Interim Results - 6 Months to 31 December 1999
Govett Emerging Markets Investment Trust PLC
28 February 2000
Preliminary Announcement of Govett Emerging Markets Investment Trust PLC
Unaudited Results for the half year ended 31st December 1999
Chairman's Statement
Over the six month period the net asset value of the Trust rose from £37.2
million to £46.8 million, an increase of 25.8%. This compares to an increase in
the MSCI Global Emerging Markets Index of 16.0% in sterling terms. The net asset
value per share rose from 103.90 pence to 128.83 pence and the share price rose
from 82 1/2 pence to 99 1/2 pence. This reflects the gradual return of
confidence to markets that were clearly over-sold. It also reflects our
policy of concentrating our portfolio on the quality markets and a
constructive use of financial gearing within prudent limits.
In reading my statements and our Managers' review over the last two years, one
could be forgiven for wondering whether our continued optimism for emerging
market investment would be justified. Even our most optimistic views did not
foresee a share price return of 102.0% over twelve months following the horrors
of 1998. This was the result of a remarkable recovery in many emerging markets,
arising from both a positive cyclical recovery and the continuation of their
long-term growth potential. Above average sustainable growth is anticipated,
which continues to offer a sound basis for investment.
The question of the most appropriate benchmark continues to exercise us. We have
decided that in the future we will show our results in relations to a number of
reference points of relevance to a performance appraisal (various indices, the
peer group, return over cash etc). For our shareholders we believe that the
principal and most relevant reference point from henceforth is the sterling
denominated MSCI Emerging Markets Free Index.
The discount at which our shares trade is of continuing concern to the Board.
Accordingly, at a specifically convened EGM we are taking powers to renew
our authority to buy back shares and to amend the Company's Articles to enable
the Company to retain investment company status while effecting share
repurchases using capital profits. Furthermore, the AITC 'its' marketing
campaign is now in full swing and we have committed an additional marketing
budget of our own. We are beginning to see benefits from this programme as
evidenced by the reduction in the discount.
Following the retirement of Bill Govett at the last AGM and as previously
announced, Kevin Pakenham and I will be resigning from the Board not later than
the next AGM in October 2000. We have been particularly fortunate to secure the
services of Lord Stewartby who has indicated his willingness to take over from
me as Chairman. Lord Stewartby has extensive knowledge of the investment trust
industry and detailed knowledge of many of the emerging markets within which we
operate. He is Deputy Chairman of Standard Chartered plc amongst other
directorships. Arrangements are in hand through our Nomination Committee for
further appointments to the Board.
John Morrell, Chairman
28 February 2000.
Unaudited of Statement Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)
For the half year ended 31st December 1999.
31st December 1999 31st December 1998
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's
Gains/(losses) on investments - 9,805 9,805 - (5,792) (5,792)
Net foreign currency losses - (422) (422) - (215) (215)
Income 198 - 198 323 - 323
Investment management fee (50) (201) (251) (31) (124) (155)
Other expenses (152) (42) (194) (143) (46) (189)
Net return before finance
costs and taxation (4) 9,140 9,136 149 (6,177) (6,028)
Interest payable (39) (157) (196) - (2) (2)
Return on ordinary activities
before tax (43) 8,983 8,940 149 (6,179) (6,030)
Tax on ordinary activities (22) (22) (48) 28 (20)
Return on ordinary activities
after tax (65) 8,983 8,918 101 (6,151) 6,050
Dividends - - - - - -
Total returns after
dividends paid (65) 8,983 8,918 101 (6,151) 6,050
Return per ordinary share (0.18)p 25.11p 24.93p 0.28p (17.19)p (16.91)p
* The revenue column of this statement represents the revenue account of the
All the revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
31st 30th 31st
December June December
1999 1999 1998
NET ASSETS £000 £000 £000
Investment at valuation 52,390 43,990 24,153
Net current (liabilities)/assets (6,304) (6,825) 472
46,806 37,165 24,625
Net asset value per share 128.83p 103.90p 68.84p
The figures and financial information for the period ended 30th June 1999 are an
extract from the latest published accounts and do not constitute statutory
accounts for the period as defined by section 240 of the Companies Act 1985
Those accounts, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies,
included the report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain
statements under s237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
Shackleton House By order of the Board
4 Battle Bridge Lane AIB Govett Secretaries Limited
London Secretary
SE1 2HR 28th February 2000
Registered in England no. 2819577