Increase) in debtors 1,218 (154)
(Decrease)/Increase in creditors (1,106) 62
------- --------
Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,412 715
------- --------
3(b)Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
2003 2002
£000 £000
At the beginning of the year 5,338 939
Loans transferred on disposal of subsidiary undertakings - 291
Decrease in debt - 80
(Decrease)/Increase in cash (387) 195
Movement in short term deposits with banks 1,797 3,833
------- -------
At the end of year 6,748 5,338
------- -------
3(c)Analysis of net funds
At 1 April Cashflow At 31 March
2002 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash at bank and in hand 1,312 (387) 925
Short term deposits * 4,026 1,797 5,823
-------- -------- --------
5,338 1,410 6,748
-------- -------- --------
* Short term deposits are included within cash at bank and in hand on the
balance sheet.
4. Comparative Analysis
Continuing Discontinued
Operations Operations
Year to Year to Year to Year to
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2003 2002 2002 2002
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Continuing Operations -
Customer Relationship
Management 11,243 12,017 - 12,017
Discontinued Operations -
Travel Interests - - 5,172 5,172
-------- ------- -------- -------
11,243 12,017 5,172 17,189
Cost of sales (4,779) (5,326) (133) (5,459)
-------- ------- -------- -------
Gross profit 6,464 6,691 5,039 11,730
Other operating expenses
(excluding goodwill
amortisation and
exceptional items) (5,373) (6,057) (5,271) (11,328)
Exceptional items - (44) (2,122) (2,166)
Goodwill amortisation (482) (449) (111) (560)
-------- ------- ------- -------
Other operating expenses (5,855) (6,550) (7,504) (14,054)
Operating profit/(loss)
Continuing Operations -
Customer Relationship
Management 609 141 - 141
Discontinued Operations -
Travel Interests - - (2,465) (2,465)
-------- ------- -------- -------
609 141 (2,465) (2,324)
Share of operating (loss)/
profit in associate (11) 12 - 12
-------- ------- -------- -------
Total operating profit/
(loss): Group and share of
associate 598 153 (2,465) (2,312)
Interest receivable less
payable 215 71 (19) 52
-------- ------- -------- -------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before
taxation 813 224 (2,484) (2,260)
-------- ------- -------- -------
5. Reconciliation of Movements In Shareholders' Funds
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Total recognised profit/(loss) 746 (1,743)
Redemption of shares (14) -
Proposed dividend (398) -
------- ------
Total movements during the year 334 (1,743)
Shareholders' funds attributable to equity
interests at 1 April 2002 13,346 15,089
------- ------
Shareholders' funds attributable to equity
interests at 31 March 2003 13,680 13,346
------- ------
Other Information
1. The above financial information, which is unaudited, does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2003 has been
extracted from the draft statutory accounts on which an unqualified audit
opinion is expected to be issued. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March
2003 will be delivered to the Registrar in due course. The preliminary
announcement is prepared on the same basis as set out in the previous year's
statutory accounts. Those accounts, upon which the auditors issued an
unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
2. The preliminary statement was approved by the board of directors
of GB Group plc on 21 May 2003.
3. The ex-dividend date is 9 July 2003; the record date is 11 July
2003; the payment date is 8 August 2003.
4. The AGM will take place on 30 July 2003.
5. The 2003 interim results announcement is expected to be on 13
November 2003.
6. This report will also be available on the GB Group web site: from 21 May 2003.
7. The Company intends to dispatch to shareholders printed copies of
the full annual report and accounts for the year to 31 March 2003 by 6 June
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange